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<br /> � � _
<br /> , . �.3..-- . . . ���A�4� _.
<br /> . ,;� 2. Thie Assignment shall not be construed as rnakirig Assig�ee a mort�agee in �
<br /> ' possession.
<br /> . � - �-
<br /> � ��� � 3, Assignee �s obligated to account to Assignor only for such Rents as are actually
<br /> ;� •'� ' collected or received by Assignee. �
<br /> ,.,^,.�x�tF
<br /> '1'+"��� q, pssignor hercby ftirther presently and absolutely assi�s to Assignee su�ject to '_
<br /> '�::��� i
<br /> = the tesms an d provisions o f t h i s A s s a g a�m e r�t:(a)an y award or o2her paye�c►ent wYuch Assignor
<br /> � •• may hereafter become endtled to receive vvith resPect to any of the Leases �s a result of or
<br />, . �: . pursuant to any banlauptcy.insolvency or reor$anixation or similar pmceedings involving the
<br /> _ �;..
<br /> �- �� �� teaants under such Leases; Rnd(b)az►Y and all payments made by or on behalf of any tenant of
<br /> _:_~'•e�°.� art of the Propert3►in lieu of Rent. Assignor hereby irrevocablY aPPvints Assignee as its
<br />`° a;;,, , �Y P
<br /> "'��'-�' attomey-in-fact to from and after the oceurrettce of an Eveat of Default by Ass+ignor hereunder
<br />---�,r.,x° + licable�ace
<br /> _ _M.:-_*�. or under any af ttte oiher 1.oan Dxtaments whic�has not been c���any app .
<br />-�;::�-"�.. or c.ure period.aPPeat in any such proceeding�nd to collect auy such award or paymenb whicla
<br />`�`��� power of attomey is coupled with an ia►torest by v�rtue°f th�g Ass�S�ent and is ireevceable so _
<br /> --"�`-=�``��=�� long as auy sunns are outstandin8 unde�the loaa evidenced by the Note. .
<br /> .� ;tiW,I.T _. �•�:.
<br />';;�„�,r. r�,�..::::, 5. Assigama re�resents. warrants aad covenante to and for the benefit og Aesigaee:
<br /> n_-'
<br /> '�-`���_:'•ti��;:�• (a)that Assig�nor aow is(ox with respect to aay Leases not yet in existen�a,wiDl be immediately
<br />.+'G.'S_.S�J418�
<br />--=-_.-���,� ' upon tho exec�¢ion the3+eoit�the absolute ownes of the laadlord's intea�ese nn the Leases,with
<br /> :`�r�9 right and tide taa asaig�the sanae aud the Rents du�or to hecome dt���►ereunder,(b)thaB,other �.
<br /> __-__� thaa this Assigmnent amd s�ose assigesaments,if any.specifi�ally peimitted in tho Dee�of Tiust,
<br /> .,o„�,;°� ti1� are no ou�aa�u,�g.���� a� � a.�.ace.c or Rents; (c) that s�o Rents havo b�eza
<br /> —� anticipated, dis�ounted,released, �vaived, ��Promised or otherwise discharged except for
<br /> prepayment of reat of not more than one(1)month prior to the accrual tliereof;(d)tb�t there are
<br /> no mater�al defanits aow exi�ting uad�'anY of the Leases by the laadlord or tenant,and there
<br /> exists no state of facts which,with tha giving mf aotice or lapso of tiaae or both,would constitute
<br /> a dofault nnd�r aay of the Leases by the leadlord or tensnt�e3ceept as disclesed in writin8 w
<br /> - Assi�ea.(e)that Ass�gnoY has and shaU duly and punctnally observe and perfona all covcnants,
<br /> ' condiNon�aitd agKeeaients in the Leasos on tho part of ths la�adlord to b�csbserved and performed
<br /> therr�nder aad(�the L�eases an in f�11 fo�c+ce and effect aad ate�he valid and biading obligations
<br /> � of Asaignor. and, to the krowledge of Assigaor, are the veUd and binding obligations of the
<br /> — tenamts thereto.
<br /> 6. Assignor covenants and agrxs that Assignsr ehall not,without che prior written
<br /> _ consent of Assignee: (a) exclusive of sxurity deposits. accNt a�►Y paYment of Iient or
<br /> iastallments of Rent fer more tbna onz naonth in advance;(b)enter into�y�+���°g a tem►
<br /> - of less than six(�montbs or in excess of two(2)years (excePt that Assignor may enter into
<br /> montti to moath Lea.ges with tenants so long as the aggre�►te uumber of such month to monti�
<br /> - tenan�ies at aay ane time does not exceed ten(10%►)Percea�t)�(�)caaczl or temninaie any LeASe
<br /> (other thau for n�n�aym�t of Iteat)or amead or raodifj+any I.easa:(d)take or omit W take any
<br /> action right or option which would pemuit the tenant under anY Laa.se w c�cel or t�mi�sate said
<br /> — L�ase; (e) anticipate, discoum, rel�, waive,•compromise or otherwise dischargor o etwise
<br /> = gayable or other obligapons under the I.�ases;(�further PiedBe,�an�fe�',°4ortg�ag
<br /> -- - " encumber or assign tln: Leases or fi�t�ue payments af RenEs except as otheiwise expresslY
<br /> .- ---;9,�� pemtitted by the tem�off'th$Deecl of Trust or iacur any material andeb4odnesg,liability or other
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