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<br /> � �orcorro�d a�crow acoaunt undar tho taderal Reai F.state &erilament Procedures Act of 1974 as amendsd from time to time, 12 U.8.C.
<br /> �
<br /> �-_
<br /> • 8�&Ot ef oeq. (°RESPA"),unlxsu anether t��r that appl�s to tho Fands eet3 n bsser amount. it so,Lender may,at any tUne,oolbat and i_-_
<br /> ' ' hoid Funds in an amount not tu excced the tesser amoun� �enQar may oscinaie ine a+iwu��i�C���o�:= =•"•�'°!'°a�ot ourtc�nt data � ,
<br /> end reasonabb est6mates of exp�ndituros ot tuturo Eocrow Itema ar otherv�iso tn¢eeordanco w►th apptict�pto t�rr.
<br /> �
<br /> - �� � Ths Funds oheii bo he!d !n an Ins�tutEon whoae depostts are b��ured by a ladara� a8anoy. InsUumentatlty, or antity (�natuding � _..
<br /> Lendpr. iC Londer Is suoh en h�Ututlon) or In any Federal Mome Loan Bank. Londer shail appty tho Fu�ds to pay tho Eserow Itoms. � �:,—
<br /> � � Lender may not oherge Benov+rar tor hotdtng and applyk►g the Funds,AnnuaUy ant�tysln8 the esorow aceount, or veriyNg the Esarow :
<br /> Ifer��s, unia�a Londar paya 8orroercr Intcrost on tho funds and eppitenble Iaw pcattnita Lcsnder to mnko 8uoh o ahargo. Hovlsvct,Lar�dor � r�-'�
<br /> 4Y�` may requlro Borrower to pay a an�time aharge tor an lndepandant real estate tex repartNp aerviee ueed by Lende�In aonnootton wfth �
<br /> . '��1 this toun,unlsss applioabte law provtdc�a othe�wi�e. Unbss an e9►eement�s made a epOfosbie taw roQutres htarest to be paid,lender —
<br /> shail not he requked to pay Bortower anY Interest or eamin8s on the Funds. Borror�er end Lender mny a9ree tn vmjtN9�however,that
<br /> —� Interest ehaq ba patd on the �unda. Lender shall gNo to 8orrower, wfthaat oherpe. ttn annuet accounting of the Funda,show�n8
<br /> ' orodits and dabits to the Funds and the purposo tor whbh eaah debft to the Funda was mnde. The Funds ere pbd8ed as addtttonsi
<br /> "��� securtty br a{I r,ums Gcaircd by this S^_ourity Instrument .
<br /> � It the FunQ� heSd by Lend�r excesd the amounts permitted to be held by appUoeb{�t�w,Lsndsr ehait acoount to Borrower for the �
<br /> �� excess Funds in acaordanco wM the rc�uirements of epplbable taw. It ths emount of tho Funds heid by Lendm st eny dma Is not •
<br /> . em m
<br />:�;�d _. � suHbient M pay t�he Esorow Items when due,Le►�der may so notity Borrowar h wr[UnB, and,h sueh case 8ortowar ehalt pey to Lender �
<br /> the amount neaessery ro make up the deffofanny.8orrower shaA mnke up the deflolertay In no more than tweMe monthy paymenta�et _
<br />_.?. ^°�' s Lenders so18 d�creNon. �
<br /> `:��"� Upon payrnent h tuU ot a�eums secured by lhis 8ecudty Instrument,I.er►der sAe�� PromiPty ratund to Borrower er►y Funds hekl by
<br /> -"v.. ,.* L�der. If, under paragraph 21.Lender shall ttcqute or seit tite P�ope�'iy.lendsr. Prlar to tho cc4ulsftion or sate ot the PropeRy. sheU � ,
<br /> 5�',�e=- sppty any Funds heid by I.ender at ffia dme ot aoquisitbn or saie as a credk agafnst the sums rtecured by thls 3ecurtty Insfrument. �
<br /> $, Appilcatlon�f Payments. Unless applbabb law provldes otherwise,aD payments reeaived by Lender under peragrEtphs �
<br /> 1 end 2 shall be applia�46st. to any prePBYment cherges due under the Note; second,to amounts payable under paregraph 2;thtrd .• � _
<br /> �� to hterost due;PourtA,to pr�n��al due;and last,to any lato ohar8es du�undot the Note.
<br /> ,�r��,a� " 4. C9'd8T�e8; L�CDES. Barower shall pay att taxes, assessmenta, oherBes�fl�es a�d Im�ooslrio�s attri6uteble to the Property
<br />- :a_:_:
<br /> -:"' : whbh may at�tr� prlcrity over this Secunty Instrument, end teasehotd paymonts or ground rents. U any. Bortower shatt pay ese
<br />:�=�;��� � cbOgntbns In the manner provided in peraS�ePh 2,or H�ot paid b that menner,Bartower shail pay tAam on Umo dfreotly to the Q�son
<br /> -- owad paymen4 Borrower eh�U promptly fumish to Lender ell�otices of emounts to be pald undap this para9naPA• !}Borrower mekes
<br /> f,�==�':Y_� these payments dtroGth�,8orrower stiell prompty Nmiah to Let►der rece�te evidencinp the peyments.
<br /> _�;,,..,
<br /> -;-�� Bortowar ehall prompty disoharge any Ifen whbh has prlotRy over thfs Securit�r�nsWmen�ie�ss�o���e Iienby ar defends
<br />��°�r�, _ . the payment ot the obfigation secured by i��e L'oon:c a���te l.��;t-) - .
<br /> ;����.tr� aya6fst enfo►rx+ment ot the it�en h�lega�P�ocasd6�gs whtch fn the Lend�'s opinlon opereta to prevent the onto�emer►t ot the Oen:cr(o)
<br />- __=_� secures trom the holdor o}tho Ifen an e.areement satiss4actory to Lender subordhathg the Ifen to this 3eair[tY�nstrument �f Lender
<br />_;M;.;�� �etgrmines that sny peR o7 ihe Property is subjeot to a Iien whiah may attah prtorii�t over this 38curity Mstrument. Lender may 9hre
<br /> __:��—� 8orrower a notk:e Idenritying the Uen• 9orrower ehatl saUsiy the lten or take one or mate ot tRe actbns set torth above w�hin 10 days
<br /> _ _',.;t-z, ot the 9�8 of nOtlCe.
<br /> _�-.��� 5. Heaetd or Pro�erty In�n�re�ae. Borrower sbaU keep the Improvemeats now �g or hereafter ereated on the
<br /> v--�:'.S�l$$� PmpeRy hsured e9ainat loas b9�,hemrds holuded withh the term 'e�dended oovereye�end eny other haaerde, b�abdtnp floods or
<br /> ----- fbodlnp,for whbh Lender�aquires insurance. Thts hsurance shaA be mahffihed tn the amounts and for the parfods that Lender
<br /> --�,n;�� requfrea. Th8 tnsurence certler Provid6t8�the insurance sheii be ahosen by BoROwer eubjeot to lende�s epproval whtah shelf not be
<br /> -- unreasona�ry VvRhheld. If Botrower falb to mahtain aovera98 descr�ad 5bove,Lender may.8t Lendefe O�don. obtah oove�a8e to
<br /> proteot Lende�'s�hts in the PropeAfr tn acoordance wkh parayraph 7.
<br /> NI hsurence Poqcies and renewats ehau be acceptable to Lender and sheY include e stendard mortpape ctause. Lender shremiums
<br /> thB rtght to hotd the paOCles and renewels. �f Lsnder re�Nfes� Bortower S�a1� Pmmpiy gUre to Lender aE recepts ot Vatd P
<br /> _ -Y�� and renerv�l noticas. In the e�+t ot bss. 8orrower shali give prompt noUce to ihs hsurance cartie�' eed Lender.Lender may make
<br /> -;� proof ot Ioss ff not made promptly by 8orrower.
<br /> _� Un1A�s I�nder and 8orrovrer otherwls9 a4ree b wriUng.(nsuranee Proceeds shall 6e aPPilee to mstoratlon or repatr of uo PmP!�Y
<br /> -- -- — Camaped, it thA�estoration ar iepat ts eoonomlcaQy t�nsbte end LendePs securily�s not lessened. If the restorAtion or repat`is no! .
<br /> — economkaUy teasbte or 4e�tdets secur8y woutd be bssened,the hsurence prooet�s sheU be eppNsd to the au�s sacured by this
<br /> � Secur�r Ins4umant, whetAe► ar not then due. wfth any ezcess pald to Bortower. It Bottowsr ab�r►dona ttte Property. or does not
<br /> enswer witAb 30 days e�otia from Lender that tha hsurenco �ler hes o4tered to se2tRa a�u���re bf y this Sanur9lY • , �.
<br /> hsuranoo procee0s. Lender may use the proceeds. W rePaY or restore the Property or to Pg!
<br /> Instrumenl.whetfu�or nai YP�an dua The 30�daY Peria�wN be8h when the notke b ghen.
<br /> Untess Lender end Borrowev othe�vrise e.qree 1n wrlth8.anY ePP�n o4 pmeeeds to pdnclpai shaU not e�ctend or postpene the
<br /> _ - — due date of the moMhry PaYrrents�oi�ad to h Pa�S�Ahs 1 and 2 or ohanqe the emount ot the payments. If under Pe�aprePh 21
<br /> -=1":.�•+�� the R�oD�Y�e�ted br L�der,Brnra�wers dght to enY hsursetao PDllales and Proaeeds resu7i��trom dama88 to tha ProA�9►Prior
<br /> �:� to the ac4uisBbn ahall pass to lender to tha e�dent of the sums secured Oy thls SeeurttY Instrument tmmedietet� Prbr to tfie
<br /> �_�:;��� acqulsRbn.
<br /> --__-°-� 6. �ccupancy. ��c�cvatioa�, �lla[retenence �nd Prote�am of the Prope�t�I9 BorroHre�Ps Loan -
<br /> _-- =° pppqCe�4iot1; LeesehOlde. eorrower shall occuPri esmbtish.and use the Propaty as Borrowers pnc�iRa�cesidenCe w@hh sDdY
<br />-_�`�t-F.�.c`,u� days eAer ffie mcecuGon ot thb SecurUy insKUment end sheli eontinua to oceuPY the ProAeKY eg Borruwers pnc��8�rosidertco tor at
<br /> -^�^��.v� taast one year after tha date of oecupanay. untess lendor othenvise ag�ees M vyr�in9� whieh eonaent shaU not be unreacansby
<br />-'.i:_•�_`�� -
<br /> . .,_�:�--- wRhheb,or untess aoCartuatirep eireumsffinees e�dst whbh ero bayond 8orcow�s Hartowe�sha�be�daltuR�u�iY•todolNn actbn or
<br /> �na vmooR„_nio,�eho pcene�pr to dete�fo�ate,or commk�raste on the Pro�ty.
<br /> _��.�„°.:.'�'== proceadYen,whett►er cM1 or crtnine4 b begun that in Len�s Qood taYh Judgrrient cou��esuR m ronemne ai me�vpais w�..p.
<br /> .'�_�m.�+,:, fPiatB(EQ,�"! M1Atilt th0 Op1 Ct�B3IBS� by th13 .S9CItt�II► In8b11RlBRt Ot lBrtdBrB 6BCtttlh i11Efi@SL BoftOW� Itliy f�1I8 6{t0A 0 dB�SLR BJid
<br /> ____ _ �` �ehstate. es�ro�ided tn par�apmph 18.by cauahg tho aodon or proceedh8 to be dlsmEssed wilh e ruGno ot tRe Uen�e�ed py ta@h
<br /> "~ - • -` Qetgrmha2ion. prec�►des ta�tetura ot the 8orrowers hterest !n the Property or other matarlet tmDatvrient
<br />' ,i, °�, Securth Instrument ot tsndefa securB�r hterest. Borrower shaq also Be in �'n'auti��orroucsr.durdreg tha tean eD�Ncatbn procese,
<br /> _ . .._. Qqve mat�letly telse ot haccurate htormadon or atatements to Lertder(or taile0 to provide Lender w9A any ma�l 6�t°m�bn) b
<br /> . coanecUon wkh the ban evida►cod by the Note,habdhg.but not UmReO to. r'ePresenffitbns coneemhg Boirowei's occupartoy o!the
<br /> ' ° ProPe� �a Prttepai residtnCe. tf thb SoctirKY In3bument Is on e faasehoSd�Bsrtowar shali eomsab w�atl the OmYtsions ot the
<br /> bu
<br /> . � teasa If 8onawer acquYes tce t@la to tha PropaAfr,Ne teaseAo►d and the tee t�te eha0 nat�ae anless the lender e�rees to Ne
<br /> ys-� u y-s• rtIBiBBt tl WI�tQ. fotm 30T!6/00
<br /> h
<br /> - F•ozo.uKO pro9) v�.a ot a
<br />.. � �/� s�ooe
<br />