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<br /> TO SHCURE to landar tho ropsymontot tho Irtdabtedn�es avtaer�eed iiyy arnruv.rn e�a+�e vo:o:. " �' •=== �°_
<br /> �monthly�instal(menteto4 pflnClpal and Int trest eAth tho ba►neo of tho indobtad os,M not soo o�r pold,duo a d payahto onthoroon, providing for _
<br /> �psi!Ot.Z024 : tho poymoM d utl othet oumo,�vkh irnereat thoreon,edvnncod in oacordonco horowith to protoet tho uoeurlty ._
<br /> • of thfa Deod ot Trusr, and the pertormanco of U�o covonnnte artd a8roemente ot Barrowror horotn eonininad. _
<br /> B e r mwer aavenarts tha9 Qorrower te ia�tuity soistsd ot tha aetate haraDy canveyed ond haa the rtght to grant and convoy tho Property. �_�
<br /> cnd thot 4tt�PPOparty ta unnncumbotad oxcopt f�r oncumbrancoo of roeord axcopt tor e Ilon Btentod by Bonowor to C or►aactor e n d hare by
<br /> "^ asalgned by Comrnotar to le�er. BOflOW@7 t01i80iit1Y6 tPWY G�DI((ft'lOf L'JGffCMO and wili defend flonorolly tho tfUo to tho Ptoparty ugulnst all
<br /> eietma and demnnda,subjeat to encumbrnnceaof �ecord. • �,•y
<br /> ., .. �-
<br /> y UNIWRM COVENANTS. Borrower aM I.sndet covannM artd n8roo as foilowo: �-'
<br /> �_:
<br /> 4���0:,p[( _
<br /> � —
<br /> 1, paymyr�E a}p�inctpal and tMuost Botrowor ehail prompUy Day when due the principat and Entereat indebtedness evidenced by the
<br /> �' ^ Noto and late chargas ea p�ovlded to the Note. --•
<br /> :�i
<br /> !4 � 2. Funds tor Yua�Irauraneo. Sublect to oPi�l�cablo Iav�or a wtitten waiver by Lender,Borrower shap pay to Lendar on the day
<br /> � monthiy paymerne of prineipal end I�ere�t areD�lteble under the Noto,uMit tha Note is patd in fuli,a sum(herein'Furtdo')equat to orta-twelfth
<br /> ��v p}�yo�iy�cos an�ossessmeMe ttrsdudine�ndominium and planrtad ank developmeM assossmema,if onV)wldoh may attain priority over `
<br /> r" thta Doad of T�u3t. and flround rents on tho Proporiy, if nny, ptus anatwelfth of yeady premium tnstellmeMe tor hezerd insurance, ptus
<br /> onatvro�fth of yearry premtum inntallmetna far rrtortgage inaurnnce,ii any.ai�as�eesonubly estimsted Inkiatiy artd hom tlme to tima by Londer
<br /> * " Lende to�tho e aMent that 8orrowernmak a sud►npeyme��the holder t a Pwor m�Be or deed o dttuat Mkauah hol�deyt is en lest�tuttanei _
<br /> -=,=y r..;,..
<br /> • tender.
<br />-'''^ -.�c� If 8orrower pays W ndo to Lsndu,the Funds sheil be hetd ln an Irtstidnlon tl�o depasite or aecour►ts ot wNch are insured er puarertesd
<br />- - �:':•c � by e tederat or stata eBeney llncluding LensPerlP Lender!s suah sn hr.�o�. Lender ehali apply the Wnda to Pay eald taxea, aaaesameMe,
<br /> �a;_.,�,.,.,.a': i n s a r a n c e p re m t u m s a n d g ro u n d r e M S. L e n d e r r t�a y n o t c h a r g o t o r so hoidi n g artd apptying the Funds,aneiyafng eetd aaaount or vetMyinB and �
<br />... . .�.� Borroiw�and lertder mey e8 8 bnlls�� ��?e of enecuUon'ofthis Oead o TniusteU�at interest onBU�e Funds sh e l l be tPeid to Bottow r.
<br />-- _ ,i,z�i�;� and un►esn such apreement la mmde or eppOeable law requirea sueh[ntereat to be patd.Lender shall not be required to pay Barrawor enV IMetest __
<br /> R=:�;�:..-, ar eamtn0s on the Wnds. ler►dtu ehal!ghre m Ftorrower,�vhhout eharge,an annual aceourttfng of the Wrtds showUg credits and debita to the
<br /> Wnds and the purpose tor which each dobR tothe Furtds was made. The Funds are pledged as eddiNonal aecuiliy for the euma Becured hV Y�ie
<br /> A,'�_��� Deed af Truat.
<br /> `+:�'��: H tho emouM of tho Runde hstd by tM LsrMer,together with tha fudrce monthly(nstalimerrts of Funds payebie prto�to the due detea of �
<br /> taxes, assessmente, tnsursrtao prem[uma eid 6round reme, ehaQ oxcead tAe amouM�o�uired to pay entd texes, essessmeme,(nsuronoe
<br /> ��_.: ptemtuma and ground r�r�us theV fa►�d�e�such exceas ehetl be,e2 BottoweYa optlon, etther promptiy repaid to 8orrowar ar credftod m
<br />_°.=i.��' gortower on rt�otnhb Ins¢eihnento of Funds.If the amou�t ot tho funda hold by Lender sheti not be sufftr,teni to pay taxes, eesesamonte.
<br />-,�,e;-;.�;� tnsunncs promturr�s and sround reme ee theyfait due,Borrowat shatl puy to LoRder ony amm+nt necessery to make up tha deflcEenay[n one or
<br />— --- moro PaYmerrts ea Lender maY Pequlro.
<br /> -��`� Upon paymeM in full of ep sums aecured by thia Deed of T►ua4 Lender ehall prompllV tefund to Borrower eny funda heW by Lerider.
<br /> - .^ M under paragreAh 17 hereot tha iTOpercy is ioiai w u�F:r.'v.."'xY S�a�x�:1��'�aA by Lender.Lender shait ayDN.�Ieter tt�an immediatety
<br /> -t-_���r:�.
<br />"°--��,� prior to the sele ot the Propeny ot ita acqulsNor�by Lendar,any fitnds hetd by�ender et the time of appllcadon as e credit apetnat the sums
<br /> aecured by thts Oeed af Trust.
<br /> �! �, ppp�� a} �ynwtb. Unietes applioabts taw prmrides otherwise, eli paymenta receivad by Lender under the Notn,and
<br /> s
<br /> .i���I t�o ir�t reps�t pa�pl°o^�d►e�Note'and�e�n��tl�e�tndpa�l of Uis Note,of amour�peYable Uo Lender by Borrower under peragraph 2 Mreoi,titeo
<br /> -��z;.���
<br /> --°_�_-_��� 4, p�Ik4atatpet end Rasd�o!TnasC Ct�Oas:Ltsns• Burcower ehail periorrt a11 04 Bonowor's obii8ations under eny mortpega,
<br /> -='�a��� deed of trus4 ar Wtnr socurtty agreoment whh e Iten whtch hes priority over this Deed of Trust, inciwling BorcowePe covenerrta to mako =
<br /> =--�:.7.=•�-�aEi payrtsnbs wAen due. Benower shatl pay or ceuse to be paid atl taxes,asaessmeMa end other chargas,flnea end Imposhiona ettribucab►o to the
<br />-.�i proRarty v�hfch msy attatn e pRoNry ova this Deed of Truat,end Ieaaehoid paymeens or pround rems,it any.
<br /> � — g, pasard Insur�nc�. Bortower stuG keep the tmprovemorns ncw e�dstin9 or hereafter ereated on the 9roperty insurod agalnst loss by
<br /> = flre,harards ineludad within the tam'extended eoverapo;and auch od►sr hazaide ns Londer may raquUe and in such amnunTa fo�auch perioda
<br /> �� as Lender may roquke.
<br /> The tnrurancs prtinr pmvidinp the Insurance shal�be chosen by Bor�owet eubjeat to approva�bY Lander Providad'tlfat w�a�D(�a�
<br /> —? chall not be wveasonabty vrithheld. All Inauence poitcies artd ronewela thateot ahap be in s torm ecceRtable to Lender and shAl include a
<br /> sqndard mortq�e ciause in fsvar of nnd In a torm aeceptabte to Lendet• Lender ehet�have the rlpM to hotd tPte potictes and tenewata thereof.
<br /> � subjnct ta the tarms ot any mortge9e.deed dtrust or ather aecurity agroemant with a Iten whieA haa priority over thia nced e4 Tni�.
<br /> In ths eveM ot toae,Bortower ahaU give prompt noUca to tha Usuranae car�ie►end lander. Lender ma�maka proo?of loss If Rot mnde
<br /> -- , promPN!►Dy Borrowe►.
<br /> �}the propercy W nbandoned by Barower,0r M Bartower faita to reapond to LenAor wtthtn 30 deys from the deDe notice Is maitad by
<br /> _ -__-- inaurartce pracesds at l.erdetaioptlon eitlte�restoratin o repaU of the P�ropertq o m bthe�ms sehcured by this Qeeed of Truat and cDP1Y�
<br /> --_—� & VnsMVadon md RA��af Prop�rtys l�atNald: Ca�ridur�s:Plmnsd UNt OavaSapen�nb. Borrower ehep kaep the
<br /> Froperty in pood repair uid ahaU not comnit waste or pem►ft impatrmerR or det�erloretion of�tie ProPertl►and shall eomyly:'whh th°a°v�tana of
<br /> � eny bfsa H thts Desd of Truat W an e leaselat�. It this Qsed of Trust is ce a unk tn a eondomintum o�a ptanned unk davotapmmL Barrower -
<br /> i thall Wiforctf sll of Barrower's oblipiUorro undx the declaratEon ar covenaMS creating or govemtng the condomtntum o�Dianned unk
<br /> dsvebpmem,the bydewa and regulationa otthca condomin3um or ptenTred unit devetopmo�R,ene eonstitueitt doeume�• O'��'���
<br /> --_---�-= mWais:� leititb:,�._ Gddats:_,.____,.,, Irdtlets: '
<br /> -- NfiBHA3KA-Second e-1/80-PNMAlFHLMC UTIIFOHHI INSTBUMENT•Porm 382t3 (Ra e Z ot 6l
<br /> -~,'��"`°`� . ManapemeM 6yatems QsvaIopmoen.Ina. 1800)88MHOB0 Loan Enuphed"' iN@ OEED Coy1rtlg�+t ta1 1994 =...
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