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<br /> ��- e insurance wverege(in tde amount and ior iao����•�, �-..
<br /> �nymonta mny na longer bc�required, at the option of Lcnder,if mortgegbecomes avallable and fs obcalned. Bonower elusll pay
<br /> that I.ender requiresl P�vtded by en inaurer approved by Lender again !`_--
<br /> �;;m
<br /> ° thp i�p�miumn required to mnintein mortgage iasurance in effect,or to provide a loss reserve, �c�alb,o law.uirement for mortgnge �; _
<br /> :;,,.~�� InAUennco enda irt aacordunae vrith aay written aIIreement betweEn Borrower and I.ender or app ----
<br /> " 9. van�tas4lo». Les►da�or its agesst may maka reasonabla entrles upon and iasFections of the Property. Lender shnil give
<br /> ac
<br /> reasontable cause for the ins�se� on. y,'_
<br />;.-'�,+..`�.� $o�sow�c ttotio�at tbn Htri�of or prior to an inspection spccifying �--
<br /> 10� Condoma�atdon. The proceeds of any award or claim far dams8es, dir�t°r�°riBe4��Qi' � CO��on with onY
<br /> cond�nnntian or oiher tal:ing of any part of the Prapert5'.or for conveysnce ia lieu of conde�nnation,are liereby asstgnecl and
<br />�.=� ehall ba paid to Lender. lied to the awns secured bY thia Sccurity Insmiment, _
<br />. � In the evant a£s total taking of the Propetty,the procee8s ahall be app in which thtl fair
<br /> -.----::-,.-_ w�te4her or not.shan,dua, with any excess paid to Horrower. In the eveat of a���°�ep�he sums secured by this
<br /> - �� market vAltte of,tho Froperty imsnediately before the talcing ia equal to or greater �writ[ag,the stuas socttYed bY .
<br /> .'-<�; Security Insttument�{mmedistely bafore the talcing,unless Hosawer and Leader othenvlea agrea
<br /> . .' thie Sec�crity►Iusttum�ot at�all ise reduced by the amount of the pxoceeds multiplied by the following frection: (a���
<br /> -�-:���:�. divided by N) the fa�r market value of the Propert3►
<br /> �-•��-�; emount of the enms�ocured immadi�ely beforo the taking, i�wbich the fnir
<br />`v'�'�:'�:� before tho taiciag. Any balance ahall ba paid to Borrower. In the event of a parttal ta�dn8 of the�oP�Y 1 befose the
<br /> ._-. �":�_ tnarkct valuo of the Property immediatelY before the taking is less tha�t the amouat of the sums eacured immediste Y
<br /> - --_ � in wcitiag or unleas eppllcable Isw otherwise Pro`dde�th°P�a ehaU
<br /> __ teking,e�r�laas Bonowa aad I.ender otherwIse a�e t whether or no¢the sums are then dna .
<br /> --::����� be a}�plied to the suma secured by this Security Inatrumen to Horrower ttiat the condemaor offera to�uilce aa -
<br /> _ If the Property ie abandoned bY Bosower.or if,after nodce by Lender �the date tke aotice ia g[ven,
<br />.�,�.�:.�•�� awerd or settle a claint far damages, Horro f��'ta i�n o�a'ther to r�toraH�on or r�air of the Praperty or W the sutna
<br /> __.=-_= L.endar is authorized w eollect and apply the p
<br /> _-��:� sticured by this Secucity Instru�ent. whethor or not ihen due. �c�don of proceeda to prInoipal st�aU not oxtend ot
<br /> Ualess I.eniler aad Eorrower otherwise agres in wridng, �Y�1 aad 2 or change the mnount of suah paymeats•
<br /> ---°-'i- postpane the duo data of tha montulY Paymeata refe,red to in paraSraphs
<br /> _"'�"-� 11. Borrower Not Releas�d;Forbearnnce By Lendes Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or mod[ficnt�on
<br /> .�a of amortization of ttte sums secured by thie Security Insuument grantad bY Lendcr to aay succeseur in interest of Borrower sl�ell
<br /> -_ - ttot operate to releaso tho liabilicy of the orIginel Horrower rn'Bonower's su������ ��aot be���o
<br /> � commmtce Oroeaedings a8ainat enY auocessor in interest or refuse to extend rime for paymeat or otherwise raodigY
<br /> of tho suma exurod by this Security Inauwnent by rcaeu�n�f aay 'c.�n�d � bp � orlpdnat Borrowor or Boraowds
<br /> succoseors in lnteres�Any felbearaace by L.ender in exe�'deing anY n�t or remedY ahaU aot be a aaiver of or prwluda the
<br /> e�cereiae of any dght or remedy. �.The covenauts ead agreementa of t61s
<br /> 12. Succc�sors�nd Assigas Bowid: Joiut and Severnl Liablltty> Co-si�
<br /> Security Iastrumrnt ehall biud end beaefit the aucces.4ors and assigns of I,ender and Bo�wer�wbh�sl�pthia sS cu I�
<br /> P�S�Ph 17. Bonower's caveaants and agreements ahaU be jouu and sevecai. AnY end convry t1�nt
<br /> Ltahvment but doea itot execute the Note: (a)is co-aigning this Saurity Inatrusnent only w martgage. gcaat
<br /> Borrower'e inurest!n the Property uader tha ternos of this Securcit3+Iastrument;(b)is noi pa'sonally obligatod to pay the stuns
<br /> — sxwod by thie SarurltY U�trunu�+and(c)agrees Wat Lender and m►y other Borrower maY ag�w eoctend,modigY�forbear or
<br /> vaalce any accoaamodationa witb ngard to the terma of ttda 3ecurlty iavt�ruraent or the Note withont that Boirowe�'s conseat
<br /> 13. Lo�n C6�es.If tko loau secured by this Security I�nstrument is subjeat to a law which seta ma�imum loan ches8p�
<br /> and that law is Raa11y tatGSpretal so that the lnterest or other loan cbarges coltected or to bo collected in connecttoa witli the
<br /> t sp
<br /> loan mccaal tho pamittal li�aite�thea:(a)any suc$loan charge al�ell be redueed by the amoaat�������
<br /> to tbo permitted liaait� and(U)enY suais already caUected from Hotrower which exceeded Permi
<br /> Bonower. Lender muy chooso w makc�this refund b3+ reducin8 the priucfpai owed under the Note or by msldn8 a dirxt
<br /> ma t without aqy
<br /> payn►eat to Borrower. If a rettmd reduces priacipal, the redti�cdon will be treated as a partial PnPaY►�
<br /> prepayment chargo uuder tho Note. �� �Uvering it or by mailfng
<br /> 14. Notl�ef.Any aetieo to Sorrower provided for in this Seciaity I�►etrumem e1�aU b�� �3'
<br /> it by Rrst alaei►meil unlesa sppllcablo law requires use of another method. The n°ti����r�t0�0�0�A��
<br /> or any other sddreas BaNOwcr designates by notice to Imder. AnY aottce to I.ender shall be gtven by&st class mail w
<br /> notice w Horrawer. Any notice provided�or fa this
<br /> Landar`s eddress etetod heraln or atry other eddreas Lender designetea b3+ ven es provided ia thia parag�"aPb.
<br /> 3eciarltY Inauumeat ehs11 bo damed W have boza glven to Borr6wer or Lender when g� federal la�v snd tha law of the
<br /> 1S.(iovernl� L�w; Eieverablllty. Thia Securicy iastrumeat ehalI be govcraed bY
<br /> jurisdiction ia wbiah tho Praperty{s located In the event that awY Provieion oi clause of this SecurirS'In�wn�at or ths Note
<br /> contliote wlth Hppllcablu law. �uch oonflict ehall aot effect other provlsions of ttds Securit7+In.strument or tha NoW wh�ch can be
<br /> _ given effect without tho conflicting provision. To thia end the provlsions of thia Securlty Inslrwment and tha Note are dxlerod
<br /> __ �_�_ - to ho saverablo. of the Note and of tbis SecuritY Iastrwuent
<br /> - _--__-_° 16.Borrowes'�Copy.Horrowe�ehull be given ona conformed c.opY Fea,sott �I�
<br /> -' - -- P�9�4 olt WhSat� --
<br /> —�--- �ER{p8)10�191.01
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