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<br /> TOCf��HSit WCfI{ all c�e Improvemeflta nov�or her�fter erected on�he propeccy.end all easements.nppurt�nanses,and _
<br /> " fixtures aow or hereafter a part of the proptrty. All zeplacQmeats f►nd addltiona shnll silso be cavered by tlils 8ecurIry _
<br /> Iaswment.All of the for�gotng ia mfemed co in this Seceuity Ynsmu�aent as che °4ropertY•' ;- ..
<br /> � �OREtOWEYt COV�NANTS that Borrower is ta�vfully seised of the estute hereby canveyed and haa tt►e d8ht togrant and
<br /> canvey the Prapeny and idat the Property i s uaeacum b e r�d. e x c e p t f o r e a c u m b r n a c e s o Y r e c o r d. B o r mw er wenanu and wili �.:.,:
<br /> G.-
<br /> - - -_-- _ �iefcnd gcnceafly thc dtie ta�h�:P►r+reny aenin�r a11 claima und demands.subject ro any encumbtaatce�o�record• ['�'•�r
<br /> ' THIS SECURITY[NSCRUM�NT combines uniforna covenants for national use and aon-uniform covenaa{s wut� hmited �_-__:
<br /> � ���`� variatlona by jurisdictioa toconadrut�a uniform securi¢y instrument covering real proPertY• �-._
<br />- =��� UNIFURM GOYENANT5.Barrower aad Lender covenant aud e�ree As followe: __
<br /> u
<br /> 1. P�ayment o!Pr°aacipsl+�nd InterFSt; PcePaYment and Late Chmr�e�. Bomower shall prompdy pay when due the
<br />� y���*�' a ent and late charges due under the Note. "`
<br /> priacipal of and interest on the debt evideaced by the Note and any pxep Yra _
<br /> �� 2.Fund�[or'd'e�ce�ens11 Ie�guranse.Subject to applicable law or to a wrltten waiver by Len�er.Borrower ah¢4!1 pay to
<br /> {� L,eader oa the day montlily payra�u are due uader the Note.uadl the Note is paid in ful1.a sum("Funds�)gOY:(a)Yea�lY taxes �—
<br /> .. and assessmznts whi�h c�!attain priorIry over this Securlty Ynsm�meinsumn�e pte�fums:(d)y�early fload lnsuian�edpremiums,
<br /> or gound rents on t�s P�+operty,if any;(c)YeariY hazazd or pmpertY
<br /> if any;(e)YearlY mc►nBaBe imsurance premiums.if any.and(�at►Y sums PaYable by Bomower to Leader. in accordance wIth
<br /> •= the pravisiona af paragraph�,ia lieu of the payment of mortgage insuranoe premiums. 'fhese itemsare called'Escrow IYe�ns.'
<br />=;a',,.��' Lender may.at any ti��,colle�t and hold Funds in an amoant n4t w exceed the mTximum amount a tend�er for a federaUy
<br />-A �� . related mortgage toan�rc4uire for�orrowcr's cscroel eesouni un�sr the federal Real F.state Settlement Pcacedures Act of _
<br /> t .. .�,R.., , � 1974 as amended f�m t3me to Hnne. 12 U.S.C.SecHon 2601 et seq.("RESPA'). unless another law tU�:applies u ttie Fuuds --
<br />-.s,�..� , •:...
<br /> seu a lesser amount•If so,L,end�'maY. a��►Y�e•CO��t aad hold Fuads 1n an ameuat not to exceed the esser amount•
<br />;;., ����;_�: Y.ender may estimate th��ount of Fwcds due oa the basis of curtent data and neasonable e.adma�es of eapenditures of future
<br /> ��'�� :- Escnsw Itemc or othera�iseia ucGardance wIth applicable law.
<br /> ':,:_ . . Tke Funds shall be he3d ia an insdnition whose deposits are insnred by u federal agenry, ins�uunenra�ity� or eatity —
<br />�'�''� '�• (iacluding Lender,if I�der is such an insdtudon)or In any Foderal Home Loaa Bank.Leader shall upply the Fund�to Qay the
<br />_=.j '���'�� Bscrow Items.Lxuder a�ay not ct�e Sorrower for halding aad applying the Fwids�annuallY analY�B the esaov�accaunt,or
<br />_.,;,.;. .,
<br />;;�:•:;.� vecifying the Escrow IIe�w,awless Leader pays Borrower interest on the Funds aad applicable�lta����a�dng�service
<br /> n.r'':f�� . a chazge. However.Leadu mny re9uire Borrower to pay a anatime charge fo:an indepcad
<br />-';''���'f�� used by Laader in �ion with this loan. unless app ll c a b le l aw p m v t d e s o t herwlse. Unless an ag�+eeme�nt fa mada or
<br />��.�'�,�" ��,��,;���ta 3�gai�,LrAer chali not be req_uired w Pal+Bosower any int�rest or earninga ant4te Funds.
<br /> z""• '"'"��'� in erriting.hotyever,that interest shalll he patd on the Funds. Lea¢er s�aii g� ro�omower. _
<br /> ,:. .•�. Borrower aad Lenda rnal a�ree
<br />_��•,;�:iy,wast
<br />--=�-.. althoIIt charge. an amis�al ar,coimdng of the Fuads.showing cnedits and debits so the Fuads and the putpose for wtuch
<br />�:`;;�; de�it to the Funds was�ade.ltihe Funds are pledged as addiHonal securi►Y for all sums secured by this Secudty Insmmneni.
<br /> - If the Funds held by 1�der Bxceed the amourus permiued to be heId.by ePP�c��$law.Lender shall aceaunt to Borcower
<br />��—��� . for the excess FuR�� ������e�lui�m�ats of sipplicable law. If th+e amount of the Fuads Iteld by I�der at auy
<br /> - --;:r,.�,�.�� � ,time is aot sufficieut to p�y tl�e�.sc�w Ite�wh�due.I.enda may so notify Hornwer ia wrI the�defi a�ia�more�than�:
<br />-=�+cs,�:t�.;�:�„3�� :' •.. �ehnU paY co Lender� amount aooessRry•ta�ake up the defidenry. BoTIOwCI S11211 mek�P.uP cY
<br />���-.Y� tweive montbly paymeats,at Iettder•s sole discretion.
<br /> =-s`'�"'a"� • , ppon payme,nt ia fult of all suma sacured by this Securiry Inst�umeat, l�eader shall prnmptly refund w Bomower a�►
<br /> - -_ _= Funds held by Leader. If,under pata�raph 21,Lender shaU ac�luire or sell the Property.Lendex'.Pdor w the acqn�idon or sale
<br /> --— of the P[cperty.shaU a�Pl!' anY Fu�►ds held b}'I�e�d�az�e�of acquisition or sale as a ec+e�lit againss the sumn sea►ced by
<br />---- -�= this 3ecurlry Ia�wment. ts reoeivedb Leaderuu�erparagraphs
<br /> � --- 3.AppHcaNan o� A�yme�.Unless appllcable law►pmvidas othenvise.a11 paYmen Y
<br /> —s__ �-- 1 and 2 shaU he a�plled first,to anY P='eP�nt charges due umder the Nou:second.,to amounp payable under p�aragraph 2;
<br /> third.to interest due�fo�aih,to princ�pat d�e.and lasb co any late charges due uaderthe Nou ittom atMbutable t,o the
<br /> - • � 4.Ci�arges:�y.lras,Borcower shall p��all taxes.assessments.charBes. 8nes and impos � P►'°PertY;
<br /> - ° �� whish may att�in�pdoriry over this Secudtgr:lnsuutnea�t.and leasehold payments or ground re�ts,�n�any►. Bomowet shall pma'�.
<br />_--__-___= th�se obligations 3n the manmer pmvided in paragraph 2,or if not paid ia that mamner,]Borrower staU paY them�ndme diiecdy --
<br /> _�-r=== to the persoa owcd paym�at.Bosm�ver sLali promptiY fucaish to Leader all nodces o�amo�mts to be gs�id uuder�is paragrap�•
<br /> — If Bormwer makes thesepayments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to L�nder nceipts evid�adng the paymeats.
<br /> � Bo;zawes shaD Pr�omPUY di�arge anY llen wfuch has prIoriry over this Sewuity Insieumeat unless Borrower.(a)agras ia
<br /> T�-�'� avriwxg to the paymeat of the o'uligation sewrod by the lien in a manner aooePteble w Lender;(b)oontests in good faith the tiea
<br />_ by, or defends aga�st mf�roemeat of the lien ia, legal proceedings wl�c�ia the L�ader�g opinian operate to tmvent the
<br /> enfomemem of the liea�;or (c)secures from the holder o�the lien an agceement sa�s�tory to Lender subordinazin8 the lie�to
<br /> ---''_�.���� ttis SecuritY Ins�meat•If 1�er determines that any part of the FrcpeaS+is eabjoct ro a IIen whic�►may attain pdority over =
<br />--. _��;t��; • �s�ri�,�t,Lender may give Borrower a aoSce identifytng the tiea.Boa'°wer shall satisfY�`e liea or take oae or
<br />—���_��,�--' p above withia 10 da s of the of notioe.
<br /> T_._,�::�%-,.., : mo�:of th.acaioas set forth Y �►�8
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