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<br /> �.—_ d9-ZS-199g vscv�`:O::dT ��` Pege 3
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<br /> -. Lsen N�78333s (6ontin�cd) ��,
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<br /> ., malco ouah le^paaftons an0 t¢sts,nt T Uons oT tesb m�ds�y l�ende eshaau Da br lend°fs purp�a ry and Bh�ali�rto f ba conspr�IId to creato
<br /> soctton ot ths Oesd o1 Tn�t. An�r t�npeo °_
<br /> n `ti
<br /> - . - csny r0°po�lbt!:ry or finb�li�on i��t'i�t Cr Lend�s�0 Ttt�e�M anr other par�on. Th�rePr�cir►�Uora nnd uar►Bntles oontetned Aareln are
<br /> Sr
<br /> Bs�:;,fl on Tn�tar'o dua�!!!p�n��n In�UOaUrtg tho PtopatlY tor hr�nrdous�fasto nnd hnrardous subsffinoa3. YNSior h�aeby ia)i"�eo�g� �-•�
<br /> 0
<br /> waives any tulure clalms tpaln9t Lender tor IndamnYy Ot contrlEutton in the event?ru3tor brcom:.�tlab•�for cl^snUg or other costs undor any �
<br /> such tav�s,and (b)apress to indemnity and hold harrrtiess tsnder e9alrtst any and ell dalms,I�ssss.11ab1lHles, damape9,Penatttes,and �
<br /> ., e�qtensas whtoh Lendet may dlrecUyr or Indtrec4Y susteln or��e���te 80 re ease of a h tepardoua wasm o s bstance an ths -_
<br /> �."._-='�; conso4usnoo of anY usa.48R8�sflOtlr rt18f1U�8LtUf0.8tOt8Q9�dlsD =_
<br /> �,;,�' prop���. The prpvtgipiq o f l h ts s e o U o n o!t h e D e e d o! T r u s t.k t a l u dirt p the ob U a aUon W Ind9rMl t y,ahatl auMve tne payment ot the �
<br /> ,., �; indebtedness and tho saUslaelbn and ret:onveyanea o}the ttan of this Oeed ot Trust and sheU not be a t tected by L en d a ta acqu k r,t tl o n o f a n y --
<br /> lntarest In the PraReAY�Wha�he�by Soreelasare or otherwisa
<br /> Nuloene0�Waito. Yn�sta sAStt not esuso�conduct er pemtN any e��n���t•Tnutw vAil not ro�ove,oprpgr�ent to any�oth�Pn�1y tho .
<br /> a�o�rty oram po�uon o���oaerhr. Withou111mlUnp the 9e�b
<br /> , �� dgAt to remove,any flmber,minercUs p�iudine ott artd Qes).so7�Qravel a roolc Oroducts without the prtor wAtten consent of Lender.
<br /> � Rentovd at improvemente. 7rusta ehai!not demoRsh or romovo eny Improvemerda trom the Reat ProPedY withou!tha pda wriiten cortsent �
<br /> . • �f Isa suoh Imfl ro emon�twilh Improve�menb o et tesst equal vat�uendsr may require Trustor to make arranBeme�aaustaotory to Lender to _
<br /> rep p --
<br /> +, �ender'a Rt�t to Enter. Lender end tb egems end►ePreSenfalNes mty enter upon 1ha R9a1 ProP�l�.Bt e11 reasonabla drr�to attend to
<br /> : �ender's interesta end 4o Inspeet the PtopeM lot PurRoses�T��e compllartce wtlh the tenns er�d condtiorts ot this Oaed oi Ttust.
<br /> CpmpttanCe wllh Qovetnme,�tW RMw�►e� Tntstor shatPromPfiY comply with e11 tews.ordinar��end ref3uk+tWns.now or hareafter in __-
<br /> � Olsablliti�Ad Tntst��maY r�test�^p9�tetM anY such Iaw.adp�.or reBulaBoe end witt�hotd�eo pllance dudng n prooeedin8h
<br /> y trxx�udin9 ePProP�ate aPP��tortg as Trustor has n�der���y�require T�or to post a aua�e r�cu��a�a�s ro�r eona�easo���r
<br /> : ,
<br /> tsnders interests tn the ProP��'�IBOP�d.
<br /> . � sstlsteotory to Lender,to prateet Trustor shali do eA other ectg.in addiBon to those acts
<br /> '� Ouh to Protect. Trt�stor agmes netther to abertdon e�teave urtattended the aee��o'�s.onably neoesser�►to protect and prese�ve the ProperH•
<br /> set bdh ebove tn thls soc�on,whteh hom the charas4�r and use of the P�opedfr
<br /> OUE Qi�l t3�tE-OONSENT BY I.IXDEA. Lendes may.a4 Hs oAtion.deciare immediategi due and PaY�le ail surt►s secumd bY tMs Deed of 7n�st
<br /> ��� ' upan tho sate a means H�e eznv� nce af Rea�FropadY or ar+y�ti9e or�theret�iwNather feIIa�.be t�idsl�Wtabta:whbiha►�vaunfa�f►
<br /> ����:;:fi �ate or transft�'
<br /> ��f,�,:�d • _
<br /> a Imraiur�r whetber by�o�r�tract.�A�deed����me�rd,�or tra��ot er�y benendal ir�t�or�y��an�d�trust�n9���Reat
<br /> ' � � iMee(3)Yeers.�ee�se"�P ..,+n noe ot Reat ProPe�li�►� It any Tnistor Is a capaaHon�Partr�eisn�P ar om[ted Yab�itp cm�ptny.
<br />_- . �c� proD�►1r.a�Y g�yyt�sss�°.lhe�4t_ � itt Qo56 o�r Ei�e Nv�� s!G^'.�c.D�-°"-��--�e►Qmlted 8ebllitll .
<br /> � tr8nster Blso irtdudes et►Y cheeBe in owne�shlP of mae than twenty�-1lve Puae i - ) �
<br /> -• � eompanY iM�as tl►e case may be.07 Tnistor. However.tAb option shaD not be exencised by Lertd�H suoh exerdse Is prohibited by federet
<br /> - , law ar by Nebreska law.
<br /> _, *_,y,�;. YA�S AEID UQtS. The foCOwfng Drovisions relatlrtp to the�end I�ns on the Properly are a part of this Oeed of TtusL ndudi�water
<br />-- •:•:i paymeM. Tnutor shau PaY when due(and In eli eve�ls pdor to deAo9uency)e9 tax�s.sPectel faxes.es�'smenb.cha�Qes(t
<br />' :`';F.:'.r� end seWrer)�flnes ans!ImposiUor�s Ievled egaGist ar on ae�au+t ot the PraPeAY.and sh�fi�Y�ell Usns AavinB P orlty over or e4ue1 o the
<br /> `�:: . - sarvlces rendered or�ffi tumished to U�e Propa�lY• Tttrsto►ahafl metr►tak�the ProparfY -
<br /> ��''��"" ir�eres!of lsnder under thls Oead ot Trust.eocceP!tor the it¢n of fe�s und as�ssmo»1s not due end exeePt es othe�wise Provided in this Oeed
<br />�'.,�.,���„� Of Tn�st. g
<br /> • --�"�'� Rt�tt To Conte�t. Ttustor maY wtthhold PaY��of any faz,assessmert.a Geim in conrtseUon wrihre�t�of or�paymeM.7hista s�within
<br /> "` - tp pay,sp Ionp as Lenders interc+st tn the Proped�►ts not JecPsrdiffi�. If a Oen eriseS or is filed es a
<br />,'•r���.,o�
<br /> Nttean(tb�days aRer the IFen ari.�o�r.�tt a�Qelertd�rr�cash a a�auffide�c po�ate surelfr b�o�nd other sedn[h saUsta�f►to��m an
<br /> Oen.or It roques�d by Lender��n piuser�y eos�and eAome�a'tees a othe�c�e�e��t coutd aacnte as a result ot a faed�tue or seb
<br />��==� em0ut1t SuNbient t0 d�d�arOB
<br /> -��;�a�.*'--_"°� under ihe Ilen. In any contesf.Tn�stor shett detend itseft and lender and shaD satish►anY adverse lud8ment betore enforoomerit a9atr�st the
<br />=_;:�:;;:?`�� prpPeAY•Trustor shali name Lender ss en additlonal obU9ee under anY stneh�bond fumished in the contest Prooeedinps.
<br /> Tn�stor shatlup on demacid tumish b Lendar satkdectaY evidet�ce ot payrtierd of th��ces or assessme�s end shaU
<br /> =��'`� EvNenee o?Paymer�f. Ume a wrHten statome�ot the texes am!"�rnw!�°C?�^��
<br /> a:'�`� cuthorue the aPProP�9ovemmentat of[k�a►ro da.9ver to lender at anY
<br />�=!'�°, proper►y'
<br /> ~���=.-�z NAti�!of Cartstetw�ttOn.Tnstar 5hM noUM�endet at t08st ifteen(1 S�daNB betore anY work Is commenced�eeY s�vtoes ere tumishesl.ot enY
<br /> �._t,f,�.�i;, matedais ere euApDed to the PmP�N.B anY meehanb's Cen.maiedalmort"s Lsn,or other Uen couid tre asserted on aocouM of tha wak.
<br /> � servfces,or matertak;.Tn�star wID upon te4�ot LenOer tumish to 9.onder advance nssuranoes saUsfectaY to Lender that Tn�ta►can end wUt
<br />�`'��� th0 Cagt ot SttCh tmProrvemer�s.
<br />- _.�r_•�� PeY
<br /> ;��,',�y,�� ieROPER'1'1f DAINAC:E INSURANCE.The totiowtnp D►�ons�i�D�I�u��O����a part ot tMs Deed af Tnttf.
<br />_- ,�r , : M�Inten�neo of Inwnnoe.Tn�stor shan Pracure and mginlaln potEGes ot flre Inswenee�n en amou�nu�lder��ad oAPeoedi�enY
<br /> �;e=� reptaoeme�hasis for 1ha iu�Irtuceble valuo covartng ell Ir�rovem�ot�lender.�shaif aso procure and melydaln compreher�Slve Sanerel -
<br />-=-°�:?'�°'�: calnsurenoe cfause.and wrih a standard n►oR9s9e�otause 1n ta
<br /> -' �,.` , . BttbiAry In�urance in st�h co�s98 amourds as Lender maYre4uest aiith trustee and Lendet beht�Y namsd aa add[flonat Insureds in Stkh Itnbi�ty
<br /> -,`I��:,�;�,�--r� t
<br /> insurence polldes. Addirionaify.Tn�tor St�atl malydain such oUier Insurenoe.Inoludtng but n�t Um►ted tognd bas�ls ceasonabty ect�►P�tabte to
<br /> - - _ bofler insurartce.as lender may reseonabty reQutre. POlIdes sheA toe wrttten in torm.am0urds,covera9es _
<br /> Lender and tssua9 mp a oompanY or eompae►es reasonabN a�P�le to lander. Trustar.upon repttest ot lende�'��afD do�ver to lender irom
<br /> . � lndudtny stlpulattons tfiat coverapes wlll no!be cancelled ar
<br />-3 8me to tlme the Polldes or ce�ti0cates at tnsurerteo tn torm sati�aCtaY to tsndst� _
<br /> • �� dimtntshed wfthout at Isast ten(1C)daYs'Pdo��en notloo to Lenda. Each insureno0 pattcy atso shatl indude an endorsemer�t providing that �,
<br />-. �. coverage in tavar ot L3ndar wtli na3 be tmpalrod In any wayby eeY ad,omission or detnutt ot Tn�ta o�any other Person. �
<br /> . ° ��.. �o�prpeeede.Tntstar s4iatt P*croP1N notlfy 1-�ender of any Ios�or damege to the ProPe�f�. Lertder msY�e Proot of toss tt Tcustor 4
<br /> � '� teDS to do so within flResn(tb�days ot the cesuaitY. 1Nhetl�er or not Lendei's securtty is Impaired,Londer maY.at its eteatlon,receiva and retatn _-
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