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<br /> � } ,, TOOHTHER WITH n11 tho improvomenta ttow on c�reaRer erccted on the property.und all eascments, upputtcnr�cc�. and �:.__
<br />� -•: r Sxtures aov� or hereafter 8 part of th� property. All repl¢cemencs und addNlona ahal! niso be covered by thia SecurIq� _
<br />.,,,,�.���. . Inauumen�All ogt�e foregoiag is ref�rred to ia thia Secw►ty Inatrument as the "Property." �
<br /> �""' BORROWER COVENANT3 that Borrower is law4�lly seisett of tha estat�herebY convoyed nnd has the right to g�ri+nt and
<br />- _= co�vcy tfie PPag:.rty uad that tke Progert3►ie un+eneum��red, exezpt for encumbrasices of eecord Bonower warceats aud wlll ;,_
<br /> -�-°�" "� _ :. defend geuerally the tida to the ProgertY ag�inst ell claim.9 and demands�aubject ro any encumbrances of record. �
<br />_..�., ;s�_°"�,,
<br /> THIS SECUNTY INSTRUMENT combiaes unifosra covermnts for aation�l uRe and non-ua{form covenanta vv�tt►l�nited
<br />_T;,,; varlodona by Jurisdiction to constitute a wsiform securlry instr�ment covering real property. -
<br />-'""""T# LTNIFORM COVBNANT3.Borrowet and Latdar covenout and ag�eena foUowe:
<br /> ,Ny:�-
<br /> 1. Eaynteat of P�iact�al and lnteres� PreAryQ►eat ans! L�te Chaa�ei.Borrower ehell pro�tly pay whea due the
<br /> T---�:�:° r prindpal of And interest on the debt evldenced by the Note ead aay prepayateaR end leta charges due uader the Note.
<br /> �;;'e•-t��. 2. Funds for Tases and Insarauce. Subjeet W applicable law or to a written waiver by Lzader. Borrower shaU pay to
<br /> _''":�'�: I�ader on dte day raontiily paya�enta ere due under the Note,until the Nou ia paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yoarly texes
<br /> ���.�,"3,: y earl leasehold a ents _
<br />_'�n�if` " sad assessments which ma attain priorIty over this Seciuity lnstcument as a li�noa the Property;(b)Y Y P N� --
<br /> '��=;_�.;��: or ground renta on the Properiy.if any;(e)Yearly hazard or pmgerty ias�ttance pre�niums;(d)Yearly flood inaurance premiwns.
<br /> -_°'�-� if any; (e)Yearl�r martgage inauraace premiuma. if any; and(t�enY su�s PIIYable �y Borrower to Le�der. ia accordance with
<br /> ' °-- = the provisions of paragraph 8�in lieu of the payment of mortgage iasuraaca praniums. These itemg are called"Eserow Items."
<br /> =4,�:j�� Lender may. at enY time, coilect ancl hoid Funda in am m�auat not w exoe�slthe rn�imum amowu a lender for a federally .-
<br /> sy
<br /> r�latod mortgag�loan may require far Bo�rower's escrow socouat uader�he federal Rea1 Belate Settlement Proc�edures Act of
<br /> _'�����' 1974 as amended&om time W tim�, 12 U.S.C. Section 2b01 etseq.("RBSPA'). unlcss another law that applies W tha F�mds
<br /> :-`��'�;�'� SL18 B 1CSSCT 9gi0UAt. �BQ� Leader may. at enY tin�e, callect and hoW Funds in an emaunt aot to exceed the lessser amouat.
<br />-^-�;��� Y�ender may aatimate the amount of Fimds dua on the basis of current data and ceasouable estimates of gxp�ditures of fudue
<br />,,;;�:�.,,�
<br /> Escrow Itema or othenvis$in accordance with applicable law. iasuumentelity. or eatity
<br /> .�.-�-=�� The Ftmds shall ba held ia en institurion wkose deposits are insured by a foderal aB�Y+
<br /> _.:-,�� (including I.ender�if Lender is such an institution)or in aay Federal Homa Loau Banlc. Leada shall apply the Fuada to pay the
<br /> ----- Escrow Items.I.�der may not charge Bonower for holdin�end applyiag the F�tds,enn�allY analYzinB the e�'°w ecxouat,or
<br /> - verifying tho Es�row Items,unless L,emde�'paYa Horrower interest on the Funds ead applicable law permits I.eader w make such
<br /> �,� Q charge.Howeve�� Lender may requiro Borrower w pay a one-time charge for aa indepeadent real eatate ta�c reportia8 sarvice
<br /> �� nsod by I� in ava-ut�ciiun wiih t2� lasa, �� �FP�''nhie luw nrovides otherarise. Ualess an agreement i� made or
<br /> ��y;:�;�;;�,� appltcabla law requires intenst to be p�ial,i,eader shaU not be requited to gay Horrower aay int�test or earnings on tha Fuads.
<br /> ._;;��� Borrower and Leader may agrea in wriHng,however� tl�at interast sball be paid on tke Fuads. L�cnder ehaU give to Borrower,
<br /> °_--,,�, se for wl�ich each
<br /> - wIthout charge, aa aaaual accouaW►S of the Funds,aho�ng aredits and debia to the Funds and the Pwpo
<br /> — -- debit to the Fwnda was made.The Fuads are pledged as additional security for a�sums secural iry this SecuritY 1ns�m�en�
<br /> _ If tha Fuu�ds hcld by L,�nder exveed the amouata perrnitted w ba held by applicable law.L.e�der shall acc�unt w Borrower
<br /> for the�ccesa�unds ia ac�ordance wlth�a raquiremen�of epplicable law. If the emouat of tha Fuads held by I.ender et eny
<br /> time is not�uffiicleat to pay the Escrow Items when due.I.ender may so notify Bozrower in writiag.mid.in such cace Bo:sower
<br /> - shail PeY to I.en�er the mnount aecessary to make up tha deficiency. Bonowa sl�all make up the de&ciency ia no more thaa
<br /> twelve monthly payments.ai I.euder's sole discretim�. tl refbnd w Borrower aay
<br /> Ugon payment in full of aU sums secured by this Soeurity Insdrwttent,Le:►der shall promp Y
<br /> Funds hetd by I�eadar. �£tmder Pax�aPh 21�Lender shaU acquire or seU the Pcoperty,l-ender,Prlor to the acquislHon or sale
<br /> _ - of the Property,ehail aPPly any Fuada held by I.euder at the tinae of acquleition ar eale as a credit against tha awns secured by
<br /> this Sec,vtlty In�smiment reeeivad by Leader under paragaphs
<br /> 3.Appltcadon of Psyjuente.Unless appHcable law providr.s otheawIse, sll payme�s h 2�
<br /> 1 ead 2 shall be appl�od: Urst, to anY P�PaY�t chargas dua under the Not,�second.W amouata payable uader paragrap
<br /> third,to intaest d�e;fowth,w PrinciIml dv.e�and last,w anY late cherges dus�ttze Note. :
<br /> - ----- 4.Chargesi Ltena. Bonower shell pay aU taxes. asaesameats, charBes. fines end impositions auributable w the FroPerty
<br /> wl9ich may attain p:iority over tbia Secudty Ias�ument, aud leasehold paynnmts ar ground rente, if aay. Borrower shail pay .
<br /> theso obHgattons ia the maaner pmvided in paragraph 2,or if aoi paid iu tbat mauner. Borroaer ahall pay them on ttnae diratly
<br /> to tho person owad payment Boimwer shall pmmptly fumish to Lender all aotices of amoimss W be paid under thia pasagnspb. ,
<br /> If Boimtver makes these payments direetly.Borrower sball promptly furnish to L�ndcr reoeiPta•evidencing the paymeate•
<br /> .� Bosrower sha11 Prompdy discharge any licn which hss priority over this Sxiuity Instcvm$nt ualess Horrower.(a)agrees in
<br /> ��;•� writing to tbe payme�of the obligatlon secured by the liea in a msumer accePmble w Leader:N)oonteata in good faith tha�Hen
<br /> - bY� or dofends against enfo�r•ement of the lien in, legal Pmceedin8s which ia the Leade�e opinion operata to praveat the
<br /> = cnf�cc�t of the lier►;oT(c)secures from tho liolder of the lien an agram.ent sadsfactory to L�uder subordiaafdng the iien to
<br /> __�u_ this Security Iastnunem. If I ender deteta�iaes that any part of the Progercy 3e subject to a lien which may attain priorfty over
<br /> � this Security znsbumeat�Leadea maY Bive Borrower a notice idendiying the lk� Basower a2�all eatisfY the Hea or taka one or
<br /> _-----== more of We aciions set forth above arithin 10 days of the�iving of aotica.
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