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<br /> � • � � payments may no tonger be require�l,at the optton of Lenner.if mortgag�i,�su:a,►a:wv::eage(in ttte ataount and for the�rri�! E__"
<br /> , � � that Lxnder requina)prodded by an fnsurcr oppraved by I,ertder again becomes av�iluble nnd is obwined. Borrower shnil pay �' '
<br /> �� -�1 tho nremiums reauired tcs mst�tafn mortgnEe insurance in effect.or ta provide s,loss reserve,unti!the requirement for mort�age t�°�
<br /> ` � ��� insurance ends in accordame wlth nny�vritten egreement between Borrower artd 1.enaer or appiicabie la��. �
<br /> 9.Insp�tlon.L�der�t E�s agent mny muke reasonable enMes upon nnd inspectiuns of the Property. Leader sh�ll give �`���
<br /> o � S . Borrower notice at the tirne os ar prior to an lnspecdon specifyIng teasonable cause for the inspection. -
<br /> °� 10. Cand�nador�.Ttre prc+ceed�oP any award or cloim for dumages. direct or consequenttal, iq co�ection with any
<br /> � condemnauon or other t�king oi any part of the Property.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation,are h�reby essi8ned nnd �.:--"
<br /> . '" "� shail be patd to LQnder. -
<br /> 't Ia the event of a tot�l taking of the Froperty.the proceeds shali be applied to the sums secured by this Secudty Inst�vment. _--
<br /> """'°�"�,' whether or not then due.�Ith eny excess paid to Borrower.In the event of a partial tetcing of the Property in which the fa�r �_
<br /> ._,�.....� . -:_
<br /> mazicet value of the Pra�eny imsa�ediately before the tulcing is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured bY t1►is �o
<br /> _- -.. __'�'-- �ecuriry Lisfruu�id i=m�:�:eli�forra t1� °L...d.Ing.tnle?s RnrmEVer and Lettder aUserwise agree tn wdtin�,the sums secured by � _
<br /> _ "e•
<br /> this Securlty IpstNtaent ahall be reduced by the amount of We procceds multiplied by the foilovv�ng fr�ctton: (a) the total =
<br /> amonnt of ths sums secured imcnediately hefo�+e the taking,divided by(b)th@ fair raarket vatue of the ProperYy immediately �
<br /> �.�.� before the takiu . Aay balance shnll isE pai�d to Borrower. Ia the event of a partial taking of dte Property in whtch the fair
<br /> , +� � '�
<br /> � market value of the Pro�az�y► imirs�aliately hsfoce the taldng Is less than the amount of the sums secuced immedtetely 6efore the Y
<br /> tatdug�untess Borrower aad I.ender otlzanvise agree in writtng or unless applicable law otherwiFe provides. the prooeeds sha1lW
<br /> hs applied W We sums s�ar�i by thfs Searity Insuument whether or not the sums are then due. �
<br /> -•� � If the Pmgrrty is ab�ue�by Borrower.m if,after notnc��y Ieader to Borrower Wac the condamnor offers ta make ary�
<br /> „--��, award ar s:ule a claiat fa demnges. Borrower fails to respa��9a �l.ender wlthin 30 days after the date the nodce is given�
<br /> Lender is a�sthori2�d to�allect end apply the proceeds.st tts option,eit�er¢o�eswration or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> secured by this 52c�a¢i�+ ]�strument,whether or not t`►zn due. _
<br /> - "-�:� U�(e�l,end�aMad Borrower othecwise agres in wrldng. anY aPPjication of pmceeds to pdncipal shail not e�ctend or
<br /> .. postpom¢$e due date oF tha manthly payments referred to jn p�xagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paym�nnts.
<br /> �' � • ° il.�drrower Not Reteaied;Forbaraace By E.endsr N¢�Y a WeEver.Exteasion of We time fo�payment ar mo6i�icaHon
<br /> of effiortitation of the sanm�secuce�t by this S�curity�nstnunent granted by Lender to any successor in interest of�orrower shnll
<br /> 5 not operate w reIe��e the Ilability of the original Bormwer ar Borrower's successors ia interest.Lender shali not be required to �; _
<br /> ° ' � commeAce proc�ee�lings against any successor ia interest or refuse to extend t�me for payment or oWenvise modify amottizatioa
<br /> .� �.� of the sums secured by this Secudty Iastrua�nt by reason of eny demand made by the original Borrower or Bomower's
<br /> W�:�;�;_ , ��int�w�. �►�,y fn�bearance by Lender in exen3sin�anY right or remedy sha11 not be a waiver of or preclude the _
<br />_ .. .,,.. cxercise of any dght or rwnedy.
<br />-_��-;�._T r;�t, 12. Suooe�o�and Asstgns Bound:Jo1nt mnd Several Uability;�m+�signers. The covenants itnd agreements of ihis
<br />':;��:n,�_.- ��ity�p'stniment sh�llbind and benefit the suocessors and assiSns of L�nder and Bomower. subject So ttte pnovisions of
<br /> -- -_- -- ���p7a�17. Horrower'��ovenants and agreements shal! be joint anci �:veral. My Bor�ower who co-signs this Secudty
<br />=:�i n:�;;� �Eari�ut does nvi execuce the 1Vote: (a) is co-signing efiiis Security ]nstnm►ent oNy to mortgage.graut and convey that
<br />°�:,h�;�`�,�"�� Borr�W�'�iaterest iu s�e Propesty un�er the terms af this S�a�ity Instrument.(b)is not personally obliB�ted W pag►We sums
<br /> _.�;-?:c�v�� secured by this Serudty last�ument;and(c)aSree.s that Lender and any other�orrower may agree W extenc�.modify.fQrbear or
<br /> - ";��.� make any accommadatiom widt regard W the terms of this SecurIty Insnument:or the Note without that�£offaawer's corlsseent.
<br /> ���•�f.,_:��'� L�.I.oait CharBes,if the loan secu�ed by this Secudty Instnunent is subject to a law whIch sets maxlmum loan charges,
<br />-.:"ri.";�:p.*��"' and t�nt!aw is fwally interpmted so ttiat the interest or other ioen cfiarges collected or to be oollected 9n connectic�n�vith tke
<br /> �_'"'=�- loan est�cd the pemdttcd lirnits.then_ (a)any such loan ci�arge sha116e reduced by the smount necessary to r�duce 8he eharge
<br />_---- _„�,� to ttte pem�ivai timit: and(b)anY sums aln�dy collected from Borrower which e�ed permitted lianits wiil be reflinded to
<br /> •--_�=—3 Bortower. Lender may dcoose w make this reftuid by nducing the princi�t owe�under the Note or by m�icing a direct
<br />---=�_v�, =-� payment w Borrower_ I[ a refimd red¢ces principal. the rec[uction will be ueated as a partial prepayment vvithout eny
<br /> —- -- != P�Y�t�8e und+erthe Note.
<br /> -�=s�,� n•d.Notioes.Aqy mtioe to Bomower provided for in this Secudty Instnunent shall bE given by dellvering it ar by�iling
<br /> �- �"� it by�irst c19ss mail udas applicable law rcquires nse of another method.The notice sha�l be di�ested to the Property Addiess
<br /> -,�� � oY any other add�+ess Bomnwer designates by noNoe to Lender.Any notice to Lender shalt be gtven by Rrst class raa�'i ta -
<br /> -'--= -- I.ender's addr�s statod here3n or aay other addrass"Lender designates by nouce to Borrower. Any notice pmvided for in thns
<br /> Se�at,y L�suument shall be dcemd to 6ave been given eo Borrower or i,ender when given as provided in this parag�aph.
<br /> -- - - ,.-._.� tS.Gove3ning IaA; Severabilfty. 'ltiis Securlty instrument ahall be govemed by fedetal law and t�e faw ofthe -
<br /> ___=_= jwisdictlon in wtuch tLe Property is lacated. In the event that any pmvis3on or clause of this Secudty Iasttum�ent or tt�NoYe
<br /> _ - --- oonflicts adth applicablelaw.such oonflict sball not affect other prmvisIons of this Secudty Inswffient or the Note wh[sh can be
<br /> --�':�,�;�.�� given effxt without theconflicting provlsion.To this end the pmvisions of this Serurlty Instrumeni nnd the Note are declared
<br />----Y.=�r��:�� to Aa s�rerable.
<br /> �=��'°t;��?�� � Il6.Bflrrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one wnfom�ec!aopy of the Note and of this 5e.curity Instr�men�
<br /> _ '.�i v: Fatn 30 !9Q -
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