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<br /> '»�� `. the application there�f as herein provtded,shall aot be consici�eed a waiv�r by Assi�e�o any
<br /> r
<br /> � Event of D�fault under tbe Lo�Dacuments or prevent foreclo9ure of any liens o�t�►e Pr.operty t_, _
<br /> � nor shall such�xexcise make AssiSnee liable under any of¢�is Leascs�As3i�ee her�by�xpresaly �_
<br /> �••. ,:;:r. � resen�ing all of its ri�hts and privileges unb����tp �t and the other Losn Documents
<br /> "" ' as flilly es though this Assig�►ment had n�
<br />~�':�r �ated hereinabove,in the event Assignor shall fail to make `---
<br />� •:�,� Withou4 Wrniting tlte rig,hts gr ._
<br /> any payment or to perform any act reclu�d��' ��terms hereof and such failure shall not be
<br /> �� � �ured withia Rny applicable grace or cure period, then Assignee maY.but shall not be obUgated
<br /> � to, without prior norice to or demand on Assignor, and wlthout releasing Assignor from anY
<br /> ;µ.. ."`
<br /> - � obli$ation hereof,make or gerform the same in such manner and to such ex4��o�gi��h�n .
<br />--`� deem necessary 4o pmtect the securiry Y�ereof, including specifically.
<br /> �*:k~.�, orting w affect the security he�of or
<br /> _��--;-:�� gPP�g u►and defending any action o�ora ip�g����� AnY obligation, covenant or
<br /> �;i.;,sT�r,;�' .
<br /> �-1 ,�. tb.o rights or powers of Assi�e�, I�
<br />--.=`.aY-����°. agreement of Assi�►or under any of the Leases>and�exercising arn�of sucht�pmeys'feas. AnY
<br /> necessaaY costs and expenses,employing counsel and incurring and paying
<br /> -'�� ee for any suchpucpose,nuocluding,without Iimitation,attomeYs' -
<br /> -=;.�y� sum advanced or paid by AssiSn
<br /> .,=�;x�:• fees,w8ether with interest thereon at the Default Iatex�est Rate(as de8ned in the Note)fmm the
<br />-x��:��„ date paid or advaaced by Assi�ee until repaid by Assi$aor, sha(il immediately be due and
<br /> ��_� �ayable W Assegnee by Assignar on de�a�nd s�nd sh�of the d b ted3aess evldenced yb the N te�.
<br />__�.�= . ..o f t he o t her L o a n D o c u ments sec�aing aU or anY P
<br /> _--_--= IT 1S FURTHER tiC3REED that this Assignment is made upon the follaw►ing t�rm�, , .
<br /> . :� '.' .
<br /> ; . � covenants antd condit�o;ns: , � �
<br /> ?�.�'.
<br /> a 1. Ttris Assigament shall not operate to place responsibility for tha control, care.
<br /> u n Assignee, nor for the performance of aaY��Ie or �
<br /> _ - management or repair of the ProperlY P�
<br /> — - temas and coaditions of any of ths Leases.nor sball it operate W make Assignee� for aay
<br /> —_--- liable for any waste committed on the PropertY bY the tenants ar any other partY
<br /> dangerous or defeetive coAditiom of the 1'roperiY or for any negligence in the mt�anagtm�a�
<br /> upkeep,repair or control of the Propor►Y• AssiBnce sha11 not ba liable for any toss oustaincd bY
<br /> — pssigaor resultung from Assignee's failuro to let the PropertY or frora any other act or omission
<br /> of Assigaee in managing t�e Pc+�pertY• Assig,�or sbaU and does hereby iudemnify aud hold
<br /> Assigaee harmless fi+om aad against any aud all liability.loss.clai�n.d�eman�tati'�claims or
<br /> - ��r ar might be iacurned�y rcason of ttus As�ig�nent,iacluding,
<br /> _- -' demands for security deposita from t+enanta of space in the Yzapravements deposited wnth
<br /> pssignor, and from and against any ar�.d aU clainas aad demands whatsoever wluch�nay be
<br /> ass�rted against Assi�na lay reason of any alleged obligations or uadertakings an its part w
<br /> --- perfoaa or discharge a�ay o£the terms.covenaats or a8rcements contained in any of the L,eascs•
<br /> Should AssiSnee inCUr a�►Y liability by reason vf ttus Assig�nment or in def�nse of any claim or
<br /> demand for loss or daraa8e as Provided above, tho amount thereo�including,without limitation,
<br /> _ � costs. expens�s and atto�eys' feas. together with iaterest therwf at the Defawt Interest Rate
<br /> from the date paid or incumtd bY AssiSae�undl cePaid by Assig�or,shaU be immediaiely due
<br /> - und payable to Assignee by Assigaor upon demand aad shall of the'm�deb�ess evi'�den.a�
<br /> ---� and by aU of the other Loan Doc�unents sec�uing atl or anY P
<br /> - ----- - the Note.
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