, ;�•.;:r . _ .
<br /> • 1
<br /> .�
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> .. .. i
<br /> � -� �i - ..-�---_:'_-__...:.._:.:" " •
<br /> .......a _ ,., . -�,- ��--___._._._---..—..._.—:_.._..._.__ .............'--__----�----'-... _._
<br /> � � -'
<br /> 1�. �orrov�er'a Riflht to Reinet�te. if eorrower meeta certam aondttlona, eoROwer sr,an na�e tne �sne co nava . .
<br /> � . cntorocmcnt of this 8..�aurlty (nsuumcnt discontlnuod at any tima prtor to the oarl�r of: (a)6 doys(or such other periad ns tippl!oab4�
<br /> --- - �-b �,+.0 an�a of tha Proa pursuant to any powor of sato eontalnod In thfs S�cudty Inatrumenh ar �
<br /> taw mtiy opeairy iui�on,.,��::_.^.SI --•- - -- •�Y �'
<br /> __
<br /> (b)gn4ry ot o Judpment ontoretng this S:,cwri�r Instrument. ThoeO o0nditlons ero thtlt BorrowEr. (Ei) PBYs �nQ� o��Bums wnian ii�r,� �
<br /> � . would be duo und�r thls 8saurtty insUum�r+t and tho Noto as If no neoeleratlon had oeaurted; (b)aures any defuutt ot any othec �
<br /> oovcnnnt ar agresmento;(a)pnYs all oxpEnsos tncuned In cn(oroing this Seourity Instrument, InoNdlnp, but not Itmfted to,rt:asonable -•
<br /> ° pqpmeys'fees;and(d)tt►kos such pCtion ps Lender may rensonabiy requiro to assuro that tho Iten of this Seau�iry inatrumont,Lcndofs
<br /> , rtghta in tho Properiy cind Borra�r¢rs obllgatton to pssy tho aum�sesured by this Secuety instrument shatl oontinue unchanged. Upon � a+.'�4.�
<br /> relnatatement by 8ortower, this 8ecurtty instrument and the obifgation6 sscurod hereby shaU rcmntn tul h;Neetive ras if na nece;:rution � �
<br /> ' had ocourted. Howsver,thls right to relnstaua sheA not eppry�n the oase o}accel�'ation under paraSmp �.;.,_
<br /> �� 19.Sele mt No4e; Chettas of 6.oan Servioer. The Note or a partigl interest In the Note (together wtth this Sscurityy � -iY,�
<br /> ' �nsuurrtent)maY be sotd one or moro t►mes without p�tor notke to Borrower.A eaie maY resutt in a ahenge in the antity(keown as the
<br /> ° •Loan Servi¢er') that coilects monthy paym4nts dua under ths Nots end this Security Insbument. There also may be one a more ��;'-:
<br /> ' ohenges of the Loen 3erv�er unrelatod to o sais of the Nota. It there is a change of the Loen Se�vlcer. BoROwer wlli be glven wrttten • ��,�,.
<br /> - notko ot the ohenga M accordanco�vkh parrgreDh 14 above and appllceblo law. The notice wHl sffite the name�d address o4 the ,.,�1•'-�
<br /> n new loan Serv�er and the address to whtah psyments shoaid be mada The not�e wut aiso contafn any other Intormatlon roqulrad by ��
<br /> , - BPPlfaabt�Iaw. •�=".-
<br /> �0. Hazardoua Subatanaes. Borrower shalt not cause or parm(t the presenco,use, dbposel, storago,or retease of eny __
<br /> Hamrdous Substences on or In tho Properiy. 8orrower shali not do,eor aito►v anyone otso to do. anything aHeat�g tha Proparty that �.r--
<br /> " •� (s In vlolaUon of eny Envlromment�l Luw. Ths preceding tvio sentences shalt not epply to the presenco, use. or storago on the � _
<br /> Properly of smatl quentitlss ot Haarudous SuDStanaes that aro Beneralty recogn�ed to be aPpropriate to normat restdentfal uses and ro �
<br /> " � meintenence of tA9 Prnp2rty. n
<br /> e Borrower shan pramptty giva Londer wrttten notice of any lnvostlgatlon,ciairta deman0, (awsuft or othcr actton by any govemm�ntai ;�__
<br /> " . � or regutatory agency or privats party 1nvoNing the Property and any Harerdous Substance or Envtronmental Law ot whbh Borro�rer has � �..-,:._
<br /> ' • actuat knov118dge. If Borrov�ar �ar+fS. or (s notiNed by any govemmental or regu�atory authorky,that any removai or other cemediatlon � __
<br /> � pt any Hazardous Substence afiSZCt[ng th0 Propsrty Is necossFUy. Borrowar shall promptiy teke all necesserli remediai acltons h �_w__
<br /> Ct � =
<br /> •a�;`�i axordence wkh Envtronmc;ntaf lsw.
<br /> " `'�"�' As Used In this perF4�s9h �. 'Hamrd0U8 SubStances" ere thOSe BUbStanCe3 deflned as to�dC Ot herard0U8 sUbStanC�s by � --
<br /> �� EnvKonmentei Lew and th�+ta�owln8 substances:gesoifne,kerosene,other flammab�e or toxb petroieum produots.toxb pestiol�es end �
<br /> herbteides, volatile soHen4s,Pnaledals conteh�ing asbestoa or tomiaidehyde, and radtoactNe materiab• As used In this pa►a9�Ph�' Q __
<br /> "' '�, 'Envbnnmen�el Law" means 4ederal laws and taws of the )urisdlctton where the Properiy is bcated that reiate to heefth, safeb or
<br /> � envtmnma�;t proteatton.
<br /> �• �>,; NON•UNIFOHM COVENANT3. Borrower and Lender turther covenas t and agree es 1o�lowsc
<br /> ,, � „�; 21. /6cceisratlont �4emedtee. Lender Nrtr�!! g[ve re�4�xe to Borrower prior to eceeleraUon tolloatitn�
<br /> �+ �arrower's breeoh of nny covenanf vi e���e�•t =� !!t!: �Sr��;' !n'-�''ument (but not prior to __
<br /> � acceleratton under peregraph 17 unless applfcet�le taw prov i des othenivlse). The notice shnll epecity: _
<br /> • � (a) the deFault; (b) the aetlon requtred to cure the a�¢�4��It; (c) a date. not teas than 30 dmys trom the
<br /> dat�the noUce ta given to Borrower,by whieh tl►e cB�fae�9t must be cu�ed; end (d) that teilure to cure
<br /> � ° the defauit on or betore the dete speaifled In the e��4iee �reay �esu�t in aacelerm4ion of the sums
<br /> � s�cured by this �ecu�tty Instrument and snle of the Property. The notiae ahatt turther tnform
<br /> ' T Borrower of fhe �I�Q�B 8� relnateite after acceteretton and the rig6�8 t� bring a court aatton 4o aaaert the
<br />� nore-extatence of n a9�4�u1t or any other defense of Borrower to acceieratloo end eale. if the deteult ts
<br /> � not aured on or betore tha a�e� specitied In the rtoUce, Lender et tta option may require immedlete
<br /> � paymen4 in full ot nit aums a��ured by thia Secu�tty Instrument with"u�t ,�rrt�eN.d Lm�ndd�8�ad be
<br /> � [nvoke the power of sale and �ny otl�er remedtea permitted by app �
<br /> � � eetitted to cotlect ait e�enses incurred tn pursutng tho remedles provided tn this �eragrmPl� ��.
<br /> includtng,but not Umited to,reaaonebte attorneya'teea end costs of tlUe evidenae.
<br /> �' � if the power ot sale ts Invoked, Trustee 8ha11 record e notice ot detauR ta each couufty in v�hich
<br />�r�;-~„:�,;<<;:, en ert ot the Pro erty ts located and shall m�it coptes of such notice in t4�o menncr pres�ribed by
<br />_-�F.,. �}�,�;;} - appllcabte !aw to eporrowe� end to the other persona prescribed by epp�tcabte lew. After the tima
<br />,'+ - mqutred by epptiaets9e lew, Trustes shalt give pubtic noUce ot sale to the peraona and i� the manner
<br />';� :� ��.• prescribed by eppl9c�ibte law. Twatee� without demend on Borrower� shatl sett 4he Properhl et Pubiic
<br />-�� "-�°�-'.` nuation to the highest bidder et the ttme and plece end und�� 80ee terrns deaignated iri the notice ot —
<br /> ;;;�= eale in one or more peraots and in any order Truatee determinea Trustee may postporte aale of ail
<br /> or any parcel of the Property by pubtic announaemont et the time and plaae of any previously
<br /> scheduled anle. Lender or its deslgnee may purchase the Properq►at any aate.
<br />� l '''' ° Upon recoipt of peyment of the priee bid� Trustce ahnll detWer to the pureheaer Truatee'a deed
<br />��AeK:Y.sy .^.
<br /> � �"'-"'` � conveying the Proporty. The �eaitala tn the Truatae's deed shalt be prima tacie evidonce oi ihe trut�
<br /> -� �� �� ot the ate4emente mede thereEn. Truatee ahall nppty the proaeede ot the sate in 4h gfoilowing Q t of
<br /> .-. � -�.;,: � (a) to n1i coata and expenses an4 exercistng the pov�er of sate. nnd 4he sato, lneludln tise paym _
<br /> ':��. x° the Trustee'a tees ectuelty ine�av�ed,not to exceed TQUSteea Fee_9 b of the pri�ci pei amouet ot ffie note __
<br /> . � �:>i.;.�... --
<br /> � at the time of tho dectaretion of deteult, and reaso�rablo att�oreey's feea es permi�4ed by law; (b) 4o sli
<br />�:, � suma secured by 8bota S�aurity Instre�meret; t�nd (c) any eaeaesa to the person or persons legetly --
<br /> entlUad 40 1�
<br /> ' 2Z. Reconveyance. UPo�PnY�nt of aU sums secured by th(s Secudty InsUumant.Lender sha�l reQuest Trustee to reao�reY �:::
<br /> the Proptxyr end sNall surrender thfs S6curltY�nstcument and ali notes evtdenc�g debt seouretl by tP�is 3ecur(ly tnstrumont to Trustae. 4=
<br /> � . Trustea sheU reconvey the Property wfthout wertanty and wtthout charge to the pelson or persons legalry entttled to k. SUah Person or �.
<br /> ' persons shatl pny any r�cordatton costs. �`:
<br />- ;
<br /> �;
<br /> '� Z3. SubatiWte Tru�tee. tsr►dor, at tts optton, may irom timo to tYne remove Tnietee and appoht a suceessor trustee to
<br /> —- - J-
<br /> _� � ..._ r...... r. W�,�,,,� .h� s�urav insaument Is recarded. WNhout �.;�
<br /> ---- — --
<br /> gny TnJSte9 ePpGlnted ne�eunder Gy en cisuumerii �oGCnvw .� v.o ....r..., -. ^ -
<br />- conveyance of the Propert�r. successor trustee shatl succeed to aq the titte,po�+rsr and duttes conte�sd upon TrusLes hereln end 6y
<br /> ° ° applicab►e taw.
<br /> - • 24. Raquest tor Notiaea Bo�rower requests that copies ot the notices of detauft end saie be sent to Bortowet's addrass
<br /> whbh Is tho Pmperly Address.
<br /> - � 26. Ridere 4o tht�Seeurity InsVument If ono or more rlders 8re oxecuted by Borrowsr tmd teCOrded togather w[th
<br /> � thts gecurfty Inatrum¢n�the aovenents and agreements of each such rlder shait be Incorporated hto and shall emend and supptement
<br /> ... the eov6nMts end t►9rceemente of this 3�uriiy Instrument as if the rtder(s)were a pEtrt of this Security►nstrument.
<br />_ „ . �/ V Form 302A 9l00
<br /> - FtOM.LMO(tl9f1) Pap�t ot 6
<br />� fl8009 �
<br />