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<br /> "� -„ � dcunage to e�o�roperty,toIIether wlth the immediote and continuing�ight to collect and receive �.�
<br /> o �:� the seme,whether now due or hereafter becaming due�and together with all rights and claims of ���=r-:
<br /> - � any kie��1 t�aat AssiOnor may have against any tenant, l�ssee or licensee und�r the Leases or �+ ,_,
<br /> �___
<br /> ��;� ag�inst any other occupant of the Property(collectively,the"Rents'�• ---
<br /> oh..��
<br /> :�.–=a� TO IIAdE AND'TO HOLD the same unto A�a�Snee,its successors and asaigns. ,
<br /> ���
<br />-_ ., � IT IS AGFtEED that, notwithstandin$ that this i�nshument is a present, absolute az►d
<br /> � � executed assig�anaent of 4�e Rents and of the Leases and a present,absolute and executed grant of
<br /> �� �` the pawers herein g�ranted to Assignee. Assigaor is hereby pennitted, at the sufferanae of
<br /> ° �• ? Assi�nnee and at its discretion,and is hereby ganted a license by AssiSnee�to retain possession
<br /> ' ' of the Leases and to collect and retain the Rents unless and until there shall be an Event of
<br /> Default under the temas of any o�the I,oaa Dacuments. Upon the occurrence of such Event of _
<br /> h
<br /> • Default the aforementioned license granced to Assignor s1�a11 automatically tern►inate without
<br /> �� notice to Assignor,aad Assig�ee may Y�e�eaftcr,v++ithout takiug possession of the PropertY.take .
<br />:.��'."�`"• possession of the Leases and collect the Rents. Further, from and after such temzination,
<br /> Assi�nor sl�ll be the agent of Assignee in cullecdon of the Rents,and anY Rents so collected by _
<br /> '::�:�', „ �ssignor sl�ll be�held in trust by Assi�or for the sole and exclusive b�nefit af Assi�ee and _
<br /> "'::.� Assignor s�eU,within one(1)busin�ss day after re�eipt of any Rents,pay the same to Assigaee
<br /> .. . ..�:,
<br /> �::,�.-� to be applied�by Assignee as hereinafter set forth. Fu�kaerc�ore, from and after such Event o --
<br />,'.�'`'��y ,� Default and �tetmination of the atorementioned license, Assignee shall have t�� right and �,.
<br /> _�-- `' authority, wit3aout any notice whatsoever to Assignox and without regard to the adeL9a�acy of We .�
<br /> "°`�-�- :�: � licatioa to a cozert of competent jurisdicrion for�ppointment of
<br />=�_•-�;_;_�, securityther��or,to:(a)maice app � a�cutazly set foith in the Deed of Tnist.(b)
<br /> ' a receiver for all or any part of the ProPertY+ P , p aP tt�.s same,suah '
<br /> ��=���� manage aa�d operate the PropertY,with fuii power iv rui���y ag�to i�men�o: .
<br /> - uader the I.eases to aiake payment of Re��s due or to
<br />___��� right including the right to notify+anY P�Y
<br /> .r:__.�=:� bzcome d�e to As.aignee;(c)demand,collect,receive and sue for the�der the1Leases to :ua�ke
<br /> ---�y due and w►paid, such rig,bt including the right to notify eaY P�Y
<br /> _—�� payment of Rents due or to become due directly to Asslgnee:�d(d)do alt acts relating to snch
<br /> ---_- --a raarnagercaent of the Properiy,includin�, but not limited to,negotiatioa of aew Leases, malcin8
<br />--- §t�'i adjustmen� of existing Leases. contracting and paying for repairs a�d r�placemeats w the
<br /> .--- , Imprqvements and w the fixt�res,e4uiPment aad p�rsonal praperiY located ia the Improvemcnta
<br /> _._--'� or used in any way in the operation.us�and occupancy of tt�e PrcpertY as in the sole snbjective
<br />—_- : judgmeat ead disenKion of Assigna�ay be necessarY w maintain the sazna in g tenaixtablo
<br /> -� condition,Purclrasing aad paying for such addi�onal furniture and MW��come from t e
<br /> `' subjecSve jz�g�nent of Assi�ee may be necessary to maintain a Pt'ot�
<br />__ _.-- --- � p�erty� �ploying necessary managers aad ather employee.g. Purcl�in8 ft�el, provtding
<br /> - –� utilities and paying for all other expenses incurred in the operation of the Property.maiaetainin8
<br />----_—.=� adequate iasurance coverage over hazards customarily insua�.agains�and FaY�B��Pa+emiums
<br /> ---_=' therefor. Assi�nee may apply tho Rents received by Assignor froan the Property.aRer deducting
<br /> - - the costs of collection thereo� iacluding,wiYhout Uimitation,attorneYB' fces and a management
<br /> – fee for any managemu�t agent so employed. aSainst amounts expende� for repairs. nPk�P+
<br /> --- , � fuel, utilaties, taxes. assess�uents, insuraACe Pre�niums and such other
<br /> ;=..� maintenancs, cervice. and a aimst inter�st.
<br /> expenses as Asaignee iacurs in cotmsc4ion with�the operation of the PropertY 8
<br /> -----=–—= principal,requir�d esc�w deposits and other sum�which have or which may beaame due.from
<br /> ---- ,�°_�... tim�to time,under th�teans of the L,oan Documents,in such order or priority as w any of r�a
<br /> - -`_"`�;:=-a=sa��
<br /> items so mendoned as Assignee,in its sole subjective diss7etion,may deteranine. The exercise
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