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<br /> 03-2�l999 �EED O�'T�I�ST . ��.- .
<br /> ` _� Loan Mo 91�14� t�onttnuedl .�
<br /> " • c= d19(!0 hom Tnistor to Lend�. •�;;st.
<br /> Nole. Ths vrrud"ftsto"�nefna 91to Nste dntod fdnreh�,16��!I1 tit8�rl�Bipal amow►t of 557, •
<br /> ' togoih�r with a!1 ronrnr�els.oxtsrt°lons, moditkaUor�s,roflnanct�,and subs tWona lor the Note. Yhe maturlty dato ot tht�Ooed of Trust ts .�.,'
<br /> September 22,1951�.l. �;.ri.;
<br /> -.� - - --- owned by�Tt�t s o�t,and now�Pt�c��tt..r^�G4tc�t nf(hccd totho ReFil Pto���to6othhr tthcNl �a�ss�lons,pIIrt89nnd addifiioe�.�t�� �'�"-
<br /> replaeemeMS of,artd ell subslltuUons for, any ot such propertyr:and taQether wQA ap proceods (Indudfng wlihout UmitaUan Wt lnzuranco �_;
<br /> proceeds and retunds of promlums)hom any sate or other dispasltion ot tha ProRerty ��; -
<br /> ; Proparty. Tho word°Prope�rreea�s collectivoiy the Real P�opeM and the Persond Property. ��_
<br />� �;:�' Reat F�a�eAy. The words"Real Propartyl'mean the properly,lnterests and rtghts dosatbed above in the"Comrayanoe and Qrant°seoUon. =�'"
<br /> '����.: Ralated Ootumento. The worda'Ratated OocumaMs"metm and inctude withou111mltaUon all promissay notes, credit agreementa�loan
<br />- r agreemenb,envlronmentai cigreemsMs,9uaranttes,seaudty agresmonts,mortgagss,desds of trust,and ali othet iratrumenffi,agreemonts and ��.��_
<br /> 9�
<br /> • documants,whethEr now or h0reafler c�dsUng,mcecuted tn co�nscUon Llith the Indsbtedness. +r-��=_
<br /> " '�� '� Rcnta The word'RSnb"means eq presonl end tuture reMs,revenuas.incoms.issues�roYatdes�Profits.and othor benaflta dettved trom the �r,��
<br /> k,- -
<br /> a proPerty �-
<br /> , 7�ustee. Ths word'Trustee"means UNRED NEBRASKA BANK and uny subsUtute or suooessor hustees. _-
<br /> Tn�ator. The word'Trustor'means any end eU parsor�s and e�eocecutlng this Oeed of Tn�st.including�v�thout Umttadon ell Tnistors eamed R-�
<br /> '• Bho�re.
<br /> ry TRUSTOR �,l�TI�1i0T�TF�R��I.A4ED OOGlHIF1iTSr��OF TR}IIST. 7HIS dF�D OF TflUST IS IYE�t AfQD ACf:E"ri�D ` .
<br /> ED `�
<br /> � ON TF�FWIOWINti TERt1S:
<br /> � PAYMENT AND PERFORltAUiCE.Except as olhenaise provtdad fn this Qeed of Trust,Trustor sha11 pay to Lendec at►amounts secured by this Cead `,_
<br /> ot Trust as they becom�dus,and shal►strictry and in a tlmety rn�amar peAorm ali ot T�s obtigations unde�!he Note,thEs Daad of Tn�st,and the �,
<br /> Rslated Documanffi.
<br /> ° , Y � POSSFSStON B1�iD M1AUitiEaIANCE OF?!f RROPERTY. Tnutor aSrees that Tnisto�s P�ton and u5e of tha ProRg�Y sAs1f be Sovemed by �'
<br /> � ths foilowin9 Provt�lo�: '
<br /> aPerate a man�ga thg uRroperty.en�d�(o)coilect enl�Renffi iro�m�the���y (a)remaln tn p�fon and co�ot ot the Properly. (b)usa. -
<br /> �' Duly to Mdntdn. Tn�stor shali mainlaln the ProDerly tn tenanteble conditlon and prompUy pertorm all repaV�.roPiaceme�ts,end matMenanoe
<br /> . ; rtecessary to preserve Ns vaiue. -
<br /> ..- -_� .,�.���.�, y}�*s.�na Rwmrdous we�ste.'918rafd0YS SLLbsl8n0e.'"dkDosal�'tot�se�end'tttteetened re188,s0,'8s uS6d ln dils .
<br /> ste g����rt�t�hntty aat ot
<br /> �,� .. . Deed af Tnist.shafl have the ssme meani�gs as set forth in the Comptehermve�ndmenis snd-�Reat�ithor�Im o�of 1986.Pub.�.Na
<br /> 1980.as ernonded.42 U.S.C.Sedion 9601,ei seq.(CERI�.l+'.the SuPeAu Imtl
<br /> gg.,4g9(�S1►FiA�,the Harardous Matedets T�anspaAaUon Act,49 U.S.C.Seetion 1801,et seq•.the Resoaroe Coriservafion snd Reeovery Act,
<br />- "� ' 42 U.S.C.Sectlon 680t.et 6eq..a other appltcabte stats or federal la�o��mite�on,��petroteum and�troleu bY�-produots a arry hacflon —°
<br />�'.��. •, terms'hemrdous wast�'and"tfsmrdous substance'shali atso indude. --
<br />_,,:-r.. -,,,��� thereot and esbestos. Tnntor nePrese�s and warra�to L en der thax (a)DuBng Ne Pertod of Trustors owrtersl�►of thA PropaAy.there has
<br /> ti�y?�,'.5:-- been no use.9anergtlon.memtfacdu�e,storaHe.treatment,disposal.release ar threatsnad release ot eny hatardous waste ar sub�tance bY neY
<br />�i,,..�,�.,:� �osed to ar�d ad�owrfed0ed bY�nde��in w�I��O�any use.gene►etton,�rtian�e.storeSa.treatrnent dlsP�►retease.ot thr�tdnn�ed
<br /> :,•��h;,...% retease ot any Rarardwis waste a subsmr�oe on�under.about ar trom the Fro�erty bY enY Pdor owneis or oocupanls of the or(q)a�+f� �
<br /> ��,.::.�r�:,:x aatu4t a threatened Gt�o�►ar dalms of aeY idrtd br anY Pe�sen ret�ltn8 to such matt�xs;ena (oI FxceD1 as 1���Y�osed to and --
<br />�.�.�-_.�..
<br /> adcnowle�ed bY lsnder In wri8np. m�either Tcustor nor etry tenanl,�a�g9e�ar oitier wthalaed uset of tha 6�apaAy►shali use� ��:
<br /> iM . . _ . e9out a trom the Properly and e�Y
<br /> „N;�:
<br /> Oenerate.manutecture�siae�trec4 dispose of.a refease enY ha�rdous waste ar s�noe on.under� --
<br />-'�;f ��.� su�A acHYt�►sha9 be cortducted in compflanoe wtth a!t eAPYaabie tederel.state.end tooal laws.re0uteftons and ordtnat�ces.tndudisp out
<br />�•"�_.� Bmitatlon Mose 1sws.c�ept�artd ordir�ar�ces desamed above. Tnata authoriaes�n�de�an dr�ie .�ro m�pNenoea�of�nPro�psrtf►wHh flhb
<br /> _,:,;i=xz�.:°�� make such tnspecdons and tasb�at Trusta's e�ense.as Lender may deem eFD� �o�and shaY not be conslrued to aeate --
<br />�;•-s_x:'?:�� sedion of ttw Oeed otT�test.F►+hl��sPecUore a tesb made by lender shall be tor lsnde�'s ptaP
<br /> enY re�a+�h�ar liebifi�r on tha pad of Lender to Tnutor or to eoY o�r Pe�son. 'ITre roPress�atlor�s and wartar►tles oonteined!�n are
<br />- --�.='-� bssea on Tasiors aue a�enee in�nvestlgatlas the ProP�r ror hm�areous waste ana na:areous subssanoes. 7�5tor nereby�(a)ceiee.ses ana
<br /> '�;:-�� � wai+res any tuhre c►etrt�s aytitrest d�emnity end�hotd ham+tess LenOer aHa��.ny a�nd e11�rtu�".��.ses�1��s•P ar o�'pe Oes,u d
<br /> �_:�::�,-� suet�taws.end (b)a9nees
<br />�.°F..�,;, exper�es wNch Lendec may dtrectfY or intllrecUy sustain or satter resui11n9 trom a breacA of thls s�sctian of the Deed ot 7rust�or�'s a
<br /> f conse4uerw�ot arry trso,�on.manudadure.staa9a.dES?asat�reloas�or threatened retease ot 8 h�rdous waste or substanae on the -
<br /> Tha provtsto�o?tlds sedton of the Qeed of Tn�s1.inctudln8 the ot►Ugation to indem N,shatl surNw tho paymeM d th3
<br />...._..,�� nd�ness and the ssi�action and�ecomrelranoe o�the Uen of th�Deed�T�end s?mil not be ette�.+ed by Lsnders acqulslSon o4 aml _
<br /> tntete5t In!he Prope�rlY.wheiloer by foreClosut�or ott►etx�e. t of ar weste on or t0 the
<br /> `�'�'�;:� nuisanoe nor comm►t.Permit,or surtEx arry striPP t+9
<br /> =-�--.�•°. NWsa�aa,W+�e. Trustar sfwfl not cause.con�uet or permlt anY
<br /> � Property Or prry Podion of 1he PropeAY. w�mou�nmmne u►9 eenera��y ot the rorwd�9.Tn�Or wUt not remove.a C�to enY othe►party 1he
<br /> ��`-"°Q� right to remove.enY tlmber�mtnerats Qndadtn8 oN and 8es).soR.qravei or rodc Produds�r:thout the pdor wdMOn consent of Lender.
<br />� .�,a,��' wtthoul the prtor�wiitten cortsent
<br />_--�-�T.•_� itemov�l of Itnp�YE�net►t�. TNStor sl�sll not demoit5h ar remove anri�mProvements�ar�ro eaangemeMS sali5ladaY to LerM�ta
<br /> --- -_ �_ m�snder. as a conmua�+ta ehe removat m am�mvrovemer�s.�.e11d�'"'ay'�q'dre
<br />��"�`�''. ' teptfloB SuCh ImaroVemordswith ItnprovBmefd8 of 8t teast e4ua1 Yelue. -
<br />-:,....��_.
<br />�- ti�,, L:�r'a Rt�t to Enter. Lendor and its agents and representetives may eMer uAon the Rea1 PropenY at atl reasonabte flmes to attend to
<br /> _ .. ; Lende�s interests and to f�ped the PropalY�a P�P�ot Tnu!a's eamp6anoe wlth the tmms end condt�ons ot tAis Ooed of Trust. _
<br /> GomPttance with tiovemrtKntM Requi�►� Tiust�shali PromAUY��A�Y�tt�aU laws.�dinanoes.and w8�tiore.rtaw ar hereaRer[n -
<br />- eHect.a sU gavemmer►t91 autnor[ties uPD9cable to tfie use or oocupansfr W ihe PcoAedY.inr�adin8 withou!Cmttatlon.
<br /> the Anterbans With
<br />- . OISabYdfes Act Tcu�OI miy�t in good fafth eny s�ch Inw.asrSrtsnoe. or re9�La�On and wHhhold comPBanoe durtn9�Y P��• � -
<br />- ' irotit�eD eAProP�eDPea�.�ton9 as Twstor has noh9ed Lender tn wrE T�to P�edoquate tawn[b a surely bon0,oee�nebty =,
<br /> ' ,:;;"`�� Lertdsra tr�s tn tt�e ProP�►N are rtot jso9�� Lender maY�e4u�0
<br /> •{;:::k�. sat�ctor!►tO Leader.to prO�BdLettder's iMecest �_-
<br /> puty to Protect. Tnts�r e9�ees neitDer to abandon no�r teave un�tteadsd tM►PrtopeQhr. Tn�tor shaA do Ni alfisr ecb.tn addlIIon to thare r�c1s �°
<br /> . �:� ... � ro rotect ana prese�ve me Provorh►. _.
<br /> � s s t�n rt h c b a v e t e W s s e c C O n.vrhiG3�6nm tho drerac�er and ttso ot the PtoA�f►ere reasoriabN noo�fY P -•_-
<br /> r....n..,..�,... .�m�mme�et�v du�Futd P8Yab1a eD sitms sseu�ed By ihls Oeed o!T r u s t ��:�
<br />- ''. �;:"` ;- DUE Ol18ALE-QoiiaL��oi i.�w+o+.:+o+�w`...4s�-��--.---+---- of the R881 PropeAf►.0�ef1Y l�in me r�n`iqrw.�. :. --
<br /> .- upon the sele ot trar�ster,wtthout the Lende�'s Prtor writ�n co�ot etl or e�Y P� ----
<br /> • "sate ar traRS[et'm�ns tl�e convoyanee ot RerJ ProOe�Y a 811l���d.title a tntotest therein:whelhcr leBal.beneflaat al e4u[tebf�whaUwr valuMary �-
<br />- or InvolunfarY:whFAhOr by oulrfsh!581e.deed.insffiVmaM sub Contracl.la�td ContraCL ConVBd tar daed�leas�shdd hd9rest wRh a temt�e►tifan ' �=
<br />- . three C3)Y�.1e�-aD�on c�U+ad.or bY s�le.essiSnmeM.ar transter of nnN bene5�at interost tn a to 6�trtut�r�ted Neb�ih►�s�Y ~i..
<br /> ' FroReAY.or bY enY other m e t h o d o f co m r o y a n�e a f R e a t P r a A e r h�r�t e�. tt�Y�Is a corD�on•P in t e re s l s ar U m i t e d l l a$i f i i y r g
<br />_ hanster at5o Indudes any ct�a�tn�� H o u rever.thLs�sh�a��02 be ��d by Lesi�U such�b Dro�ited bY feder�f `,�.
<br /> eompaeY trder�.8S the ease m�.y be.
<br /> ;, tatr o►by Nebreske taw.
<br /> ' <� � TAXES ARtD UIItS. The follonl�Drovlstwis telaUng to the t8�ces ertd Isns on ths Propeny are a part ottMa Osed OlTtust . � ,:
<br /> P�nt. Tn�siu shatl p�Y when due(and in a0 awrds prtot to dollnq�wnaY)�t����tn�nt9�CRarQn pnct¢dtnp w�tYt -
<br /> - and sewer).Rnes and tmpostUons Ie�M1ed e�alnst�on exount of 4ho ProPertY�arod shanQ�y� when du0 e9 ctefms tor wak done an ar for
<br />_ seNfoes rendered or materlal imr�he0 to the Pro�f����a�rt0�assessme�a�e�e�ePt es�l�exl5e pro�I�n thEs Deed --.
<br /> interer,t ot Lendst un�er tAi3 Q�olTrwt,mcceAl
<br /> of Tn�.t.
<br /> �l�tt To CeMSal. Trustor rr�r withhetd payment o}any tau.a�s�+t,or c)�m tn conneciton wilh¢goad i�iih dlspu�ovar fhY obUq�tton
<br /> i ' � � ��.
<br /> '' �.
<br />