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_ .. <br /> t ii 's � I <br /> � .:.,�,� ' <br /> � • <br /> ' _::.� ,. <br /> .�,, <br /> � .. a.,i� . � . p _ .. ._._ _,_._ <br /> �i �:�{!�ylr�. r� �- .....s.(ta�:v. __ _ ,._�_.�--- . ^+�1l�Y <br /> .. . <br /> .. ..... �•l . �—_____.__.��..__. __ <br /> .p4��1�q'�!�ONi/��Y �j�- � � . <br /> . �4 -� __ �� ����..r�� �.....�.�.._..__.`_`._.��.__.___. .___...� �._�. � <br /> __...-----• `— I.. <br /> �• <br /> -• � 5�. �POteeU�n of Lon�oP'e Wlghta In tha Properly. n eorrowor n�is co pertorm the oovsnancs nna n$re�meneo �a� <br /> � oontnlned In tflla&ccurtty Inawmcat,or thcro Is a F�Ea�proc�d�8 «t m°y 818nttbnnty atfeot tsndera righta In tho Pr�periy(auoh aa � <br /> .�a �..__,` <br /> " ' o procee d i ng I n b a�k r u p t o y,p ro b a te,far oondemnatton or fiorte5�ura v�ta��� �„o b:..=!s!���tmnn),4hcn Lcndcr msy do nnd pay for � � <br /> r�hatevar Is rtecesaery to proteot the YaNe af tho Properfy ond �.e�nde�a�f9Mo in thp Proparty. L an de�a a c t t o n a m n y I n o t u d o p a y i n g ` <br /> , ,. any euma seaured by a liefi whfah hao prtorily ovar thlo&3ourity Usbument.apPeartr►g In oouA„�aY�d�doesb ot have tofldo o�d "=�. <br /> ent�rUp on the Property to matco reDnbe. A�though Lcnd�r m�y�'ha�li�tboao e addlUonal debt o} Boaowar seoured by this 8ecurity � �:�`¢�� <br /> _- -� .. qny amounte dlsburseA 6y lsnd�r und�r !hb pem9ra9 � r_- <br /> ' ���rvmcnt. Unk�3s Borcov�cr and Lendar agrcaa to othcr tcnns ot peymant, those amount� ehaD t�68r InWrs�t"'t hem tha QslB 9f <br /> :� dlsbureement at the Note rate ertd ahaU be paY�b����th tntFUest,upon nottca Uom Lcnd�r to Borroe�cr requesting paymenG ��-- <br /> , „•� S. Mor3gage Insurenee. It Lender roquted mortgflge t�surence as a condRton of makfng tha loen seaured by this 8ecurity A � <br /> • '�• ' Insteument, Bortower shsp pay the premiums required to maintat� the moRgage Inourence tn eHoat. It,tor any reason,Ma mortgage ;`.. <br /> �.�� baurance ooverege requlred by Lender lapses or aeases to bo In eNeot,Borcower shatl pay the p�smtuma requlred to obtatn coverago 4 <br /> ; �,,,,,�p subatentl�Uy eqabaisnt to 4he mortgago Naurence Provloush�e�e�t,at a oost aubst8ntktlty equh�a�r�t to the cost to Borrower ot Ma �— <br /> mortgg8o Insurance prevtousy tn e�aat,trom e^ anemate moRgaQ3 tr�surer nPpro�ed by lender. It substentfairy equMulent mortgaSe <br /> msurenco aoverage Is not svatfabt�. BoROwer shau pay to �endsr each month a aum equal to on�h+relRh of t�e yearry mortgege <br /> ; haurance premium be�g pald by 8orrowsr when the hsurance eovsra88�aPsed ar ceaseC ta be in eHsot. lnnd�r w111 acespt,uuo and � <br /> "�� rstain these payments as a toss resenre In Iiau of mort8age hsurance. Loss resorve psymanta may�o lo�ger be raqutred, at the � <br /> � optto� ot Lender. N mcR8e9e hsurance aoverage (N the amount and tor !he pertod that Lender requlres) provided by ar► Insurer � <br /> ,�4_ <br /> approved by Lendor agaW beoomes avaitable and Is obteinad. Borrower shali pay the premiums requted to malntain ma age <br /> insaranee h etteot,or to provtde a toss resenre�n�t�t�he re4u�ement tor mortgage haurenae ends In aeaordunee vufth enY wrft[e^ g <br /> . �_ egreement between Bortower and Lender o epP Lender ehfl0 ghrB � <br /> :... � �� �ny�pQ�lpl�, Lender or�s agont may make reasonable entrles upon and Inspeatlons ot the Propariy. � <br /> Borrower nottce at the dmo of or pdar to an InsPeotlon speollYtnB roasanab�e°�+60 f°r the Inapeotlon. � <br /> 10.CondemnaUon. T�a P�of thef Property,oa ro�co�a enCed�teu ot Co demnetlon�ere h�erebY 8s8�8n d'Grtd hsll be , <br /> condemnation or other takNg of any P y <br /> _ :;, paEd co tsnder. M •' <br /> In the ovent of a total takin8 a�t�e P�°Pe�ri�8 P►��ds ahail be appibd to the sums secured by this Seaurtty Insisument, Q <br /> .,..� . whether or not th�n duimmedlatery betoresthe`tetcirtg is equat to oe greater than t�he amouM af 1he sums�secured by this 3ecurttllt <br /> " vakse of the Property <br /> , �. ''�, Instrument Ynrnedtatety betore the tc�ichg, uniess �ortower end Lender othenvisa a9ree 4f wrtNng�the sums secured by this 8ecurihr <br /> "`�� Instrument shall be reduced by tho ainount of the proceeds murtiplled by the tollowBng traetlon: (s)the tot�l err�ount of tt�e sums <br /> ';�?. •:� ceeured Immedlatery before the tekt�9,dNEdad bY N) the fat m�rlcet value ot the Propeny tmmedlatey befo�e tho tnking. My bater►ce <br /> '•�::}i��:r, . <br />`;�`,��?�t�° shal!be peld to Borrower. tn Mo w�t ot a paitlal lekin8 of the Property in whbh the fair msrket ve�ue of the Property knmediate <br /> :---� - ��o Larinn b 4�ss than ths amaunt of the sums secured fmmediatery before the takhg. untess r.�,msWSecured b�Y this Securih' <br /> ; ,, agree h wrtth�p or unlaas aPPi'.cabie Isw otherw�se �rowdas. tha pruc,ieds shaR Da spp� te ihp . <br />-:r,+�t�:a�'rt;i <br /> �::•:,�� Instrument wAether or not the sums e�e then due. <br />=°`��F�" It the PropeAy is abendoned by 8orrower,ar H,after notics 0y lender to 8ottower that the condemnor of[ers to meke an 6werd or <br />:�,;��'`�_ setde a ciaim for dema9ea�Borrower falls to resPond to Lender wilhin SO days efter tho date 4he nottce b pNen.Lender Is aiatho�hed <br /> _;;., or to the sums seaured by this Sscu►�f� <br /> �;;�.�. to coUeat and ePPh �8 proceads� st Its optlon.efth�to restaratlon or repalr ot tfie ProPerqr <br /> �°u;��� InsUument.whether a�r not then due. � ,�8��Y aPPik�don of proceeds to pnc�ipal sheU not oxtend ot PostPane the <br />-_�:ay�?*,:3,-� Untess I.endor und 8ocrower otheiw�e agree <br /> r'•";- due date of the monthty paymeMS neterted to tn perF►9reAhs t end 2 or ohange the amount of suoh payments• <br /> s't-;--:, <br /> �����`�-� � 11. gorrower Hot Relea�ad: Forbear�nce By Lender Not�Watver. Extenston of ine ame ror paymon or <br />'u'°`'`�� �rtodNicatbn ot emoRimtton of the sums secured by this SecurkY insbument granted by Lender to eny suceessor h hterest oi 8orrower <br /> _-W�:zr� <br />- _:�r-+� shaU�ot operate ta retease the Ilab�r of the ori9ha�B°�W�or 8orrovrrets successo►$ h interes� Le�der shaa not be requYe to <br /> `�""'° commence Proceedh9s ayshst eny �essor tn Interest or retuse to e�dend ttme tot payrt�ent or otherwise modi(y amordmtton ot the <br /> --___ --.� sums secured by thb SecuritY Instcument by reason oht or mady shai!notbbe a weNehof orprooh�de t e�exeroise of�d8ht or <br />—�....y� htet8st. My fotbeerence by Lender h eoce►alshg MY�8 <br />-_ ��• <br /> 12.Succcaaora end Asat9ne Bound; Jolnt and Several Ual�fifhl;Co-algner�. rne oovenan� e�d <br /> .1��•�•± agceerner►te of ffiis SecurUY InsWm�►t shell bad and �^8���shall�be jo t and several. �M BorrowerdwhoRCO�i9ns thlsi90aurRq <br /> _,;,;�:�� provisbns at Paraq�aAh 17. eortowota covenants end agreem t. and convey that <br /> InsUument but does not execute the Note: (s) is co-signin9 thf� Se��Y ��s��t ony to moRqape. gran <br />- �ortowera hterest tn the Property under the terms of thts Seeurity instrumen� (b)Is not persono�ob�tfgate��pto�ear or�make any <br /> • .__��_.� by thts SecurHY insWmer� and(a)a9rees t�at Lender end ar+y other Borrower may a9rea <br /> —_== accommoda�ons wkh repard to tertns of thta Se°u�Y Insuument or the Noto without that Bortowers consenL <br />--=�-�^�� 19. LO�D Cf1�gES. It th�ban securs�by this Security instrument Is subJeot to a Iaw whtah sets maximum toan aharges� <br />—:---° cind that taw ts ftnaR�r t�rPreted so that the hterest or other loan che�gas eoUaated or to be aoiteated h connecdOn wkh the bsn <br /> {.�s excsad the penmmflted�UnSs� the�t (e)e�y�an ��ah�� shan be reduced by Me emount necesaerp to reduce the charge to the <br /> -:�'.�� �Umf�end (p) any sums slready coi�oted trom Borrower whiah e�cceeded permRted�imita w�U be retunded to Borrowxr. Lendet <br /> =-.y�.�� R� <br />= -=u.°�-�.��a,.,e may choose to ma,.ke thb refund by reduaing tho prho(pat owed under the Note or by makhg gtd�(root P u�ttf e Notv.w�. a <br /> -'y'��f_.➢1�'Q�.� <br /> _,`�:�;:4,-�•�� retund reduces Prtrsxba4 the reduodon wN be Cestad as a parda�PrePgyment wkhout eny prepaYmor► ar8e <br /> -:°�;.;:`��•�.. 74. NOtICES. Any notice to Borro�wer provided Por In this Sseurity Instrument ehatl be gNen by deGvering it or by matling tt by <br /> ;--';,, . ,:�. <br /> .. ftrst ctass map unless apPpcebb taw requros use at enothcsr method. 7tio noUce sAatl be d �a� ���ots address <br /> ':,,�;�.:.f.�}': other address Borrow�designetea by noUce to Lend2r. MY not�e to L�x�da�sh611 be given by <br /> - T•'T;�" stated Aereb or eny other address Lender des�qnates by notice to Borrower. Ar►y notice Provktsd for h this SecurilY Insdument sheil <br /> - � '�. ,:•. ,�,5� be deemed to havo Eeen gNen to Bortower or Lander when gken as provlded In this paragrAph. <br /> ,. ..�` 16. �OVEPW�Og LBW; S@V@r�fOUIQ/. Thts Secu�itY Instrumc3nt shali bs govemed by (aderai l�ivl and the taw of the <br /> .`^ ~- - Jvdsdtctl�n in whtsh the PropeAY ts�ocated. �n t�►e eveM t�at eny Proviston or ciause o!this Security Instrumont or the Note contliats _ <br /> w-- �.�� ' __-W- ••_ m�.. �,.en ennflfot shail not atteat othor provistans ot thts Soeuri►Y Instrum�n2 or tho Nota whioh exu►i�e given eReot <br /> ��w Iw ca•�r�ehh <br /> _... _ � - �n�..ap�.,n,�..� _'_• ___ ._ .. <br />.___>�...�._,_ .y. <br /> �.-x:.• _ � wRhout the confl�tin8 Proviston. To!hb end the proYlsions of thb 5ecunt�rnsau"'e'n and u�o��w @o,....�-------- <br /> . .:'�-`• 11�. BOrQOtvei'ti CO�iy. Bo�rower shsil be glven one oonfortned ooPY ot tho Note and of Mis SecwHY Insbumont <br /> " 97. Tranabr of the Propertl/or a Beneflc[al Interest in Borrower. If 8U or er�y P� of the Properiy or Cu►Y <br /> - .. �ntereat tn R ts sotd or transtartsd(or It a beneflotal hterest tn Borrower fs aoW or Uansterred end Borrower is not a naturai person) <br /> a:,: wfthout Lsnders prtor wrilten ae shelt not be mexeraised by pLer►derr H e�rcis�e t�s Pro IDit�sd by fsd`e�ai taw as of Me da e of this Secudtfr <br /> InsWment Hawever.this opU <br /> -- tnstntment <br /> ���� e�reisos this aptEon,Lender shall 9ke Bortower noUce of eccelerstion. Tha noNco shaA ptovtde s perlad of not�ess <br />- than 30 daYS trom the date t e 8°t�hese sums prtor�to the e�tatlon o4 h pertod,Lender mey Invok�anYgremadbs Pe��ed by tt►� <br /> I n s tr u m e n� I t 8 o r r o w e r f a t l s P Y F,r m 3 o s e e l s o <br /> , � Ssaurtty Inatrument wtthout turMer notice or demand on BoROwv� <br /> Pag�3 ot 6 <br /> FfOZ9.lk10 p/00) <br />.a � �_�__��!%�� <br /> s SII000 <br /> r <br />