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<br /> � 03-26-9�9 ��E���Y�U3'P �ege 6 ,-.
<br /> � r�e�Na�s�a ���gt�31��' cco�u�ue�� ;�",,
<br /> pa�e�slon ot tho Rroparty or t0e ceL'eqten,rooeipt artd eppttcntton af rortb,�uoa ar pror�b,Tnrstan or Londsr shail be antlUOd to
<br /> • exorsise every ripht providod tor ta th�Nota ar tha Relatad Oxuee�anb or by tew upon!ho oeeurroneo of any evont of dofault,inciudirtg the
<br /> dght to exaciss tha power oteate; -
<br /> (b) Commaneo an ncJorf So ts.7ccta:a tl�t:.0:,;9 a7 Trw!t�n r�noRg;g�,nppelnt A rcc.hrcr ar spcclftcully orderco nny or the covonants
<br /> , , heteof;and ' ';a'�
<br /> (ej Delhrer ta Tntstae a v�iqen dodaraUon ot dotault and demand tor sNO and a v�dtton nodco of dofault and elecUon to cause Tntstors
<br /> interast in tPte Properry to be satd,whleh noUce Tntsteo eh81t Causo to DO duly tiiad for rocotd in lhe appropMate ofRoes ot the CouMy in �",�„+"
<br /> -`� whtcA tha PropoRy is iaeated;and =
<br /> "r;`-..,r
<br /> (dy With raspect to aA or erry part of Ure Personat PropeAy,Lender sheN hava a1i the riphts and remedles of a secured party under the "`
<br /> � Nebreska UnNorm Commordal Code.
<br /> Foreatoaurm Ry Pourat o!&de. It Lendar elacts to ffiroetose by exerdse ot the Pmver of Sale hereln contetned,Lendaz shell noUfy Trustee and
<br /> sheli depasit with Truatae this Deed of Trust artd the tVote and such r�celpfs and evtdence of expendilurcj9 made and secured by this Deed of -
<br /> Trust as Trustee mu9�4uiro. �,:�-
<br /> (a) Upon rcacelpt of such noUOa from LenQer,Tn�steo sha11 eause to ba recordad,published and del►verod to Trustor such NoUce of QefaWt '?
<br /> •1�:
<br /> and NoUc9 of Sale as then ro�utred by law end by thla Oead of Tmst. Trustee shall,wlthaut demand on Trustor.after s�cch tlme ns mey
<br /> ' " � then be required by Isur and aRer recordaUon ot such Norica of Oetautt and eftet NoNce of 3aia having been given as reqnl►od by law,so�l `;,�_
<br /> � the PropeAy at the Bme and plaae of aeie Poced by it in such NoUoe of Seie,e(ther as a whole,or tn separate Ioia or par�cels or items as
<br /> �� Tn�stee ahaD deem e�WadteM,end fn auah ader as ft ms determine,at pubUa aucUon to the highest bldder tor cash in IawNl morx�y of ��
<br /> i
<br /> , w
<br /> � • tMa Unftad St�tca yabb atU�s tlnq otsnk�.Tiust� tl�Jver to&uah urcheaet or purchasers thereot its good and sufEtMdent desd or � _
<br /> p� s
<br /> ° � deeda csonvr�linp the propedy so sotd.but wHhout amr covenent or wf�nran ,express or implied. The recitals In suoh dead ot ar�r matlera �„_
<br />, �, or taota shM be candust�e proof of tha tnMtutness thereoL Any persan�Induding wlthoN llmltaSon Tnistor.Tn�stee,or Lender.may
<br /> purchase at suoh sela
<br /> y (b) As may be permittod by taw,after deduding eli cosis,tees and 6xpe�es ot Tnistee artd o!thts TNSt,includtng cosb of evidence of �''"�
<br /> E� tlUa in connecUon wilh sate,Uustes shflt apply the prooeeds ot sele to payment of (f)ad sums mcpended under tha terms of thb Gesd of
<br /> Tnist os under tho terms of the Note nct then repaid,indudfng but not lfmited to aaaued interest and Iate charges, �t)aU other sums th9n
<br /> `�� secure6 hereby,and pB)the remalnder,M any,to the Rerson or pa�sor�s Iegatly emttled thareto. �'
<br /> l (o)Trustea Ray in tho manner proN�ted by Iaw postpone sete of ali or a�ry portlon of tho Property. �_—
<br /> ' Remsdies Nat E]cduelve. Tnrstee and Lendar.and etch of them,shell be enritled to enforoe payment end pertormence of eny Indebtedness -
<br /> ° or obllpatlons secured by this Doed of Tiust and to exsn�se ell riBh�and powers under thb Deed at Trust,und�the Note,under arry o}tho
<br /> � 6ielsted Oxuments.ar under any other ayreerr+ent or any Iaws now ar here9lter in foroe;notwithstanding,some or ali ot such indebtedrress �,::-
<br /> �; and obUpaHo�secured by thls Deed ot Tnut rt�ay now or Aerealter be otherwise securerl,whether by mortga�e,deed ot Mist,ptedg0.Ilen. _ -
<br /> _ +si, essfgnmerd ar otherwise. Nei3her ihe sxeQtanco of this Qeed ot Tnist nor its eMorcemenL whethaz by court aoUon ar pursuant to the power of --
<br /> ' aale ot othsr powers cor�tned N tl�b Deed ot Tn�st,st�aU pre udfce ar tn any manna eflect Trustees or Lendets etpM to reati�up on ar =
<br /> ' ontorce eny other seetaity now a hExeaft�held by Tnrstoe or�nder,ft being agreed thet Tnutee artd Lender,and eaeh of them,sheli be :�.::
<br /> �� e�NiUed to eniorce this Daed of Tnrst and eny other security now or hereafter held by Lender or Tn�tee in such order and mannet es they or
<br /> ��:,:;-
<br /> ' eNher of them may(n thefr absolute d�Cre9on detetmina No remedy cotfterred upon or reserved to Trustee or lender,is IMended to be 'F�;,,;_
<br /> � e�odusive ot any other remedy In thts Osed ot Trust or by Iaw provtded or permitted,but oach shelt be cumuiathre and shall be In addiUon to �
<br /> •' every oihor�emedy given U this Oesd of Tnat or now or horeafte�e�dsting at Iaw or in equityr ar by statute. Every power or remedy�ivan by the �"- ,
<br /> �•';�v
<br /> ,:��`ty;,�r Nots or any of tha Related Dauments to Trustee or Lender or to wMoh effher o!them may be othenvlse enUUed, may bo exerctss�, -
<br /> � ' n,�..� ooncuner�ty or tndependenUy.irom dme to tlme ared as often aa may be deemed e�q►edieM by Trustee or l.ender,and efther of them msy _
<br /> pursuo inooru�tent remedles. Nothinp In tlJS Oeed of Trust ahell be construed as prohibitlng Lender trom seoking a deftctenayr JudBment -q°--
<br /> epeinst the Tnistor to the e�der�t such actlon b pertnMted by taw.
<br /> m;:,,
<br /> � � Reque�!For Notke. Tiusta.on behalt ot Trusta end lender.hereby requosts ttiat a coAY��ry Notlae of Oetautt and a copy ot any Notice F -
<br /> ot Sala under this Oeed at Trust be meNed tott�em 8t the addresses set bdh in tho flrst peregreph ot thi.4 Deed of TnuL ■
<br /> W�tver;HtaWor�of Remedtea. A waMer by sny parly of a breacP�ol a provislon of this Oeed ot Trust shati not constltute a waiver ot or
<br /> - _._�,: ,� preJudbe tfwp�ys rfphb otbenNse to demutd atrtct compNmnce wHh that provision or any othar provlslon. ElecHon by Lender to puBUe any
<br />°:�: �_...• remsdy provided in thfs Deed at Trust,ths NoL�,in any Roiatod Oocume�t.ar provtded by taw shaU not exdude pursutt of any other remedy.
<br />.�.�47,..�,> � and Qn elecUon to makee�e n�a to Wce nctlon to p8rtam an obllpaUon ot Trustor under thffi Deed of Tnut 8fter Ialiure of Tn�stor to
<br />�=..,h::.;� Perform sheU not aBaat Lenders r�ht to dedere e defautt ond to eocer�tse arey at Hs remedies.
<br /> ��' �'��='�p . � A4tomeya'Fee�Expenaea. If Lertder Ires�Mas eny suft or acUon to entorce any ot the terms of t�ts Oeed ot TrwM,Lender shail be entl8ed to --
<br /> T�'�� -�. >, recover such sum es me court may ad�udye reasonabte as attomeys'tees et Ulal and on anY ePPeal. Whether�not etry coud ec@on ts =
<br /> = - Imrotved,ell reasoneble e�cpenses Incurted br LenOer whbA In Lendefs opinton ece neoessary at am►Ume for the proteoUoe of Hs intere�or the _
<br /> •�`• enforcement of tts rights sheU Oecome a part o!the Indebtedness payable on damand and shalt bear IMerest at Me NotB rate from the date of
<br /> -' � �f� expertditure uM[t repatd. E�anses �rovered by this paragreph Indude,wit�tout UmitaUan,however subJeot to eriy IimOS under appliceble taw.
<br />-- I,onders�ttameys'tees whethet a not tRere t3 a�awsutt.indudinp attomeys'tees for bankruploy Prooeedings(tndudin¢oHORa to modtty or ��._--
<br /> `�::.,r,r•:� � vaoate any automatlo sffiY ar InJunctlon).aAPeais end anY e�dPated PosHudgmeM ooAeatlon senAces�the cost ot searehtng reco�ds„ _
<br /> ..,,." , pptalntnp tiUe repals pndudir�breclosure repoAs).surveYaes�rePorta,HPPreisei tees.Utle insuranoe�and fees toc the Trustee.to the exterd �-
<br /> `"a� PenMttad bY eAP11r,aD18 Iaw.Teustor eiso vr0 pay 8ny Court Cos1.4,in additlon to all oUtgr sums provided by�aw. f-_
<br /> Y��� ' qi�fts ot T�tete�.Tntstee shaU have aU ottha dpMs and duHes of Lender as set fodh tn th�secUon. _
<br />�?'.,�,,,;-. ' POWERS MID OBLIOATIOt�3�7RUSTEE. fie foUowing provisions reiatlnp to the powe�s and obUgatlons of Tnistee are part ot this Oeed of =..
<br />_�.� 4�.1.•'_-� ' �..
<br /> .. � porrere of 7tttst�. in flddNfon to sll powa�s ot Tn�stee arlsing as a matter oi Iaw,Tn�stee shali have the power to ffike 1he follovring actlo� �_
<br /> �j with oespoct to the Rroperry�an the w�itten te4�of Lender and Tn�stor: fa)lotn tn prepadne and flitng a map or pla!of tho Resi Properly. `-
<br /> Induding tt►r dedicallon ot str�eta or other dphta to the pubilo; (b)Icln U pranUr�any eesement or creatlng any restrictton on tha Reai Properly; �+_-_
<br /> ' � ; end (o)jan tn any subordlaatlon or other epreement eHeatlnp thb Deed ot Trust or the tnterest of Lender unQer thls Oeod of Trust.
<br /> � Ytustee.Trusteo shaU meet ali qus71flca1ton9 reqWred for Trustes urtder apailceb�e�aw. In additlon to tha dgMs snd remadles set torth above, -'�_`
<br /> wfth respeat to aIi or any part of tt� Proparty,ths Tn�atee shat!have the dpht to faedae by noflce and sale,artd Lender shey have the�Ight to
<br /> � toretdose by Judidat foreWosure.In eitAer psa!n aocordance wfth end to the fuU c�dent provided by appticabis taw. �'�?:
<br /> �-
<br />- ---r–--r ---�---� ---
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