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� � , , , <br /> , .:� , ...._ <br /> : ,,. � <br /> . . r:� „ ,. <br /> .. <br /> � . <br /> _.� _�n�•��� .. � �. , <br /> . . . � -— __. ...--------__—._ <br /> _.. �_ _ ...— <br /> . , . ��—.__._..__._._ <br /> � - , ��--. ___.—._.�.___..._._..._...._..__.._----... ....__....._. _ . . <br /> � DEED OF TRUST �� ����� �ape 3 <br /> • • • '03=2�-193�9 " <br /> _.- --- , LA�� v� e,aaan (COn4lnued� �,,. <br /> . � � �- . <br /> under tho Ilnn. In nny eontost,Trustar shutl dotond It�olt rsnd Wnder end shue antt�ly nnY adverse JudgmeM botoro entoresment against the �;;' <br /> Proporfy. Trusta shnli nnme lender n4 an additionat obltgcto undor any aurety bond turni�hed In ths conteat proce�dings. �-L_ <br /> Evidenco ot Paym�nt. Trustor ehnll upon domu�d turnish to LandCr sntlsf�totay ovldOrtco of paymont af tha tuzos or nt�ossmflnts and ohatl �`��•==` <br /> authorfze the appraprtate govarnmontal oHielat to detivar to londer nt sny timo n wrluon atntornon►of tho texos ond uasassmont�aflalnsi tho �+�,,;: <br /> ' PropaAy. y <br /> Nottee of Coastrt+�Qon. Truslar ct�t!noUfy Londcr at Ioast flNC�n(�6)days betoro any v�ork is cammoncod,any sorvlces aro furn►shod,dr any �_::•°' <br /> ' ' ►. matedals ere supp�ted to th�Pro��tlr,�!a�Y rt�eChBNo�$��o�� mntarfatmen's Uon. a oYher Ilon coutd be assortod on nocounl ot the wark, �_,_ <br /> i s�ndces,or matertats. Trusto��vilf upon requesl of Londor lurnish to Lender advanae ass�emn�satisfnotay to Lunder lhat Trustor can and wlll �µ`- <br /> � pay the cost of suah improvem�nts. ��:�_- <br /> !�`� PROPERTY OA�IAtiE INSURAl10E. Tho tollowing provisiona reladng to insudng tlre Propedy ar6 a paA of thia Deed of T�ust. �_ <br /> �.��•��`S tAsintenance o}Insuronea.Tn�stor shall prooure and maintaln pottcles of Rre InsuraMe wiih stsn6ard extended covera8e endorsemeMS on a �_ <br /> • replscement basis for tha fW Insureble value covedn8 et��mprovemenb on tha Real Property In an amount suHtciont to avold app�laatlon ot any �,.,.. <br /> � ept�urenoo eiause.and with a atnndard rttortgagee Ctause in f8vor of Lertdsr.togetha wiih sueh otAOr harard ane�to lender and is�wd by n � <br /> .• f,. may reasonebty requtre. Pollctes shell bo wAtten in torm,nmauats,covera9as and basis rousonatity axepteb� <br /> company or aompanles roasonaDN axeP�1e��+nder. T�ustor,upon requari o!lendor,wlU deNver to Lendor 1rom tlma to Hme the polldes <br /> o�card8cates of insuranoe in fam saUsfaotory to Lender,inctuding sUpulatlmns thst coverages wY►not bo canoelbosl or dlminbhod wrihout nt <br /> " � � least ten(10)deys'pdor wrinan nOUc�to Lender. Eaeh insurance poliay also shsil Indude an endoasement provldirtg thsit covere8o In tavor of <br /> Lendor will not be impaited tn AnY�vay by any act,omission or detault ot Trustor or any othsr person. Should Ih0 Rea1 Property at any Ume <br /> �d'" become loceted tn an erea dastgngted by the Olrector of t�e Fedarat Emergenoy Menagement Agenoy as s spedal tlood harard��ImItS cct <br /> `> , agrees io oDtaln and mafntain Fodaral F1ood tnsuranoa tor the lull unpaid prMw�et batanae of�ip�oan,up to the mwdmum potiay <br />".;s :.. #k under the NaHonai Flood InsurBrae ProBram,or as otherwfse requirod by LenCer,and to malntaln sueh lnsurance Por the term ot the Ioan• <br />-Ai" ` 2;�'� ApplteatEan ot Proeeeds• Trustor sha11 prompdy notHy Lender of any toss cr�rt�8�1��p►operty. l.ender may make proot of loss It Trustor — <br /> �, fails to do so within Iffteen(16)days of the casuaUy. Whether or no!Lenders securityls tmpalred,l.ender may,at hs eteatlnn,recetve and reffiIn <br /> the proceeds of any t�urance and eppty the proceeds to the reduotlon of the Indebkdness,payment ot any Uen attecNng the Propedy,ot the <br /> � �estorallon and repair ot thn Proparty. If Lender etacts to appry the pror:seds to restore8on and repair.Trustor sheli repair or replaoe the - <br /> ' damagad a destroyed Improvemerds in a manner setlsfactory to Lender. landet shaU,upon saUsfactory praof ot such e�endfture,pay or <br /> � rolmburse Tnutor trom the proceeds for the retisonabie cost ot re�alr or reslaaUoo H Trustor is no!tn defautt under this Qafld of Trust. My <br /> procesds which have not been disbursed within 180 days atter thetr ncelpt end whbh Lender�as not comMtted to the repafr or restoraUon ot – <br /> ihe Proparty shatl be usod flrst to pay any amount owing to Lender under this Deed d Trust,then to pay aoaued Interest,and the remalnder,M <br /> � any,shatl be epplied to the prindpal batanco ot tho�ndebtedness. If Lender hdds eny proceads aNer payment In tull ot the Indebtedness.sucb <br /> � proceeds shall be paid to Trustor as Trustor's may appear. <br /> Unexplred Insurance at Sata. Any unexplred insurance shalt inure to the benefit of,end pass to,lhe puroheser of tha Properly covered by thb <br /> Ouud ot 7rust at any trusteo's sala or other sate held under the provisions of 1Ns Oeed of Trust,ar at any foredosure se�s of such Ptoperiy. <br /> '�O . Complianee wfth Exiatlnp l�deDtodnes5. Quring ths pedod in which any E�Siing Indebtedness descdbsd betow Es In eftect,Compliance with <br /> - �����rnn�.w�rovlsions contalned in tho Instn�ment evidencing suCh ExisU� indebtedness sha►�consUtute compd�snce w(th the Insuranoe <br /> provislons under this Oeatl Ot Trust,to ihe extent compUAmre vrit�iha terms� ��o ,�t�D���f���on�oUt pra eed�s s1w�11 � <br /> "�. ,. .:� . reQulrement. If any procesds trom the insuranoe become paYab e on loss, <br /> appty onty to that po►UOn of the proceeds not payabte to the holder of the E�dsBn8lndebtedeess• <br /> °�.,�`� p�pq�p�TUR g g g y L E N p E q, t}T n i s t a r f a l i s t o c o m p►y w it h an y provislon of 1Ms Dead o!Trusf,Inciudinp eny obllgedOn tD mainteln ExisUng <br /> •" ��' ` indsbtedness in gaod standing as requtred below,or M any aeUon a proce¢ding�commence�thx�t would matedalty���Y a e r's i�n i��� <br />-`;�-%'�z y � propedy,i,sndor on Tnulods behalt maR but shall not be required to,take any eaHan ihat Lender desms approp <br /> - ,,.t.:,. <br /> � :;;:' '�3 �or�AU such exPe�,a Le de s op� will(a�be paYable on de�ma d (b1 ba edded to ihe bs ance�90�Note and E+a�,Bppordo�nod�iatmonD <br /> �•�"'"� and be paya�ite with anY i�tlment payrt+ards to become due dudng elther p)the�erm of any nppltcabta Insur�nca OoiiaY ar �the remsintng 1�rm <br /> �"'�'°' o f t h e N o t e,or (o)bo treateel as a battoon payment whlnh wUl be due and puyebte at the Noie's maturUy. Thls Deed cst n�st atso wiil se�u�e <br /> °�n�° payment ot these amouMs.7'he dgMs D��ded tor in this Paragrap h s h e l l b e i n e d r A N O n l o a r ry o t h o r A p h t a o r a n y re m adtes to wht�h lendet maY be <br /> ����Y;^�� e�itlsd on accouM of the deteull. Arry such acrion by Lender sheli not be construed es turing tho defauft so as to bar Lend�r Kom any remedy that <br /> �.;,��� it othenvise would havs had. <br /> Y =' yyppRANTY;pEFENSE OF TITLE.The toliowing provisions retatlng to ownv�sl�iD ot tne Property ere a pait ot this Oeed of Tnisf. <br /> :�r:,:�� Tltta. Tntsta warranb that (a)Ttustar hotds good and mafketabie tme bt reoard to the Properh�In fee simpte,iree and cleer dt eli Ilens and <br />.��:.�c�� encumbranzes otAer Man those set toAh In the Real Propeftyr desaiptton or N the F�dstinp Indebledness section befow cr in afry Hqe insurat�ce - <br /> pottay,dtle repoA,or flnaf tltle opinton Issued in tavor ot,and accepted by,Lender In connoction wlth Mts Deed of Tnat,an0 �b)Trustor hna the <br /> :;�s� tuli�ight,power.and authodty to execute end deUvar this Deed of Trust to LenQer. ' ��the <br /> petense of Tlde. SUbJect to tho excepUon in the psre9rePh 8bove.Trustet+yerranb and wiU tarever defend the tfiie W thQ PropeAy <br /> '<�;¢��`� mwfui clalms of eil perso�. In the event any aoUon ot proceeding is commenoed that questlons T�ustors UUe a the IAtg�r�t o! ru.%tpe o� <br /> °�`-��"�`� Lender under this Deed of 7�usf,Trwtor shail detend the acUon at Trustor's s�ense. Tnretor maY be the nomtnei party►in suah proceedln�,but <br /> ,:.�•..:.s <br /> ���� Lender shatl be enifdad to parUctpate In tfie Proceeding and to be repres�nted In the proc�eding by counsd of lendePs own cholce,aa <br /> s;� Trustor will deliver,a ceuse to be delivered,W lender suah fnsWments us tender may request ffom t[me to time to permit setch par�cipaSOt�. <br /> �� lIC8b181&w5� <br /> Comptinnce With Lau+a Tnutor war�anb that the Properly and Tnutora use at the PropeRy compties with �1 e�dsttnp epP <br /> � __� ordinances.and regulaUOns ot govemmental euthoritles. <br /> --,t.-z��.:,�;� DfiSTIN(i iNBEBTEDNESS. The fotiowing provisions conceming e�dsNng indebtodness (the"E�dstlnp Indebtadness'1 aro a Pa�t of this Gand,of <br /> -.. -��-?-_'� Trust. ' – <br />_`�.:,�.;� <br /> .�� :�sa� pdsttrtp Uen. The ltea ot tMis Deed of Trust seaudng the Indebtedness may be secondary and infedor to an e�dstlng Utm• Trustor r� <br /> •.;� covenanb and agrees to pay,or see to the payment of,the F�6sting Indebtedness and to prevent arry deteWt on such inBoDi�dness,any detauit <br /> -_•�_ ;^ . <br /> - :;�r under the instrumems evldeneing such UEebtedness,or arry detauit undsr airy soauitY doauma�s to�eueh Indebtednes9. <br /> ��``:i��c'°,. Oefau7a• If ihe PaYmeM ot any Ir�staliment of pdrtcipal or any itttetest on theExisUn9�ndebtedness ts not made wftMn th6�me reQulred by fhe <br /> '; �•;� ,.. note�videndng su�odthbm'efn,then at he'pUon otu�lender,theindabte�esseaecured by tht4 Qee ot�Tnrt�1 shall become mrmodlatoN due <br /> gpPliCBble qtliCe lD0 - <br /> �i.. '".' and payabte,and Mis Oesd ot Tn�st shel�be in default - <br /> ' No ModlftcsUon. Tncstor�shall not eMar into eny egres�ment with the hold5r at any rooarlDa��de2d ot trust,or othe�securlly aareertu►nt whtab _ <br /> re <br /> ' • lenda�Tr�tor st��tl n�eith�req�uesf c+o ar��pt a�tut�mB advances u�d�r sny sul�tr Bso'cu►AY atireertwnt wHhout the p dr wriSen consan o ` � <br /> . ' ��'� <br /> . . ,:'. �,,.;7 lendtlr. <br /> �CONAEMAiAtGGN. The loitovArtg provislona retapng to eondemnallon proceedin�s are a�ari o9 9Pils Oead ot�'rusi. <br /> �--�+ �� AmoUextlon of Net�moneda. If ati or any yart.ot 9na Properiy is co=EBfItRBO b�1h8�hn�n�uf n p�d��ttn^.�aeva�r be ea�G 10 the <br /> =a''F- _� puichase in Itou ot cor��amnatlon��enoer map si�m�ocuos��oy�a u�.a•,• d•i�••�••�.. •.._._._ � � .. <br /> Indabtedness or the rspafr or restaration at th0 Proparly. TRe net proc�eds of the award shali mean the award efter�ayment of dl r�asonabte <br /> • ••� • • costs.experses,and attomeys'tees inaurred by Trustee or Lender fn eonnection rrfth the condemna8on. <br /> ne <br /> proCeedings. If any proceeding in condemnetlon Is 81ed,Tntstor shall prompUy noUty lendsr tn wrl8ng,an$��or�d�9 b1P��er shsU <br /> stsps aq may be ne�ssery to detend the acUon and obtaln the award. Tnistor may be the nomir►ai Pe�IY t <br /> �� be enUUed b partidPate In the pmoaeding and to ba represented tn the p�aseeding by counsst of Its own eholce,and Tn�stor wiA detiver or <br /> cause to be dellvered to Lender such Instruments es rt+ey be requasted by�h'orn tlrtee to drRe 10 permit suoh parttdp9tlon. <br /> IMPOSITION Of TAXES�f'EES M1D CHAE�dE3 BY tiOVERNMENTAL AlATHORITIES- The foaawing provislons reia8ng to govemmentsl tex�s, <br /> ;; t�oa nnd ohw�n on 4 P��tht�Q�d of Trutitc <br /> �f. 4 <br /> CuRent Tpxes�Fe6s end Chupea. Upnn reqaest by Lender.7rustor s�aE executa suck documonb in additlon W this Daed a!Trust and take <br /> .��:�� whatevar athor aotlon ia requosted by Lender to partect and conUnu9 lenders Ilen on the Real Propedy T�uator ahafl retmbwse lsrtder tcr ai► <br /> ' ' descAbed below,togetAer wtth ail expensss Incurted in recor�ng.perh�cUnB ar continuinp this Qoed ot Trust,irtcludtnq x�thout <br /> ,� nnatedon aA taxos,tees,dxumentery stamps,and other charges tor recor�ng or reglsterirtg thb Dasd ot Trus1. <br /> ;� Taxes. The follo�ving shalt cons8tute tezes to wh�t►this sec@on applies:(a)s sP����P°n thts type ot Deed of Trust or upon ail or arry <br /> . ' . • <br />