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� � ,.,� , . _.. .. " . , <br /> ,... , .....>.:,,..:. .-�v .. <br /> . <br /> , _...: �... ... . ... .......------------�— <br /> . .. <br /> . ....�.�...,., _ .... ,,�... .. __----......---�-._......_..._..-- <br /> . <br /> � . e � , .�pa�2T-1999 �E�� ��T�1��'Y � h P�08 6 <br /> _ Loen Mo 914960 (C�r�tln�md) 99 ���a���, <br /> c— ar Invntldato nnY aat Eono In�cspon:o to auch dotau�l ar gumunnt to euaA notico of dalpult;ao�d,nolwilhstandinp tho tonUntearxo In -' <br /> posaa�lon ot tho PropaAq ot thn c000atlon, �oet;�pt and aypticutlon W ronts, Is�uos or profits. TNStoe or Londor ohatl bo ontlUCd to �. <br /> e <br /> oxorclso overy d9kt grovlded for in theNnle or tho Reiated Oooumonts or by lav�upon tha ocourteseoD of any ovoM et detault,InNuding the �:, <br /> flphl l0 01c0t@FO th0 p0vl0t Of C1110; y �', <br /> � (b) Commonct�an aoUOn to foreclo°a Ihis Otted ot T�ust cts a martQego,oppoinl a rCCelvor or epedltcatty entorce an oi tho eovanants ,_ <br /> c <br /> .. hcroof:nnd <br /> � (o) Oeiiver to Trustee o wdlten dect�rallon ot dQtault 8nd demond tor s8tfl und u wd!ton norico ot oafnuli and oteatton lo cuuse T�uslor's �,:, <br /> • ° Into�est in thfl Proparty to bo sotd,whkh noltco Trustee ahnll causo to be duty fited tor racord In the approprieta o�tcos ot the Couny In ___ <br /> � whtch thu PropQAy Is Iocatod:and <br />- '�:�� „ (d) With rospect to nll or any perl of Iho Porsonal Propotty,Londor 8fwt1 have aU ths dgAta nnd remodfas ot a saaured party under the �,.+W <br />_ ; �, tVebraska Unliorm Commorcfat Codo• :;;_ <br /> Foreetosure by Po'Ner of 8ele. It Lendvr�ee�ts to toreWoso by exercise ot the Power ot Ssio horeln conWnod,Lender shell notlty Tnistee and �,.: <br /> shaU deposit with Trust6e thlg Qeed of Trus1 anG tRo Note und�uoh roc�stpts nnd ovidenco of expen0ltures made and eecurod by this Oead o1 �� <br /> .. � •� Ttust as Trustee may reQuire. °' <br /> (a) Upon recelpt of auch noUce korn lender,T�ust3e s1►aU cause to be record�d,publishod and deNvared to Trustor such NoEce of petault <br /> ' hen be rsquired by law and atter rearbydatlon of SuYc Nohce of Oe}auit a d after NoflCe ot Sate haMnp been given�as tRqui�red b�aw,Eell <br /> . �. <br /> ' the PropeAy at the time and place d sate flxed by it In such Notke of Saie,eHher as a whoie,or fn 68par8te bts ot paroels or Items es __ <br /> Trustee sha0 deem exped!ent,and In such arder as it may determine,at publie auctlon to the htphest bldder tor cnsh tn Iawhd money at <br /> ; � � the United States payable at the tlrne ot sata. Trustee shall dellKer to suoh purchaser or pumhessrs tharaot�b 9ood and sutRdeni deed u <br /> deeds conveying!he property so sol�but without any aovenant or warta►riy express or implied. the re�lteis in sttch deed of any mstters <br /> . } or t&cts shall be conctusive proof of Ihe IrulP►tulness lhereot. MY prrsaa,IncNdinq wNhoat umNauon Trustor,Trustse,ar Lenda,�nay . <br /> �� purchase al such saie. <br /> � - ! (b) As may be permitted by taw,after dedualfng a!1 cosis.tees and e�enses ot Trustee and of thb Ttust,irtciuding costs o!evtdor�cs ot <br /> dUa In connecUOn wUh sate,Yn�steo shap appty the procecids o!sale to paymont of (f)eil sums expendod und�r tho V�mis ot tNs Deed of � <br /> . � �. secure hereby.�and�thehrematndart it enYr tp the�peison or P anslmi��enUBed there o�and late cha�pes, Oq nll other sums th9n -. <br /> . t <br /> �� (o)Tnutee may in the manrter provided by law postpone sete ot eU or any portlon ot!he Propetty. - <br /> Remedles Not EYWusive. Trustee and Lender,and eaeh of thom,shsli be enUGed to entors�payment end pettorrr�cxj aJ'any Indabtadness <br /> or oblipadons seeured by ihts Oeed ot Tnisll aM to exereise ett righb and pawers undor Mis Deed of Tnrst,under fl1�[Y�a,undsr any of the <br /> Retated Uoaumenls.or under any other egreement ar any laws now or hereafter in tott;e;notwithsta.ndnD.some or a`.t at such indebtedness <br /> �,�, and obligatlons secured by th�s Deed ot Tiust may now or hereafter ba otherwise seoured,whether by mat9age.daed of trust,ptedye�Uen, <br /> ; . asstc�nment or otherwise. Neither tAe acceptarroe of thls Deed of Tn�st nor its entoroement,whether by court actlon ar pursuaM to the power ot <br /> sele or other powers contalned tn this Dead al Trust,shall preJudice or in any mannaz af(ec!Trustee's or lende�s�M to reslir9 upon a <br /> ;:. _' a�riares an;a!!�x�slty rQrr•K Ra�amr had by�4ustee or Lender.It betng agreed that Tnistee end Lender.and each ot them.shall be _ <br /> entitled to entoroa this Oeed of Trust and any olher security now or hsreafter held by Len�er or rnistee in such ord�and nw�i�xir s�tts�r� <br /> " ellher ot them may tn thelr abSOtule disaetion determine. No remedy conferred upan or resenrod to Ttutstee or Lender.ts intended to be <br /> i��;., exctusive of any olher remedy�n thls DeaO of Trust or by law provfded Cr permilted,but eECh shall Ee eumulsUve and sAall ba in add�on to <br /> ` every other remedy givon In this Deed ot Trust a now or hereafter e�t:c�Ct a�t Iaw or tn equity or by statute. Every power or remedY Si�.'��Y� <br /> � '��{` Note or any of the Re4ated Oxuments to trustee or Lender or to vT�i�n eithor of them may be othervdse enUtled, may ae�wa�d, <br /> � ��'� concutrentiy or independenHy,from dme to tlme and es oiten as m�y ba�aemed expodient by Ttustes or Lende,and either ot r�veiay <br />;i;:. , pursua inconsistent remedies. No1Nne N this Daed o7 Tnnt shali do earutrued as prohiblUng Lender trom sec�kirt�a deflciency 1vQ0�� <br />= '�. ' ' egainst the Tntstor to the extent such actlon is permit4�d M/1flw. <br />. ��� .Y�V�'�' / <br /> " Request For Notice. Trustor,on behalf�Tniator artci londer,hereby naquests that a coay of any Nouce of Dafauit and n copy of any Notioe <br />��' ��'' ' '�,.•� of Sa►e under thfs Oeed ot Trust ba maf ted b them at tho nddresses sot farlh in the flrst poregraph of tl�Is Deed ot Tnut. <br /> 'y��'�`� �``'� YYesver Electlon of Remedles. A waNar by any Parly of a breach ot a provlslon af thls Deed oY Tnxt sheli not consStute a waiver of or <br /> "... ... t "���� preJudtce lhe parh/s dghts oiherwise to damsnd sMct compllanee with that provision ar a�r oiher provblon. Electlon by Lender W pu�sue arry <br />-'" remedy provided In this Oaed of 7n�t.the Nole,in amr Retated Document,or providad by Ww she0 not eoa.9uda pursutt ot anY other romadll. <br />-°'N •�f;�:�� and an etecUon to meks expenditures a10 feke acUon ta peAorm an obligaHon ot Tiustor under thts Oeed ot Trust after teilure of Trt�r io <br /> _;�_��k.. <br />�>���_;:_,_ ` Per(om�shail not aitect lendar's�iQM to declare a detault and to exerdse ar�y ot its reme es. <br /> -:;;;:�,;,�;;;�3 AttomOys'Raes;E7cpensea. �f Lender�slitutes e�Y$Wt w actlon to entorce any of the terms of lhis Oeed ot Tnist,lsndet shall be entiUed fo <br /> -"`"' �•ir, recover such sum as the court may a�dQ,�reasonabla as attorneys'tees at trial and on any appsat. Whether or not any cou�t act)f�n ts <br /> "°"�r� " Invoived,ati reasonable a�eru�Ineurred i�y Lender wh1M In Lender's opinlon are necessa�+et am►tlmo 4or the proteoltoa of tb I�rost�or IM <br /> enforcement of ib�i8his sh&I►becoma a part of the Indebtedness payabls on demsnd and ahali bear Interest at tAe Nota rate trom the d91�ot <br />-Y�� eupenditure uMfl repatd. �enses covemd by this por�greph indud3,wtthout AmitaUon,however subJeet to any Iimtb under appltaable law, _ <br />���"'�� � lenders attomeys'tess whather or not mer�e Is a IaajsuR,+ndudin�attomeys'fees Por bankruP�Y Proceedings(inctudlr��siforts to modify a _ <br /> s�:� >>� als and any anUdpated post-ludpment call�ctlon sc�vtces,the oost ot SearcNng records. <br /> -.w�,��r,.�.:. s vncate any eutomaUo stay w Injunctlw)� ePPe <br /> `,��r.'_�,�5, abtalNng flUe repa�fs pnctuding toreclasue reports).staveYors'reports.apPrflisat fess,UUe insurance,8nd tees for the trustee,to the extem <br />_Y;,i;�„��L.�(�r� permitted by applicable law•Trustor aGso wtll pay any eourt cos�In addttlon to aJl other sums provided by taw. <br />=.,,-�.'yiY:.=.. Riphta ot TruaEee. Trustee ahall have dl 04 ihe dgMS and du8es ot lender as set fodh tn this secdon. <br />� PCWEFdS AND OBl.10A7lONS OF TRUS'TEl. Yhe foAowUB provfslons reladng to the powera 8nd obllgeUons of Trustes are PErt of this Qead of <br /> '�E. <br />-%;�y�..�-��M ,: Tnis� • � <br /> 1�rwA�K-�rr y <br />� ��•• Pawers of Trustee. In additlon to aq yowe�s of Trustee arising as a maaer of law,Tn�stee shail have the power to sail��the toUowfnp ectforo <br /> �-��.,�`�i��� with rospect to the Property upon the w�len�equest ot I.ender and Ttustor. (e)Join in preparing and f�n9 e map Or plat Of the Roat PtopeAyr, <br />- ----- inctudirtg the dedication of sheets a oth�r righls to the pu4Nc: (b)join in grundng any easement or c�aNng any r�sUtcHon on the Real Prap�rty; <br />: ;'`��� and tc)jdn in any subordtna8on a ott��agreement eHecHng this Deed ot 7n�st or the interest ot Lender untler thb Dosd of Trust <br /> wirth irASyeef to eU ar qcrympArt of he��ie TtuBIeE shall heve he Bh t0 t'oie�o58'by n0ItlC8 8nd Selfi�end LondO�hFtil hHVe�9ht to <br />- � torecio'se by Judlclal eittr�er casa In accordance w�tA and to the full extent DroNded by apqicabte Iaw. _ <br />- �:.. <br />- '.�a�:: SuCCessor Tntstee. 4ender,a1 i.enoi�rs aplion,may hom Uma to 8ran appolnt a Saasssa Tnistee 10 any 7nutee a�potnted hereunder by en <br /> .�,;.. <br /> � •�y�_ instrument executed and acknowiedg�d by Lendor and recorded In tAa offtca of the recotder of FU+'Li.CourMh Nebr�stre. The�nstn►ment sheD <br />� � �-• contain,in additlon to aU otrter madars requlred by sfaA�Iaw.the names of the ortpUm►�ender,Tcnaloe,and Tn�stcr.ihe Eock attd pAQe(ar <br /> � computer system reierenco)where fri�s Oesd of Tnist is recorded,and th9 name and aHdress of tho su�e55or trust��end the�^strument shali , <br />' " i be executed and edcnowtedgsd by at!Oie beneRciartes under the Oeed of Tn�st or ihetr suoc�sas in IntQr�st. Tho sucoessor trustee,wlthout <br /> • convepance ot the PcopeAy,shaU succe�d to all the Utle,power,end dWes conterted upon tho Trustoe in this�se6 of TYwt and by appllcabie <br /> , .���..x �aw. This proCedure for subsdtuUon of trustee ahail govem to Ms ezdaslon of ell other provlstor�s tar subslMtttlon. <br /> _�._.�.....� � <br /> -�_�%'A;�s, NOTICES'f0 1RUSTOR AND OTWER PARTIEB. My nodce undar 4h�Dr�O of Tn�st snen oe in wmn�. ma�uc o�«�i ��•--�-�^^ <br /> ' °'�`"" Olherwise reQllired by 13�'t).flnd Shall be affedive When aCtually delhrered.or when depostted with 8 rt3U0natty�eco9niaed OVemight eour��i� <br /> ma►Ied,shaH be deemad etfective v�hen deposited In the United States meil flrct ciass,coAiflad or reglstere0 mFill,pestage Prepatd,direeted�h� <br /> addresses shown neat tAO beginning ot this Deed of TrusG Any party may change Its address for notic�urtdor lhis Osad ot Trust by g Q <br /> wdtten noUce to tha other parttes,spedying Yiat Ihe purpose of the nottce Is to change the parry/s address.Ail coptes oi eotices of foredosure Bom <br /> � the holder of any Ilen whlch has priortly over Bds Desd of Trust shatt be sent to Lendar's address,as shown near the beginning ot this DESed of Tnist. <br /> Fw noSce purposes,Tnistor egrees to kesp lert�9r and T�ustee tMor�rted at aIi 8mes of Trustor's current�QGross. <br /> MISCE11AkE0US PROVI�ION$. The folio�ing m�sce�ianaous provis►ons are a pAd ot this Ost►d of Trusr <br /> Amendmcents.This Oeed ot Trust,toge�er with any Retated Docume�s,constltutes the enUre undmdanding and agroement at tRe parttes es <br /> • to tt►e mettoB sat torth In this Deed ot TnisL No a�teratlon of ar amertdment to thts Deed af Tnut s�all be ettecdve untess Qhren In wAUn�and <br /> � signed by the party or parties soaAht to b�cherged or bound by the etteradon or amendmeM. <br /> � Applicable Law. Thla Deed of Tn�he�baen deQverad to Lortder and scceptc0 by 6crtder tn 4he State of Nebr�1lca. Th1s Qaod o4 T�uei <br /> .�,., r. � , <br /> . � ,��, � - <br /> v.,�.d�`S,� . <br /> . _—. _,__ .. ....-�'__.- _ _. . _ <br /> ___ <br /> ' � � -�r— --�-r __-__- - _. ..._._..._. __.. _ _. <br />