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<br />�� � TaLiBTI-!g!i 1F11TN oll the improvements now or hereafter�r2cted on the propeny.and ell easements�nppurtennnces.nnd ���;,:
<br /> flxtures t�ow or hereafter a part of th� property. Ail replacements und addittons shull ei� be covered by this Secntity
<br /> .,s .•,____ i��:s��:
<br /> Instrument.Ail of the foregoing is teferred to In thts aecuri[y insiirur�teni ai u�o r�v��.�.' �;;_��
<br /> � 80RROWBR CQVBNANTS that Borrower is iawtLlly seised of the estate hereby wnveyeri and hns the rigt�t to grnn4 and �;�,:--
<br /> .4 convey the Ikoperty aicd that the Property is unencumbered.except for encumbrnnces of recacal.Borro�ver vmrrcints nrtd will �',;�:�:
<br /> defend generally t,`�e tiNe to the Property egainst ell claims an�demands.subject to any encumbrancea of cecord. "
<br /> 'Ti•YYSS�CU�'.TfY lNSTRUA4ENT comb��unif�rm covenants far�ational use and non•unifarm c�venunts�vith limited E;:_�_�
<br /> .,� �`� varlations by judsdiction to canstltute a uniform aecuriry tnstaument coverinII reai property. •
<br /> tlNIFOYtM COVENANTS.Borrower artd Lender covenant and agree as follows: �
<br /> r 1. Paqffieat of Prtndpal and Iieterest; Prepnyment aa�D Late CRe�es. Horrower ah�lt promptly pay when due the �-�--
<br /> `-�''�� princlpal ot aad interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and eny prepay�nent and late charges due under the Note. � - _
<br /> �„ , 2. Funals tor Taaes and IasuraQCe.Subjeci to applicable law or to a written waiver by I.ender. Sorrower shali pay� ��___.
<br /> " � Lesider on the day manthly pay�uEnts are dce sander the Note.untii t�e 1Vote is pai3 is�it,s sur��('Funds")for:(u)yeacly taxee�
<br /> ,. � �4 A �
<br /> and assessments which may Attajn prtodty over this Secudty Instrnment as a iten on the Property:@)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> or gcound rents on the Propercy.if any:(c)Yeariy hazard or property inaurancs premiums;(d)Yeariy flood insurance pmmiums,� -_
<br /> ---,x if any:(c)Ycar1Y m.ortIIage insurance premivrr4s�if any; art�1(fl �►Y �ms payable by Borrower w L.ender. in eccor0an�e with� E,.
<br /> We pmvislans of paragr&ph 8.in lteu of the payrnent of mortgage insuranca piemiums.These iteins are cailed'Escrow Items•"� _
<br /> .,. I,ender rbay� at any tirne�collect and hold Fw►ds in an amount nat to exceed the maximum amunnt a lender for a federaUy�
<br /> � ..� retated mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow ac;count under the federal Real �te SettleraEnt Procalures Act o� .
<br /> 1�14 as amended from time eo time. 12 U.S.C.Sectio�a 2&(11 ez seq. ("R�:SFA").ualess�notir_r la��that agpl[es to the Funds .
<br />- - -- sets a lesser amount.If so. D.r�der may.ai sny time. collect and hold Funds in an amua,;t uvi ta�xxc�she lesser smount. �....
<br /> � L.ender may eStimate the am�unt of Funds cflue on the basis of current data and teasonable essim^tes of.eapendltures of fumre _
<br />_::,:,�4..�,t : Escraw Iteias or otherwise iw&xoidance with applicable law. _.
<br /> an
<br /> The Funds shall be 9ar.ld in an insdtution whose de�osits are insured by a fedual agencY. t�stturaentality. or endty
<br /> ' �,.
<br /> s°„:,:'�.r .. (inctudi�ag Lender,tf Len�r'rs such an insdtution)or in any Federal Home Loan ^T�ak.Leader sdall•aPPIy the Fund�to pay ttea
<br /> Fscrow Itea�.Lender may not charge Borrower far holding and applying the Funds,a►nnually analyzln8 the escrow account,or
<br /> verifying the�'iscrow Items,unless Let►der paya Borrower tnterest on the Fuads and applIcalble law permits Lender to malce snch '
<br /> -���+:.��° a charge.Hovvever.Lender may requlre BonowEr w pay a one-ti�ne charge for an independent real estate tax reporting senrice • -
<br />��_��y=<u' used by Lendsr in connx�tlloA whh this loan. unless appliable Iaw provides othenvise.Unless an agreement Is made or
<br />�"�'��`,.; Apgllcable law requires intere,st to 1�e paid.Lender shall noi be required to psy Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> _�F«��� . , . o o .±.�+� .. --
<br /> ;P.:�=',:.,,,,�� �arrowerartd I�ender may ags�e i,i w�i¢,rg. i�owE'sc:...':a�i�tes�t..h_lt br g�i .i�F�: Tender shail give ta rrower. ,
<br />���'" � h wtthout cbarge, an annual socounting of the Funds.showing credits and debiu to the Funds and�the pucpose for whtch•each
<br /> =�',�``'�1)) debit to the Funds was made.The Funds�►re piedged as additfonal�sesuvity for all sums securcd by t4�s Secudty Insuuneent.
<br /> -f-��"-�=�fllA\y�'�1
<br /> ^-�'.�a,,,, If We Funds held by Lender excced the�amounts pem►ilted to be 4e1d by applicable law.Lentl�r shail accaunt w Bor[o�e�.'c :
<br /> R �� for the excess Funds in acoordance with the requireraents of applicabte�l8w. If th�e amount of the F'unds held by Leu�der pt any �
<br />.`��£"'�"� tIme is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when dus,I.ender may so nocify$orc�wer In writing.su►d,fa such cx+se Borrower
<br /> '�-=��'�� sha11 pay to Ixmder the amount aecessary to make up the deficiency.Hortower s}i�73 make up the deftcIency in no m�re than
<br /> `��'�-;:� tweWe moatlily payments,at Londer's sole discretion. '
<br /> � , ppcn gwyment in fnit oF ail sums secured by thls Seiurity.He�si¢ai�ent, Lender shall pmmpi�y reftrad to Bormwer a�y
<br />-':;-•�:�"� Funsiss held by L�ender.If.under paragraph 21.Lendxr sl�all acquire ma sell the Pro�xty.Lender.Pdor w the acqu[sitton or sale
<br />��� of the Pcoperiy. s1�ai1 apply any Funds held by LendEr at tfie time of acquisidon or sale as a credit against thB s�secuced bY
<br /> —_�.._t� tLisSecudt3+Iaauument. ' ', � : --
<br /> -` -="" 3.Appl[catton ot Paynt�►ts•Unless applicable iaw pmvides oEherv4ia�.all Qaym�mts raeav�ci by i�ender under paragraphs
<br /> -��'r�a��] 1 and 2 shall be apQlied:fltst.to anY P�PaYmenY charges due undet c1�e�Note:second.to ammun�s payable umier paragrapl�2:
<br /> --_m�
<br /> _ -�°° II -= third,to interest due;fowth:to prjncipal due.nnd last.to any late cAarge.c dne undea the Note.
<br />- --_ -- 4.CIt�uBes:U�.l�orrower ahaU pay a11 taxes.asse.ssments.charges. fiaes and impositions suributable to the PmP�rtY
<br /> ---�--°° which may atmin priarity;�ver thts Secudty Instniment,and leasehotd paymettts or ground renis, if eny. Borrower shall pay �':`
<br /> ;��� these obligas�flns in the mantter ptovide�in paraBraPh 2.or iF aot pa3aR an that manner.Borrower ahall pay them on time djrecdy �
<br /> -_ry� to the pe�rt_oived payment.Sorrower sball pmmpdy fumish to G:ufle3 alt notices of amounts w be paid w�der this paragraph.
<br /> - - --° If Borrower makes these payt�nts directly,Borrower s4�a11 promptly ti�mish to l.e�d�er receipts evtdencing the payraents.
<br /> -� � getrower slinli FrorripUy dfscharge any 1[en whic3i has priority over tt�is Sece�s�ty,Instn�nt unless Borroercer:(a)agras in `
<br />_ °.--�°---- wtiting to the paytnent of the obligation secured by the liea in a ma�►aer acceptab}a?n.Ixnder, (b)contesLS in r�ot�d faith the lien
<br /> _ �,;_�:'� by.or defeads against enforament mY the lien in.legal proceec4iar�s wAich in the I�ender's.opin�on operace to prevent the
<br />-----_° •� enforcemeat of tht lien;or(c)sxures'�'o7i��the holder of tin lien�tn.ag�eraent sadsfactory to Le�der suboNinatin8 Qhe lfen W
<br />-_���`����n this Socudty Ins�n�If Lender detemnnes that any part of the Poo�erty is subject to a Ifea�which may auain priority over
<br /> _-�,� this Se�dty Inst�ument,a,�nder may give Borcower a nouce identifyiq3 the lien.II3ormwer shall satisfy the itsn ar take one or
<br />-�'"'-•`w?'�;,.,�'�' more of the actions set foJVh above within 10 days of the givfng of notico. __
<br /> -, :... a:..
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