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_ , � .. ;(_ . ,. y�r ,•'i;}',. j .. .y • i <br /> � .. . .. . , • .. _ . h. , , � <br /> � . ;',�' „ . � ` . .: � _ .j <br /> ay/�i� .. . n ,. o . " " •' .... ._. <br /> � --.F� �e}yytla�..R..�.. _ , h � . � �. �• .�.,. �..c ,q;M..... .i... irt. �rpf, _... ' <br />. '�"...�"�..tL`��.�{t:,��:tJ�a:Ga_u[itis�iyijMtaVYY�fhr- YSiFi� . �f. _.,� ., ...!`3�----. . .. _ ' <br /> . � <br /> '.a.:siLs+xr ru_._�..,.y . � �. <br /> � - • _.__�.`..._ ... _. .�-. <br /> �, 4._w_ __..____._._..._..........._.....__.�,_..._..._....._ .. ..n.______._.'___._.__.__. _ ' J.Y� .... ._ '. <br /> ., ., n y, . _ .._._....."'............=i� . . <br /> . .a.-�� •' . . �9��v���� <br /> _ , .:T � �aYrrtcncs mny ao 1�aager Bo reqwre�,at Wo optton of L.ander�if mortga�go insurance covaraga(in tho amount nnd for tito period <br /> , - tlu�t L�ndcr esquires)provided by an insurer approved by Lcnder ngain b3somes nvailnblo�utd fs obtained. $onower ehull puy <br /> , � tho prc�niums rcqui�ed to rtu�intain mortgage insurance In effect�or to provide a loss rescrva, unHl th�requirement for mortgage <br /> ., • insuraa�o end�ln accordnnce with cu�y wrltten ukyc:enunt 6etwaa�13uao�ver nnd Lender or applieable tuw. <br /> ;�;,;��;�� a. Itupeellon. L,ender or ite agent may malce reasonable euMes upon and inspeettons of tho Pm�rty. Lender shall give <br /> �. 8ofrowes notico at tho dm�of or prior to un insp2ctian ep�itying rcauonablo enuse for thc3 inspectton. <br />_: ���;,, °' Y0. Ce�dearuuttton. The proceedq of any uward or elaim for damages� direct or consa�uendnl, in conneMion with suy <br />-�'�:��-•t-: condsranntion or other teldng of any part of the Projserty, or for conveyance la lieu of condenmatIon.are�ereby os�igned uad <br /> ehnll be pnid to Len�4r. <br />,.���--�� . In t!�ovent of a total taki�g of tha Praperty,the pzoceata shnll be upplied to tke sums secured by this Security Ins�rument, <br /> � whether os not then due, vdth any excess paid w Bormvier. Ia the ev�t of a prut�al mldng of the Property ia which the fair <br /> market vuiue of the Property immedtately bofore the taldng is equal to or greater than the amount of the aums securod by this <br />-•�,�`M1�.�6 3avrIty Insbrummt immedietely before the teldag�unless Boaower acd I.ender ottc�se agree ia wrIting,the sums aecured by <br />'�-;., �.}' . thie Sacudty InsWmeat shell be reduced b tke amowu of the P bY wv►8 fractlon (a)tho total <br />:.,,,�.. „.,. Y ptoc,eeda multi lial Ute follo <br /> ...�:•;. -- araouat of the suana secured immedtst�ly before the mking, divlded by(b) the fair market valus of the Property i�iateiy <br />�'�R'`:�� before the taldpg. Any balance ahall be paid to Barrower. In the eveat of a psrtiel mking of the Property in which the Sair <br />_.:°�`•`.�� market velue of tlte Pra <br /> .���',� perty immediately before the teldng Is less thea the amouat of the sums secvred immediaL�ly before tha <br /> - --- taking, unless Borrower aad Ltinder otherwIse agrea in wrltiag or unless applicable law otherwisa provIdes� the proceoda ahall <br /> -��� 1�aPPliod to th@ ewns secured by this Secwity Instnunent wh�ther or not the su�s then fi!e. <br /> _�°:.°:�,�.� Ig thd Property ie abandonad by Borrower�ar i�after noHoe by I..ezider to Borrower that the condenoaor offers to make an <br /> _--= award or seule a claim for domeges� Borrower fails to respond to I.eader wIthin 30 days a8er the date the notIce is given, <br /> -�-���r T+CIIdCI�8II111�147�7/:d W CO�OCL� 1 �8 <br /> :,.w:.���,� �kP Y Pr�da,at its option,either to restoratIon or repair of the Property or to the sums <br /> - --= sec�uai by tbis SscWrity insuum�t, whether or rtot then due. <br />_i,;���,{�; Unless L,ender end Bo:rower otherwlse egeea in wrIting, anY applIc�tion of proceeds to pzincIpal shaU noi�ctend or <br /> --..-- Postpone the due date of the awnthIY PaY�ts referred w in paragrephs 1 sad 2 or change the amonnt of such payments. <br /> }-�°�� li.Bormwer RTot Pteleased;Forbeannce By I.ender Not w Waiver. Bxtension of the tinae for payraent ar modific�on <br /> -=�; of emortization of the sums secured by this Security Inatrwaeat gr�rntod by L�nder to any sacce,ssor in interest of Horrower shali <br /> - aoi operato W release the liebility of the orfg[nal Bonower or Borrowd s suoassora in I.ender sl�all not ba required w <br /> commence Proxodings a�a;nat anY succe,ssar in fntere.vt or refusa w�ctend time fnr payment or othercvIse raaiify amortization <br /> ---s� of the aums secured by t�is gecurity �sx�ent by reason of em demand mad�a by tha ori�taal Bortower or Botrowd s <br /> — ; �sors in intaesG Aay forbaraace by L,eader in wcetcising eny rIgb,t or re�aedy shs�111 aot be a waiver of or precluda the <br /> - , exar�o{se of eay rIght or re�aedy. <br /> ; 12. S�acons itnd Assignt Hotmd;Joint and Several Lfabllity,Co�tgi�ere. The covenaata ead� of this <br /> ' 3xurity Iastrument shall biad and benefit the succe�sors and ssaigns of I.ensler and Borrower, subject to the proviaions of <br /> � paragreph 17. Borc+owc�'s cove�ants and agreenteate sball be joint ead several. Any Bomower aho co-signa tl�ie 3ecurity <br /> � Instrument but dces not eoceaute the Note: (a)ia co-sIgna�g thIa Securlty IusUumant only w mortgage� grant aud coavey that <br /> + &mowe�'s interest in the Pro <br /> _ Per►Y uader the terms of thfa Sectuity Instrumea�(63 ia not personalty pay the sums <br /> --- ' socured by this SocuritY Ittstru�� and(c)agrees that Lenda end any other Bormwer mnY a&�ee to e�nd,modifY,forbtaz or <br /> --•�a'�; malco eay a�odaYions wIth mgard M the terms of this SecttrIty Ltadtnaent or the Note wlthout that Bonoae�s eflnseaL <br /> _.:�s ; <br /> � ' 13. Loan Cbuge�. If the loaa sec�aed by this Securtty Insdvment ia subject w a taw which sets ru�cim�m loan ch$rgey, <br /> --�:� sud that law is�inally interpreted so t6at the interest or other loan d�erges collected or w be oollectod in corateciion with die <br /> loim�aeed the permitted Iimits.then;(a)euy such loa�n charge ehali be raduced by the amouat aeces.sery to redueo the charge <br /> '.} to the pecmittad limifi and N)anY stcns aiready colle�ted&om Borrower which wcceadod permittod limita will be refimded to <br /> Bon+awer. Lender may choose to malce tbia refimd by reducIng the pr�acipal owed unda the Note or by maldng a direct <br /> ,,j payment w Borrowet. If a refimd reduces princIpal, the induc3ion wlll be treated es a 1�� P�Yment without aay <br /> P�Y�G1�ar$o undat the Nota - <br /> '.i 14.Noticea.Any notice to Hrnower provided for in this 5ecurIty Inshume�t ahall be given by delivering it or by mailu�g = <br /> �' it by 6rat cle�ss mail uNess applicable law requi�s use of eaothet method.The notia+shall be directed to the Property.Address <br /> ,,; <br /> � or any uther adclre,cs Borrower dessignates by notice to I.eada. Any notioe to Lsader ahald be given by first cless mail W <br /> -- '�' Lmdds eddr�s atatod hereia or say oiher eddress I.eader designates by aottce to Borrower. My aoiice pmvidal for ia this <br /> — " } SqcuritY Inshvment ahull bo deemed to ltave been g[ven Yo Borroaer or Lender whea given as pmvided in this paragraph. <br /> : � 1S.Governing Law; &ver�i�iltt�. Thia SecutIty 1�at s�all be govemod by fadcral law aad the law ofthe <br /> <� aurlsdiction ia which tho Property Is located. In the event tl�at aay pm,Wxion or olin�sa of this Security Jusb�mRent or the Note <br /> ; oonflicts with epplicable law�such conflict ahall aot affect other provl�ions of this Secuelry Instrument or the Note which c�n be <br /> .� .� givar effxt�vithout die oaaflicting provision To this ead tha provisions of this SecurIty Iastcumeat aad tha Note are declased <br /> W ba eevorabla <br /> -�---�-- .� 16.Rormwer's Copy.Horrower shall ba given one conformed oopy of tlte Note m�d of this SECtuity Iasdn�meat. - <br /> �'�" F in aoj� e�ao <br /> — ' �� �6ptq�1�9s�si.o� a•o•aofe �m�°s - <br /> ------;;:;� ;; �;��� <br /> ------=�; <br /> _�__W_�_. - — — <br /> �_.� <br /> -- _T� <br /> _ ..�..a. ---- <br /> _ - �� _ .: ��_ .---�..-�� �� _ _ _� _ _ <br /> � , .- :� . �. _ <br /> - .� , . . n�.,,��.�,s._ � r �. --- <br /> _ -__ -�.r 7 � . . '� . '4'MS.i3ljfc�CS"�rsc-r�-.. --+�-�__�c�-i��. �iast^cc.^c__. -' - - . ._.__._-_. <br /> - -.._ .� , . . �� . � -.��� <br /> •rF'�' <br /> ��_ i' ° - " _ .:=:' . ,,, �c,�"t'`+��'... �s"P'�'�" - --- <br /> -- •a_ "•- ..:. <br /> � <br /> .,i. :. ia.„-L ..w � 3-�ir",� - )cf""� ' -- --- <br /> '4±tJ'.�' . � . .° '. .r -a., i Er�'�`�.. - _. <br /> .M1..����`-tt� ' _ . .. .� . , . . y. 6�.1.Sfs-- - v •tl�: aEs'Y�S_ ".ali.�JFaF"'ti. ... <br /> �+5.��- i.. ., .. .. . -- r ��k r� vu::�r.�'.{�- 'y— -�(�c `� - - ..- ._.._ . <br /> Jv i� " � . T •„ ill .I << �.q{-k �{yt��ai � �1 k.y.,�-�.f1.�i'3+tSu_... _ _ <br /> �-��• P • -.r� � �_ .... jS t'�ir 'i ,, r a ��trF� iE;r1�t'.l"�� �S„q i ���u -- <br /> . . 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