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. � ' i <br /> � <br /> .R t,, 1 <br /> �. , .{.�t ,. . <br /> „ �'.�p�'4!�g,r''x-��_ � . _. '. ...-...� _.. <br /> _ ' .�:.,�'t+�!��°+�" , ... . ,_ _ r -___ <br /> 'y_`'. ., <br /> ' .:,���- , -� - . - .•.t•. - __ <br /> , �� .. <br /> ., , � " ---- - .. -- . .._ ... - -- -- <br /> _._..,.------°... .._.._.. . . .. _.. . .... . ...------ .. ------ � -- ____. _..._-----. .,_._.. _ <br /> '� 99������. ;�� <br /> � <br /> —� ; 7. Vmuctton af 6a�r'�8ecudtyl. �t Bmtowet telle to poKorm the covonante and agreomorrte conteinod in this Deed of Trust,�r II �- <br /> - ,ony eotlon w pro�eedinp ia commonc�d whtah mete�iclly etteota lendoYe Intaroat tn tho Proparty,thon Londor,at londar'a optlon,upon notica �=._ <br /> to @orrower,may maka euch oRpacrnnc9�,diobutso euch eums,Inotudirtp re000rtnblo attosoeys'f000,ond toka euch noUan ao 18 rtscossary to f- <br /> � ptoteot Londer'o Interqat. If Laeedar re�ulred mortanBe Insurnnee eo a condtYon of mnOcinp ehe loan aocurad by thfa Daad ot Yruat,Bonowav eha� �_, <br /> �� � � pay tAe premiums�equhad to matntein tuch tneurartco in effeat untll nueh timo as tha requEremont for eueA inaurnneo tnnninatoo tn acc�rdunca <br /> --- '"-R arifl Qarro�rte&nd L�aEoYo w�tlttan agrc:mcnt ot epp!lcable letit. `- <br /> Any amaunw d!a@uracd by 6ander persuant to this perapruph 7, with Intarosc thoroon, at tho �!oto �oto, ohnp Oucomo udditlonol t' <br /> :�� IRd0O20dD�94 Q}BOIfOWEI t�Ct1tAA D�thll QREO O?YNlt. Unlead 8anowe�and Leiuter aproe to other terms of paymnnA uuoh nmaurrte shetl 0e `__ <br /> � � p�yaDte upon notias hom L�nder to Berrowet rsqusating piyrrtent thereof. NmhtnB comeined In this peragraph 7 shall�equlra lander to incur . <br /> eny expeme ot take any aatlon hereundcr. - <br />-�'�':.�. _ <br />- °- 8. Gff�ealDa�. lendea m�y m�ke or aause to b�mede reasana6le emrtea upon and ir►speotfons af the Praperty,provtded th�t Lender - <br /> .�� ehaU give 8orrower notlaa prior ta any ouch tnapoatlon epecifyinp roosnnnbla eause tharetor reieted to Londer's Interast(n the Proporty. <br /> - -T ,•R 9. Cond�►�natton. the proceeda of arry awerd or ctatm tor dsmasas,diroet ar eonaequendai,In con�on whh eny eondemnetlnn ar <br /> , other tskin�of the part thartot,er for canwyanae in Ileu of condemrtaHon,are herehy asaFgned and eNafl be patd to Lender,sub]ect - <br /> ' :� to tho tarms of any mortpipe,detd at truat or otK9r aecurity agreomeM with e�ten whtch haa e prtorhy aver thia Qeed of Tnist. , <br /> /0. Boe�owK Not R�hfordt ktEs�r�ne�81r L�ndu Not�Wdv�r. 6xtensEon o!the ttme far pati�mont or mod(ftaatlon of amort�atton — <br /> -:-::��� of tAs sums ascured Dy thb Qeed of T�u�t pranted Dy Lertde►to any successor tn imereat of Borrower sAnU not aperate to rotaase, fn arry <br /> � manner,ths IIabtUty ot the adpinal Borrowsr and�orro�nrePs sueeessore U tnteroat. lende�ennU not be requtred to cemmence proceediny� <br />:-:;,^,,��, a9�tnst such succ�ssa or nius�to extmd time for paym�nt or otl�twtae modHy amortizaUon et the auma sccured by t111a Deed ot Tn�at 6y <br />��,�t,�,,* reasoe ot arry dem�nd meda 6y the oripin8 8attowar md Barro�rer s eueaeaan in interoat. Any torbearancs by l.ender in exerclstnD any�}gM <br /> or ramedy hareundar,or otharwiso�ftoM�d by eipptleab:e law,st�dl not 60 o watvar of m pnciuds the exerclss of aery aacA ripht or remsdy. _ <br /> -�,,.:�i� <br /> -�:�.�. - 11. Sucaaeota�nd Aulpns Bounds Jdm tnd H�vml UabNitqi Co-Btyrtua. The coveneMS a�d agreaments heraln contained shaA <br /> �, bind,and Ms�iphts hereundet she0 inure to,the reapeotMe succeasom and nasipna of lender end Borrower, eubjeat to the provistona d <br /> �aTegraph 18 hnteof. AU covartarte nnd aareomento of Hortower shail be JofM and soveral. Any Bonowet who co-signs this Dead of Trust,but <br /> -�'='���_�' does not exscute the Nots,la1 is caaFQninp thia Oaed at T�uet onty to prant and eornay that Borrower's fntereat in tho Froperty to Trostse undu <br />= ths tenns of this QaW of TNS� (D)is not psrtonNly Ilabie on the Nots or undar thfis Qesd of Truat,and ic)egrnes thM Lender and any other <br /> ��:�'�� Borrower Nereunder msy aptee to extend,rrtodity,fo►beer,or meke nny othet aeaamjnodatEona with regard to the terma of thEs Oeed of Trus4 a <br />='- the Nom,witPaut th�t BoROwes's consertt and witlwut retessirg th�t bonower or modirylnp thfs OeeA of Truat sa to that Bortovrcra interest N <br /> -:'�"i:. UIB PfOpE1�• <br /> `:''`� �Z, Nadae, Exeept for any notice required uruler applicnble law to bo givan In nreother manner,(a)any rtoitce to Botrower provEded tor <br />�.i�.'� <br /> �_.���� fn thia Dsad ot Trust shall be Siven by deiivmtnp h ar by maflinp such notics by eertiHed rtuil addroasad to Ba�rower at the Property Addrnss a <br />__=__�-� et eueh other eddress as Bottower may destpnnte by nottee to Lendm as pTOVtdsd herein,and tb)arry�otfce to Lender shall be given Ey certifled <br /> ;� ma0 to Lender's addreas st�ted henin or W such otMr addross ss Lender m�y dsdpnaU by notice to Borrowct as provlded heretn. Any eaLTce <br /> QrovlQed for in tNs Cesd of Tntst ahaii be deemed W heve been ytven to Bonowe�or Lender whsn pivan in the mannet dea)pnated herein. <br />