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Bonower wsuranta und wlil <br /> d;,g�g,,�;,�stty th�gt�to vlte Pra�eerry against all claims and d.etuauds.subject to tu►y encumbmaces of recoM. �-: <br /> t <br /> � � ,� . THIS SBCURYfY INSTRUMENT combines uaiform covenaata fo:nadont�ll us� aad non•w�iform wvenants wlth limited <br /> ,'� � varladons by jurtsdfcdan to consdt►ite a unit'orm security insuu�at coveriug reAl pro�aYty. — <br />-���� � UMFORM COVSNANTS.Borrower affi Leuder covenaut wrd egre�as foUowa: <br /> I.Pa�}naent of Prlactpal end Iater�tt PreP$i'�ent a�1.¢te Cha�ges. B�rrower shaU pmmnpdY PaY when due the <br />�_ �. ,� prinsipal of and inurzst on the debt evldenced by the Note ana euy prepaymem atM lata charges due uader the Note. <br /> 2.E�a�i far'd'eaes eend i�surance. Subjact to appllQaOIe law or to a written �vaiver by Lender, Borrower shall puy to <br /> , ._ l,mder on the day montWy payme�arE due undor the No�a.uuSl the Note is pAid in full.a s�("Funds')for:(a)yearly taxes ' <br /> - . �.,; and ass�senenta whicb may auain prIorIry ovtsr tbis Securiry lavtnnn�ont as a lien on ths PropenY:(b)Yearly leasehold paya�enta <br /> - � ' or gmund rems on the Propercy.if any:(e)Y�arIY bazard or P��'��ce prewiusns:(d)Year1Y fload inqurance premiuu►s.if _ <br />_4�.`':.""s� ' uIDS�If eay:ead(�aaY s�ms PaYabIB by�omowtr to Lsader.�Il BCCOIr1atlCe wlth the <br /> • •.• ,a �Y:(�)Y�ti►��Se insutence premi <br /> � �j'�� pmvlsions of paiagraph 8, in lleu of the pay�ent of mor�gaSe insurance Premiums.T�ese items are caUed'[ow Items.' <br />?i;�,:�.:, <br /> ws�`��. �d�r anY dme.collxt and hold Funds In an a:uouas nat to exceed the Una�dtrwm amount a lemder for a federally nlaud <br /> - :::;r�� mortgage loan may requird for Bortower's escr+aw:.cxeieat w.�ler tt�federal R�il l�tate Setctea�nt Pmcodutes Act of 1974 as . <br />���;. ameaded fmm time to dme. 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seg. (°�tFSPA").unless anotber 1aw that aPPlies to th�Fuads seta a lesser <br /> a�onount. If so. Lender may.aa a�r dme. collect and hold Fu�ds in an amoant not ro exceed the lesser amwn� Le�Wer may <br />�;,�,�• estimate the amou�of Funds due on the basis of current data anA ieasoffable estimnEes of expendiwres of futute Fscrow Items or <br />;,�� otherar�se in aco�rdance wEth applicuble law. <br /> Tha Fuada ahall be held in aa instiduton ahose degosits are iffiureall by a fetl6ral agencY.insuumentality.or en8ty(iocluding <br />=-o,,�;?=j� I.snder.if Lender!s such an instlAnio�os fin a�r Federal Home La�8ank. I.emter sLall apply the F�mds to pay t�e Fscrm�r <br /> — Itea�.I.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applyiag the Funds.ennuaUY analY�3ug the escrow account.or veti4�rtng <br /> T=�,°��� licable 1aw m�its Lender to make such a charge. <br /> _..�_•ma�ri the Bscrow Items.unless 1�ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds anA apP � <br /> � — However. Icnder ma3+re4uire Borrower to pay a one-ti�►e char8e for en indepeffisnt real estau tax nparting s2.rvIce used by <br /> -`�-----�—.�"".� Lender in connecdon with tWs loan.unless aPPllcable law pzovides otLervvise. Unleas an agram�e�is madt or applica6l�law <br /> -- ° nq�iu�,;iu�r'�.�t�s�pa33. L�lrs:�1�+t M±+��ired w pay Borrowar am intereat or earnings on the Fu�ls. Borrower and <br /> --- - I�ender tuaY agree in writiug,however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds.Lender sLall give w Bo:rower.wFthotit <br /> - ---— atmval�of the Funcis,showba8 credits and debita to the Fimds and the purposs for abIch each debie tm rt�e Funds was <br />� made.l�e Ftm�s are plcdBe�as additFo�l securlry for all mmoa secured by tLia Securcby Insnumen� ': <br /> IP the F'unds Leld by I.ender�xcee�the amounts�W be�eEsl by apErlica6le law.Leoder sbaU accoudt t��orrower for <br /> i____— the exoess Fun�s ia accordauce with the.Yeq��iremenm of appl�Cable law.If the amou�of the F�mds�C�Y�b�t�d�!at a�►t�me� <br /> ---- — not sutHclent to pay the Escrow Items ahen dne.I�ender may so�tiTy Boaower in v�nitiag.and,in snicII►case Ba�ower sball pay <br /> ---- to Lender the amouns n�sary m m�e uP the deficten�y. Bor[ower shall make up the defccieocy im m �Qmin�tban twelve <br />� -_ <br />