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<br /> . g. �raq or Pe+opcAy Ynsurartsx. Barrawee ahnii keep it�� �npcavemcn s aover oxiEting or t►etenftet erected on the �'_:
<br /> � properry Inaured qQuiast loss by fic+e,h�+znrds incl�tded�vithin th�cattn "ostended wveraga° and any other hmards, iacludipg � __;�
<br /> tioods or flooding� for which Lender requires inaurnaace.This instuanx shnU tit mnintaincd in the amounts�d f�t th�perlods �=-
<br /> • � that I.eAder requires.The insumnce carrier provid€aa the laaur�utFa&h�ll ha chosem by Bcrcawer subje�t to Lendcr's approvnl ��'_
<br /> which ehall aot be aareasonably withheld. If Borr�wer faiis to mm�aiiucnin covemIIa deszrlbec� u�ovc� Lender m1y.nt Lendet's
<br /> : .:-. _._:_� BpH�n,obtain cover.:ge rn pmre�t[hnder's ri�ihts in�Rc Progerty in�cordnnco with pnr�gnp!►1. ��`.
<br /> _ j All L►surance policies and renewnTu shull be acceptnbla co I.ender end shNl inctu�de u Luu�d�id mortgage clausc. T.eader -�
<br /> shn11 have the rtght to hold the poIiaiva and reaev�ulo.If Lend�r requires.Borrowee shnli promptly give to Lender all receipta of - -
<br /> �_.
<br /> .,���� paid premiu�and cenewal motices. Gt tile event of laas.Borrow�r shnp�ive pmmpt notic�tcs tlte inaumnce carrfer and Lender. �
<br /> .,��,y�,..�.a Lmder may make proof of loss if aot mnda praralsdy by�oreo�ver.
<br />� �, Unless I.ender and Borrower ot4at�srlua uBnee jn writing.insuranos pror.eeds shali i�$appllad to restotation os rep�lr of the
<br /> pcog,rty damaged�if the restoratton or r�aix ia ecanomicaUy femsibl�an�Lender's secusity i�aot lessened.Ig�he restfl:ation ar �
<br /> � ° ... _ repair is not e�onomicaUy feasible or 1l.�ctdar's securIty would bs tassenEd,the insw�annrx pros�ds shall be applled to the sums _
<br /> �� secured by tbia S�.vriey Iastrument.wkat&ae or aot then dus,witb any excess paid to Bnrmwer. If Bomower abandons the __
<br /> . � Pcoperty,or does aot answer within 3�dl+ys a aotice from LendBr.thnt th�inswance�nier bns offe:ed to senle e clatm, then
<br /> � ,�• Lender may oollect the insuraytce gnececdu. Lesder may use th8 prnr�ecds to repalr or r�tors the Pmperty or to pay swas
<br /> ��by t6is gecurity Insuvment,wh�kar or nat then due.Tha�t�diry perfofl wili bsgin�abmi the notia is glven.
<br /> ' R _� Unless Lender and Bomower ett�.anvise a�me in wrldng� t�y application of pnorcedes ro principal shill not extend or .
<br /> postpone the due date of the iaoathi! l�all�euta eeferrod ta in p�ragt� 1 and 2 or rben�e tJte am�unt oithe payrnents• If
<br /> ��; under paragra�h 21 the Pnoperty is acquired by L.eader�Borrowar's right to any it�surance pa!lr.les and pcooe.eds resuittng from
<br /> '' damage to the Pmperty Ptior to the ucquisaiti�rn sball pass to Lendcr to the extent of the sums Seaured by thia Saurity Insuument
<br /> immEdiately prior to the r.cquisidoII.
<br />-. �'�..."�' 6.Ooa�pancy,Pr�'ation.MuEca82aiuzce aad Pt+uterdon of�4he ProAeriY:Dor�+nwer's B.oan Appllcatloa,Leaseholcls.
<br /> . , :, Bomuwer shall oocupy.establish�aad ucs the Prmgerty as Borm�ver's priacipal resideaoe wIthin sixty daya after die exec�tIon of
<br /> ",�.`°. tbis Securiry Insuvment and shaU co�finua w�cuPY�e�P�Y�Bomower's principel sasidence for at lcast one year after _
<br /> ::��'`` ' the date of occupaacy,unless Leader�thecwise agrees ia wrlting.whic6 conseat sball ayot b�unreasoaably wlthheld, or unless
<br /> ' , e or impsdr the
<br /> •.,1�i�,•;°:> extemiating circumstances exist whiah a� heyoa� Bomuwer's oonn+ol. Bflrrower ah�ll not desttoY damag
<br /> -�,!��•..,:�,:,�. Pcoperty.allow the Property to deteriorate, ar commit waste on tha Pmp$rtY. Bflm�wer sbafl be in default if any forfeitune
<br /> ��;;'"k�';;� acdan or pmceediag.whether civil or criminal.is begun d►at jn I.�der's good faith j�ndgm�ut cauld result le forfeiture of the
<br />_= - �copeny or viuc�w��iat1Y ia�tir s�te Iten sr�._+�!b;L�ar�sy�nrarument or i.eader'a security inte�eat. Borrower may
<br /> --�"'".�::�`� c�ue such a default and c�instatc�as provtded in part�gr'sph 18.by eausing the action or proo�eding to be dismissed wlth a niling
<br /> t1�
<br /> m�''��;;��s;:%"` that.in Lender's good faith deteran[�ation, Pre�Iades forfeitune Af•thB Bomower's iaterest in the Pro�erty or other matedal —
<br />::m:�;f:;`;:�.. Impairment of the llen created by this Securlry Insuument or L�a�ler's secudty intenes�F�oa+nwer sball also be in d2ft�ult if `
<br />='�'`�`m:f;�=:'� Borrower.durIn$the laan applicat�oa•p�vicess.gave materially false or iaa�xurata intormadan or statements toL�ns�er(ur ff�iled
<br />-'�`s:`���:�'' to pmv�de Lender with any materiat iafo�ate�n)ia conueaion wlth tha loen evidenoed by tD�n Notc.including�but naz 9lmited
<br />�--�U"�`,`,P, ¢o,z,epresentations ooneemiag Borrower'��ccujrausy of the Pmp�ty•as a pr'rn�ipal resielence.If this Security lastinmeat is an a
<br /> '�;{s',:�7:�, leasehold, Bormwer shull comply.with alIl tite gmvisions of th� let►sse. If Bnmowe,r aogui�ss fee dtie azi the Propetty. the
<br /> ��'���S le�a5ehold and the foe title sLall aot merge uNess L�eudcr ap�ees to tha merger in wrlting.
<br />-�'_:r,�;�:k e.
<br /> `=` � �.�+ataxion oi I.eader's 1lighls in t9ie Ftra�.If Bflrrow�r.fails w parfarm the cov�snts aad agc�eementa conta3ned in
<br /> ';z� zhis Secuttty Insuument,or there is a iegal praceodin�that may sigaiticamly affect Lender's dghts in the Propetty(sach as a
<br />--__��"�-- pm�di�g ia ban�uptcy.Pmbate,bmr.condem�ation or forfeituna ar,to enforoa la�va or reIIutations), thw Leader may do snd
<br /> _-
<br />