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<br /> S.Hn�sd ar i'ro�erty Ir�urance. B�rro�er sha13 kais the tn►proverarnta now e�iadqg or hereafter erected on the Propenl►
<br /> ra
<br /> =: insured nc�nat losa by bre.hazards included withiu�e urm"euended coverage" and suy other hazards. iacluding flaass or i:=-
<br /> �� # tluo�ln3�4'aP whtcb Leader requirea insurzacs.This iffiuYance shall be mafnwlued ia tke amounts and for the perloda tbsit Leader -_---
<br /> : ,.
<br /> eequires,'IDGs iusurance carrler pmviding the Insura.nce B�sall Be chosen by 8orrower anbject to I ender'a approval uhich sha1D not �,,.-.
<br /> `, be unrx�aasbiy ��Ith�etd. If Borrower falls to ma�uain coveragc descrlbed above. Lender may. at Lender's opdon. obmin
<br /> ' covarage to protese I,euder's el�++te in thc Pcap:.rfiy im�ccmrdaase r�ith parngraph 9. . ;__--
<br /> pq��ran� p�licies and renewals shall be acaptable co Lender and shall incl►tde a standard tuottgu8e clause.Lender ahaU -
<br /> ;,,��g^'� have the riSbt W hold the policIes aad renev�als.IIf Lesdor requirea� Borrower shall promptly give to l.ender all recefpis of patd Y
<br /> ptemiwas and teaewal nodces.Iu the event of loss. Botrover ahall give pmmpt nottce w tke inswaace cattIer and Lxnder.Leudsr
<br /> _ _ �pay make proof of lo�s it not made pmmptly by Ao=rower.
<br />��°_.-ri Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrce in wridn�,3nsurence Proceeds a6a11 be appl[ed to restoradon or repair of the
<br />.•�'�,.:� • Propen!'d2ma8ed.if�hhe reswration or repair is econoffikelIIy feasible and l.ender's secu[iry is not lessened. If the restoiation or .
<br />_ repair is nat ec�omically feasible or Lender's secwiqr would be lessened.the insurance proceeds sLall be appUed to the sums `
<br /> '. '�`° secured b'Y this Securiry Iasuumcnt, whether ot not t3ua due. with siay excess paid to Bortower.If Boxrovrer abandoas the
<br /> -,=':';." pmgeny. or dces noi answer within 30 days a nolice fmm Lender that the iasurance carrier bas o�'ered to seule a ciaim.then
<br />"-::�:� ds. I�ender may me the proceeda w npmir or restoce the Proper�y or to pay suffis secured
<br /> ., Lrender may collect the insvrance pmcee
<br /> '��--- by this 5ecurIty Ix��ent.whether or not tlun due.lt�e 30-day Pe�Iod wW begin when the notice is given.
<br /> -`""'� Ualess Lender end Borrower otheravtse agrce�in writlag. a�►aPPlicadon of grmceeds w priucipal shall uot excend or Iwstpona
<br /> -±.,�� the due dau of the monthlY PaYm�referred w ia paragapY�s 1 and Z or cbange the amauat of the gay�n�.If w�der paca8reph .
<br /> n,_.�''� ia b Lender, Bonower'a r�gDt w eny insurance polides and Pmceeds resulbin3 fsom damaSe w the
<br />---- 21 the ProPertY acquired Y
<br /> `:""T�� ProF�Y Prior to the acquisidon shall pass to Ieader to ihe extent of the suais sccured bY th�s Securlry Iasu�mreat immnediately .-
<br />= prtoz to tt�:acquisIdon.
<br />_;�z�a'.,,�, 6.Ooca�su►cY,Freservation�Msi�enaace mnd Pt-otection ot the Property; �orrower's Lo�n APP���ds.
<br /> -- Bosrower s1�aU o c c u p y.establish.and use the Pro�r a�Sorrower's griadpaD resideuce wtdiin sixty d3ys aftu the execution of
<br /> --�--�,�..::•'. chis Sscnriry Insu�ent aad sLall continue to occupy the Pcoperty as B orrower's p r l n c i p a l r e s i d e n c e f o r a t l e a s t o n e y e a r a ft e r the
<br /> .�--�-�� datt of oc�uzy. untess Leuder oticeiwlse agc�es in wridng. whicL coase�sball not be um+easonably wIthheld, or unless
<br />---- exte�a�n8 cita��taaces exYit ahicD are beyond Bomowa's control.Borrower shall not deatroY,dsmage or imPair the Propetry,
<br />__--a allow�e Proptrcy to deudoratc. or coAardt wasu an�.e Propercy. Boirower �r�e.au�t i�n f r�feiu�uaf og ethe�Pro�er�tp oI
<br /> pioceeding,ahar�er civil or crhninal,ia begun that in lmder's gaod faith jndS�ent
<br /> '. othetwise matuialIy �mPair the tiea cisauo by tYi:e�'��t�L:��s's s!��*�!y ttuerest Bomnvrer maY curo such a
<br /> deFsult and reiastate. as pmvIded in paragtaph 18,b]r c�asin8 the acdon or proceedin8 w be dismtssed witU a ruling tbas, ia
<br /> Ltadet's good f�ith dexrminaSmi.Piccludes forfeiw[¢ otthe Barrower's inrerest in the ProperiY or other maurlal impaitment of
<br /> tine lien created bY ihis Securlcy Iustcument or I�ender's�titY inures�Borro,wer shall also be ia default 3f Botrower,dwittg tha
<br /> � loan apglicadon pioccss.�Save materially falae or i�te infom�ation or atae�raents w Lsnder(or failed w pmvtde Lendar with .
<br /> - any mat,er3a1 informa3+on?in connecdon with th¢loan evidtuced by the NoT�, iactuding, but not limitedl w. tePresmtations
<br /> w�8 Bor[ower's otcuupan�.y af the Frapeity as a p►locipal residence.If this Securlty Instn�ment is on�a'leasehold,Borrower ,
<br /> �W:� sball�omP1Y arith all ths provLsio�of the tease.U Dorrower acquir�a fee dfle to tLe PropenY.the leasehnld and tt�a fce title sl�all
<br /> aot mer8e t�aks.g Lender agreea W the merger in v�tidog.
<br /> aks.
<br /> 7.Ptotedion of Lcnder's Rtghfs tn the Pnope�(q. If Borrower fails to perforut the covenants aad agreeme�comained ia
<br /> this SecuritY Insaum�nt. or there is s legai procaExisB thas maY si�i8�nt1Y affat Lender's righ�in the Propetty+�(s��y .
<br /> pzoc�ia�g ia baakcuptcy,probau.for oondemnation o=farfeiuure or m enforce laws or regnlAdons).then I.snder ma�Y
<br /> ' for whafever is �ssazY w protecc the vatue of the ProPert�'aad Leader's rtghts in the Fcopertl+.Lenda's acdons maY include
<br /> 1�Y�8 �Y �socured by a lien which has p�ioriry over thls Seauity Insumm�ent. appearin8 in court. OaYI� reasonabl�
<br /> attomeys' fees am eAtexing on the Pcoperty to�alce npairs. Although Y.ender maY�e acdon under tfiis�'7.Le�er
<br /> ' •� doea�t Aave W do sz�.
<br /> — . /Ny emouats t1iMb�3ed by Lend�r uader this AaraBn+Pri 7 st�all btcome ed�itional debt of Botmwer sbcured by this Securlty �
<br /> _�. iaguument. Uatess �oirower and Lender agra to otlnt teims of payment, these amounts shall bear interest fmm the dau of
<br /> disburs�naent ac the Nou rate and sba11 be payab�e.aItb�t.upon aotice from I.e�der w�o:rower s+equestm8 PaY��
<br /> 8.l�ioitg�;e Ia�avance. If Lender required mortpBe u�urance as a oondldoa of mabn8 tl►e loan sxund bY this Sccurlti+
<br /> Insaument. Bormwes eha11 PaY the Premiums r�quired w maintain the miiatgaSe insuranse ia effect.I�. fai any rcason, �
<br /> mu�age in�ura� �overaga nquited bY under�aPsa or ceases to be in effc�t.Boirower sball PaY the Premiva�v roquired
<br /> ob3ain coveraSe substanriaUy equivaleat to the moagage insuramx Prevtausly in effect.at a c�ost snbst�allY M�ivalom w th�
<br /> cost Ym �+orro�+er of ahe mortgage insuranx prevlou.sly in e�ffec� from an alteraau moitgage in.surer appmsed by I�eader. If
<br /> ---. subs�attallY eq�va��n mort&'�8e insurance coverdge is not availablc.Borrower shall paY to Lendor each month a ama cqual w
<br /> - onataelRh oF tb:y�:�u4Y mortgaBe ivsurance Pre�iu�bei�8 Paid by Borrower when the iaa�raroe covaqge lapsal or ceased to
<br /> -_
<br />