..:a � ' �
<br /> . � o
<br /> , .
<br /> ._� ., ,.;.,,v,oa•,,_...w, . ., . ,. .,
<br /> .. . „ ,.,,, ..
<br /> -� " �`...r--.aMwen/�P.�-�.._..a,•. � ._.............'°--. -...._.,.._...._._..._......_._.. ......-----•°-------..._.,..__ � ..
<br /> .. ���� o� ��u�� 99.�032�� �8se� � -.
<br /> " • 03-28�1fl�J (Continued) -
<br /> • Lour��!o fl15140 '
<br /> ��_ ,�,a.
<br /> (b) Commeneo an aetton to torscioso lhis Oeod of Trusl a�n modgago,ttppoln!o racclver or spcaticully enforcc�nny ot the eovenant� +`.w `
<br /> ,, herool;pnd "'� '
<br />- fnterest�in tha Pr peAY to�be�sold�hlch noUce T ustoo e all causo t bn�duly 8led tor►ocord In tho appropdnto otlices of t o Coruntlr U �-������
<br /> .. ,�`:
<br /> v�rMah!M Ps�si�iY r lcc�t9d;and
<br /> cc_ - :
<br /> , �d) Wilh respeot to att or any pad ot tho Peraonet Praper4y,Lcnd��chJ havo ell ths dghts artd remedtos ot n sscurod parly undor tho
<br /> � . Nebreaka Unitorm Commercfal Code. �-�-L�
<br /> Fonctasuro G�y Pawer of Sele. If lender oleob to forecloc�by oxorctso at the Power of Snto horein contafned,lender shnu noUty Trustee and
<br /> _�-� sheli deposll with Tr�,tea this Oesd of Tnist end the Nota and such raoeWb and ovldortce ot expendltures made and secured by thls Doed of ��-°��?=.r
<br /> -. . Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> ''�' (a) Upon recelpt of such notice trom lender,Trostst�shelt caute to bn recorded,published and dellvered to Trustor such NoUce of Oetault �._
<br /> and NoBee ot Seto as lhan required by law and by thia Doed of TrutR• Tntstee 8�6 v+nhout demand on Trustor,afte�s�coh Ume as maY �`_=�
<br /> then be roquirad by tae�and afist recorGaUon of suct�Ho�CO ot Oofpult and efter Nodce of Sele haNng baen givon as rsqutred by Iaw,seit L �
<br /> the Property at the 8me and ptace ot sate flxed bY tt U s�tth NoL'oe nf Sate,eliher as a wholo,or in separete tots ar Parc�m��ems as --
<br /> Trustee aha1�deem expedtent,and In such order r�it may detarmnn�a►pubilo aucllon to the highest btdder tor cesh In tawtut mortey ot
<br /> tfie UNted Ststes payabie at the tlme ot selo. Tn�lae shalt detivsr to sueh purehaser or purchasets thereof Iffi good and sutftdent deed or
<br /> � ��shali�be cond�ve�proot of�kuthtulnoss there�My�pe�son�ir►eiud g wHhont UmlteUon Tnutor s�'IYusteaeed ot��att�y _
<br /> ; �, purchase 8t such S3le. �
<br /> (b) As may be permitted by Iaw,after deduattng al►costs.fees and en�er�ses of Tnestee and oi this TrwM,induding caals ot evtdence of
<br /> � � tirie in conn�tlon with saie,Trust�shW appty the proceods of seto ta payment of (f)al►sums exAenEed under the terms W ihts�eed°} 'w
<br /> Tnui or under lhe terms ot tha Nola�ot then repatd,induding but nM Umited to acauad Interest and lato char8ss� 0�?e1���r suma than
<br /> Secured hereby,and (Ilq the remelnder,if any.to the person or pe�on6legelry entlUad thereto. �-r�c,a -
<br /> � �' ----
<br /> (c) Trustea may in the manner provided by Iaw postpone sale of au or eny poAlon oi ihe Ptoperly
<br /> L �� oe b g8�r�is�se�c red by�this Osad o Trustdand t exeardse a!t rlghts and powers under th�Desd of Trust,under thN t�8undtu anY ot the r,���.�r__:
<br /> � Related Oxuments,or under any other agreement or any tavrs no�+i or horeafter in torce;notwiths►a�ding,some or all ot such Ind�tedn�ess =_-
<br /> and obltg8tlons seCUred by fhts Desd oi Trust rtwY noW ar hQreEP,irt be t�thetwlse SeCU�ed.Whether by mortgage,deed ot trust,pta�bo,
<br /> assignment or othsrwise. Neither 4he axepfanoe of ihis Oeed cf Tnast nor its eMott:ement,whether by court adion or pursuant to t�poKrer of _
<br /> sa►e or other powers conteined in thb Deed of tnxt,shaU preludt�e or in arry manner eftect Trustee's or Lende�s dght to reeli�e upan or �
<br /> entorce any other seaurity now ar hereafter held by Trustea or Lender,i�betng agresd that Trustes and Lender.and each of them.shell be
<br /> e��ded to eMorce this Qeed of Trus!and any other seauriry novr or hareafter held by Lender or Tntstee In sach ordzr and manner es theY a
<br />^ either of them may in their ebsoiute disoretlon delerm�ne. IVO remadY�onferred upon or resenrsd to Tntstee or lender,
<br /> Is intended to be
<br /> exclusive of any other remedy�n this Daed ot Ttust ar by lew prov7ded a�perm�aed�but each shail be cumutative and shall be in addiUOn to
<br /> :, erery vit�ei r-•r.�dY 81'r�s!ss!!�^_�ot Tr_�t ar now or hereaftfu exL�tinO at law or tn squily or by statut�. B�ows�,re�dY�iven b��� ,
<br /> " Note or any of the Related Dxumer�ts fo Tnastee ot Lendor or to whbh eimer ot them may oe oi:'
<br /> �pncurreMly or Indsyendentry,irom Nme b Ume and as ofton ea may be dsemed expodlent by Tnistee or Lender,and either o!them may
<br /> � � pursus inca�fstant remedles• Nothing in thts Qeed ot Trust shap bs aor�strusd fls prohlbltlng Lender frorY+seeking a dsfldency judgment
<br /> against the Tnistor to the e�dent such actton is perrnitled by law.
<br />- .,�.,t. , ReQuest For NoUee. Trustor,on behst�of Trustor artd Lender,har�oy rr�quesls that a copy of any Notice of D6isult and a copy of anY Norice
<br /> _ j �;•� -. of S�ta under this Deed of Trust be metled to them at the address3s sat tu�th in the flrst paragraPh ot thb 1)aed af Trust.
<br />_ ,,.�
<br /> � ' W�ivar.Eleetton of Remedlea. A wa►ver bY any PrirtY oi a EreFash of a provisEon ot fhfs Deed af Trust shall not Co�tilute a walvsr or --
<br /> irt
<br /> • remuad!►Provtded�ethfs Deed�of Tnu1,the Note.t�n n Y H�tod D umAnt,or�providad by taweshpaU no��cci deNpursuit ot any other remeQy.
<br /> ,:�:•: -..•.�.• � end an eleotion to maicee�en�diWres or M ffike eallon ta po�torm an.a�ltgaflon of Truster undor this Deed oi Ttust aftor feDure of Trustor to
<br /> ., . pc+r[orm shall not aNect Lendefs dgM to declare a delault and ta ezerc'�a eay of ns remedies.
<br />'- : . ANOrrteys'Feex F]�pe►�ea. If Lender t�Ututes eeY suit a acllon W enf'oroe any of tfie terms of this DsadW�t��or ot an court ao��b
<br />- e,.,..` recover such sum ea the court maY adJud9e reasonablo es aHornaya'tees at ide�and on any appoaL
<br /> aoti
<br /> - ��,rr invoWed,eil reasonabte e�ensas incurred by Lendor whidi In lendo�s opinton are���y nme tor the protecH�n of 49 U�teresl a the
<br /> --=a T::;� entorcerr�nt af ita rlgMs shail become a part ot thn indebtedn �Pua�b���I mitatlonahowever subJect toBanYeimHs nder applicabte law,
<br />_ y�.��,: expenditure unGl ropaid. Expenses covered by this para9raP
<br />?�,�y.: .�: Lenders attomeys'tees•whether or not there is a lawsutt,Inriuding att�cmeys tees tor banlwptaY procesdings pndudtng eHorts to modiy or .
<br /> nr,
<br /> ��r- 3• vacate any automatta staY or tnjuncUon),appeals and eny enitdPalod post�udpmer�t coltecUon sencfoes�the cost of searohinp records,
<br />_�;� i...; .
<br />�.-,f;��1'�: obtaintng U8e repoRs pnCtuding faredosure reporl6),sunreyors'�ePcria•aPPreisal tees��imsutance,and fees tor the Tnrstee,to Me exte
<br /> , :. _
<br /> ����� permitted by applksbie taw. Trustor also wili DaY any couA coslS;n additlon to sll other sums provfded by taw.
<br /> �.:,�'�-.-_�'' Riyhts of Truatee. Trustee shatl have all of ihe righ�s and duttos of lender as set fodt►in thls seatlon.
<br /> --::;�;�,�,� Ppyy�p$p�►D pBLtaTIpD�B pR 7q{�gTEE, TAe pollowing prov'slons reis8ng to the powers end obltpatlons of Trustee are pert of ttds Deed of --
<br /> r:�.:�'�•.v Ttust.
<br /> �a�=}�, pawerg o}T►ustee. In additlon to a1i powera ot'(YUStoe arlstn8 as a marier ot law,Truste9 BheU�d fl ing 8�me�or P t o �e���y� .
<br /> ��-'"'��'���� wlih res�ect to the ProgeAy upon the w�Uen roquost of lender and Tnutor. (a)join In preparteg
<br />��'.�-• i inctudtnp the dedk�aflon ot streets or other d6Ms to the pubitc: N)toln.n grenung any easemeM or creaUny any resUfcUon on the f't�al ProPeAr
<br />-;,s"�!�'�':� ' and (c)Joln ln any subaEination or other apresn�ent effo�ng this bofld ot Trust or the Interest ot Londer under this Deed of Tn�st.
<br />_ ;�. T�usiee. Tn�stee ehsit meet ell quauftcallons requ�tor Tnutoe undar apPikebie law. In addNion to the rtghb end remaQlas set tath alsoti�,
<br /> ua
<br />_ ,,:,-.;T.. „�n,,es�ect to eu or any part or me aro�en�►.the 7rustes ahaJl hav3 ttlo dght to toreda^.0 by notiCe and selo.and Lender sheil have the rEpht to
<br /> .: . . - forectose by judidal forodosure.fn elther ca�e in aocordanoe wiih mnd•to the full eodent provtdad bY eAPiicebio taw.
<br /> ��� r 8uccessOr 7tustee. Lender,at lenda�s o0flon,may from 41trr�to tirm�appoi�t a suocessor Trustee to enY Tntstee epPNnted hereunder by an
<br /> Insbument executed and acknowlsd8ed by Lendor and recorded in Ihe oHk:e ot lhe tscorder of HALL County,Nebreska. Tt�e tnstrumsnt s1�eU _
<br /> � � � con�in,in addiyon to eU other maNers reVuirod bY���tiY���°���the od nat Lender,Trustee,and Trustor.the book and pa�e(a . _
<br /> He
<br /> * computer systom reforenae)where this Desd of l'tust is recotdod•end tho nae'ie an address of the sucxessor tnas4co�a�d the Ir�sUrumeni shsl
<br /> c�: , be executed and acknowledged by ffiI the beneadaries undor m�O�od of 7mst or thetr suoc�sso�u�n�r�terest Tha suooesaor hustee.wtthaul ,
<br /> { conveyance of the Proparlp.shali suocead t6 aillhe tl�o.Dov�,snd duries conterred uRon tho TrusteB tn Mb Oeed at Trust and by applkxtbio �
<br /> � M ta v. this procedure for substlh�t3on o}hustee shoA povom 4o tha s�oo�udon of eil otl�er Provlslons tor subs�tWon.
<br /> � NOTIl�6 TO TRtiSTOR AND OTl�A PARTIES. Mry notloe unda�!t�Oesd ot Trust shan be tn wdtlng��Y�nined ovem�Ig�At�courtaunlesH
<br /> othervrise requtoad by taw?,and shati be efieclNre when actusiff►d�ed,or when depasttad witM a naltonNry roaoQ
<br /> „ � mailed,shall be deamad ef[ecUve when deposited in 1h2 Un",�d St�4E�a mEti 1US4 da�ed���n�under tltb O�d ot n�t bY p�dt� —
<br /> •�-*-�__�_- ..�.�b��na et ihLs Deed o!TtUSt. MY pdM ZY�9 .0--°--.�..aF,m et terodaa�A trcm
<br />__ ..- ----� cw�o�a��. . -- n that th� oso of tha na�da�s to cnangs me Periia aGww�. .�..,•,•.•-�...___�_.._
<br />- wdlten noUoe to the oth�parU'es,sPedM 9 p� nnt of this Oeed of Tn�s►.
<br /> For notfce purPa",es�Trustor agrees to k Prlender end Ttustaa i�r�wmxd at a6 dm�ST o�r's CurtentYedd�he beg� �8 p;
<br /> , �,�
<br />- 6-:
<br /> - ° MISCB.LANEOUS PROViStONB. The to1lo�vin8 misce.'laneous P�ior�s are a P�����at Trust ��..
<br />- Mtendmanta. This Ceed ot Trust,together with any RdatE�C doCUrnt�ats.coratitutes the enUre understtsrtding end 8greement of the parttes as �y��
<br />_ " . to the matters set tortb in lhis QecsE of Ttust. No at2er�ttlon o7 or artmndment to this Deea o�Trust shap h0 eifecUve unlets given in wrlUr�and t'��
<br /> ���
<br /> � ` e►�rtro by 1h�ptrh or Ru�O sou��t to0�oh�d ar bou�8br Vt�dtm�nn a s��ndm� . ��
<br /> Annual Fiepor�ta. It the ProperiY is used t�p�0�o�r then 7�stors resldenae�Trustor shell tu ir nt$�h tortn and de�I fls lsn�� .
<br /> - � stntement ot net opereUrtq Inoome reoeived lrom ttea Pro�aE+�Y duing Tnutor's prevtous flscnt Year i��•
<br /> �e4ufre. �44at operatlnp Income'shaD mean e�casn reodP��m�^Proper�r tess M cash e�enditures mado in connec8oe with tha op�ors r.
<br /> •, at the ProF e r►Y• Lender in tRe e M Thts Oe�f op Truelt
<br /> - AppllceDle Law. 7t►Is Ceed ot Tn�t�ns beee�a°llvenA to L,ander md ac�epted bY � ���'
<br /> =.�.
<br /> - .. . • _ F...
<br /> �. � . . _ _ . . _ . .
<br />