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<br /> - �� -� ...Y..�......�.�.,��t.+ed, ut ehe oaflon of L�nder.if mortaaae iasuiaace coverage(in the Amount and for the pedos9 �-
<br /> - _ - Yaa..�...�..s, ....._�-- -- . _
<br /> ��'� that Lendsr rcquires)provLded by�an Insurer�gproved by Le�tder ogt�iiu becomes avs�ilabLe and is ohmi�ted.Bottower shaU pay the -
<br /> •• ��•j�, - premiwns tequired eo mainmia�nortgage inaurnrtse In effect, or to provide a lasa reserve. uaW the reyuirement for ��rtgoge °--
<br /> ; imswztnse enda in accotdance witY�uny wc[tten c�greement betweEn Sorrower and I.eader or applicable law. -
<br /> A 9.Imgestlan. l.�nder or ite ogent ruay makc reasonable enMea upon and iaspecdons of tha Proyerry.Lender ehall give ,
<br />--- ' `� Borrower na8tx ut the tiiae of or prtor to un insspecdon sptcltyinp}reasonable cause for tha insgecdon.
<br />- 4_.:,.° . Il4.�a3�!l3m. 'Ths proceed� of nny n�vae�D ar cl�im for dam3ges,dlrect or sc�nsequ�ndel,tn.wnnecflon �vltb any �=
<br /> .�.'�� condemaadon or mAer tuldng of aqy part ot the Praperty.or for conveyance in lieu of condemaadon. are hereby assigaed aud
<br />_ �°"�� shutl be paid to Lender. _
<br />,-� In the svent of n tauil teddng of We Property.the Proceeda sha11 be uPPlfed to the sums secured by tAls Securlry Insuumeat.
<br />�:_6_�� whcthet or not then due.witto any eatcess paid to Borrower.In the eveat of a pardal taking of the Property ln which the fatr inarlcet
<br />�""'� �� vatue of tke Pcogerty immediately before the tatdqg is equal w or greater th�►the aaiount of the sums secured by this Securltyi
<br /> .°i°• Ia3uua�snt ima�=diauly 6efore the takln,�.uiless IBorrower and I.en6er otherwtse agcee in aridng. the �wns secured by this .
<br /> W�_�.`�=.�: Securlry Instrument ahall Q�reduced by the amouat of the proceeds muldplf�d by the followIng fracdon:(a)tke wtal amc+�oP
<br /> ;�=`�''`�. the sums secnred immediatelY before the talci.ag. divided by(b)the fair marioec value of the Propeny immediately befo�the
<br />-:'��::.�.= taldag.Any balan,ce shall ba paid w Bortower.In the event of a pardal tatdn8 of d�Pmpeny in which the fair market value of the
<br />._ts,��.� property immediately before the taking is less t6au the amount oP 8ce sums secnred immediauly ixfore the aiYing,unless
<br /> -- -- -_= Borrower aad Lender othcrwise agree ia wridng or unlesa applicable law otherwlse provides,the proceeds aball bo appllcd to the
<br /> sums sccund by this Securiry lnsmiment whether or noi the sums are then due.
<br />.���.�;:��,:�i Ig�Prag�t�r is abandomd by Borrower.oe if.after notice by Lcndcr to Borrower that tke coademaQr offsrs eo make an -
<br /> ----- awat+d or seute a claim for damagea,Borrower fails to respond to Leader within 30 days after�date the nodce�a give.n,Lender
<br />_ `�.�"� is suthorized ro colIect aad apply the pracceds.at its opHon,eItlter w reswradon or repair of the Property o�to the aum�secured
<br />_�^�x��:?� ' � by this Sdcvrlty Instn�eat,whethet or aot then due.
<br /> -.�,"�?�� Unleas I.eader and Botrower othecwise agra ia arldaB,anY aPPUcation of procceds W prIncipal shall not extend or gostpone --
<br />--�'�K the due date of the ma�F!iy paym�►u refened to In puragraphs 1 aad 2 or chsnge the amount of such payments.
<br /> ____-_-�� il.Be�rovrer IVot Releaged;Forbearance By I.ender Not a Weirw. fixtension of the t�for payment or modi&cadon
<br /> of annon��a:�an of dte sums secuted by d�1s SecuritY Iaguument Branted by I.Ender to aay successor ia interest of Bomoaer shall
<br /> �-"-'-"�= twt opuate to release the liab�ity of the orIginal Borrower or Bortower's succeasors in interes� Leadu aball not be required w
<br /> _.—_� com�nence preoeedings against a�y successor in interest or refiise co extend time for payment or otherwise modity amortizadon of
<br /> ttse suans secural by tbis Security Insuumert by reason of anyr demand made by the orIginal Dorrowes or Borroaer's succ�ssors
<br /> � iu�eica-t. A�y fari�r^�hy Z�z�SS ` ° s�;r�atst�'sP_t�!;!h�!�not tr A waiver af or Fsrechida.�e exe�lse of any ,
<br /> --__-__ rlght or�mtdy.
<br /> = 1Z.Sil�eassors�d Assign�Bo��;Joint aad Severet Li�btlity; Cosigners. 1he wvenaats and agreements oP �113s
<br /> --�M 3ecurity 1u�utm�shalt Mad and berteSt the successors and assigns of Lender and Bornower,aubjcct w.the provlsions o�'
<br /> .paragraph 17. Bormwer's covenauts aud agreemsats shaU be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-s�gass dds Securlt3+ _
<br />—�a ; . 3nsuument but does aot exerute the Note: (a)is co-signing tIlis Security Insuument only to mortgage.�and convey that --..
<br />------- . Bo:rower's interest in the Property under the termg of t�ia Scauity�nstntt�nt:(b)is not personally obligazcd to pay the sums
<br /> - ccc�aed by this Securlry Inst�umen�aad (c)agreea tLat Lender aad any other Borrower�ay age+ee to excend,modiij'. facbeaz or
<br /> maI�e arn'�m�da�onv wIth regard to the tenns of thi:s Sea�riry Instmmeat or tha Note aIthout that Borrower's coaseat.
<br /> � 43.Loae Cl�w�ges. If the loan securod by this Securiry Iasuument is subject ro a law which sets maxtmum loan charges.
<br /> .a�tl�at.law is finaity interpntod so that the tntereat or other loan cLarges collaKed or to be colleaed ia co�necdon a+ith the loan
<br /> cxceed the permiued lindts.tten:(a�any such loan etuuge aball be reduad by dce amouas�cessary to reduce the charge to the
<br /> — t�ermitted limit:and N)anY sums elreadY collected from Borrower which excttded permitted limits aill be seflindM to Borroasr.
<br /> ::�• l.ender may�ct:oose to �ake tbis relUnd by ralucing the prvudpai owed under the Idote or Dy making a dtrecc payment w
<br /> -_-- .,Bon+ower. If a refim� reduces Pri�CiPal.the ndueHon wlll be ueated as a P��P�Y�t ���Y P�Y���5�
<br /> - - �6nder the Nou. °-..
<br /> 14.Ho71c�s. Any aotice to Bomawer prmilded for in this SecurIry dasuuraent sLe11 be S[vea by dalivering it or by mailing it .:�
<br /> _ �"'�``� by fiast+elass maii unless appIIcable law requires nse of another�ofl.rhe noflce sba11 be directcd to the Propeity Address�r
<br /> a�r ot�aulOress Borrower designates by not[oe to Lender.Anyr aotice ro Len�ier e4all b�gtven by &et csass maii w Lender's
<br /> address atated he�ein or auy othsr address Lender desigaates by noflce to Borrower. Any not�ce provIded for ia this Security
<br /> ...Inau�aae�sLat1 be dcenned to have baa given w Borroaer or Lender ahea given as provIded in�hfs paragraph.
<br /> - 15.Ga'nesnin8 Law;Sever�biltty. 1]�is Seauiby InsnumenL shaU be govemed by fedetal law md the law of the _
<br /> juTisdic��ri:�»wMch the Properry is located. Ia the event tbat aW+'provision or clause of this Socuriry In4m�mam or th�Nou
<br /> cwntiicu wI�h applicab2e law,suah conIIia shFill not a8ect other pmvlsioas of this Securtry Iaguiumeni or the Nou which can be
<br /> _ given effect wIthout the conflicdng pmvision.To tbis end the provistons of this 5ewrlty lnstrument and the Note are dalare�tu
<br /> . �be severable.
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