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t ..:�y ; , �. ;�;\\�;:rti x;t�?i.tli<= ,��ri�� <br /> '-'}?;,• :y. : <br /> 4 �,;.tIP,� . � � . . � � _ `,, t. _. ... i :'r. <br /> � -.r�,� �alt�' . <br /> + - ' �++r� � . .. . , . . . .� , <br /> ..neOiR . : `' :�i: <br /> - .. •'1�.,�.�;..� .. , <br /> I c.4�MSAMIN��D+7�frr.... '. o �� . ' . .. ✓T n � .. . �' p... .. . n _ .. .-.o-d-w�. +e?.�h�._—'_ -._ <br /> , .. . . ,.___.__.�__... <br /> �. ' .. � ..�_�Jaii�. „ . . - � .. <br /> .. . . �.. ..� . . �. �. __.._�.�_._�_.....__"' . . <br /> _ "_'_'_'...._.�.�__. .,.. .._..."'"___"._....""_�.n____ <br /> o �_' <br /> � �• <br /> 99° �c���.�� ��:_ <br /> n � a f9.Teenstcr of tt�e I'�ropQrty or u�2n¢fictat Interest in Borrocver. If all or any part of the Property or eny taterest in it � <br /> " ia Rold or trun�feneal(or if s benaSciel interest in Borrower is sold or transferred end Aorrower is not a natural peraon)without �''•� <br /> Lender's ptior written conaent, Lender may, at ita optton, require iminediate payment ln full of ell sums secured by this :_W <br /> 3ecurlty Insuwnen¢.However� thts optton ehall not be exerclse�bY 1.ender if exerciae ls prohibited by federal law as of the dats ��;;. <br /> . ' � of this 3scudty inatrwttent. <br /> If[.erider oxersieea thie opdon, Lends�r shall gtve Horrower notice of acccleration.Tho aotice ahall provIde a period of not �l . <br /> ..,:� Iess thnn 30 dnys fram the date the aotiee ia delivered or mailed within wIuch Sorrowcr rauat pny a11 sums ses�ued by this � <br /> , Securlty Ins�t.If Borrower fails w pay these sums prior w the expisadon of thia period,I.ender may iavoke aay re�nedies <br /> permiKed by ttiie Securtty Instrument without fiuther notice or demaztd on Borrower. <br /> �� 18. Borrotver'd Rtght to Retnataee. If Borrower mcets certaii► condidons, Borrower shall have the dght to have <br /> _,���. enforcemm�nt of this 3ecurity Ineaument dlscontinued at any tirae pdor to the earlier of: (a) S days(or such other perlod as <br /> r ursuant w any power of eale contaiaed In tUie <br /> �.,-�..�� applia►ble law may sperify fot relnstatement)before sale oF the Property p -- <br /> ... Sxur(tv Instrument;or(b)entrY of a judgment enforaing this Socurlty Iasuumeat.Tfaose condidons are tbat Borrower: (a)PaYB <br />' � I.endtr all eume which then wauld 6e due under this SecurIty tastr�ment aud the Note as if no acceleradon had occurred; (b) - <br /> ¢ cures nny default of any other oovenants or agreemente: (c)pa all expenses incurred in emfon�ing this Securlry Instrumeni, -- <br /> ° �� Iacludlng, buR not lGnited w, reasonabla attorneys' fees; and(d�takes auch sction as L.endea xnaY reasonably require w assare <br /> -, thnt tho lien of this 3ecurlty Inemune�►b Lender'a rlghts in the Property and B�irrower'a abtigation co pay the sums secured by <br /> � F •°•• this Security Inatrument shall contlnue unchanged. Upon reinsmtement by Bflrrower� this 3ecurity Inammnent end the _... <br /> �.Y obligadona aecured herebY ahall remain li�lly effecdve as if no acceleradon had oocurred. However,thia rlght to reinamte shaU �.,,. <br /> '. aot epply in ths cnso of acceleradon under pnragraph 17. <br /> 19. Selo of Not�; Chaoge of Loan Servtcer. The Note or a p�rHal ia tha Note (together wlth this Securit3' <br /> �•.� . . ��snument)muy be aold ona oz more tiraes wlthout prior aotice ta Bonower.A sale may result in a cliar►ge in the cnrity(known • <br /> -,��.;�:.,t' as ttte"Looa Servicer")that collecta monthlY Payme�ts dae under the Note end Nria Secunty lnstrumeat. There also inay ba ona <br /> or ntore c hunges o f t he L oan S e r v l c e r u m e l a t e d t o a s a t e o f t h e N o t e.I f t h e r e i s a c h p mg e o f t h a L o a n 3 e r v i c e r,Bonov�+e�'wI11 be !:. <br /> _ _ �� given written nodce of the cbanQe in accordance with peragraPb 14 above andappliaabla law.The nndce will statc the neme and _ - <br /> .�s""`��' address of the new Loan Servicor and the address W which payments should be made. 'Phe notice wIll also contain any other <br /> __,Y.JL�;�� informallon reqWred by applicable law. e, or release of an <br /> 20. H�ardoue SubsP�tneee. Borrower shell aot cause or peimit the pre�►ce, use,disposal, stoYaB y <br />� _ . Hezardoua 5ubstwaees on or in tho Property. Borrower shaU not do, nor allow aayone else to do. enything affecHng tha <br />''K!"""" Propecty that is in vlolatton of any Environmentn1 'The preceding two senteaces sl�all not8pply to the�ca.usa, or <br /> .;�,;� , <br />- :,Y, , r�i7,ad t0 be a i Ate to ilOm181 <br /> _;�,--� storago on tho Pro of emell quantltIes of Hazardous Substances that are S���Y PP� <br /> t c s i d e n t i a l u s�,.w a n t o ra a i u t e n a n c a o f t h e Pro p e rt y. y <br /> - -.—=t Borrower shall�mmpdy glve Lender writta►notice of eny investigadaa�dn'an H�'azar�S l�ubstence or EnvIronmental I.ew <br />=-=r� �y,�_ �a 1 ar re atory aaeney o r D r ivate p a r t y involvia g tho Pc�P�Y Y <br /> — �f which Borrower has ectvaT lmowledge. If Borrower toara$,or is noafed by aay governmauinl ui c�uiataay�ork'f� t2sss <br /> g'� eny removel or ot�a remadiatlon of any Hazardous Subatance affecdng the Property u n�assry, Borrower shaU promptly take <br /> ------- a1l noccssery ranedtal ecttons in accordeuce wIth Environrnental Law. <br /> -- Aa vasd ia th{s parn�aph 20. "FIa�ardoua Substances" are those aubstauces defined as wxia or h�zerdous substances by <br /> � Snvlronmmtal Law and tha following aubataaces: gasoline, kerosene, other flammabla or toxic petroleum producta� wxtc <br /> � pesttcides eicd herbiaides.voladla solvents,materiels contalning asbrsws or formaldehyde,a�ui radioacti�e materIale•As used in <br /> ---- this pptagreph 20. "Environmantal 1-aw" means federal laws and lawa af the jurisdiction where the Property ia located that <br />--_---`- reIcto to ixalth,eafety or environmental protecdon <br /> ----"`- -'"—° I�ON•LJiVIF�RrvI COVBNP►iVTS.Borrower and Lender li�rthm�coveaant aad agree as foUowa: <br />�---`�•:;�''� 11. Accderatlon:Rcmedtes.iander ahxll g[ve aotice to Bor�ower prior ro ncceleratlon feDowing Borrowes's bresch <br /> ---�--- at�ny covemnt o� agreemeat tn tl�1s $ecurily Inatrument (bat not prior to eoeeleradoa undsr ph 17 anlees <br /> ------_- �pplkRble Isw{trovtda ot�erwtae). T�C II01IC8 6�I Bj10CI�1: (a)the detautt;(b)the Ac�ton req to cure the dsfaW� <br /> (c)a dxte,not leil W�n 30 tlayo irom t�e date We nottce is give�a co Borrower,by whtch the defaWt mnrt be cared:and <br /> (d)that t�llure to cure tlta defaalt on or before the date�pedf�ed!a the notice may resWt in acceleraqon of the enms <br /> � tecurt� Sy thb Siect9tity IasWment tad sWe ot the Peoperty.'1Che aotice shall iwrther infosw Horrower�i the right to -- <br /> f�llMUtt9/t�!!Rcaler�tMn and We rtght to bring s�court action to aesert tiie non�ststence of n de8ualt or Any other <br /> dtlaue ot Borrower to Rtceleraiton And sWc. V We defu�lt �mot cnred on or l�efore the date epeci�ied tn the notic� <br /> Leudcr. �t tb mptton� msyreqeaira ImaiesWte psyment ln fuii m4 all eums secue+ed by ttils Sesuritg Inahn�mtent withoat <br /> i t t r t�er dem w n 6 �a d m a y Imoke thepower o!eate and any other memedles permttted bY applla�6le lsw.I.ender sh�l1 be <br /> _ g=� endll�to coUcEt�!l e�pensa ine t�r r e d in pursWng the cemedtes pmvided in this paa�sBraPh Zl.tncluding,but not limited _ <br /> to,reseouRble Rttorneys'fed r�d coate oi Ntle evideaee. <br /> u <br /> Of tdepow er o4 ule b Invoked,Trustce ehall record s ao4kce of default ia esch county In whicl►aaY Put of e <br /> property 4 laKted�ad thtiU maU copiea of�uc6 nottoe in the s�nnner prescribed by appltca�tle Isw M BoiTOVrer and to <br /> !he other penonf pretcrlbed by appfictble tsw Atter the tfmo r�a�by�c�l�o t de�nd on Bor�i�owper,�sh�ll�acll <br /> Qt u!e to the peno�u end in tlie manaer preecrt�by apptica <br /> � — the Froperty at publk aucdoa to tRo hfghe�t btdder at the time end pLse and ander the terrms desigoahd in the noSse ot <br /> •t�te In one ot�noro p�rceis ued In�u►Y order Trentee deYermines.Trustee may postpone ssle oi dl or any uaresl o!the - <br /> _:_- ptop�rty bY pttblle tnnouncenaent at t7te dme ond pia�of any prevtoasly schedded eale. Leader or ita destgrtec may <br /> -__ _= purrhaae th�Property at�ny�ale. <br /> --__---�'^�,,1 <br /> ===�� <br /> ��.�a-., Ferm s028 918 ... <br /> ,"��:. �6111N�I�o»s�.o� vq•u oi o �pia _ <br /> ..Y'�. <br />. _'_�`FT�'^,r� . <br /> ".l-(••'�. '/! <br /> ��J-•M!��� � <br /> ."' <br /> ' .. — _ ___ ... <br /> .._�. .._'___.. ..._"_.�c'....._�.._.�.�� _— Ji.r._.. <br /> _�V- _. �_ -:. ._.__ _—___._ __ .._ ---�� r -- - .' P . ..•z��� -- .. <br /> .�-•������w��i �+w���z �,�y <br /> � S^ <br /> .��- . �� . __`n'" .. . .. ' _"� �._ ."�. "'F� !��`�`l.f.'v'A� .�'�' �- -f'A — . <br /> i Y " �. � . .. • 1 .� s .a._ µ __.� <br /> �f�AM .. Z.! .. � . .. . . e G... - -" . F ._.... <br />. . ..� ' '�"r .. , � .. �, _ . , . :.r+E 4� .�9�+1"Pi��f^.4C'*.�+a}�F�'c.:f.8.� _ ___ ' <br /> .. - ,i ��.Ff .cl .1R� �i r. �,c �.2 �4, . �_ .. <br /> , , P.. � n � .i ' . :i ti4L, �- } -�i�'r . ti � y _ <br /> .. �� . 1 �� - . .. -�.r�.'d . ...M. � y <br /> ... . i , , � . � ' .. � ';l%'. . . .'tti�G-, . �� • ��kti��ll��:_ � .. <br /> , .. . .. . �f ��� . s .�'. �r� .'�'`,;:':r'v� ..LL.e�" <br /> . .�` i • '�,.7J:�,.�,..,- <br /> . . { , • • - � .� .. • �Y...�. � ,µ-I�fij(ri i_ �- ... <br /> _ . �. � � � , � �. ' .. . �,_ . .irt7"'_ ' . �7 ._._1, t+'� - . <br /> , .-f--.�_ .. � ,. ^ — , ' .. .` : i ' •�t'1. <br /> r�a c�- <br /> 5y•.L�.f� .;A ..��yt�P�.. <br /> � �yµ 3 � � A. <br /> - � 1. �, ,.. . . . .' . .. 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