�+,�;f ; '1 . . . .. I
<br /> �1 .
<br /> �' _ ._ . �.� - .. ...... .. .. . .. ., . .
<br /> .,'x - . .. . .. . ' .
<br /> � � _ n . �, . . - � . . ... �..;rM�++�r�bv+H•. �.
<br /> , .
<br /> • � .s_.rr�b.` ' '" '. � • ' . ..- .. . _
<br /> . ,.. . . .,�.-.-.�.�^s_.. .. - " • ..,�,.. ..-.: .. _.,:v+„ c� , e• .
<br /> � , , ��...t� . . � � , . ...... ........._- -.... ....._.- ..__.._,.�.....
<br /> :_._, ..,�..��a9'r,: � ". � .. _.- --�--�_ ......_..._.._.. ...._._.._........ . ..... .--
<br /> ..1...._^�.....___.---•----.. . ._...__ i
<br /> � DEED oF'PRUS'� �g� iW�1�2 �a�� t
<br /> ' 03-�2-998g ��..�.�i��a� ' ---
<br /> � Loan Plo 89498v •--•� y4
<br /> '� (b)a apo�no tox�o�hls atypo o Oood o4 TNSt eht►goab oQaSe���1hde3Le der or
<br /> ' aA ot iho Indsbtsdnosa eaeured by this Deod o!Tros1��,Qed ot Tn�s, O �,��
<br /> P �
<br /> paymsnt�on tho Indebtodnoss cc�aued by this typo 0
<br /> tho ho�dor of tho Noto;and (d) nsPaclBo tox on nll or unY Portlon ot iho Indebtadness or on payrttsnts of prinClpN and Inturest made by E��--
<br /> Trustor. �pW-
<br /> �� Subseq�eont T�n Evant of D eult(es do0 ad bC��)pe�d le der�tnBY e erClse tlny Ot8 aof�its[lventl6ie rOmOdles1tot an EvOnt of'QolGUlt as t
<br /> samo etic3et as e "�"�'�
<br /> �' � qrovtded below unless Trusta either(�)DBYs�he tex betore It bacomes detlnquent,or (b)conlests 1he lex es provldod nbovo In Iho Taxes end �_
<br /> �-= Uens seotion and deposHa v�ith Lendsr cesh or e sumctent corporato sure1y bond or othor Seourity satlsfecbry to Lender. _
<br /> �i}"
<br /> ��� SECU3i1TY AGRE�tAE'�IT�FtNANCINOBTATEMIEN'P8.The following provlsions retaUng to th►s Oeod otTruslas ossourlty a9reemont aa a paR o -
<br /> �t thls Dead ot Trust. m tp tho e�dent anY ot lhe P�operty eonst►tutes Poctures or o2ASr
<br /> ,.-�°�"�'' SoGUdty A�eoman� Thls I�trume�t sh�1 constltute n seaurlt��� under tho UnHOrtr► CammCrctal Code es trmended from�mo to _
<br /> '� '' person�t D�oPertY�and Lendar shs�hsvo a11 of tho dghb of a sac�uod 1►�rhr
<br /> . ''; .. Ume. _
<br /> • ° � Setutity iMerefst� UPo�re4uest by Lender.7rust n thtt tRonta s d�Petsonal PropeAY. n add�tlon to recordinp thb�Deed ot T�rust nythe teel _
<br /> � ? � to poAeat and oontlnu�Lendors socudry i� _
<br /> p�ap��ot���n��y,at eny tlme and without turther authorizadon hom Tntstor,flle exoc�ded counterparts,ooP�es c�reProduCUon.S
<br /> " thls Deed ot Tnist as e 8nandng datemsnt Tnistor shat�relmburse�ender for aD exSenses�ncurred In Pe��ng or contlnuing this saeurtty
<br /> r• intetesl. Upon deTault,Ttustor s1�eMM eissemble the Personal ProPer1Y�n a manner and at a ptua3 reascnebfy conveniont to Trustor and Lender
<br /> ; � and make ft aveitabte to Lend���1���3��e�g���pt of wdtten demand hom Lender.
<br /> pddrosses, The ma(Iing addrosses of Trustor(debtor)and i.endet(secu�ed Pa�Y)��rn whiah Intormation conoar"NB!Sm�hs Qeed
<br /> �- �—
<br /> ° grantad by tt!ts Oeed ol7rust rt�aYbe��a�^��e��requlred by'he Un[form Co%nmerclai Code►arefls s�tatsd on Crq f�}'sf p�
<br /> � of Trust.
<br /> . ";,' F'�lAT{iER ASSfiAANCESi ATTORNEII-SN-FAC7. The foitowing Provlsiorss celaU�q 4�t�rlher assurance�s and attc�Y-��ct¢ro e�a�t o!thts
<br /> •+` Deed ot Trust.
<br /> "'=A'�� Sme,and hom dme to dme,upon cequest of Lender.Trustor wiU make.�eaute end dslivsr.or ec;11�3use to tre �
<br /> '"•`�e=' ' Fu�ttter Asstit�tteee. At enY rtee�and when requested by Lende�r�tflitSe t0 be filed. ��7�efited.OT
<br /> '.;;�,::;;':'� .
<br /> �-��r�,,�� made,executsd ei delivered, to lender or to l.endefs dest0
<br /> •..`.��� rerecorded��.s ti�ra�e ma9 be�at sueh Hmes and ln such oHiaes end placss as l.ender may doem sPDroP���e►ry and e�s�aa'�'. _
<br /> . � deeds of tr�L s�utih deedR seeurttY s8reements�flnancing sfatemants�eo�a�s�llan sfatemerd.s,instrwne�s d 4urthar essuranea„t�es�
<br /> ..r ' and other�aczsmonls as maY. in thci sote oPinton of Lender.be n��A�irable in order to etfac3uate.eomptete.p�'CO�n o'�s
<br /> i
<br /> ��jed by th�eed o�f T�ost onN t ProPertYtwhether now aw ed or hetreaftersao�u►�ed byTrus a��Udesspro�bi�d by law or agreed�
<br /> .� conlrary by Lender in w�iting,Tmslor Ehall relmburse Lendor tOr atl cosb and expenses incurced fn connecdon with the matteca re.'aRed to in
<br /> ,-�-;,a' • .IhlsPare9reph.
<br /> �n�y.�n..FaeG If Trustor taos to do any o41R�Yhin95�efaRed lo in the precAd�nB De�89�P��er may do so for and In 7tro name o�
<br /> '�"'�'�'�` � Trustor snd at Trustors expense.F or such i+ti�v�'.T�l��qny irrevacabN eAP�n��n���a^����ro�m���.�.,��� ,
<br /> � -",' of making,executing,dBliverirtg,iling�ree�ding,end ddng WI�Ihar things as may be ne� -
<br /> .�'� �'���� eccomp�sh the matters re���o�n the preceding ParagrePh.
<br /> =:���� '
<br /> fW,PERFQRIY�ANCE. It Tnistor peYS�►the indebted�Whan dt���and othervdse peAomis e�the obli�tions tmpa�ed upon Tc�to'r under
<br /> �_°:":_�X`�`'� Oeed of Trust.Lender sP�ali exe���„9 d�tement on 6�te e de ctng Lenders seanurit�nl tecest t 1�he 8�a d he P��►s��a�Y' �^'y
<br /> ---_�,��� statements of te�mina�on ot anY
<br /> r��n�e tee�a�ulrad by taw sh��e P�d by TeustOr,it petmiltod by apPncabt0 iaw.
<br /> ���-� DEFAIRT. Eeoh of ma Qanowlnp�at Ne oPtlon of I.mnder.shell constittrte an event of de4aWt('Eve�of Deta�under Mb Deed af Tntsk 1 ..
<br /> _ -T:��-*� Oetautt on Indebtedneas.Fai;hua vf Trustor to make any paymant when due on the Indebtedrtes�. nt tor ta�ms a►irtsumnee.0�
<br /> T_-�.� betauit on Other RpYmenM.to� vent 19dn9�of or oi eNect dischar9�s Ytl!en.Deed o!Tnut to make any Payme
<br />_;s:���,� sn y other payment neoesserN 0�'B
<br /> - Y� �mp��������, Fgp�oi Trustor to comP�Y with g�y ot her term,o b l i g a tl o n,c ovenant or condtlon contatned In tNS Ce�d�oR Ttu�.the
<br /> ��--�_- Npte or in any ot the Retated Daurnents.
<br /> �.,�,:F�� F�����an� �y�„h,��epreserdatlon or sfatemant made or tumished to Lender by a on 6ahalt of Trusiur ander this Oeed ot Trusl, �
<br />"`'H'�� ltre Note or the Reiated Oocumeds is tatse or misteading in amr mat�let respect,either nmv or at tha tlma made or tumished.
<br /> '�-��"`� DetecUve Collateratimtion. '(NS Oeed of Trust or any ot!he Retated Dxuments oeases to be m tiA torce and efted(indufl)r!D Ct�ltture af anY
<br /> ---'�"� collaterel documenis to ex�ate a vatid and Oeri'ected sacudlY interest or Iten)at any Ume and tor eny�+eason.
<br />_i� DeatA ot Insalvency. The dsnlh otTrustor.the tonsohredit�or wakout.�a th�commencement� prcceeding �e p��.
<br /> �ti,� assl8nment for fhe bendPt of a6ditors.8nY tYP
<br /> _=:���aesr�
<br /> `R� insolvertcY Iaws 4y a against TrusRar.
<br /> �mtecWsure.ForfeRure,etc.Co+nmencement ot toreciosure ar toRelhtre pra�edings.wRetherby JudtCtel proo0ed��9.seIMe1P�ro0 en
<br /> '�'°� ar any othe►method�bY e�1/�t�p�ttTle bY T�ustor as to�ihB veitdity o gres�SOngablene5s of ttre cielm wNCh IS th b8sis of ih�e f���oreCTosure Ot
<br />,_-„��� apply in ths event of a 9ood
<br /> _ �„�Z��,� torefeiture pra6aed�o9. Provided that Trustor gives Lendor written noUce of such cielm and fur�shes reserves or e surety bond ta the ci m
<br /> �.�,� saUstactory to LOnder.
<br /> �'=�"�"`�'� BreaCA of Othtr Apreetnen4•A^y��h by Trustor undar tho terms of any omer agreement between Ttustor and lender that is not remed
<br /> �!''.>. within any grace pedod pravTded therein,inciuding wfthou4 timfla8on eny agreemeM eont�ming eny indebtedness or ather ob4gatlon ot T�ustor
<br /> �';;;,„`.; to lender.whether e�dstln8 rtaw ar�atar.
<br /> .-:�:•,l,_� ._:: .
<br /> :"a�",'LP9":. ' Eventa A40nttlr�s�:Ouarar�or.My ot the Pr�cadtn9 events xcurs with respeat to any�ueranror of eny of the indebtadness or aay Civaran or
<br /> � - � d�y�p��shamll�not be req}red to,permii 93�e�GulVen o{g�ffi�to Tassume unoondiUonatly Uia�o0�8atlon3 ariging�,under tho 9a��Ein 9
<br /> :iA�je,Y':' ,
<br /> -..4,?,•�� •-� ' L manner sat�taatorY to Lsnder,and,In doltt�so,ceue ihe E�rord o�Deisult.
<br /> �j,r;..+:� .r... � . _
<br /> • •;,��=: - Inaacuril!/. lsnder in good faiN�deems Gsetf Ir�scaure• a..^CUdn�eny E�dsUn9
<br /> ` i- �ieslMg ladebtednass or untter enY Instnment on the Prop�tY
<br />�,�'':�.:••, -n. : Adetauliahalioocurusafersry� •
<br /> -- w• ..;:,,. ., , pit�llnp Efi�tbtedeeas�
<br /> �"'�.. �.:r: �, 1 Indebtednas3.or commencement ot any Eif�!•o�oih�r acclfon to forealose anY e1dstie9lten on tAe Property.
<br /> , ,. y
<br /> �= itt�h!t�r�.vra. If such a teUure montt�s,it maY}�cu�d h(and no Even��Oefaul�In h8ve ocoured)M Truspa,a��n�e n d e r s e n d s w A t t�n
<br /> �: ` within the�TeCSding tweive(12) H the oure �quf*�es more than ten(10)dsys.immediatelY
<br /> `� �, ...�.,,�, �� notlee demanding eure o t s�c h 1 a 8 u r e: (a)e u re s the fe�ture within ten(10)days:ar @)
<br /> �--�,,.�the ta[lure and thereafter conUnu�s and comp l e tes a 1 1 re a s o n a b l e a n d n s c e s s a r y s t e p s suffldant to produos
<br /> • ��r"- �_- . ini[iaies 3ioµ;a:•:�•.�.-•--
<br /> ..,: compliartce es soon as ressoneb�Y Prac��• Trustee or Lender,at tts oatlon,
<br /> ,. . .�.. �r?`{,� may exerdso a�y ons�or m�re ot Ure fanowing dgMs�nd re ed of i add'dforttto any other d8hts orremedies Orovided by taw:
<br /> Acceleration upon t7et�ut4;AddlUanai Ren►edlea. It any eve�ot detault occws as Per the tarms of the Note seeured hereDY�
<br /> Lendar may
<br /> . declare alt Indobtedrtess se�b�tnotice of a Y�t Theroafter�lond��"�1�d the sartee sAati u�ereoDon become dua and paY2Ele wwtthout
<br /> - 8ny P�ntment,demand.pro
<br /> - ., (ay Hfther in persOn at by t►9ent.�:e gr uPon end t�ake p�os esston cf the PropeM.a a�y Qart lhereof�in�t�s o n�namo or In th0 nanre
<br /> regard to tho adequaay a������
<br /> - �� ot Trustle�e�d o�nt�r�l n Ne�ProPe�Y��e�"come 1ro`m!he P�roPe�Y�D�����e Pro��tand�ith��wiUpiout
<br /> � ot the PropadN sue tor or othenvlse cWlect the renb.fssttes and pro5ts ai the Pro��,oa��d�o����o
<br />_ ; tatcing possesston ot the P�opeAY, the coil�ctton
<br /> . unpald,end appty the seme�Iess Cos�and ox9er�es o!opera8on and CaqeCtton,inclumreg etto��on 04 the ProPctrty�
<br /> by this Deed ot Trust.aU In such order as lender may determine. The entedng upon and ta�ng p
<br /> � �� of such rents,fssues a�d ProGts.and the applicadon tharsot sBat►not eure or tiraive any detau�o��aHoe of dolauit under thts Oo60 ot Tntst
<br /> c1 •
<br /> ' � t .
<br />