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<br /> RSON-UNIFORM COVENANTB. Borrowcr.Lertdar Conttaotot furiher covane�tt e�roi oaree an ii�ri...o:�
<br /> k:__
<br /> 17. dlcait�misn:R�modt�a. Exce�t a Rro�fdeA tn Qangra�h 18 husof.upon Bcrtowu'�bn�nh of wn�cov�nartt¢r npnsmuri of ___
<br /> ' � 8asrows�tn thta Casd of Yruat,Irteta�Iop 8orrowoi�h9un to p�y.by th��►d of 10 avertdas d�ya�itsr thay�ra d�n.nny wms sscursd by tisia �_
<br /> x • Daad of Yru�t. tx�r prla to aea�t�rstlon�haN ySva�eo+let to Oc�ror�sr a��osr:�d Ln D�S�Pfi 12 hueot epselN�B=ltl tho Cieosh:(81 thti t=:�-
<br /> � ea:fan i�c�7:�to eur�euah�rer'hi t8! e dele,not leae th�i 20��fran tha dsi�the notias la mNE�d to Botrow�i.hy wMch cua4s 6ruab _
<br /> eu h
<br /> ciwat b�eur¢d:�nfl(4!that feRura to eun auch 0raa¢h on ar bafaro 1he dats op�IRed tn thr noUc�msy mssitt In acc�lantlon ot��cur.n�
<br /> sscund by Ws Q�eb o!7ntrt lutd nb of dt�Ropo�ip. Y�18 Q6uG9�i:�i SWw�.'•7 G�S3■Tal UC2f6C1t7 O}th��f�?et to►dnatet�eQt¢t taaacr�tlan e�td ��-
<br /> �, tl+�dd►t to brtn9�eo�t eaUon to au�!�eon��ditaa�c�o!o d�tait ar ar►r otMr d�t�s�of Beerow�r to sac�t�retion�nd W�. It tho bn:cA
<br /> ts oot cui�d on ar b�ton th�dat��peciR�d in tlro aoriao.L�r.at LenII�r'a c�tton.m�y d�ctsr�ad W t4��sums awr�d by tNs W�d of tn�st
<br /> _,'i' ta R�Immasstdy du�ar�d payaW�wtthart[+uMer derna�d and msy tnvcke fh�powot of e�l�and eny otMr rsm�dlta pnm(ttod bp e�yPGaabt� _
<br /> a�
<br />'=i:•�` ' I�w. LsrW�r slwN M anttl�d to colbat�A��uoneDle com�nd �snsq Incurrod !n piarsWng tM rom��n Rroulded tn Ws Pa�C��7.
<br /> .�-' Includf�.hut�ot Qmltd m.r�aaoru�bis atrom�ri'teu.
<br /> �_,�. � tt tM powe af s�le is Invobc�.T�sUa sh�if�ard�rtatlo�of dHauit In oa�h oouatY tn wHch tAt Paop�rill a�sams pat t�u�of lo
<br /> �� lowtd�nd�Rf1 ntW copbs of aueh��aNc�M ti�muWw pr�swiDsd b►a�bt�l�vr to Borrovrar and to tlho otn�r p�reons pnsadE�d by
<br /> �p p i l e a h i�tsw. Att�►ttN t�{ss�of sucfi tfir�s may�y�tad by cyi,�s�b:a lmy.Truetee eh�i�Iva puElte erotia�ot���4o ih�pusom�std b Rtw
<br /> manrwr Pnsetibid b1►s�loMl�l�w. TvustN.wfthout dxna�oa Boreow�r.aMA aI11M ProP�1l n P u b Aa au e t ion w t h o h i p k ast Dlddsr et tJN
<br /> T
<br /> '� 8rrn�nd gt�c�md urtdsr th�t�rss d�sl�t�d In th�ti c�a!s�ls��+�t tfn t1m�and Wst�of an1/D�+�m++�P c� hsd�WM a��M.�L�r a
<br /> �Y Po��o!ail o��r�/pnrtN oT dl�Pr��P�
<br /> L�ndw�d��t��wll Pu►chas�th�D��V �Y
<br /> : .,� .. 'x Upon ac�tpt of p�ym�nt of ths prEe�6td.Tmata�thtN da¢var to tM P�+tehatK Tnutee�dwd eonvatl�'8����1►�so1G Th�
<br />- �i. ..,r nctt�le in TntstN'r dwd tt�0�prkn�hd�wid�nc�of tlM truM af!M sta�t�ut an�de lMr�in. Yrurt�s ahdl tpplr the proes�of W saN
<br /> � °';�s (n tM tailewinp ordw: (aI to dl ra�sa�cwri and o�nso�of the s�l�,kw�xle0,bct mt pmtud to.TnutN'�f�as�atuYly innrr�d ot not
<br /> . TrusC snd tof ths oxosse�,M a�i+y�s p��rso�a or Pe*aom bBaiiY efl�'��� ot titts s►idanc�: (b!to� awns seccu�d D�thla O�M o!
<br /> P -
<br /> :::�''. 98. Borraw�s's N1yht tn R�tn�ht�. Nolwlthstanding I.enders accelcttetion of the sums secured by thirs Deed of Truss, due to
<br /> @�asrowar'a 6roacl�,Borrownr sheU Aeve d�e �i8ht to have any praceedtnga begun by Lender ta enforce thEs Oead of 7ruat dtacontimtgd et any
<br />'_'_-�-�:;d,�,�, t:.ms ptior to tha asdbr to oceur ef (fl the ftfth day before the salv of tfie ProPertY Purouent to 4ho power of sa►e coMalned in this Doad ot Trust
<br /> or 1A1 onW of a J�cdpmaM enta'csr�4his Oaed of Trust if: t�Battower paya Lender aU sums whteh would be then duo under tfits Oeed of Yruat
<br /> ���i� ' ' end the Note Aed rto aeeeteretion oeatt��d;(b)6rntower curea a11 breachea of any other eovenaMa or egresmente of Bortowar conteined In ifi[s
<br />._.-_-��;=J"�e. Daed of Trua�(a) Borrower pays ali �eesa�abla expensos incunod by Lsnder and Trus4ee in enfordn� the covsne�s end egreaments of
<br /> Auiw�a�vu�
<br /> .. �,�. gortoyvar cpr►teined In thla Oeed of Trust and in renforcing LendeYa nrd Trustee's remedtea as provldad in pusyreph 17 heraof,Indtsdinp. but
<br />„�s,,,�., ndt tlmitaG to.ressonnbte�ttomaYa'teea'e; and 4e�Borro►ver takea sucA eattoo es Len9er may reesonebly require M asa�+►e thst the�ten of this
<br /> ,.};v;� @�ad of Trus�t.Lender's trttarast in the Property ond Borrowor's obtigation to pay Uie sums secured by thts Deed of Tmst aMU co�tinua
<br /> _;::�� �aroimpafred. Upon at►Ch pallntent end cura bV��„'����Oend of Trust and the obSIgationa escured heraby shnll remaln[n NII Earce and
<br /> ----- e H e c t a s i t n o a c c e i e r a e t o n h a d o a c u tt e d.
<br /> - =� 19. A�sf�rrnnt of R�nts:Agpok�m�e$°p R�H°R��*�+POU��O^• As add(Uonal securitY ht 7 hereot�ar abartdonrt►�ont ofY the
<br /> -� to Lender�he ror►te of ths Property. 6�vt�etl te�m 8ortower.i�:A. w�to&sxelesa�tss�fiK'-1°nP�+ �
<br /> - -�:��� Rroperty.heve ihe riphi to caUeat arM retefn suah_rqnta as they b000me due and paYabte.
<br /> � Upen accutetatton under pare�aph/7 hereat ar abandonmertt of the Piroperty.Lender,tn person,by ageM or by Judicielly eppointed
<br />�,,;�,�� receivar eh�Q b endded W errter upon.ake posseaslon of artd maneQe the PropeA1►and to eoilact the renta ot the Property Inaludinp tl�oa patt
<br /> � - dua. Ali rotrts oolteated by Lende�o�the roeehrar shaft be apytiad tkst w payme�t of tAe eoats ot rt�anagemeM of the PrapertV and eolkc�on of
<br />, -^"�:«; rents,inciudiny,but imt Itmited to,rnceiver'o tan�,premfums an receivere bonds qnd reason4�le���'�as,and then to the cmns eecured , -
<br /> �",�''°�.� by this Deed ot Trust Lende�and Si�e eeoeivet s7�ell be Ilabte to aecount onh►for 4iwse mrrta bctuaity race ved. ' �
<br /> 2p, g�sonv�yane�. Upon paym6rit of ap sums aecured by this Deed nf Ttuat.Londet shall requeat Truatee to reeonvuy ths aopsrty
<br />�=°-� and ahell aurrender this Dead of T�ust and aU notea evtdendng Indabtednesa seauresl EY t1►9s 4ieed of Tnist to Tru�teo. Tru�.es�haU r000mey
<br /> ------�•- the Property wlthaut wannntY am!without char8e to the Rerson or¢eraons legatly et�tttie�t�ha�to. Sach person ar porsona ehalt Psy�I eoate
<br /> --- of rocord��n,tt atry•
<br /> �� Taatse�oirtta�nde�b�an Insw,metn recorded tn tl►e oo�c*nY in whtGT►this Desd of Ttust is reco ded�Vltitho�ut wrney�rancv 4 tM
<br /> - prop�y.�S succeaspr trustes shatl sucosad to ait the title.power and duttea co►Nerted upon tha T�estee herein and by�ppilabls aw.
<br /> 72. R�qwst ta Natlt�a. Bartowe�a�sts that coplu a!tM notict o4 d�t�lt and raek�of ut�b�s�nt to Boerow�s rddras
<br /> ----- Mrt�ch ta 8N Prop�tY Ad�ess.
<br /> ����'�
<br /> -�� �.� ADD� 016�QE-80160d43
<br /> tni8als;��i_�• Initlats:�_ Initiafo: Initiels:
<br /> llEgppSRp-Secand MalgaBe•1/80-FNklAIFHWiC UNIFORM I1tSTiiUMF.M'•Farm 3828(Pape 4 of 6)
<br />_ =--�-- MenaQemert Systems QovebpmanL tne. (800)884-80fi0 Loan Ehe�qfterl'� iT1E OEED �AY�Ont le1 1584
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