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<br /> ,. 19.7Yansfer of the�rogerty or a Lieneficfal Interest In Borrncver. If all or uny pnrt of thc Properry or any interest in it
<br /> - is�ld or tran�f�rred t�ff n Mene�ieinl tnrerest in Horrower ia�old or tranefetted and Bonower ix not a nAtural pereon)wIthcsut
<br /> Lender's prior writter+mnsent, �nder may, at i�n vptian, requfre lcrmP�tinte pnyment in full of ali sum.a sccured by chiw _
<br /> '` Securiry Instrument,However, this optton shufl iwt ise e�cer¢f�es1 t►y l.ender if exerciae iw pmhibited by federnl law a.q of the dnte I
<br /> • of thia�,curtty Inatrument. � _
<br /> �� ' ' If Le�tder exercises this optlon,Lender ehall give Borrower norice of acceleratlon.Thu nutice fihall provide a periad of not
<br /> �� l�� less than 30 da}+s &om tRe date the noHce is delivered or mniled within which Borrower mu.9t pny all aam.g se�ured by thiR
<br /> .�� ��inr Instruatent If Borrower feils to pay these sums prlor to the expitadon of thie period, l.ender may invoke any remedies
<br /> _- � pe�mitted by this Sxua�iry Insdniment g+ithout flutl►er notios or demand on Borrower. �noW� ehall have the rig}►t to have
<br /> _R�. 18. Borrower's Ng6t W Rei�tstate. If Barrower meeb certain condidons,
<br /> , ,�••:�• enforoemeat of this Sec,urity Ingtrument disoontinued at arry time pdor to the earlier of: (u) S���of sale containa m�this
<br />'-���"�"_ �— c�pplicalble law maY spaci�'for r�instatement) before eale of the Property Pursuant w anY P�
<br /> ,;; �ty I�str�a�en�or @)eatrY of a judgment enforcing t�ia Security Tnstrum$nt.'Chose conditions ate that Eflnower:(a)Pa�
<br /> Le�det aU sums vvbicfi then would bg due under this Sacutiry Inatrument end the Note as if no acceleradon had�ocun'ed;(b) �
<br /> � T ciues any default of any other covenanta or agreem,enta; (e)Pal'B e1�exPen�s incurred in enforcing this Security Instrumeat, .
<br /> �, incl�qg,but aot llmited m� reasonable ettomeya' fees; and (d)tekes such action as Lender mey reasonably require to asaure
<br /> ';;� :, :� thaL the Iien of this Security Insaument,L,ender'a righis i�the Property and Borrower'a obli�ation ta pay the swns secured by .
<br /> � �,� this Securi t Y I�ruaneat shaU oonttnue unchanBed. UPrn► rei�atatex►eat by Borrower, this Securlty Instrument aad the .
<br /> obligutions secured hesebY ahaU c��sin fullY e4�e�ive sa if ao acceleration had ocaured. However, tlils dght to r e i n atate ehali
<br /> -,� not s�pgly ia tha case af acoeleration under para�aph 19. _
<br /> ``� 19. Sale of Note,Cdange of Loan Servlcer. The Note or a parcial intetPSt ia the ATote (toSeghe�' �"'itfi t�is 3ccurlty
<br /> �ci i r':�-'. Iagtrumeut)may be sold oae or more�without prIor noflce w Borrower. A salo may result ia a cLeage in the entity(lawwn -
<br /> ag tt►e"I.oan S�vtcer")that oollects montlilY PaYmenta due uada the?�ote aad this Secarity Instnmaent. There elso may be one '
<br /> or more changes of the Loaa Servicer nnrelated to a sale of the Note.If thera is n change of the Iaau Servic�.Horrower wUl be
<br /> _._�:�u: . .
<br /> -= ���"�. givm wriuen notice of the cha�►Se ia accordance with parag�ah l4 above andapplicsble law.The aotice wlll atate the name aad
<br /> address of the aew Loan Servlcer ead the addr�ss to wl�c6 paym�ts should ba made. The aoflce wlll also contnin any other
<br />=��K"�' iafom�stto¢t requirod by aPPllcable law.
<br /> ;�::�•i�; Z0. H�Moas Snbataac�s. Bonowa ahaU not cause or permit the presence, use,disposel+ sc��8e. or release of any
<br />-`�Y:;•-:. Borrower shaU sot do� nor allow anyone else w do. an�►thing affec�n8 ttte
<br />=;.�s..,z„� Ha�rdous �ubatences oa or In the Praperty. rivo seateaces shalt aot apply w the presence>use, or
<br />:=-x�;: Property tHat is in vflelatioa of eay Envlronmental Law. The preceding to be appropriate w nomnal
<br />-.?�-�. etorage oa the�mperty of small quandties of Hazardous Subsmaces that are genaallY recognizod
<br />_:--��-� residential uses and to nainteasnce of the 1Property.
<br /> -- g,�;;,��t �msnMiY give L.ender writtea ao6ce of aay invesai�ation, claim, deanand,lawsuit or other adion eay
<br /> -�''"��� govtan�meatal or regu]etorY ageaaY or privete party iawIv9ng the ProPatY and any Hazardous 8ubsiaa�or fiuvu� La�
<br /> _-�.:,�.,�,� of which Horrower has ectual lmowledge. If Harrower leams.or i4 notifiod by any�overumentai or reguletorY autt►otity.that
<br />.�-�---� any removal or oth�a ranediation of eay Hezardous Substauce affectin8 the ProPertY�s n�X Borrower shall pmmptly take
<br /> ----- a11 neoessery remedial aceions in aaoardanoe wlth Er.vimnmeate1 Law.
<br />-- - - - — Aa usod ia this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substanoes" are those subsmnces defined as WxiC ar hazardous substeacas by
<br /> Faivironmeatal Law and tha following substances: gasoline.kenosene, other flammssble or Wxic petrole�products. toxic
<br /> _��,�,� pestiaides and tc�bicides. volat�e solvcats.materlals coataining esbestos or formeldehy�#c�aad radioactive matert� Ixated thai
<br /> -r,.� tttis parn�aph 20."Bav�ronmental Law" means federal laws aud laws of the jtuisdicttoa whene the Property
<br /> ';��:�;a�� mlana w hpld�.safet3+or envvic�onmeatal Protoction.
<br /> .� NON-UN�ORM COVENAN'I'S.Horrower aad Lender fiuther coveuant and agree as follows:
<br /> ----_--- 2L AooderAtdan;R,emedi�s.I�nder shnll g�ve notice to Bon+uwer prtor to ucceieratlon followtng Sorrower's brexc6
<br /> oi any covmant or �e�ecment tn dda Secaiiq► Iastrament Nnt not prtor to aaxlee'ation ander Paragraph 17 aniess
<br /> � spplic�We la�v provldee otmrrwtse�'�'he nottce slull sgecit'y� (s�)the d�aW�(b)We actlon e+eyoi�d to cure We defaat�
<br /> (a)s dat�not len tlun 30 d�ya flrom tl�e d�te th�notIce ts gEven eo Borrower,by whtsh the aetadt mnast be cared:�nd
<br /> - ���8�� detaWt on or tKtoro We dw4e epecitied in the notice�ay resWt in socelerattoa og Ehs sume
<br /> Insh�ment and eale ot�e Properiy. 'Phe aotice shall ttut6er inform Aan+uwer of ihe rfght to
<br /> -- -� �i�ht�a sftpr aoeeleratlon and t�e r�!tn Dring a oou�at uKton bo asseit the no�noe of a dettalt er ury oth�r
<br /> ��,�e ot gor�+y�u to aooeler�tlon and aaQe.V the defaWt b not cured on�r before me�tu specttied in ti�e nottcG
<br /> I.cnder.at[ts optlun,nnsY r�iair�imrnedisk pspmmt in fnll of aU suma aecnred by tiJs 5ecurity Ia�trumen4 wdthoat
<br /> _�_-�- ti�t�ser d�ad and may Lnvolce the poveer o!sale�ad aa�y other remalies permt�ed by�ppltable!sw Lender ehsll 6¢
<br /> - e�ifla!bo oollect all e:penses Incarerd in pnrsaing the reffiedfss pmvPdaD ia this paragrwPh 21,iadudW�,but noi tlmited
<br /> --- tn,�a�sonahle�ttorays'4ets and cwts of Htle evfdeaoa
<br /> -- - Yf�e posver of sale!s Imo1�a1. Tn�ahe sLaU�ecord a notice of ddadt in dteb oouaty in wbie6�ury part of the
<br /> prop�ly b locatcd and ahall m�tl copka of ene6 rtottce tn the manner prescribed 1►Y�PP�a�le lmv to Bore+otiver a�d to
<br /> ree om��on��by�r�e�.��E et�e��a by��u�.t,ae�.w,�rr�scx�t�t�e�a�c�ttce
<br /> of snie b ttie pe�sons aad in the mtnner P�+escr�ed bi'�PPU�Ie Isw Traatee,wiihont dem�ad on Borro�vsr,e�ll sell
<br /> _ t�e Frape3ty at pabl[c sQMton to the 6fg6est bidder at th+e time sad pitoe snd ander ttie kr�desdgn�R�d in t�e aotioe oi
<br /> ssle in oae or aiore p�roels and tn�ay oNer TYostee deCamineA. 15nutee msY Postpone ate of W or any parce7 of t�e
<br /> _
<br />