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<br /> . _ ''�� . � .. �. HeaArd or Property Ins�zranc� Boaower shell keep the improvementa now existlag or hereaf�er erected a�tnfl t.
<br /> -�` Property{AS�uod agalnat loss by&e.hr�zards Iacluded wlthia the term"extended coverage" aad nx►y other haz�uds, iaoludtng
<br /> � na
<br /> ' Aao�a or Aoading, for wbich Leuder roquires iusurance•'f his insuren�e e1�aU ae°lniutnined ia t1�e a�°oiants and for the p e r io
<br /> _.,�:_.__�:� that I.eac3er requires. The insurancs c�rrier providing the insurence shsll be chosEn by Sorrowet subjLendeor m�iay rat�det,'s
<br /> " F'--°'� which shall not ba wueasonably wltbdeld if Borrower feils to maiamin cov�age described above,
<br /> �` •' ` optIon. obtaa�a cov�ge to protect Lender'e dghts in the Progerty ia ewurda�nce wlth para�raph 7. �-.
<br />"'��:`-���:�� All iaaw�aaca policies snd renewels shall be acceptable to I.ender end shall inciude a standard anortgage clauso. L.cndcx
<br /> .. . shull have tha right to hold tha pollcies aud renewels.If Lender requires,Horrower s1�aU pro�tlY give to Leader sU recdpis of
<br />_�- _ -- patd preraiums aad renevnal uotices. In the event of losa�Botrower ahall glve prompt notice W the insurance camer and Lemder.
<br /> �ader may make proo€of loss if not mada pmn►Ptly by Bonower.
<br />'���. Uatess Leader and Borrower otherwlse ag�+ee ia wrIting,inaw�ance pror�eeds shaU be applied to restoration or repalr of the
<br />-_-�: ;"'"�a p�p�y,� if the restoration or repatr ia economically feasible and Lender'a security is not lessened. If the reswrat�on or
<br /> :.:.�:l� lied to the sums
<br /> ;,�,:�r; repair is no�economically feasible or i.ender's securlty would be lessened,the inssurance proceeda at�aU be aPP
<br />'�;:`;:.�: sec�ued by tl�iis Secudty Inamimeat,whether or not then due, with eny excess paid to Borrower. If Boirower abandons the _
<br />'=��;.� ProPertY,or does not anawer withia 30 days a natice&om Leader tbat the insurance carrier has offered w seul�atocl��
<br /> -_,��,�..�_: or restore the Prapercy
<br />_.�_,m,�:�� L.ender tasY colle�t the insurance gsoceeda. Lender may usa the proceetls Yo repair
<br />- - secuted bY thie 3acudt3+Instruanent, whether or not then due.The 30-day period will bagin when the natice is glven.
<br /> ____��� Ualess I.endet and Borrower othera�ise agree in writing� anY aPPlication of praceeds w principal shaU aot acteud or
<br /> y� tsna the due date of the uionttily PaYmeats referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amouat of the paymeats• If
<br /> _ :�'"~�����--�-- �yp�P�a�eph 21 the Property is aaluired by Lender,Bonowei's right to m►y�nsuraace poHcies and proceecls re.guldng from "
<br /> :.���'� damsge w dze Property prlor to the saquie1tion ahall pass w Leader w the�tent of the sucna�ed by this Secu�i�y�
<br /> -`-`'`-=,�'�r�':� immecliateiy prior to the acquisitton.
<br />- >-u�er.�:�►� 6. Qaxupaney►
<br /> Yreservudon, Maintenance �wd Protectian oi the Prnpertyt Horrower's Losn ApPf[cstion;
<br /> ==��.� Le�aeholds.Borrower s1�aU oocupy,es�abliah,and use the Pro���y as Bon wer's��r nc�'ipal�reaidence for at least one
<br /> __-��� exacudon of ttds Security Instrument and shall continue to occuPY
<br /> ------�-�� year ofter the dato of oaupancy,tmleas Lender othervvise agrees in wrIting,which con.cent shall not ba�mreaaonabl8 o thheld,
<br /> - or untess e�ctanuatin8 circ�mstaaces exist which'are beyond Borrower's ooatrol. BoBorro sballabe default��for£eiture
<br /> --- - the Property�allow the Proparty to detertorate.or commit waste on the Property.
<br /> - acdon or praxedin&whether civiY a crimiuel� ia beSua that in Lender's good faith judgment could result ia forfeiture of tho
<br /> - ptoperty or othcrw;i��ticrtai3y i:s�str t�Iieu e�eared by this Sacurity Inst�nment or Lende:"a securlty interes�Borrower may ,
<br /> cure such a default aad reInstate.as Provided 9n paragraph 18,bY causiuf3 the acdon ar praceeding to be dtsaussed w�a rui�nB
<br /> that, ia Leuder's good faith detas�iaatiun. Wecludes forfeiture of the Horrnwer's interest in the Pmperty or otha materiel
<br /> - impairmmt of the lien crea'sd by t�is Securlty Inatrwnent or Lendds security inte�s� Borrower at�all also ba in defanit if
<br /> Borrawer. durtY►8 the loaa application procesa,Save materIally Salsa or inaccurate inforn�adon ar statements to L,eadEr(os failod
<br /> '�'=��' eo provide I.ander with auy materllal informa�ton)in com�.ection with tha loaa evidenced by the Note,including,but aot limita!
<br />------ w�reYn'esenmtions coacemiag Borrower's accapancy of the Property as a priacipal resIdenoe. If this Sciaaity lnstrument is on a
<br /> - leasehold� Borrower shall comply w[th all tha provlaions of the lease. If Horrowet aequires feo atle to the PrepertY, the
<br /> - leasehold and the feo title shaii aot merge ualesa L,ender agcees w the mergar in writing.
<br /> �- _- 7.1te+otxtfon of Lender•s Rig�ta in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform tho oovmsnts and e�enta conmined in
<br /> this Socurity Instrument,or thera is a legal Pro�ding��i'�S��Y���8 n�hta ia the Proper�y 4�as a
<br /> prooeeding in b��auPtcY. P��for ooademnat�oa or forfeidtte or w eaforce lawa os regulattona). thec►Leader i�iay da and
<br /> the value of tho Property eud I.e�da's dShts ia t�Ce Property. I.eade�s acdons may .
<br /> pay fo:wt�atever is aeasaar�►to Pmte� in court, pa�►i�8 .
<br /> iaclude PaY�B�Y� securod bY a hen wl�ich has prlorIty oaer ����I�d�m�I�o���der this paraguph
<br /> `�"'°— rea�onable attomays' fees ead onte�iug on the Property w melce repairs. u$h
<br /> - 9,i,enda das aoi have to dn so.
<br /> Any smounts diabursed by Lacder under this paragrnph 7 shell bocome additianel debt of Horrower soctuad by d�ia
<br /> gxurltyr Instctmce�.Ualess Borrower aad Leadet agree o�ottter terms of payment,these amouats aball bear intes�est S�am tho
<br /> date of disbussement at the Note rate mrd shaU be payable, with inteac�st, upon aottoe&om Lender W Borrower requestm8
<br /> '� � &MorigsSe Insnrance.If L.aider required mortgage insuraace as a conditton of mA1c�n8 the loan sscured by ttiia Sxurlt5►
<br /> - �ns�em. Borrower ahall pay the nre�nivens raquired to maints�ia the mortSaBe inaurance in�ffoct. I� for any reasoa� tho
<br /> --- ��g� �ce cove:age requiral bY I.endec 1ePses or oeases w be in effect. Horrower shall PaY the Yn���4�to
<br /> obtain oovezaSe subsmntiaily equivelent to the mortgage insurance pr�vtously in et�ect.at a oost subsmntisily equivalent w the
<br /> -- — cost to Boirower of the mortgage insurance previously in e�ect. Erom ea attesnate mortSaSe�n�'ePPmved by Lender. If
<br /> _ — — sub�ndallY«Nivalent mortgage iaauranco coverage is aot avatlt�ble,Borcower shall pay to Laada each month a sam equat to
<br /> -_- ._.---=-;;,;) ono-twelRb of the yearly mortgage fasureace premium beiug Pa�d by Barrower when the ins�uance covc�ago lapsesl or cx�at W
<br /> ::•; be,in effect.Leudes wlli acoePt�vse aud retain these paymeats as a loss re.serve in lieu of mortgag� insuraaw. Losa resesve
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