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<br /> � '!6���{1�TQp�(.� L4(DiNWCT BIi011 OC glYCtl t1tiC t'vmv�unu..v�.�v�u��.�...•..w....v�a���o«.:...y»...».«...�.». .-.__
<br /> �;. t9.�ati°�ns'Fcr��f tt�e�.a�ert3+or o 13tneStcir+t EnteYtit in{3ureucver. if n11 or any part of the Prapsrry or any interest In it is _
<br /> " ' sola ar tramfci•�cd(or if fl hencflcial interest tn guncnvcr le au�d or ernnsCerre�nR��otto�ver is not A nacural peesan)v�f�hout
<br /> �`. l.cndcr's prior wrttten caascttt, Lcadcr may,nt ita option, requite Immzdf�te pnyment ln fui!of�ll suins aecured by Qhis Secur�ty
<br /> " ° L� insi�►ment.!{ovs�evcr.tT+is optton sRall ttot be exercf�ed by I.ender if exerciae is prohibite�Dy feQer�l la�� as aQ the QAte ot this
<br /> � �' Suudty[nstrun�ent. �
<br /> ° If L,ender cuercisea tI�is option.Lender sRaU flive Barruwer nodce of acceterndon.74ie nodae shaU provtde a godad ot aot less �,_
<br /> " �han 3�days(tam the date Hie notice ia detiveeed or mailed wi�hln which Horruwee n�ust p�y all swns secused by thls Security �
<br /> ��'��' �` ��' [nstrument.If 8oaower faila to pay these sums prtor rA the expirndon of this pedod.Lender may invoke any reraEdies yermitted
<br /> ' Dy t$is Secutiry Insuum�nt without further noHce or demand on Borrower.
<br /> " -----' lg.go�y�•s�����. df Botrower tneets certain condidons. Borro�er shall have �he right to dave
<br /> enfom,emsnt of this Sec�eity I�av�aent discontinua! at any time prtor to the earlier oL• (a) S days (or suct� mher period as
<br /> 17°"����•' app]Eca�le law may for ninstaument)before sale of the Propertypu�aaam to enY Power of sale comalned in t1�is Seauity
<br />- . �z� Insaumcnt:or(b)e�cY�o a 1udgaaent eafoning this Security Insuumen�Those condldoag ere that Borrower:(a)pays Lender all
<br /> sums wffich thsn woutd be due under t63s Security Iasaumeue end the Note as if no acceleradon had occ�rredt(b)cures enY .
<br /> � � �favlt of a�y other covenanta or agreemeata:(c)PaYs all ezpcns�s iaciured ia enfoxdng tLis Securlty Iasnument,[ncluding,but
<br /> � � " uot Iimited to.reasonable att:omeys'fees:and(�tak�es such ac�ion as Lender may reasoaably require to assun ttiat the Uen of tt�is
<br /> '.,."r'i::.ti `. Sec�uiry Ins[�umeAS� I.endC�'s � in che Property and Borroaer's obligaflon m pay the sums secured by [his Seauity
<br /> ...� ,. Insuvment sha11 co�a.ue unchanged. U�reinvmtemeat by Horrower. d�ia Sewrlty lnsnument and the obligadons sewred
<br /> .,_.;, at•^� hereby sLall nmain fiilly effective as if no acceleradoa Uad occurral. However.this r�ghe to reinstate shall aot s�pply in the case of
<br />:•.:�;_'f�. aoceleradon under paragtaph 17.
<br /> `�'.`` .� 19.Sak ot Nat�Ct�ge of Loan Servicer. 'I'he Nou ar a parttal interest in the Note (togerher wi►h this SaurIry
<br /> ,�i:� • Ia4uurnent)may be sold one or a�ote da�s wlthout pri�under the Note end this Sxu�rlty lns�truenent.�lltere aDso may he one r .
<br /> r �'�� as the Loan Servccer)tbat collects�nthtY l�Y��
<br /> ;;�J 4:� IIIOIE Clianges of ttce Loan 5ervicer unrelated to a sale of the Nou. If chere is a change of the L,�a Sen�icer. Borxower wUl 6e
<br /> � gtven avrittea nodce of the cl�ange in acoordance wich paragraPb 14 ahave and applicable law.'19�e Aotice wUl�tate ttce narae amd
<br /> -.'`�'::��-°F�'' address of the new Loan Se:vicer and thx address w which paymeats sttould be made.Tha noSce will also contain any otPtsr
<br /> �}3' '�"� iufat�aflon required bY agPlicable law.
<br /> `'.'L ��� Zp.Ha�rdou��ne�s. Bormwer shaU aot cause or pesmit the preaease. use. disposal. swrage. or r�elease of a�►
<br />-:g:;.�
<br /> :ti��.;�r. Hardrdous Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shall aot do. aor allow anyone else to do.anything affecdaa the PcopertY
<br /> that is in violatloa ofauy F�vimnmental U►w.'Ihe preadin8 two sensences shail not apply to che presence.use.or stoiage on tfix
<br />-_-y--��'-'°,��t.` I�CO1xnY of small q u a n t ides of Hazardous Subsffinces that aze generally recognized w be aPP�Paiate co normal resideatial u.�s
<br />-" --�.:'� a�t w mainttnance of the Property.�� wcitten nottoe of anY iaves8gadon,ci�m. demaad� lawauit or other acdon by any
<br />-':��,'� . Borrower shall P�mPtiY 8i or rivau invoiv�ng the Property and aay�i�ardaus Substance or Env3rormaeatal 1aw
<br />��� govemme�l or regulato=Y a�encY P P�Y
<br />---- of wL'cch Borrower 1ra.;�i:;riini L�c�r��Earrax�z le�s.!�r!�*±c+��bY�Y gove�n,++e„fa�or reatulawry authatlty,ti�a�si►Y ,
<br />-;- --__�''';� t+a�mval or other[emediation of aity dous St�bstance a�eeting the Pcoperty is�cxssary.Borcower ahaU prouq�tly take all
<br /> ._..__� aoussaty remedlal acdona in aocordatne wlth Eavlromnenral Law.
<br /> -�'°-:���'�. As tucd in d�Ia para�aph Z0. Hazazdovs 5ubstances' an those substa�ces defi�d as wxic or hazardovs substances by
<br /> -__ - • Eaa�hopmcmra! Iaw and the followiag substaaces: gasoliee. keroseAe. other flammable or to�dc petroleum products.cflatc
<br /> pesdddes and i�eerbicides.vola�le.solvenrs.materlals wataiaia�E asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and radioacdve materiais.Aa mod m
<br /> ----- this paragraPh?A."F,nvh�omuemal i.aw' meana federal lawa and lawa of the juiiedi�tion where tke Property is loczited that rzlate =
<br /> __�:.� w 6ealtb,safety or enviromnental protudon.
<br /> ---_ -= NON-UIJffORM COVENANTS.Bormwer and i.effiter fluther covenaat and agree as follows:
<br /> ---y�R --� 21.Aesetaratlon:Reme3ies.Lender aLall glee nattoe w Borra�va prlor to Aoceleration[ollowing Borrower's bre�6 at
<br /> _ aay cove�at � �wt 6r tl�is SeeorHy I�tautment (but uot prtor to sooelcratEon undes p�nragrapb 17 �a _
<br /> agpik�Me law provides athcrwLse).T�E QONCB 6L�II 8�:(o)�e defauIt;N)t6e actton reqWaed to cure the detad�(e)
<br /> a d�te.not less Wan 30 days aoas the date tbe ndke is given to Borrower,by xfifch the detautt must be�a�(fi
<br /> �n�_ thai[aftin�e to eure ths defauk on a:6e�t+ne the d�te spaifFied In We notice may resv�t ta eccelereiion Qi tLe suna�eaane8
<br />---- _ by this Seeurit�,i�t nnd s�le of t6e Property. '14ie notioe sh�ll[urfher iutorm Borrower of the r3g�to rei�
<br /> � qtxer aocderatton u�tha rtght to 6r3ng a eawt adton to �er2 the noa�of n detault ar Aqy o�►er t�fe�e at
<br /> •8onaaer to acczleration pnd sak.Et t�defau�t la�t c�rsd on or 6dare tba duls spectt[ed!n tbe notice,�,� i�c
<br /> __.. __ ,;� o1�tIan+m�l►�requtre immed�ate payment in full a�aU sums secured by th9s Seciatty Instruraent vrlWout itutber�
<br /> - and maq U�vdce tLe power d ssk and aay othei remedtes pamittm,tl i�y appt[eable U►w.Let�der sl�ell be entiltecl ta cv{iect
<br /> ------ a11 e�qimsrs iucurred[n guraving tbe r�edies pzovtckd in this par.egrxph 2�.It�Cluding,but aot llmlted tv�., te�
<br /> nttaoeys'tas and costs of�ide evtdemee.
<br /> It We p9wsr�sak is invol�ed,Trustee sdaU rseord a naRtce of dafKUlt tn.retch county ta tvhk�t Aq1F pu� ct tA�
<br /> -'�;�+� Property is ioc�ted aad shull m�il copEes o�such notice W ttie ms�mer prescr[bed by applicabSe 1�1�v tn�or�aKe��ttd tat�
<br /> :_�`-� atba� persong pr�'ibed bY aPPltc�xbte law.After the tGne regw'u�cd�by pppUcable lsw�7YusG�a�bal1�e p�te a�Ce��.
<br /> ��'�'� eate tn the petson4 and in the ueanner prescrl6ed by applk:able law.Trustee�without demAad ah Rarrav+reR�s�a1A s&lA RA�
<br /> ,:.�° -_ �aperty at publle auctdcm to the hlgl�est 6idder at the 4lme aad P1ace wtd under the terrlla desigituted k1 t�@ pPRk'�4�siat�
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