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<br /> � � .. • Pag�6 —_:
<br /> _ - --. - ��-:� ���� e���u�� �av ���i°�'7
<br /> I�en No 7&33�� (C�n4tnued) �" �==
<br /> esant arts,coptas ar reprodaation�ot �,_,;_
<br /> propeAy�eaords,Landor may,at am►tim3 and�vtthoat PuAher eu��c�tUon trom Tiustar,filo e�tecut[3d e�P �, _.
<br /> lhls CFad ot T�ust as n tinnrtdng atatnmont T��tor ShaU ro:mbu.�e Wnder tor ett e�onses ineur�red��n�po�on artt o�T�ustortu d�Lo d�
<br /> tnteresG t1Pcn detaWt.Yrusta sflal►asser►�Da tteo PcrsonJ ProQerty Irt a maoaer and ut e plaeo�aasc 4 �'.•
<br /> end mnko lt avannble to Lender writh�n three(3}d�.-y3 aRe►rac�P}of��d�rt�snd trom 1.6nder• —
<br /> " f�4d�esaea. The mal{ing addrs.,sc:.ot Trw'tcr(d^bt�r)flnd Lender(seaurod pnrty)�ttOfii WhICh (f110��pOr1 CGRCOtt11t18 tltfl BEiCUrISI IfIlCtE31
<br /> ` i granted by this Dead o!Tnist maY ba obtalnod(eacA es requlred by tho Unitorm Commarctat Cada).em es stated on!t�fir»t pag�at thl�D�^d ��`
<br /> of Trust. --
<br /> . � . FI�TIIER A881iliANCESi A770AHEY-�tl1�ACT. Tlre foltowln0 Prov�!oris�etaUnp to furlhflr a�wwrc�reoos and nttorrtey-tn-daat are a part at 1h►s __
<br /> �;�;�; Oeed ot Ttust.
<br /> _...-,. �r, Fur74�er AaauretcCS. At anY Hme.an d i ro m tl rt e e t o t t m s.u 9 e n r e W e s t o f t s n d e r.Tmstor wfU mako�e�wade and delhrer.re e o r d s d�r eft e d��a►
<br /> made,exeouted or detivored,to landsr a to tsnde�s d�sl0�.and when requasted by lender,ca�A to Do�'�a d, (Jgy03
<br /> �. ' tQt6COtd8d�Ettt tfle CflSe m8y l3a.&t£.l1Ch Um�d ftR80d1S�IItitlt11BJ1ffi�C0�UfltIO Stdt8m9t�b0 tt146Yfpil8�l1t3 Ot tlifth��8S5ittaflOD.�C9�tiftM,it93.
<br /> s deeds ot hust.aec�rly 6eads,secudty egree � eonUnue�a .,
<br /> �� and othor dooumerts as may.ln the sote optntcn of����e d���Q��ft��)�������cuAty lntere�ts
<br /> preserve (a)the obUgatlons of Tnatar under tAO Note.
<br /> ` ,. �a sgyr�d to the conUery bY Le darpn wriUng,Trte3tor�rei�burse Lsnder� cosb Ra d exR�s n�rted!n conneallon arijtth the
<br /> .. mattere relerted to in this paragraAn.
<br /> �, �p�y..ln..Epcf. if Tnutor falls to do am of the thinps �e�emed.to In the preced�n0 P�S�Ph.�en�er maY do so tor and In tho nart�e o!
<br /> ' ��. 7rW-ta flnd at Tnutor's wcperise. Fot such purposes.Tn►sta hereby irte�ocabty eAPotMs Lender es�Trusfo�s�a'ttam�►�s sote opf�uo oso
<br /> of makin@,exeaWr+p.delWering,filUg.recordinp�and doing eli other things as muy be ncjcessatY •
<br /> . �'. � accompiish the matters referred to in the precsdinp pa�agrzah. �g 80 the Obppeflons
<br /> F1LL PERFORMANCE. if 7rustor Pa e1i the Indebtedness when due.terminetes the une of c�edlt.and othsrv+ise PeRo
<br /> , �mdel�iv�M T�or su�bie siatemeMs ot�ftertnhmtlan�any8rtanci 0�statemen on�fi►e�e dendngule�der's secudlY in��restlndthe Re�d ths
<br /> . Peroonat Properly. AnY��YBnce fse re4�by taw shali be pafd bY Tn�.M permitted bY eAPt�taw.
<br /> . . ;� pEFAIA.T.Eaoh ot the tollowing,at the ogUon of Lendor.she11 cor�sUtut�W�eY�eue on the Udte tedrre�s.�a���n�t����T�
<br /> -�.,_�:_�_�• Deli�uli on tedebteflneaa.Falture of Trustor to make anY RaY� res
<br /> i�'i.
<br />- nt ior�ot �urarioa.
<br /> � Dafaaft on Cttter Paymente. Frillure of Vustor wit�in ih0 Urrte re4ut ad�y a�Qeod of Trust tv meke enY PaY�
<br /> • ��• any other payment n�cesserlr to prevent fJNg of ar to ettect dfschar6e
<br /> �•,c.:;*
<br /> - '� ' Compilanee Detiwt� Fallure of Tn�stor to compry wtth any othor term.obilgatlon,covar►ant or condition cordelnetl in this Oeed of Tnst, e
<br /> :� ��,�.-,
<br /> �r �'�"� Note or in any ot the Related Doauments.
<br /> � �uw?1 Felae 8tatemeMa My wartardy�raPrese�llon ar statemeM made or nnrdaiibif ta i.�^ss�!s;x an�eh?u of Tncsta under this Deod ot Tnist,
<br /> _ ' .� the Note or the Re►ated Docume�s Is tatse or m�leadinp in anY materlai resAecl�etther now or a!theUrme made or tumished.
<br />;;�;�;,,;;�p.�;• peteeUve ConaterNtzMt�n. Thts Qeed of Trust or any of the Retatod DxumoMs ossaes to be ir►lull taoe and of(xt Qndudtnp fetture of anY
<br /> �,��,i . Y coliaterol docuntAMa to create a valld end pertected socuritY tnterest a Ilen)at er►Y tlme and fa eny reason.
<br /> �.s D�th a 1►�otven�y. The death of Tivstor a tlsa dlssduUon or termtnaaon M�nm�.tto�the b�e�fit o aas�ditas�Y hrRe ot�cered�woA�coul,
<br />_�;��."-,.
<br />��%'`��SF Trustor,ihe appoirdmerd of a n e o a lver t or eny part ot 7custara prOpetly�anY�ay ot asair�st Tn�tor.
<br /> ar fha commertcemer�t of My proceedin8 under any bankruPtoY or Insotverwy►
<br />__„���;�� rooeedinps�whether by ju�P�dl^g�setf�iQ•�P��on
<br />-_-=_ ,�_ Forecloaun�Foneiluro,eta Commenoement ot tmedosure or forteiture p � of the ProP�tY. However.this aubsedton ahaU not
<br /> pr sny other method,by any exedttor of Trustor or by anY aovem►�ntel egeneY a8� e^Y
<br /> ---- ePpry(n the event o f a 6 o o d t e i t h d i s P u t e b Y T��der vuritten n o ce oref su h cialm and Nmishes �r e s e�v e s a r a s u re t Y bon d t�f wu c t a l m
<br />���.�..�'�; :.,.: f o re t e H ure proceedUO,Provided tMat Tnstar 9Nes
<br />-�_°:��:;;;1 salis�ctaY to Lender.
<br /> =:�.��.+�.s BroeCh ot Other AproentenL MY breaet►by Trustot under the terms of any othet agreert►ent�ihret�n TNStor and Lender that b not remedied
<br /> mard concerrde9 snY indebtodness a other ob6aaUon at Tnista
<br /> ,.,._�-:u�c-?:� � wHhtn enY 9�P��provided tt�n,indu�nb wilhout AmitaUon any eSree
<br />_��_,�� to Lsndet.whether wdstln0 rtow or later.
<br /> --- �ye�Af[e�tn�at�a�ant�• �Y��p����°��W►� 4o any Duerentor of arry ot the Indsbtedness or any Ounrantor
<br />�_��v d!es or becomes Incompetent.o�re�°�S°f d�D�����'�IlabC urtdor,any Queranty ot the�ndebtedness.
<br /> Ative�e CMrtOe. A matotlal adver8e ohanpe ooCitrs In Trusto�s Onandel condttlon. or Lender bviteves th0 prospect ot PalrmeM a
<br />�:s�j� performance ot the Indebtsdness is imyeired.
<br />�- �.`�'� lnss.eurlh►.Lender in good fal�h deems fls�tf Inse�ure.
<br />_�:.��� RitikTB AND fiEAAEDlEB ON OEFALR.T. UDon the oex�urenoe of aeY Event ot Defauit end at enY tlme tf�eafter.7n�stse or Lender.at tb opUon.
<br /> s'�':;:� may eaerdse anY one or more of the toliowirg d8hts aed remedies,[n addNfon to airy other�iphts a�emedle�P►ovide�by taw:
<br /> -��:Y:��� N any evem of detautt 000urs as per the tem►� at the Note seowed hereby.L�ender mey
<br />�:n�>. Aceekr�tlon upo»DeteW$Ild�ffUottal Remedies.
<br />,..�Gy:,d.._;� deciare atl Indebtednass seouBd by thts Oeed ot'fnn�to���Len�rnaY d ttie same shaE thereupon become due and payabie wtiho
<br /> ----�:.-�.. amr presantment,demand,prot05t�noti�ot a�ry
<br /> ���:'_' (a) Qther in person ar by apenf,wNh ar wlthout bdngtna enY adton or praseed�n9.or by a r�eo�y4T�Dn�n�name or in N►s nams
<br />�^�'a����, regard to the ade4uecY ot Hs securih►.erder uPon and fake P�on o!the ProA�Y��m���rentabllNy of the ProPertY.or part
<br /> _,�..ti-. ,
<br /> - of Tntstee.and do arry ads which fl deems neoessery or de�rable�D���e �•
<br /> - _-- Increese the Ineome trom tho Propefi�o�P�ihe sedxitY ot the ProDeM:and�with a without
<br />__-- - ot the Property or iMerest In tho ProPe�Y: t���,�ues and profits ot the erty.tnciudtnp those past dae and
<br /> _ . �king posses�lon of th0 PrroparlY�atce tor or othe�wise coilect �{�,to eny Indobted�ness cooured
<br /> ' unpatd.and eAPh►the semg�tass e o s i s an d e o�emas of e poraUon and eoUeodon,(ndu�ing attaneYB on o t t h0 P t op e d l��the coiiedlon
<br /> � ,�,� by this Deed of Tivat,aIi in such arder as�.a��der may dotenntne. 'R►e e�dng upo�artd tekirtg possess4 -
<br />- - �. o!:.�tch rerds.tssuas end pmfits.end the ay�ticatlon thtueot shalt not cure ar walv9 any dotuult or nolIIoe ot dotauR urtder this Desd a!Tcust
<br />_ �" �:; o�tmralldate ariy act dan0 in raapor�so lo such dofatAt or pureuant to suals notlaa ot dr3ifaut�and.noiviilhatandin0 tM�ct+reUnt�noe i� _
<br /> _ • ; ••� ' .
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