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�..�i , ... <br /> i n. . � " <br /> ,� n <br /> .- f , T . <br /> .,. ` �.-.► •'«r,�aKDwrr`'.-•, n - �'W .. _ . - <br /> .. _ "• <br /> - ---------"--- ._.._.��� ---.....------'--Z. <br /> . - _�_. — ----"---- '---.._... ...._.....-"--...__.____.....�.,..._._._..__... - <br /> . �... <br /> � , �' <br /> w�o�.,cau . Q��n��a�ny 6�E��al�Y�ll�Y Paae 4 �- <br /> " Loan No 783333 �� ���g� D (ConUnued) <br /> � — � <br /> iho procoeds of any In3urano9 andappry tPs�prooaads to t1re tedltoion�7!th9 lndcbtedness,payment a!nny Iien ettecUrtp the Proporty,or the <br /> rastcrallon and re��lr af th9 P�op:rty. If Londar ei�to appiy tlm pracueds to rc,storuGon nnd ropatr.Ttustor shail ropalr or ropiacu tho � <br /> damagoC ar d�s'�oyad tmprovaments In a mannar saUMaetory to Lender. Lertder shell,upon oat►sMatory proot o!auoh c+�ondlture,pny or _ <br />___._- retmbtt�e Tnr�tur fi an 1P�o pr�oo� !or tlto��cx!ot te.�r.It ot t�iora8ort!!Tr�ta►b ttot In d.+tstdt und_r thl�9aud ot Trust. Any - <br /> procaeds Wh:aA Aavo not ba�n ditbtsr�ad vrlUdn 100 QayD ttftcr thar rooe!pt nrtd wNoh Londen c�►�not committed to the�Cpntr or rosfomHon o} [' <br /> ihe Rtaperly shat b�usod tIB1 to poy any amount orat�W lanCSr under thts Qoed ot Trust,then to pay accrued inter�t,und fha romc�lndcr.II t. <br /> any.shaq be ap0"�d to the pdrtcipU balan�of the Inde4tedness. B Lender hatda enY proceeds after PaYment in fuli of the Indebtednttss,s�tch <br /> ' proceed3 shatl Oe pald to 4nutor as Tiiutor's IMerests may eppeau <br /> �_��, Urtexplred Inaanrtee lt 80b. Am1 uc►a�tred Irtsu�ance shall Inwo to tha beneftt ol,and ass to,the pumheser ot ihe Property covered by thb � . <br /> •,,s- Oer3d ot Tnqt at en�/trustes's eate 0r othet 8818 Aeld u�det the prOVisions ot thb Qeed Ot�rust,or at arry faredosure saie o}Buch Properiy. <br />• • '"` TrustoYa RepoA as�Inaet�artce.Upan reque3t ot Lender.howevar not rt�ore than artce a yoar,Trustor sheli tumish to lander a repo�t on eQeh �� <br /> exlsting poftey af I�urenc�eh�wi�g: (a)the name o!the tnsurer, (b)tho tisks insured; (o)the amount of the pottoy; (d)!he propeAlr lnsured, _ <br /> the then cumerd�e�taoerteent vveNNro ot auch properiy,and the mannar ot determining ltisl value;and (e)the e�iratlon dnta at tha oo°_ey. �- <br /> ro <br /> . Tn�stor shslt,upon requsst of Lender.have an Indeyendent apprelsor satisteatory to Lender determine tha cash vatua reptacemer�cost ot tho Y <br /> �A�Y• <br /> FXPF]�IDiTURE8 BY LENDER. If Tnulor faNs to compty wrih any provlsion o!this Qeed of Ttust,or It any scdon or prooeoding is commenoad that <br /> woutd matednliy aHed lvnda's i�er�sb in the Property,I.ender cn Tnistofs behalt mey,but shall not ba required to,teke any acdon that Lender <br /> • � deems appropriate.Any amount that Lende�e�en�in so doing wili bear interest at the rate proNded for in the Nata trom the da4e irtaurted or paid <br /> ^ �F� by Lender to the date of repayme�byTnssta. M s�ach expenses,at Lendets opUon,w'J (a)be payable on demand, (b)be added to the balartce <br /> �l of thp Noio and be poNOned art�anp and be paya2b with nny Ins�illm�nt payrtienffi to berame dua dudnp eithar (�the term of any cippl�abt9 <br /> U$ure�usH po�cy ar��sa rom�d�s$�►+ot ttq tdaso.m (o)ho treslsd es fl be!►oon paymeM wh�ch�v�Jt be due and payeble at the Note's maturity. ` <br /> This Oeed of Tnut etsoo v�f�secure DSY�ot these amourds.The rbhts ptovldesl for tn ihis/�c�reph ehaU be in addiSon to any otfix�hts or any _ <br /> ,.�� �emediey tc whicb Lender rnaY be erM(B�d on nccowd ot the defauB. My such ectlon by Leader� aha[I noi be coratrued as cur[rg the d�faWt ao as to - <br /> bar Lender trom any rernody that It otha�wtsa wou[d have had. - <br /> a ' WApRANiy;Of�TlI8E O�TiTLF. 11�fotlowtng proNSlora re�ing to ownershlp at the Properly ere a part of thts Deed o!Trust. .._ <br /> � `i TIUe. Trustor warrsrds tha�(a)T�holds good and m�ulco2able Ntle o4 record to the Prope�1Y tn t�sfmple,iree and dear o}ell liens end <br /> ���� �ncumbranoesotharthan fhose setforthln the Reat Property d�;cripUon or tn any�tle insuranoo poUay,N�e report,or flnai Utle opinian fssued in I�• <br /> _�, �t iavor of,and aooetsted by.Lencfe In eonneoUOn wlth this Deed ot'Itust,and (b)Tnistor has tho ftdl dght,power.and aufhortty to execute and =: <br />' doiNer thb Oeed of Tnut to lender. E <br /> • flet�me pf Fp�p, �ubJ6ct b the excepibn in tt�peragraph above,Trustor warrenb and wtli taever de(end tho tlrie to the Proparly a8atnst tho g.. <br /> J ct <br /> � lswtul cletms of eit peieoru. t�f iha eveM any+acHon or prooeedtng is commonced that questio�Tn�storh Utla ot tha ir�erest of T�vstee or !�: <br /> �,, Lender under Ws Qeed of Tntsf.Trusta shail de!end the actton at Tnutor's mq►anse. Tn�stor may be the rtominat paAy tn suab prooeedinp,but �._ <br />- Landar shad be erltlBed to perticqate In the Prooeedinp and to bo represeMed h the pnoaodirtp by cour�sel ot Lenders own choioe,and _ <br />--� ,,:,;'�= Tr+�t!+!wpt ef�ituar, orceuse Io bedotivered.M lsnder such InshumeMs as Lender may requast from tlme to Hme to permit suah partlotpe4an. _ <br />-� Comptl�nee Wdh Lara Tnastar wartanta that the Propedy and Tnistora use ot tha Properly compues with aIi wdstlng appliceble Iaws, ;: <br /> ardtnancea,and�uleflonsof Qowmmentel atrthortUes. "� <br /> .. . . ' /`:' CONDEMfrAT101b.Tha taAowlnY ProWlons retaUng to condamnaUon prooeadMgB are a Pert ot thls Deed mf TnsL <br />>pt'..- • : qppilpUon of Ne�t P�oeeede. II all a erry part of the Propetty b condemned by emineM domatn procEedings a by arry proosedinp ar <br />��:'� purchase In Ueu of condomna@on,Lend�may at Ns etaotlon requ(re that eU or eny portlon ot tho nei prooeeds of the awerd baapplied to tha <br /> �s,:.;. :�:•. ' � in d e btedness a the re P�r a reslaraUon ot the PropeAy. 1'he nri prooaeds of the award sAall moan the award after Pa1�nt ot all reesonahte - <br /> s_..,..„. ,. : cosffi,e�eRSes,and attomeys'tees incurred by Trustee or lender in conneotlon wAh the condemnabon. ._ <br /> 's'�.�FJ : .": <br /> � Rtoeeedinpa. Y ttny proceading In condemnatlon is flled,Tnistor shail promptty notRy Lender in wrlUng,and Trustor shau promptiy take suoA =_ <br /> steps as may be nmoessary b de�nd the acifon and obtein the a�rard. Trustor mey Oo tha nom!na�party in such proceeding,but Lender shalt �, <br /> "'T�_,�;,; � b0 enUiied to pertidpate In ihs poceeding end to ba represemed in the proceeding by cour�sei of Ns own chotoe.end Tnistor wltl deqver w <br />-, ..; ,,..,_ .,� cause to be deA�eO to Lendar aueh Instrumerds es may be requested by It trom Ume to Ume to pertnft such partldpadon. <br />��'�- •; IMIPO'SlTtOi!OF TAI�9,FEES ANH t�U1RGES BY GOVFRNN(F.tJPAI.At!'fH0A1'pEB. The tollowing proNsiota reta8rtg to govemmerNal taxes, <br /> _-_ _, teesend oherOss eroa�a�tof lhtsOC+edol7n�. <br /> --''�W-� ! Wrnnt Tae�,Fsa�rttf Ch�rpe. Upon repuest by lender,Trustor sfiaU ax�ute�uch document�in addftlqn to Mts Oeed of Tn�Y and taks <br />'v��'��� � wt�atever ott�o¢Hon is requost�d by Lender to perteat artd conUnue Lendera Uon on the Real Properly. Tnn►tor shsl!retmburse Lertd�r tar eU <br />'=�.�'''' taxes�ea d�sa�d petp,w,t�e0�with atl expenses incurred in recordinp. pertecUnD or t�nUnuing this Deed of Tn�st,tnotadinp wtthout _ <br /> v�� : UmttatWn all t�s„iees,deattm��ery etamps,and other charyes tor reoordinp or reD��9 thtg Oead o!7rusf. <br />�1.,.."� Tmros. Tha foSowtnD ehall conslNte t�es to whbh thB sectton appitex (a)a cpeciflo fex W on Hds typa of Deed of Trust or upon aU or 8ny � <br /> :. '� pnrt of tho IndeDtadness secused by lhis Qoed ot T� (b)a spedfio tex on Tmstor whioh Trustor Is 8uthoriaed or required to deduct from = <br /> •�u,a,���� . paymeMs on the indebtedness seeurod by thts type of Ceed o!7nis� (c)a tax on thb lypo o!Doed o!Trust charQesbla eQatrtst the Lender ar _ <br />- the hai6er of Ihe Note:and (d)a spectfic t�c on atl or any portton ot the irtdebtedness a on payments of prtnoipat and tnta�st mada by <br />�"?�,a.j.� TtUStOf. <br />:ry�'�..`�.t a��. <br /> -��.�_„� ` . Subaeque�ft Taea.It any tax ta which this sectlon appiles Is er�aoted su4sequeM to tho Eate of this Deed of Tnrst.this event shatl have trie <br /> -_.'----- ,s9rt�8 efteet aa en Event ot Oe�#au�(es deflned below)�and Lender may arsro�s eny a e11 ot tb aveitebte remed►es tor an Event of Defauit es <br /> 1:�'•__ provfded below untess Tn�r� (a1 Pays the tex before ft becomes d�UnqueN,or(b)coMests the troc es provlded ebove in the Texes and <br /> -� U <br /> �--�» i.te�sectton and deposlb with lender cash or e suHideM caporato sureh�ond a othe�securtty satlstaRtory to Lander. <br />_�.,.�„v_,._ <br /> �:��i SEt�it7Y AGAEFiIEI�iTp FINANGiNb STAT�N[EMB. The following provistore re1QY�p to this Caed of Trus4 as a secudty e9reement ere a pari oi <br />- ' ��?�' � ihis 0eed otTn�t. <br />� ._.��.�, .i gapul�►A�rednent. 71ib tnshume�shetl constitute a secwtlY e8reament to the ext�M enY of the PropedY constitutm tDdures a other <br /> � ; . 1 personat propeAf►.end Lendar et�p havo ed ot the�Ms of 8 secured pady unQer the Uni?orm Commerdet Code as emanded hom tlme to <br />" 6me. <br /> � ' �p�end�oor►Unue Londers bcecurtty 1 r��sre3t[n Ree�d Pe�s�nat� edd Uon�to�recaM,��o'tloQeed��T�rust b th��eai <br /> . t <br /> _ � <br /> . <br /> � ° - �_ -•.— --- - _ - <br /> , -_ ._ - - <br /> .. .. r . � �'cm�i�wvf�r_�w.-t•.��'MIF--=_ <br /> .. .._ ...____ <br /> .�_ _�� ____ __.—___ "-__. "__ -"_" ____- <br /> _ - _ "_ _ "" _ . - .__-_ " �_ _-_ - ". _ <br /> . �.+r�-. .. , .C-.-. .� �.-___ .____. __".-_____-_-_ .____ _ _______— _ _ . . ---_- __T_-____'. o . .- _ _ <br /> _-_ -__.'-. —_—- <br /> .T' . • .. • ` . _. ' .. i . .� _ .. 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