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<br /> ly.�'rn�aster ot tt�o Proparty or a B�eeftciat Intcrest in Bonowcr.lf all or any part of the Property or eny interest in it '-.-
<br /> _� is sold or trensfened(or it a benetiatal interest in�orrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a naturat gxrson)without _ -
<br /> ��,:'� ����w;�,.,,, ��^�.►:, t a�r �y. pt its optihn, re.�uire Imm�iate payment in futt nf all sums secured bv this
<br /> Secvriry[nstcument.However.this optlon shall not be exercise�by Lender if exercise is proh(bited by fede�l law as of the date •
<br /> of thi5 Security Instiument.
<br /> � . If Lender exercises thls opdon.Lender shall give Botrower notice of acceleratton.Tne notice shall provide a peeiod uf rtot �' ;�
<br /> . less thsan 30 days from the date she notice is delivei+ed or matfed within which Borrower must pay ail sums secured by this �
<br /> _ Sccurityr Insuumzn3.If Borm�ver fnils to Pay these suens pcior to the expiratI4n of this pedod,Lender may invoke any remedies
<br /> , permitted by tmia Sscur�ty Instrument without flirther nattce or demand on Bonower. :'3'�
<br /> 1�. Borrower's Httght to Reiastate. If �orrower meets certain condttions. Borrower shall have the dght to have -
<br /> _`;�Y enforceraent of this Secudty Instrument disconYinued at any dme prlor to the earlier ofl (a)S days (or such other pedod as _-
<br /> ���"'�`' 's applicable taw may sp�clfy for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to eny power of sate conteined jn thes� —
<br /> • -- '''¢` `� Secu�ity Ipstrumcnt;ar(b)entcy af a judgment ertforcing this Security Instnament.Those condittons ac+a that BorroweY:(�)pnys� _
<br /> - - L�nder ell su*ns whlch then wo�ld he due under thic�cudty in..�tre�ment an�t the Note as if no acceleration had occurred;(b) � ,. �;,
<br /> pues any defau]t of any oWer covenants or agceements;(c) pays all expenses incurced in enforcing mis�ecuriry inatru�iie�... �—:'._
<br /> including,but not limited to. reasonable attomeys'fees;and(d)talces such act[on as Lender may oeasonubly require to assure �,,,�
<br /> that the IIen of this Securiry Instrument, i.encler's rights in the Propecry and Borrovier's obligation to pay tt�e swas secwrd by � —�
<br /> this Securlry Insacumemt shtill continue unchanged. Upon retnstatemznt by Borrower. this Securlty Instrumcnt and the � c
<br /> o b i t g a t i o u s s e e u r e�1 h e�b y s h a l{c��n�f n f uil y effeetive s�.s if r.o eccelerativa had occurred. However.this right ta reinstate shall � ��
<br /> ; not apply in the cass of axeleration under paragcaph 17. ��
<br /> 19. Ssille of Note; C6ange ot Loan Servlcer• 'i7ie Note or a partial interest tn t4te Note (togethsr w[th this Sc�urliy
<br /> ' Y. Insuumeni)may be sold oae or more times without prlor notice to Borrower.A sale may result tn a change in the eatity(Iatown � _
<br /> - ey ihe"jJpgp��,P',ryi6QT`)that coQects monthly payments dua under the Note and this Security Instrument.'i'here also may be one `__
<br /> •= � h
<br /> —__ " at�����Qg��c�nric?r t�nrelatefl to»r.�le of the Note.if there ts a change of the Loan Sarvicer.Borrower will be _
<br /> .. �� glven wrluen notice of the chpnge in accordanoe with ParagraPh 14 above azxt appi[cable law.'The notice wUl state the name azed =_
<br /> add�s of the new I.oan Secvlcer and the uddress W which�ayments shoWd be made.The nodces will also contain any other
<br /> i n F o t�a t i o n r e q u i r e d b y a p p l i c a b l e t a w. �`
<br />� Z0.�ezardous Substances. Bomower shall noe cause or permIt the presence. use. disposal. storage,or�e lesse o f any --
<br /> �� HazaMous Sribst�nces on or in the Properiy. Borrower shall not do. ne�r a l low enyone e lse to da. an y t h ing a ff e c t i n g t h e � -
<br /> Property that is in violadon of�ny Environmenta�Law•The Pre�in�tv'd ssntences shall not apply to the pmsence.use, or =
<br /> storage on the Prq�►erty of small quantities of Hazerdous Substances that are generatly recog�iud w be aPPmPriate to nortnal �._b1
<br />-��. residential uses and w maintenanse of the Property. e=•=—
<br />_�� �orrower shall prorrrptly give Lender wdtten notice o!'any inv�stigation.claim.demand,lawsvit or oiher sc23an by a�ay =
<br />'h' Q ' govemmental oc regulatary agency or private PutY involving the Property and eny Haza�dous Subsmace or Envirot�mental Law o�.,_-.
<br />� of which Borrower has ach�al knowledge. If Borrower learns.or Is not�fled by any gover�uaental or regWatory authorIty.that -
<br /> ;, . aur nuri,�r�t vr ut�-�r r�3tai�ass at'sn�Hsxar?�otis c��t�crancz affeccing the Property is necessary.Buardwer shall promptly talce
<br /> .. all nece.sssuy remed[al acdons in aornrdat�e with Envlmnmental Law.
<br />'�+ „ �ps�in thia paragraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances° are those substances deFined as toxtc or hazardous ewmst�nces by __
<br /> � Envia�anmental Law eud the following substances: gasoline, kerosene. other flammnble or toxic petroleum pmducts, toaec
<br /> . ud
<br />�T,..�, ;..,, pestIcides and herbiddes,voladle soivents.materlats conwlning asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materIals. As used in
<br /> -:�•�.:. this paragraph?�0.:.'Environmentai Law" means federal laws and laws of the judsdiction where the Pcoperly is located that :
<br />- M_ . :�.; nlate to healtD,safe .or environmEntal pmte�fion.
<br />+-:�: _.�..�
<br />=s�. � NON-UNIFO COVENANT5. Borrawer and Lender futther covenant and agree as follows: �
<br /> -`,"�"`••�'� 21.Aceelenation.Reme�[�s.I,euder aliall gtve notire to Borrower prtor to aooelErstion foliowing Borrower's brnach --
<br />'?` " o�,nmy ooveaant or egreemea¢ 1n tWs Secarih'Enst�ment (but aot prior to aeo�4eraHon nnder paragrap� 17 unless __--
<br />•z;� r'�..°„" ` �icstble lae pmvides othttwise).T6e not�ce shall specifY: (�)the defaWt;(b)We actton cequired to cure the d�fa�nit; --...--
<br />-�a,,�.�,:..:... , ePP
<br /> :i„_:'•<�",:a ;;ti; (c)a date.not less than 30 days tro�the,�stte We nottce ts given to Bormwer,by wtaich the aletault mus4 be cu�+ed;s�ad
<br /> _ ,..:,�.� , ., (d)that failure to cure the detault�n or;4�tore We date specified in the natice may result im acaEeratian of the sums
<br /> '°,:;;'=_:•- secut+cd by tbis�CUrity Instniment and sale ot tt�e Property.The aottce shall furWer inform Borrower of the right to
<br />-����*_?",� s�lastate afiter acalerstion and the right w bring a oou�t adiun to assert the noa-eslstenae o!a d�ault or any oth�
<br />-.'�"-.`-!r�.r.?i.��". de7enss of Bomo�ver to aaceleration and sale. It tlte detault!s not cured on or before the dnte�pecift�l tn the notice,
<br /> --=°��� La�dl�,at�ts optton, may reguire imm�llate pay�aent in full ot all sums secure�f by tWs Secodty Instrument without
<br /> �_��.��g�: turther demand and may invosce the power of sale�nd a�other remediis pennttted by applIcable law.I.eadrr sl�aU be
<br /> entdtled to cofleeY ell expeases incurred In pursuin8 the c+emedIes pravided in t6is paragraph Zl,iadading,but not Itmlted .
<br /> _!.�:._�^..��'� to,reasonable a4�tsmeys'fec.s and costs of,�t�le evtdence.
<br /> f� _ V the puwer ot sate is tuvok�.Tn�stee shall reco�'d s noHce ot detauit in euch county tn va�hich anp part ot the
<br /> Pe+o ts laated and�ha11 mafl oopies oi such notic2 am the manner presaibed by applicable la�v to Bon+ower and to �;
<br />���-'`°�:��� � pfter the 41me required by appltcs�U3e'law,Tevstee shall give pubUc notla =--
<br /> ---___ the other pessons pnsciibed by agpltcable law.
<br /> ���:�=_�.. ot sale to tlie percaua and in the m�unla.presrribed by eppltcable law.Trustee,wtt4tout dem�d on Horrower,shail sdl
<br /> -�-�;:':� t6e Property at publtc audtoa to Ws hi;,ti�sb.bitlder at the time and plgce end under the tea�s eIeslgaatcd tn t�s noilce ot _
<br /> ��,�;r:,� sale in ane or atore panels and in any,order Trustee det�rmiaes.•Trustee may postpone sswe o�aill or sny�oi Rbe _
<br />-"''�=`'�'�" Paca�ty by pub➢ic anuouncera�nt s�t tl�e`fime a�d place ot eny pn�viously schedWed sate. Leader or tts �ee may
<br /> - •:�-?�•' puncQ�ase the Yroperty at enyss�lle.
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