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<br /> ,�� 5. ��zaed os� Property ias�rnnce. Borrowcr nhpll kccp tho improvcmenta now exIetinB or hereafter ere�t� l�g �=-
<br /> � Propercy insarea sII�inst loss by tIre,hnmrd.9 inctudr�d withln tho�crm"cxtcnde�l coverage"and any other hazards, ....
<br /> " r.:.
<br /> floods or floodin , for wlilch t,ender re ulres ineurnnco. 7'hle Iny►iranaa ehnil ba mnintained�tt the aznounts ead for the periods
<br /> - that Lender roqui�res.Tha iasuranco cnrricr prpvtdin}�tho inst�ranco ef�nil bo chosen by Borrower subject to L.ender'�approval �•=-
<br /> r-•�., -.�' -
<br /> which ehall aot bs unreasoaably withhold. If Borrawcr fhti��to rnalntnln covcrago dcscribed above, I.ender may. at 1.ende�a
<br /> ."•- opdor,,obteiu coverage to proteat Lcndc�e riIIhte in tlin Pro�ct ty ii�uccsirdwico w!U►�aeogenph 7. �'
<br /> `'`� All inaurauco pollctes cu�d reno�vuls ehnll bs acceptablo t�I,cnAar nttd elmll include a steudard mortgage clause. L,eader _
<br /> ,�..,_ ,,
<br /> � ehall hava the dght to hold tho pol{cies nnd renawala. lf l,cndct rce�tdre�, l�rrawcr�+hall promptly give co I.ender a11 receipta of
<br />- � �• paid premiuins and renawal aodecs. In tha event af to�A,porrowcr ehAll giv�prompt nottcs to tha iasurence carrier end Lender.
<br /> Lender mm�y make praof oF loaa if nqt mudo promptly by Hartowcr. -
<br /> _. Ual�ss Lender and�onower otherwise agreo ln wriNng, ineutanca procrcd�xhnl!be applied to restoration or repair of the �
<br /> �;':;��' Property damaged. if the restoration ar repuir is econon�critty feasibio and i,cnd�t'ts t:esuelty ia not lesseaed.If the reatoradon or -
<br /> .� �� repair is not economically feasible or i.ender'a sec►arlry would bu lcws�ned,tho insurunco proceeds ahall be applied w the sums `
<br /> secured by this SecurIcy Inskuaaent,whether or not thon duo� �.vlth any excesA pnld to Sotrower. xf Bonower abandons tho t;_.
<br />- �"��'';�''�. Property� or does not answer witbia 30 days a not{ca&om l.ender that eho inswanco carrier 1ws offered to settle a claim, thea '
<br />,�J�;:ti:,=�-�r;
<br />"`.��`u. . I.ender may coAect tha iasuraaco proceeda. Lender muy use tho procceds to rep�ir or rcatoro ti�e Properry or u►gay simas —
<br />_�:cufa.-..,
<br /> --=--:�:^': secured by Wis Securlry Insuument,whethes or not then due.Tho 30�day peciod wfli bogin when tho nodce 9a given.
<br />-ry���� Unlesa Lender and Boaow�r otheruvise agree in writing. any application of procecds to principai shaU aot eatend or
<br /> -
<br />