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<br /> " ° ; paym�+atif m�y no loager he requIeed.at th:,cs�iion vP � �.f�martg•?g�i suran e co e e(ia the amount and for th��rlud I.;--
<br /> h
<br /> thnt l.sni�sr r�qL�res)provided by an insumr approved isy Len�er again beoomes available and is obtai�ted.Boreov�er shall pay �;,r�,
<br /> ° t4�a pt�vitti3utn..�rec�uiced to m�iawin mortga�e insureuce in effect.or to provide a loss reserve.uutil the requirement tor mort�ase _.�
<br /> iasuranGQ ends ir�eccardnn�e�Nit1►uny wrttten aBreement between�orrawer and Lender or appticable lav�. �3�
<br /> � 4:'tcrs pectioa. I.eader or its agent may make reasonable enuies upon and inspections of the Property.Lender shull give �.j"-.
<br /> �or�o�uu�noticc�t th:tlac:of ox prtor to an inspection specifyifag reasanable cause for the iuspect lon. �r:�:.
<br /> - ; .;�k.� l4., Ca�Bcmi�tiau. The proc4eds of any award or claim for damage�. �irect ar c�nsequentlal� in connection wish auy �j,,-
<br /> cotidemstndon or other Wcing of any psut of the Property�ar for c�nveyana:in Iteu af coadetanation.are hereby a�signed and �._
<br /> �, k �:��
<br /> .�_ :�
<br /> .;,.,�;r�`•� sbu.�o.Q�tci to Lender. ':-
<br /> .��;. In,tl�a event of a total teking of the Pmgerty,the pmceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Seturity Instrument. e;:.Y
<br /> - -....._f� wbatitar.ca aot then due. with any excess paid to Borrower.In ehe event of a partial taking of the Pragerty in which the fair �=;.
<br /> �
<br /> -- – merlsct x�t��e of the Property Immaiiately before she talciv$ia exlual to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> S�curat�•,£osm�ment immeaiietely before the taking.anless Bomower and Lender othenHise agree in wdting.the sums securEd by R1�
<br /> tbia SeBUritY Insannnnent shaU bo c�educed by the amount of the pmc�eds muldplled by the following fraction:(a)the tota� �{
<br /> �� a -
<br /> �� amaunr.aR.the sums secured 3mmediazely before the caking,divided by(b)the fair marlcet value of the Properry immediately =_
<br /> hcfoi+:th��taking.Any batance shall be paicD to Borrawer. Ia the event of a parti�l tnking of the Property in ahich the fair _
<br /> market v�Ius o�ths Pcoperty immecitately before the taldng is less than the affiouat oY the sums secured immediately before the
<br /> . � tekinQ►ut►�ess Boirower and Lender othe.*wlse agre�in wtitin�or unless applicable law othernise provddes�ttae pr�s shn� _
<br /> , �. be appli�rd to the sums sec�red by tiits Security InstcumEat c�hether or nat the sums are then due. G,.
<br /> I�tluy pcoperty is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender to�arrower that the condemnor offers to make an
<br /> '� atvand'om settle a claim for damages.Borrower fails to respond to Leader within 30 days after the date the nodce is given,
<br /> ' Lendar iu authorjzed w coUect and apply the proceeds.at its option,either w restoratton or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> �-_°`d^ B�a by this Security Insuument,wheUher or uot then due.
<br /> U�)�ss L�nder aad Banrower otherwise�����+ �Y aPP��on of proce�s to principal shall not extend vr .
<br />_- •�. 'I: • pasigonn the due date of¢�as tntinthlY Payattents refe�sed w in paraSraPhs 1 ead 2 ar change the amount of such payments. _
<br /> '.,; 11 t BorroRer Not�x7E�►sed;For6earance By I.eader Not a�4►aiver.Extensioa of the time for payment or anodificattou .
<br /> o€a�anis3aation of the�secur�d by ttnis Security Insuument granted by I,eude�to any successor�n interest of Bormwer shal,l °-
<br /> ��", nat apa►�e to�releasc the UabiUty of the original Bomuwer or Borrower's aucccsso�s ia interest. Lender shaU not be requic+ed to
<br /> •1•�,:�,�, oc�ameace piocaedin8s a8ainst afi+suoo�ssor ia uuerest or refuse to extend time for payment or othezwlse aaodify amortiz�timn
<br />�•�,. . �,�a•���_� � � �� �,�nT hy reama of any demaad made by the original Borma+er or Borrower's
<br /> '�'�;� t or remsdy sha11 not be a waiver of or preciude�.i.Q
<br /> ,. .�.�,1 succes.gata in intere�t.Any forbearance by Lender in exen3sing aay rig,h _
<br /> -:�:-�:�.:.
<br /> -_�1r–�an�i`� exmn��af any rIght orremedy. Boundt Jaiat aud Sev�al LiaDe�Hd�y;:Costgners.19ie covenanu and agreements of tl►ie
<br /> .�_�=�� l����essars aad ASS1gns
<br /> - --_---,� SCCUr,.g�.tnam.. �t shall bind and beneHt the successois and a9si�ns of Lender ansi Borrower, subject to the pmvlsions of
<br /> -�":�'._"! para� 17. Bomawer's c4venants aud agrceff�*_s shaU be joint and sev�til.Any Bormwer who oo-sigpa ahis Secvr;ty -
<br /> --�-��� d�vu�snt but dces aot e�ecute the Note:(a)is co-signing ttiis SecuritY Instniimaat only to mortga8e.Brnat and convey tbet _
<br />-=�,:�:.��� �..C3o��vt's inLertst in the.Frc?�rty uader the ter�s of this Securiry Jnsaument:�b)is not personally ob3igated w pay the s�s _
<br /> -_`';;'��`� �s�uned�by this Securlry anauuan�nr,ancl qc)agre�s that Lender aad any other Borrower may agree to extend.mwdif�►.fo�ea�:or
<br />– .:��.�d*_;i..;a , �avy axommodadona with regard•te�1he terms of tl�is Securlty Insm�meni or the Nou wtthout that Borrower's consent. �
<br /> �:.-A�;� 3�.T_�Chargcs.If the Ioan secure�by this Se:curity Insaument is subjea to a law which sets maximum loan cha�es.
<br /> -- = and�lU�law is finnlly interPzeted so ttiat the interest or other loan charges ooA�or to be coll�in conrnctlon wItti tha .
<br /> laan e�eed the permitted liwits.then: (a3 anY such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount uecessary to seduce the ch�aga
<br /> ---�.—°" tm tUa��xrmiued limir,and(b)anY sums a1�dY oollected fram Borrower which exeoeded Permitted limita wilI be refuudec�.to
<br /> -- --- - Earm�aver. I.endsr may choose to make this refund by reducing the prinr.ipai owed under the Note or by makfng a d�+nect
<br /> _ __– - pa y msat to Bormwer. If;a refund reduaes prlacIpal, the reduction will be rnated as a partial prepayment w(thout:�t�e►lr
<br />_- - puepayctnent charge undea tD���1ote. -
<br /> :=�:=�� i E.lla3toes.Aay�atl�to Borrower pmvided for in this Securlty Iasuvnnca�t shail be gtven by delivering it or by mztling =
<br /> - -=-,_---�- in�by•fiffst class wall uniess applir,able�aw requires use of another method.The notise shall be directod to the Pmpaly A��ss . ,
<br /> ='°�"�"--�:� ar,su�e:other address Bonower designates by aotice to Lende�'. Any neiice t° Lender shall be 8�ven by first class mpi.'. to �
<br /> – -- Lend�.r's ad�ss ssated herein or any other address Lender designates by aotice W Borrower. Any aotice provId�:f�:�s:hEs
<br /> �=� ��y tn .ment shail be deemed to have be�n given to Borrower or Lender whem given as provlded in tbis.Paragraph.
<br />---- ��b.Govemtng Law; SevPraDilitY• This Securiry Insuu�ent �shstl be govesacd by fedetal law.ar.�d the law ,tif tho ,
<br /> --_--_��� ]��d.i�tion in which the P�+opertY is located.Ta the event that any gmvision or clause of this Securlty Ir�ataaameat or tha•Note .
<br />--_--_-�.`�;,�f conflf,i�ts wIth upplicable law,such oo�ffd3�sball not affect other provlsions of this SecurltY Insa�wneat or the Nou which caa bo
<br /> _ --y:�:kva�� gtvan�effect wlthout the contlicting provision.To this end the pmvisions of this Secvdty Insuumeat and the Not��e d�e!ered
<br /> -� '-� td�b��everable.
<br /> °�':�*�� " i�6.�orr�nw�r's Capy.Bomower shaU be givr.�.one coaformed copy of the Note aud of this Secudty InsIIaament.
<br /> _ ..,,; krsr►soZa� o ,
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