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<br /> , �r� ��±a��.�� nt u,n nxic� btd. Teust�e ehail deltver to the purchasFr Tru3ta's deed conveytng the `-_
<br /> �--.,perty.The tecitaM tn !ho Tnrriee'e d�ed shnll b� paima��cte evtdence ot thg 4ruW oi the siaY�-��u���_��• _�
<br /> 'l�ustse eHall apply the p�eetis ot the sA!e In the foltowi�sg order:(v)to�Il rnsts and�acpenses of exercising tha 1so�'er o�4
<br /> s�le,and tP►e eale.irccla�dl�g the poymene ot�aTrustee's�ees actuaUy incurred�not to exceed 0.Q000 •a
<br /> ot tise prlAS:ip.hi ama�at�f the note n8 stte tir�e o!the dgc2uraQon of daYault,and reasnnabt�attorneys'fecs ss perenitted
<br /> my taw;���eo�������,rca c,y���9�ec��.ay t�t►;�:a�:�a�a t���,y c�c:��a���2nrnn aex�a�nris IEpc+ily entltYs�l to �--:.
<br /> i�
<br /> �2. I�¢convey�e. iJpon gayment of all sums secured by t4�is Securiry Instcument. iknsder shali request Trustee to
<br /> recAnvey tke Properta► t{ttd shall surrender this Secudty Ins�mtn�J�y�d v ithautdc nharge to the person or persons lcegelly
<br /> In.,nnuneni to T�ustee.'I'rustco shall crc�anvay the Proporty
<br /> entided to it.Sucl�person or persans sha11 pay any r�eco�elatton cas?s.
<br /> �;.�IIU�ii��t;;��.;,,;,--r�-F.;�}�y R��Q�� �ny f�m�ime to t�me cemove Tnutee end appolnt a successor truatee to
<br /> anJ Tn�iee appointed hereunder by an instnurient reiwrded IA the caunry in�lhich Wis��curity Instrument is recosded.Without � ,
<br />_ canvoyance of the P��aperty.th�successor u�stea shall succeed 8o ail the dtle.power and duties conferred ulaon Trtietea herein �
<br /> �d by applicabte law.
<br /> 2�g.�iEgu�fa�I�aiE�es. Sr,raowzr rec�uest�E�hat copies of t�s notic,es of defa�ilt and.ate be sent to Borcowar's addresa `_
<br /> which is the Ptoperty Addncs. �
<br /> 2S.Rtders to t�his S�curity Instruaient. If one or more rFders are euecutecl by Borrower end reGOrded togettter with this d
<br /> th�e co�nut�and 8c¢ernen e of thiS�Seou��ty Inn�ume�ut es if the dderis)��i Part of thisn8ecunty lasltau�ir:�nt aud supplement �
<br />_ • f�ew�lc p�nlirahle bou(es)1 �
<br />_ [���'�justable Rate RIder Condominiur�m Risler 0!•4�amily Rider ' �
<br /> �i:aduaud Payment It�cler �la�ed Uait Develapment Rider ��iweekly Payu►en4 Rtder . . .
<br />- Ballaon Rider Q2ate Improvement Rider 5econd Home Ridcr . .
<br /> • VA ltider �l`�ther(s)I�i�'l
<br /> • BY SIfiMNf3 BEI,OW.Borrower aca;pts and egrees to the tesms and covenants wntaincd�n this SecuritY In�uument and
<br /> in�y ri�erts3 exe�uicd�►y 16�►��+�:���3:�s it. ,
<br /> �VImessea: ' � .
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<br /> � tseal) (seaQ
<br /> -8otrowet;,: -Borroarcr
<br /> , ;�;: . ,
<br /> STATL OF NEB1�SxA, , .���`�'�� County xs:
<br /> ' The fore�ot��nstruma�t was acimowled ed fbafnm m�th�s I2'� day of M°^�: ' • 1°�`�°� •
<br /> b y Gregory t. Geis and Sa��ie �s. c�eis, huabar�d a�t wife . .
<br /> Wiwas my hand mnd twt�rial sa+l at C?f�ind� =S�a.n� ia said County.the date afo�ld.
<br /> My C.oap�nissIon��cpins: �. ' . �,
<br /> � • ' Nonry PNDIic
<br /> .�. GElIERALt�bT Y�5tik01l�brasw '
<br /> I CARMEN M.IENSEl�1
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