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<br /> Upon reseipt of paymen4 af the prlcs btd, Trusteo eh�ld del[ver to tha PurchASQr'��+i%tee•e deed conveytng the
<br /> Property. Rhe recitale in the Traetee's deed sPiall t�e prl�na[ucla evialence o!the lruth of the etatemenfe n�ede t�erefn.
<br /> �Yv�te�ehail appYy the procceds of ttte eale in the foAowing order.(n)to a11 eusts sad es�ensea o8�Aerciging Wo�wer ot _
<br /> es�le,aud the sal�taclading the payment o!irhe TFus4ee'e ied a�Etnlly dncwred,not to estxed 05.000 �•
<br /> o�GL•si�r7s�t�a.aIl s�ount o8�:so►e rR t�*�H1�aee oi�Eee��claras[an of defaulA ttnd ereASOnnble ettot�eys'fe2s�permi3teS _.
<br /> by itw.N)to nll sums secnre+i by t6As Securt4y Ini+trtnnent;nnd(c)sny e:cess to the pet�son or pereona legA9ty endt��w
<br /> !�
<br /> 22. Reconveyaace. Upon payment of aU sums secured by thie SocurIty Tnatrument� I.ender sl�ell request Trustea w
<br /> reconvey ttta Property aIId sl�aU surreader thia Sacurity Inst�ument azed all rcotes evIdencin� debt secured by thie Secudry
<br /> Instrupient to Trustee.Ttustes ehall reconvey the Property without watraary aud althout charge to the pe[son or perset�s l�gally
<br /> entitled w it Such pttson or persans ahall pay any recordation wase.
<br /> 23. Snbsfiiu¢e'ihvs4e2. lxnder. at its opHon, may&om dme w time remove 7Crustee and appoint a suecessor truatee w _
<br /> c�on ayanos o���'raperty,tbe au�sor trustee shall succeed w all th title,gawer aad dutIes�co�errediupon�Truatea h�in
<br /> and by t�pplicabtq Iaw.
<br /> Zd..�tegui�st fop Noticea.Bormwer requests that qpies of tha notices of defa�xl4 and sale ba sent w Borrower's addras
<br /> rvhich�ia t1�F'roperty Address.
<br /> �S.Rlders to this 8ecu'rity Inehrou�en� If one or mara rlders sre executed by�3airower sud racordad together with this
<br /> ����r'���apd��m,en���Secue�Ity eIIIn�str+ma�nt as if the rF�d�s(ehall��iaco���por�af�B°S u�ri�I�nswment. d��lemmt
<br /> [CGeck appllcuble bwc(es)] --
<br /> Adjuatable Rata Rider �Condominium Rider 1-4 Pamily Rider °-
<br /> Craduated Payment Rider Plenned Unit Development Rider BiweeYlyr Payinent Itider
<br /> }3nlloou Rider Rate Irr�pmveuQent Rider 3econd Yiome Rider
<br /> VA Ridcr �Other(s)Is�iPYJ
<br /> g�r cre�Nn�[i RRr.Ow:aorrower accents and esrces w tho terms aiut covenmus containod in this socurtcy Inswmeat ead
<br /> in atty dder(s)erxecuted by Borrower and reoorded with it ' _,
<br /> , Witasesses: ��j
<br /> ' STEVE JOH SON -sonowor,::;
<br /> (�)
<br /> � . THERESA JQH : •��'"�
<br /> . _(Sc�l) �Sea3'� '.
<br /> -3 -Bormwa -BortaMar
<br /> ��
<br /> �
<br /> sr�►�o�N�sR+sic�, wu-� co,�y�: �RGC . 99 ,
<br /> �� The foregoiag instrument was ackaowledged before ma W[s a�y ri'` �S'of /�I�t�f� � g
<br /> - by, Si'Ev� TaWasoN ANO TWFRFSA ��So�f .
<br /> WitnGSS my hand ead nutarial seal at In ' County.t}ie dau aforesaid
<br /> �
<br /> _` My Cammiasion Expires: �.
<br /> ..�...,.� 1Vourr Pueuo
<br /> �� GENEAAI NOTARf•State oI He0»sA� .
<br /> '� tAy Comm.E�p.Oct�7.1999
<br /> i '
<br /> �
<br /> ..� � -� .
<br /> ,r �e$t11E1 tez�ss.o� vro.a o�o �For+n f0l� /!�8
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