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' ,. <br /> � u : ' " . � ' <br /> .� .u�,�evr...._, � . . __..._.—�,..�.��__..._..__. .� � <br /> „ . _ , . _, - <br /> ,; . . <br /> . .. <br /> : .._, �4 . :..__..__......._...._..J_._�._._.__..___ <br /> • —'#��ra��a --•'—._.__.....-------- � <br /> y <br /> � . . <br /> 1, DEED OF TRUSY ��' '►da"�1�i� �°�e 2 <br /> q3-22-1999 ,�""::: <br /> ' �wnn [Jn A1d1�0 (Ci0IltlilU@t1) �_�.�.... <br /> �----- �-------_"_-_-----= now or hetenHer � �- <br /> Petso»al PraptAy 7ho vierds"Personal Propertyl'mean ell equlpmont,ilxtures,end olher odicles of psrsonal properly �,�,• . <br /> owned by Trusbr.end now or harenfter attaahed or BHlxod to tho Roal Propc�rty;tagether with n11 necosslons,parts,and udditions to, 01 <br /> 4�c•�:.. <br /> ° replecomenls d,and al�substitutlons fa,any of such proporly:and tagother v�lth atl proc�d9 pnetuding without Ilmltation all insurance K�'=�� <br /> � praosds and�du nds of promlums)Mom any saio or other dlspositlon of the Prcporty r �M1T <br /> —.- --r and ihe Pereonel Property. �`�-'-� <br /> Prope�4fl•TFso*ord'PropeAy'means cottaolivaty the Rea!Propedy -_ <br /> Reei Prope�l,TG�e word:,"Roul ProPorty'mean the property,interost�and dghls desedbed above In tho"Convoyence and QranP sactton. <br /> . r �'���`'_ <br /> Reteted Do=tmieante• The words'1�etats d Documen l s' m e a n a n d I n c i u d e with out IimHaUon aU promissory notes;uedlt sgreemenis,loan � , <br /> � agroaments, emdronmeMai ngro9ments,guaranUas,securAy agreements,moKgnges,deeds ot trust,and all other inshumonts,a8reemen t s a n d �: - <br /> r daeumenb,wh��►�er now ar hereafter exlsting,executed!n conneoUon with tho indebtodness. f <br /> -�-� P,� <br /> ��•` Rente. Tha �rad�ents"means e►I presenf and future rents,revenues,inaorre.�ssues,royalNes�P�ofl1s�end other beneflts dedved trom ths <br /> .,..-:awub' . PropertY• <br /> ►, <br /> Yrustee.Me�ordTru.,�'tea"m3a�UNITED NEBRASKA BANK and any SubsHtute or suxessor hustees• - <br /> • 3 Trustar.Th�rordTrustor'maans sny and atl perso�aod entldes exeauUng tAts Dssd of Trust,InCiudinfl Yritho������i�on ell 7rustots nartted _ <br /> . �k BbOVe. <br /> THiS OEED OF 1Al3ST, INCLUDIHG TFiE ASSiQNM�IT OF Rh�IT3 AIJD TFt�C 8£CUAITY IN'fERE9T lN '�HE RENTS AND PER80NAL <br /> ' a� ppppgpTy��g�31YE��!TO SECUAE (1I PAVMENT OF?HE tN�EBTEGNESB ANfl 12I PEA�ORMAAICE OF ANY AND ALL OBLIGATtONS OF <br /> �� ,. TRUSTOR IJNDEflTKE NO1'E�TME RELATED OOCUMEHTS�,AND THIS DEPcD OF TRUST. THIS OEED O1F TRUST IS Ci1VEN AND ACCEPTE� <br /> ONTNEFOLLOWIMG.TERMS: <br /> � .� oATrus�as ttwYb rne d�ue,end�shall�sVfotly end�^ellmrelydmannehpe�for�m eli of Ttrusto s ob118atlor stu der�the Note,thfs Q eduot Tn sthand 1he <br /> Reiatod D2�W�an� <br /> ' . � POSSESSE�Y Oi:Y�MAL''tiENANCE OF THE PROPBRTY. Trustor agrees lhat Trustor's posse•'.+s�on and uss of the Properiy shalt be povornad Y __ <br /> ° lhBfOlIOWIRgp�OV�°� '- <br /> � pagg��p�d,�n �h. Untli the ocourrence ot an Event of Default,Trustor may (a)remaln In possess�on and control ot the Property. ( ) use� ..;'_ <br /> ; ,..;,� opecaLa or ciuntaQa iha Propertfr.and (o)eoilect any Rents from the Properly rm��p��.�p�ments.and malntensnoB �::.' <br /> i f�,,,fi�� p�y��t�,�hp�s+,T�usior ahail malntaln the PropeAy in tenantable condiUon flnd promp6y perfo <br /> i`•- <br /> .�, necessery�aP'��a its vatus. <br /> .. , :,j�3��i>;a��: <br /> � pa�edP af ra�st s��ve theesama m�nings as set orth ih n�the Comp e nsivewEnv ro�nmental Response�Compensa on,and Liabllily�Ad of <br />'�° 1980. as a�nsnded,�32 U.S.C.SecUon seq.fY�RCLA'�the Superfund AmendmeMs and Reautho�tlon Aot of 1968.Pul�.L.No. <br /> ` yg.4og��,the Hatardous Materials Transportatlon Act,49 U.S.C.SacBon 1801,et sec.,the Resource Cor�ervatlon and Recavery Act. <br />":�� °�!y' ' d2 tD.3, .SeCdon 68D�'¢nd Qhsxardous substa bnce shali atso nc de,wHhout Itmlta��on�pehoieum and petroleu bBY�roduCts o�eny(raC6on <br /> '' - "= ° i'w��.:a':'.R.."'3'bL�9 w� . <br />_�r;:�,�-:.�.- . <br /> t�re�l8rtd esyeyios. Trustor represents end werrams to Lender iisst ia3 a��8�P��Qt T�!"-�nrs ownership ot the Properly.there <br />=r ,.,. � been no use,gB�eration,ma°ufacture,storage,ireatment,dispos2J.r.�t�ase or threatened�eisese of any hamrdous waste or substanoe by eny <br /> ' : personon.urler,at�oul or trom the ProPe�tY: @)T��rto lceneraUon,manufaclure storageetreat ent,E posal�releasetor thrreatened <br /> 3�.:cxn'.+^vti": <br />�F.,.,��_, disc�psed to md acknowla�i8ed by Lender in writlng, (� Y�fi dor owrtas or oocupaMS of the Properly ot(ii)eny <br />;-;�;�,;:,,..c.,,••..•:• release oi an►t�arar�ious weste or substance on,under.about or trum the Property bY airy P t�p��ousty disclosed to end _- <br />'..��:5;, r ad�eat a tt�asten¢d IltigaUOn or ciAim�ot any Wnd by any psrso:�rEtaUng to suoh matte�s:eed (o)ExaeP <br /> ;����,.• f:,�':; ackaemwied9�uf�ture,�store treat dmpose of.o re�ease any�heymrdaus waste�a si�b�anoo ont und9�abo�ut o hom e Prop�erly gnd�(!hB"Y <br />-.�;;__.��4t�'�,:. gen�rrate,an�n <br /> ,�, s�„g�yry�ts�il be conducDed In compiisnoe wfth ali applicable federN,s�ate,and lacat laws,re9�+��0�end ordinanoes.indudir►p wiihout <br />_T,,,y,.�.:,••�, y��t�4� taws�repulatlons,and oroinances described above. TNStor authorizes Lender and Iffi age�s to eMer upon ths PtOpedYto <br /> make suah hspecUons end T►ustor's e� Lender maY deem aPP�te to determine compilance af the Properly vATh thts <br />-���..�F� seation oE the C]ead o}Trust. MY�nsAecUor�s o���de by I.ender shall ba tot Landet's purposes anb end shait not be construed to cr�ttte <br />;:��ti;;�•_;�:,,; eny resDo�itliy or Ilebllity on the part of Lender to Tnistor or to any othar person. The reprosernaUon.s and waRaMtes co�^��n� <br />_��"•"' based cn Tnstara due diligence in InvesUgaUng the ProPeAY tor hamrdous waste and haserdous substanoes. Ttustor hereby (e)releases flnd <br /> :_-.=��:,t '- <br />� we►ves anyM�+re��alms g9ai^st�ender for indemnity ar contribution in th�bvent Trustor becomes I►ablo t�c�i�n�op��a��u�tl <br /> 's'"°"'-:��u� �e� ���n 9r mgY diteC9y�o�IndirBCtty sustafn�or suHerrr�ulflng hom eabreach ot�lh�ssectlon ot the Oee4 of Trust or es a <br /> +��r� w����p}e�y uya,generaUon,manufadure.storege,dlsposa��release or threalened retease o4 a harerdous waste or substance on the <br /> — propeNes. The provlsio�s of this section of the Deed of Tnut,laduding the obtlBatlon to Indemniy, shall suMve tho payment d fhe <br /> i -=� Indablodnen 8n0 the saUSfaCtlo�a�d reconveyance of the Nen of this Deed of 7rust 6nd shaU not be aNeoted by Lenders acquisiUOn d flny <br /> --�t+: Inleiqsl Its U�e ProPertY�Wh�het by foreClosure or othenuf5e. In o}or waste on or bthe <br />�.,,�:a 9.,:, . <br /> _���;� Nuisanc�,WRSte. Trus tor s h a t l n o t c a Wi2haut ImiUn pthe generality of the fore8oin8��Trustor�witl aoteremo e�,opgrea n t t o a n Y o t h e r P e A Y t h e <br /> __.�;,,:��� properly creny porUOn ot the Properry. 8 Y���k pr��lucts wfthout the pdor wrNfen consont of Lender. <br /> _- rlgh4 k ramare�anY timbar,minerats(indudfng ofl and gas)�soil,9ra w�mo�t�p������nt <br /> �:��a: RenROVat af Irnproveme�. Trustor shatl not demoiish or remave anY�mArovemenls from the Real ProPeAY <br />� .,,�,, ��mndes,As a condi8on to tha removat of at►y Improvements,Lender maY requirs Ttustor to meke erra�9em8^b sat��ae�°ry to�n�to <br /> �p��su�h��nprpvements with Improvemenb of at least equal va�u�• <br />+��` 1,endEr�s itlp�t to E+ster. Lender and its a8erds end representativ�s mey enter upon the Rea!ProPerty ut eli reasonabte 6m�to a4tend�o <br /> —�--y`5 l.endets i�b end io tnspect the Property tor purptlses ot Trustors Compliance v�th the ttjrms and condlHo�of lhis Deed ot Teer�1. <br /> �`r and rep 1�fior�.•aow or h9naaltar i� <br /> _�-�`�a~,y;�.• Comptlai►ce�ilh QavernmeMa!Requlremerde- Trustor she11 promptry compy wlih all tawsTN tor may�}+��Q��'�th eny sucn taw, . <br /> 1�--ti---�rr::.., eFfect,of el govamment�l authoritles appttca6te to the use ar accupanoy of the Properly _ <br /> "' �"�t' ordInanae,o� reAuladan end withhotd compUance dudng any proceedfng,inctuding epprop�iate tippeels�so iong as Trustor has noUNed lender <br /> �:�'�', !s•;":''' In wrWng pbr to doing so and so long es.fn Lenders sale oD►nion,Lenders interesis�n the ProDaftY 8re not Jaopardised. Lender may re0uire <br />-'n� �` Truslor to post adequate secudty or a surety bond,reasonebry satLsieclay to Lender,to PT�tor shall do al8othsr acts,in additlon to those acts <br />�y:;_. ,;';� �t. Du�y�p prpt�Ct, 'Trugtpr agrees esither to abandon nor lesve unatl8nded the Propedfl. to rotect and preserve the ProDeAY• _ <br /> � � s�t fodh eEOVe In ihis ssctlon,whfch hom the aharaeter and use ot the Properiy are�easonabry nec�ssary P <br /> ---,�,.,:,. : <br /> CUE OH 8A1-E-CON9EP�'f BY 6ENDE�. �-en�� ita oPnon���immedl�4aly due and P8Yebie atl sums 5�icurod bY thb QeeO cf Trust '` � <br />��`��' . � uPon.ttee salsa a transtet.wlthout the Lenders pdor w�INen consent.ot eit ar any Dari of th9 Real ProA�Y.or eny trrtert�5t I�)the��A j <br />_, __.. ._ . ..�� ,�e w fldns?ef'meanS the comreyance of Real Prope�tY ot sm+d9ht,4fle or interest therdn;whether lepai�beneScta�or aquttabtac <br /> - . � f� or Involunlery;+���pUO�co8r�itra�c��byd�oele.essignment,or�tra�of eny�e efldel nl ��deedQr to ar►�1 epd trust holding liUe�to 4hQ Reel <br /> �- three(3)lrean, <br />� �.���?�% Properh►.or bltr�9 a2P�Er method of conv�nco amaa than htr�entfl-fl�De�M(�ot the v�odng stO�cpP�rship interesis'or li�m�ited Iab�i�11� <br /> -..s ---�e�vnWlfited bv 19dElJ81 <br /> . -'.-.:�`s?-"'.•".- �:.�� t�8115fBT 8150 IttaIt�CSetiy oio:.yo•••�-••-_.-r - - - _.. <br /> • Compaa�y Inter� th0 case�y be,of Trustot. However,thls optlon snan not oe ea�er�ised'oy�o���•���^_-=--.._..._ _ _ <br /> tavr ot Osy Nebnska�aw. _ <br /> (.� TAXES AHtD LId�3.The tol�owlrtg provlslons relatlng to lhe texes and GBns on the Properry are a part o}thls Deed ot TrusL _ <br /> , , �.� P�y�v�r flngsra d'impOSltlons evfed gd�t�or on Btp'cou t�of theProper6y��a dgshal�l paY w�h�n�due e a�c���f�work�dono f�r� _ <br /> 8^d� � Trustor shaU malntain 4Pu�Pra�erty irc3e of atl Uerts P�ena9 OdodtY ovet er equsllo the <br /> re <br /> �e�ylces nndered or materlal fumfshed to the Propertf►• _ <br />' to below,�nd BxcePt as o hanvlso provldsd In h1AStQeed otTtU9G�and essessments nat dv�.oxcePt tor S1to o�dstlrtg irtdebtedness reter►8 _ <br /> ' RIpAt ToContest. Trustor may wlthhold paymont of eny tax,essessmea4 or dalm�^conneaHon with a good talth dlsptrte uv�r the abdpaSton <br /> to paY. so I�nB as�endere Interest In the Propedf►is rtot leoPar4lsed. tt a Uan Brlses or 1s fitod es a resutt ot nonpayment.Tn�stor s1�sE witNn <br />-- � , fiiiean(tq da�s after the Uan arf��t w(th Lenderdcash or a�wNider t corpo�rabr suretyTbond or other secu��sattstactary to ndar n an <br /> . IEen,or U�equested by Lsnder. <br />__ ' �• � amount udf�dent to dlscharge the Iten plus any costs and attomeys'tee9 or other cAarges fhat could axnte as a resuli of a torectosure o� <br /> - , ' j . <br /> . <br /> _ �-�=_ --- <br /> . �;-a.� - <br /> _ _ _.._.�� __ ---3-�-- — <br />