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<br /> . 0�2�1998 ��ED O�TRIB�Y Pago 2
<br /> Fl/i 1 6i°1+4 r'9'�'7 _ .
<br /> � i.oan iio ioaa�,i ��. 1.�s.s�• s �i.vmrriii6n� - - — :-
<br /> �.-.;'.:
<br /> QEFtNiY101t��. 7'ho toltti►winy tvad3 ehall havo ihs fotlovnrtg masmngs whon used tn this Oead o!Trust T6rm3�ot othenv�3e daRnotl in thh3 Dood of �•z�•t
<br /> T►t�t sh5il R�ve thfl masn!ngs atMbuted to suob tarr�s in tho Unftam CommEtcictl Codo. Ail roforoacns to dollar amounts shal!moun amounta in �•-•
<br /> . lavr►ul monBy ot tho Unit9d 6lat�s at Mtcsdoa. �,`=-•'
<br /> - �rii�e;igita'3i. 1As w�r8"2ertc�itder�i'm�sns Fivo Poln�i Bank�Ib su�sara and ssslpc�. Fiv$Po1nt�9ank atso I�cof�red ta es'1.ender"!n —
<br /> C3t
<br />_ thf�O��d o}7ru;,�t.
<br /> ° DaeO of TnteG Ths words'�eed of TtusY'meen this Qeed of Trust emonp Trustor,Lvnder.and Tnistee,and tnc�udes wRhoW Ilm!ffidon eli _'�
<br /> esaipnment and eocurily Intwest provislons refaUng to the Peraon8t Property and RaMa """,:_
<br /> F:�:.;
<br /> Qutnuttot. Th9 word'Y�uesan:oP msarts and Irtcludes vdtAout QmltaUon arry and ali gusrantors, sureUes,and accommodatlon paRfes In �y`-
<br /> ��.:.�' connectlon w1M►ihe Indebt�dness. �..;-
<br /> , "'4' tmprov�ter►ts. The word'7mprovemenffi'means and irsctudes without AmNaHon ail existlng and tuture tmprovemerds�bulldings,struaturos, ��;�
<br /> i•i� mob¢a Aomes atlbced an tAB Roo�Prop�iy,fedlitles,BddiUom,replscemsMa and other co�fntotton a�the Reei Property.
<br /> ��
<br /> t Irtdtbtednese.The wotd lndebtedness"n�eans all pAndpal and IMerest payabte under the Note and ar►y amounb e�ended or advancad by ��-�_^'
<br /> Lendar to dtsehar{�e obttgallons of Tn�stor ar e�9nses incurted by Trustse or Lender to entarce obligaUO�s of Trusta under thls Dead of Tn�t, __
<br /> to8ethe3►rdth iMerest oa suah arreouMs es provlded in thb Dsed oi Tn�st. In addiUon to the Note,the word"Irtdebtodnas�'Indudos ali �,-
<br /> ebllgeUons.debts and ttabdltes,ptus interest thereon,of Tntator to Lender,or arry one or more of them,as we9 as eil ctalms by Lendar agsinst �.�-_
<br /> Tnutor.or any one or mor4 of Urem,whether now eodsUng or hereaftar arising,whether retated or unrelated to Urd purpose ot the Note,whethCr �
<br /> votuntary or otherwise,whether Qtte or not dus,absolute or cordErtgeni,qquldated or uNfquidated and whether trustar may be Iiabt�indivlduatly �-'_
<br /> � �` er Jolntly wIM others,whether obitgated es guarantor or othsvw�e,and whether reaovery upon such Indsbtedrtess may be Or hereafter may
<br /> ,,: becoma baned by any suipda of Ifmilatlons,and wt�ther such Indebtedness may be ar hereafter may become othervulse uneMorceabte.
<br /> . �i' LeeOnr.TAe word'tertae�'Means Fhra Polyds Bank.lta suooessora and assfgns. `
<br /> �' Note. TAs MraO"Note"meanf the tlote dated Mard►26�1�9�Itl fh8�Plf��tp�l QIYtOp111 Ot s135�000.00 from T�ustor to Lender. —
<br /> togather with aD renawats,extenslons,modlACatlons,reftr�andngs,end sutr�tttutlona tor the Note. The maturtty date ot this Oeed ot Truat ta
<br /> ' j Septernbes 21,1�99.
<br />� � Rereo�ui ProD�l�• The rrords"Peisonat Property'mean all equlpmer►t.fl�dures.end otl�er erUdes of personal property now or hereafter ==
<br /> owne�by Tn�stor.and now a hereafter atlacAed or afibtod to tha Raai Prop�ty:toBsther with etl aooes+to�Pa��d addiNCns to.NI
<br /> � '�1 c e P t a c e m e r ri s o f.e n d a l l s i f,o s l i d�tl o n s f o r�a n y o t s u e h P r o P e r t Y:a n d t o g s t h a r w t t h e ll prooeeds pnoludin g without Om�taUon alt tnsurertco �
<br /> ; prooeeds and retunds of premfums)trom any sels ot other disposiUon of the PropsAy.
<br /> •. ' Property. The word'PrapertY msans caVeoth►eif+tha Real Propariy and the Personal P�operly. r.
<br /> Red RropsAy.The words�teel Prope�ly'mean the properly,in4aresb and dgMs des�xfbod above tn the qConveyance and QraM"sect►on. �_
<br /> " ' Reltted Daamiente. The words'Retated Qocumeni�'mean end indude without Umttauon atl proMssory nofes, credit syreements,loan
<br />:- I egreemenls.enNronmenta►a9reerr�enb.9uaraMtes.eecudy►apr�emeMa.mert8a8es.dseds ot trust,and alt attrer tr�strumeMs,nQreemerda and -
<br /> s ..-;:�'� G�.r.�is.•rrts�tts��a�tta�.s�,...^�ssl.-Q!n cons�lon�lfh tt�ln�i�!+n!�. •
<br /> Rcnts. Tho word'Rortts'means all present artd fi►due rsr�ts,revenues.incoma,tssuas.royallies,Ptoflb,anQ other beneftb derived irom tha
<br /> ,.. proAerh�
<br />�:';•;. ., TNIfeO.ThB WO�d RNStAB"means Flve Points 8ank snd aeY subsUGda or saacessor trustees.
<br />�""'.J�� Truttor.Tha word?nistot'means airy and ali peisons and erdiStes exeeuUng thig Deed of Trusf,Inctudtng without UmilaUon eil Trustors named
<br /> i abova.
<br />;',`:.-��-�'_ pRppglTlf�I$QIYF]i TO�8 t1)PAYME7IT Ol�'I1E II�JESS AND (�PEFiF�RMANCE OF ANY AND ALL OBLIQATlOHB OF —
<br /> _.. - OIiTF�FC�iJ.OWINGTFAN[3:
<br /> '�'"`"`'"''�- pAYNlFM AND PERFORMAN�. Dccept es otheryvi50 proNmed In this Deed of Trust,Trustor ahalt pay to Lender eU emouMs securad by this Deed
<br />=r:..;.'�a�Y � of Thast u Mey becoiree dua.and sha7 strktty artd in s tlmely manner per(am a�ot Trusto�8 obllg�tions under tt�tlote.this Deed of Tnist.and th9
<br /> `.i� _ Ra4tad OOQUm81►Ss.
<br />�_�
<br />�..��:�;;:,;,�,�� POSSESStON AND MAlME��IANCE OF 7iE PROPERTY. Tntstor agraes thnt Ttustors pos�sston end use of the Property shaU be flove�ned by —
<br /> , the foUowing arovistons:
<br />:�. . Pnaeatton aM 10�e. U�1 the oocurtenae of an Event of Detault,Trustar may (s)remain In po�ession and controt ot the Property. (b)use.
<br /> operate or manapo the Propeiiy,and (a)cotl�d erry Ranb trom the Propedy.
<br />�_�;�`M�' � Ottly to MainLTn. Tnstasha0 matntetn ths Ptoperly►tn tenanta6le eortdfUon and PromPtry Perform all repatrs.�ePlaoemerds.ertd maintenartoe —
<br />=s�-�,yeae�� neoessaql to prese�ve Iffi veltee. --
<br /> --:J�.--�.: . �.- .
<br /> � �; - tt�andous Sl�s�ar�ees.fie terms'fiazazdous wast9."hemrdaus subsTance."'disposa�:'te1ease.'and'threatened reteaso.°as useA tn this
<br />•'�"�y�`� Deed of 7'htst,sha8 htw Ihs 6artw meaNrg9 as set ta�ih in the ComPietwnstve Em�ranmantsl Re�Pcnse.Corr�pensatlon.and UabilHy Act of �'�?°
<br />;���_ 18BD.a�aer�ended.42 US.C.Seedon 860/�at seq•('�CERCLA'�.the Mqndmeras and Reauthaiaa�on Act ot 1986.Pub.L Na _
<br /> -=.�,xw-�.. 98�t89 PSARI►7�the Itanu�Bow[IAate�als Traraporta8on Ac►.49 U.S�C.��n 1801�et se4�the Resovroe Conservatton end Rxovary Ac1.
<br />--�-; • 42 U.S.C.SaeUOn 6801.et seR,or other appNanble slate ar Fetieret faws.ndes.a repuLattora sdopted pursuant to erry ot the tarepolnp. 11�e
<br />_:�.,,:.,�..°.;;,� ; � t e c ro s'hezasrdous wast�and Riesardons substanoer'sqau eiso tndude,wlihovt Nmttetlon.petroieum and peboieum by�-produds ar any►fracflon
<br /> ..._�.�q—..r thereot u►d asbesto�. T�sOor reP�serds and warrants to lender iha� (��OurtAB the Pedod ot Tnistors owneasWp at the RopertY.there hes
<br /> �.. - s b6�n no use.oenereUon.mamuiac�due�staspe.traetment.mspo�ai,reteass ar threatoned reteA�ot ar►f+haxardous waste�subslance bY�Y
<br /> �`�:�. perso»on.under.about a taom the P�apertr. (b)Tiustor has rto knowiedge ot.or wason to belleve that thoro tms been,exceAt as R�evlousA►
<br /> :vn'=�"'� ; dtsdosad to end acknotvtedQed by lertdet tn wrtdr�. (q enY use.Qenetatlon.manutactttre,storaye�.treatmert.d15P�.�e7eese.or throetened
<br />--`"-_: r '' retease of any haxerdous waste or substanoe on�urtder.s�baut or irom the FroPedY by anl�P►tor ownere or oocupanb of the ProPedy or M enf►
<br />-- '�•°:�:x;�:: eclual a threeter�ed GttQaGOn a clelms aT anY kind bY enp Parson re'aUrg to such malfer�and (e)E�eDt as D��Y�lesed to and —
<br /> .� . .� .� . � edmawledped by Lender in w�ling, (�naftb�r Tntstar nar any tenartt.contractot.epent or othet authaimd tr�ot the PropeA1►sheD uss, i.-
<br />''^ . :.; ' ; ucns��adMt�►�sNa�oond�u�ss�iB M'�a�oe� 1�fe te�de�retw.s�ena�w'.esi�ue'�or�is and�ordina�noos.P`"A����m�it "``�
<br />�`� ' � ITmt�tion ffiw-e Iaws,reg��ns.and�nartoos d�etb�d abave. TnttMr aut�eAa�s tander end Ib agerds to ente►upon the Proporty to �`
<br /> �1�•, •;C ,y �
<br /> .:. . � ,
<br />� 'i�:' '� 4��'
<br /> . • . ,
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