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. . ,t�r i . _ . . <br /> . f� ; <br /> . . , . .. . . ...�. <br /> . - ..4��.f1. - . <br /> ' a. , , <br /> .. _�,�, r.q„ar,ww� ..n ',o Q.. __A`�� .. . -� __�_�_`--_ . .., � i. <br /> O .. „ " " F <br /> .. :..- ,._ . .n . ... .•__ ._.. ...... .. .. ..... . ._:'.._.. _ __.� _ <br /> . � . �b <br /> l' <br /> 99��a��o�� _ <br /> , 4T.Teanstcr of tho Property or a BeneflciN Interes�It�Bo��� nil or nny part of the Fropeny or any inter^�st ln ic _ , <br /> is sold or uansfereed(or if n beneficiul inteeest in Borrower is sold or tmnsferred and Borrov�cr is not a nawrnt pErs�n)�vithout <br /> Lettder's prlar wriaten consent. Lender mny, at its optinn. reyuire immediata payment in ihll of all sums secured by this „��: <br /> Serudty lttstxumcnt.However. thls option shall aat be exercised by Lender if eaercise is prdh@ited by fedeml luw as of the dnte <br /> � of Wis Secusity Inslrument. - <br /> I!Lea�er exerelses this apdap. l.�ader ah�ll give Bocrower notice of accelerntton.'i'he notice sholl proelde a pedod of not -�.. <br /> . less tha�► 30 dnya feojii tii8 duee Q�e eoticc: {s deiiveeed or mailed ��ithln �vhich R�rm�ver must pny nli sums¢e:ured by this <br /> Secur[ry Inatrument.if Bormwer fNla to pay these sums prior to the expirntion of thia p�dod,Lender muy invoke uny reaaedies `-�' <br /> _ .,_� pem�itted by this Secudty Instrument without fiuther notice or demund on Horrowor. �:�. <br /> •.;;�;�m� 18. Bocrower's RititbE to Iteinstate. If Hortower meeta cettain conditions� Borrower shall have the rlght w have _ <br /> nr;~ <br /> ��- enforcem�ent of thia SeciuTty instrument discoatinued ut smy cime prtor to We earlier of: (t�)S daya (or such oeher period as _, <br /> - �ppiicuble taw mt►y sgecify for�iustatc�ucnt) bafa,�s�le ef the Pro�rty Fur�uant to r,�y grwer �f tu►I� contained ia this : >�.5; <br /> Securlry Iastniment;ar(b)enuy of a juslgmeat enforcing this Security Iaswment.'Those conditlons ere that Borcower:(a)PaYs �,_;:' <br /> ixnder a11 swns which tkea would be due under this S�curity iasmuaent n�►d the Note us if ao accelersuion had accurred: (b) `-�=':- <br /> cvres any defaWt of any other covenants or agreemeats:(c) pays aU expenses I�tcurn�in enfaicio8 ehig SecurltY Tasuumant� = <br /> including,but aot limited to, reasanabte uttoras�rs'fees; and(d1 take.s suct►acdon as i.�,ncter d�ay reasoaably reqaire to assuro ,�,�_ _ <br /> � that che lien of Wis Secudty Insmuaent. L.ender s d ts in the Pcoperty and Borrowea's o�ligation t pay the sums aecuced by °- <br /> this Sacuriry Instnus�at shall contluue unchAng�Upoa reinstatement by Borro�ver. this Security Insuvment artd tke _ _ <br /> obllradons secured hereby shap remAin tlilly BffPCtive as if no ucc�eleratton hud occurred.However,thia dght to reinstate shaU ��� <br /> ° aos apply in tha case of ncceleradon under paragraph 17. "`- <br /> " 19. S�le o!Note; Change o!Loan Servicxr. The Note or a partial interest ia the Note(together with !his StcurIty �— <br /> r <br /> �� ', Insuuneent)may be sold one or more t[mes without prlor noUce to Boceower.A salo ntay re5utt in a change in the endty(known - _ <br /> �� as the^Loan Se�►tcer")that collects mont6ly payments dne under the Note and tbLs Securiry Instrument.There also may be one =-._ - <br /> or more changes of the Loaa Seivicer uarelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Bormwer will be <br /> given wrltten aotice of the ch�sge in accordance with pazagraph 14 above aad applicable law.The notice will state the aame and �,._ <br /> • . eddress of the aew Loan Servicer and the address to which p�vments should be made. The notice will aiso contafa any other <br /> info:mation required by applicable law. <br /> 20.H��ans Substancc�. Bon'ower shell aot cause or permit the presenoe. use. dtsPosal,storage.or rel�of�e — <br /> Haza�dous Slibstancea on or in the Property. Borrnaer shaU not do, nor aUow anyoae dse to do. aaythtng �8 <br /> .,, .� prop�ny that ia ia violation of aay Envtronmental Law.7'he pse�iug two sentences shall notapply to ti�e presence�use.or <br /> . • storage on the Property of smali quantities of HazaMous Stibstmices that Fue generally reoognized to be appmpriate to aormal <br /> � - ' res�dential�ases and to naintenaace of the Fmperty. <br /> Borrower shall pmmptly give Lender wriaen nodce of any invesdgatlon.claim,demand. lawsuit or uther acdion by any <br />- govemmental or regulatoryagen�.y or�rivau�earty iavolvi�tg the Property end eny Hazardous 5ubstance or Env{ronmental Law <br /> ronmen <br />-: - �;�`�_� of which Boimwer has ac�ual imowIoagc. Ii�wnuwci t�ar.� is�ilf�!tr;sa�^uy�i�l2a rrg�!��?y��ry: � , <br /> ' � any reatoval or other reme�iatioa of any Na�ardous Stibstance affecdng the Property�S aecessary.Borro�ver shall promptly take <br /> , '1;' .� all necessary remedial actions in accordanos witE�Earvironmental Law. <br />` . ..I.:�° As used in this paragraph 20, 'Haza�tt�:ous�ubstaaces" are those substances defined as toaic oz bazardous eubstances by — <br /> .. E n v i m n m e a t a l L aw en d t h e f o ll�w i n g subs*.a�c c ES: g a soliae. kerosene. oth�za tlammable or toxtc pettol e u m p�rodu��xi� <br /> � �� � � ' pesticides aud herbicides.vola�ile solveats.mnterisils d�ontatninS asb�.atos er fomaaldehyde,and radioacHve m a t e r i <br /> ,. �:,;•,.. 1 chis paa�graph 20, 'EnvIronmental I.a�v" means federa]taws am�lawa of ehe jurisdiaion whese the Property is located that <br />°�'u.,�.�„,'...;;� relatetohealth,safetyoreaviro�ental pmtecdon. <br />__,.1,_,;��f NON-UNIFOR�vI COVENANTS.Horrower aad Lender ftult►e�covenaat and ngrce a.s follows: <br /> � ' 21.Accclemtion;Piemedies. I.ender sball give aotire to Ban+uwer prlas to aocele�radoa followlmg Burrowv's brench <br /> ="-�".;:':;; " '� o[ ony covwant or sg„reement in thLv 3eeurity instr�ent (l�ut not pr�oa�to acoderation under parAgraph 17 unl�ss <br />`+�,6.`�..;;$:;� �!i upplicable law pmvEdes otherwlse).Ttie natice sLall specify: ta)the default=(b)t6e adton rcquiro�to cuxe the detau9t; <br /> T <br />��-,_;> �r•�; <br /> L.v,,.,. ..,�s (c)a date. not less than 30 dyys imm th3 date thcs no4tce ts gtven to Bormwcr,by�hfch thc defautt must be cural;an <br />.�•��,!;;�,�,;r• ���f�I�ue to cure ttee ddault on or brfon the date specitie�in the Qotice m�,y �csult in aarleraa�lon of the sum� <br /> _ ��`,��'`=��; � secured by tWs Secur[�y Instrument s�ud sale of the Propexty. The notta shnU tYuthet iuform Borrower of the right to <br /> r���' ``j'�'�, reiastate after acceleratioa and the r(ght to brtug a court s�tion to assert the non�dsteace of a det�Wt or nny at6er <br />=1�:.._ <br /> --=�W�'�; ' . .ddsose oi Borro�►er tu acceleration arcd sale.��tlte defaaIt ts aoi corPd on or befon the dats s,pEdfled in the nM1a► <br /> i::;,��:�;,.�t � I,ender,at fts option,may reqnire im�ediate�payment in ftiil#oi all sm�ms secured by t6Ls Secwdty Lnstrnuawt w�lthout -- <br />«"i';;',i; : ' Nrlher.demand and may tnvoke the. W�oi sale and ai►�otfier remedies pesmitted by applicable law.Lencler sLaU be <br /> �'"`' e�ttled'to coll�ct a11 expeaYes ia��dp Pwr�ing the remedi2s pmvtded in this patagenph 21,tnciuding,bnt���iwntted <br /> l.J,:i-�.'::•t. . <br /> -:=°,,fry,•x`� to,r+'easouable attoiueys'fees eud oosts of ti4qe evideace. � _ <br /> ;:��.� it the powes oi sale is invoked,1�vstee shaU record a nosice of defanIt in each a►wity ta which any pa�4 of the <br />.-��� ; : property is loeated and shWl mail oopies of sa�tb notice in the manner prrscribed by applicable ls�w to Borrov►er and to <br /> -,ws���W�_ ' � the other persom pmscdbed by sppi�cnble law.ATter the time required by applicable Ia�v,Trust¢e s6ari g[ve pu6Uc nottce <br />- ��!`::�"' ot sale W the pe�soa4 nnd tn tlte maaaer prescribed bY ap�llCabie law.'l�s�tee.w[thout d��l on Horrower,ahali seR <br />-��s�;°;�n' tt�e propcfty at pubUc eudton tm 3he L6g1►est bidder at the t9me and place and uuder the teims d�sfgnated in tlxe uotice of <br /> —,.;1��'� sale in onc or mure parcefs and an srt�ord�r����•'�'���Y�ne sale of all or ar►y pase�]oi the <br />�._;-:. n <br />��""."`.. .{ ` 1Propeaty by pnbUc nnnaunoemeut at the tfirp�und place of etQy previously scheduled sale.Lendas�os tt$d�may <br /> ���� � pwrltase the�+operty at aoy sale. � -- <br /> L".. . — <br /> _ 1 . —_ <br />- Fonn aoas �` <br />= , ��6R(NQ(s2t�LOt Peps8o78 Wtl�b:� �_ <br /> • �-- <br /> �_�.- <br />�� .. -.-..���••.�----.-------r-^- �: <br /> �.,. 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