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<br />- � � S. �rd or Hrmper�y Yatsueance. Barrower shAll keep the improvements novr existinII or hereatter erected on the 4
<br /> Peogerty insuced aguinst loss by tir�.harnrda irtFluded within th,term"extended coveruge° and any other hazaMs. includin� �'��.
<br /> floads or flaodinQ.for wniclh Lenaer requ�res�nsurance. i his insumnce sitaii 6e maintaiaed in ii�C u�iiuw►U a�1d far th2�ric� --
<br /> thnt Lender requires. 71�e insuta�tcs cuttler providing the insurnrtce shull ba chosen by Borrower subj�rtder maye at l.ender's
<br /> ^ ' whlch shall not be unseasonably withheld. IP Bottower fails to maintain cove�ge described ubove.
<br /> " optton.o�win coveruge to protect Lead2r's dBhts!n the Property in ucwrdunce with pamgraph 7. . �v
<br /> � All insuranae polici�s s�a renewals�h�ll be acceptabla to L.cn�ter and shall inciudc a standaed mortgage clause.I.cnder ��
<br /> o � shall huve the right to hold the polictes and renewals.If Lender requires,Burrower shall promptly give to Lender ell rece[pts of =._
<br /> -"���� paid pmmiums and renewal nottcea.In the event of toss.Bamower shall give prompt nottce tu the insurance carricr and L�nder. � �: '
<br /> �.�. Lender may make proof of toss if rtot made promptly by�iorrower. r-`
<br /> " Unless Lender and Borrower othecwise agree In writing.insurance proceeds shal!be applted to restoration or repait of the � �;__
<br /> — prop�rty dam�ged.if the�stotation or npair is economicaily feasibie and Lender's secudty is nos lesserted.If the cescoration or ��;;
<br /> repair is not econamicaily feasitslo or[.endePs secudty wouid be lessened.the tnsuranc�proreeds shutl bs applled to the sums:� �_
<br /> - secured by this Secur�ty lttsuument. wheiher or not then due.wIth any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons tha � �
<br /> �_ propei4y.ar does noi answer w�thin 30 days a rtotice from Lender that the insnrance car�Ier has offered to settle a claim, then � p_
<br /> _ •- I.e�er rrt�y colIect tha insurnnce pmceecls. l�ender may use the proseed� to repair or restore the PropeRy or to pay sums � —
<br /> "�V secured by this Secudty instrument.whettcer or not t4en due.The 30-ciay periosl v�iq begin when the notice is given. � �_.
<br /> � � , pn(es.s Lender and Botroc�er oUtenvtse ag�ee in writing. rury applic�tion of proceeds to principal shall not ext�nd or (� �
<br /> .. � gestpone the due date of the montdly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If =-
<br /> uader paregraPh 21 t�te Praperty is ac9uimd by Lend�r.Borrower's r�ght to any lnsutance policies and pmceesls resutting frorit
<br />„' - - � damage to ttce Property Prior to the acquisidon s6aif pass to Lenucr to the exieat of the sums s�src�by th�s S�urity Inst�me:�t �-
<br /> immtdIately prior.to th$acquisieion.
<br /> . 6.Ooeupancy.�ivatlon,Maint�ance aad Pr+ntaxtion aP�e PropertY4 Borro�ver's Loan Applica4lon;L�efLiola'is. �`:
<br /> � � . Bormwer shall occupy.establish.end use the Property as Borrower's principal residence wtthu►sixty days aftea the exea�ian of 0.,_
<br /> tha pm as Borrower's rinci restdence for ai l�st ones yea�after °
<br /> this Sewdty►Iastnunent and shall conti�►ue to occuPY Pe1'�Y P P� -
<br /> a
<br /> . th•date uf oxvpanc.y,anless Lender otherwise agrees in wrlting.whtch consent shall not bs nnreasonably wi4hheld,or unless _
<br /> � eactenuating cincumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy. damage or impanr the =
<br />=s''` property,allow the Property to deterlorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be In default if uny forfetwn —
<br />-'�����:� action or pruoeeding.whether civil or criminal. is begun that ia l.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeituce af the
<br />- �" Property or otttezwIse mateaially impair the Iten created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest.Borrower raay -
<br />�^'�;r.���
<br />- . cuie such a default anfl reinstate.as provIded In paragcaph 1�.by causing the actian or pcncee�i.�ng io ae�ia,i�ii�t wit�a :u2�sg
<br />��,•�.,.�. tltat, �n I�„T•s good faitli determinat3on, precludes forfeiture of ehe Borrower's interest in the Property or other nnatsrial
<br /> i_�.,r4,.�' II11p2ITIIkIIE�F 1I1P,IIGI CTC'dt�I1J/LIIIS S�l91TIh► InSS[UiI1CU�OI LeI1iSEJ'S S�U[ILY IA�t�CSL. Borrower shall also be in deS�lt it
<br /> �4�s�-� goiro�ver�diutng tlte loan application process.gave materially false or lnaccurate infom�atIon or stat�ments to Lender(or ffaiqed
<br /> !'�`�'�._;`''��,'��,. �pro�ride under with any matedai information)in eonnecrion wIth the loan evtdem�d by che Note.including.but not limited
<br />�;.z;=�.:�., to.representations concemin8 Bomower's oocupanay of the Property as a principal resIdence.If this Security Inst�ument is on a _
<br />-:�-��� leasehol3, �3orrower shall complY with ali the provisions of Eite trase. If Borrower acquires fee title W the Property, the
<br />�°_ leasehold md ffis fce tItle shall aot merge unless Lender agrees w th�anerger in writing.
<br /> ---��^�� 7.Pr+oi�etton af Leude�s Rights in the Propa�ty.If Borrower fatis to perform the covenants aad�gceements contained 3n
<br />±t:���� thls SecuritY Ins�ument,ar there is a legal prooeeding that may slgnificantly affea L$nder's dghta in the Properiy(such as a
<br />'a?-�=;:_;.,� ptooeeding in banlnuptcy, �pmbate.fo:condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulsttons). then L.e�cder uuy do asM _
<br />���, pay for whauver is necessary to pmtea the value of the Pmperty and Lender's rights in the Prop�rty. Leader's acdons may
<br />�„5;:•,�:_�� inclade payinB anY sums sxured by a lten whtch has prtority over this Securicy Instnimerd. ePP�rB � ��+ PaYin8
<br />�-��= reasonable aitoraeys'fas and entering oa the Prop�rty tn make repairs.Although Lender may talce acticit uader this paragraph
<br />"�� 7.Irender does noi have ta do so.
<br /> — " - = pqy amwmis disbus•dd iry Lender uuder tmis paragraph 7 shall besome addittonal debt of Bormwer sewted by thi�
<br />'T� Saa�riry Inshument. Upless Botrower ar�d I�ender agnee w other terms of paymen�these amo�ts shall bear intenest from the `
<br />' �:"�`:;:`` daYS of d��ment at the Note rate�md shall be payable. whh interest,upon notice fcom Lcatder to Barrower requsstin8
<br /> �°?�rs�:�..�
<br /> _�,,���,u ��n�, •-
<br /> -__-� 8.Mort�age Insw'a�ce.If 1Rnder�equired mortgage insurance as a candition of making the lo�n secured by�is Security
<br />���.: Instn�mem. Bormwer sh�9l.pay the pnmtums required w ataintain the mortgage insurance in effe�t. If.for aay ceason. the . _
<br /> --.=,u..�..�.
<br /> __.,��; mortgage i;c�sance cov¢rage required by Lender lapses or ceases to tie in ef�ect.Borrnwer shali pay the premiums requ ro
<br />-�,��=�-l� obtain cav�sage subsmntially equivalettt w the mortgege jnsuraace previously i�e�'ect.at a cost substanttally equivalent to the
<br />�':°;,: . .
<br />—._�,,...�:r; oost to Bbzrovber of We nnortgage insu'ranoe pneviously in ef�ec,t,from an altemate mortgage ins�nr appmved by Lender. If
<br />�''�°-����� ,:.,� substantialiy equivalent mart�age insuranoe coverage is not available.Bormwer shal!pay to Lender each momh a sum equal to _
<br />_ - . �: mne-tvreifth of the yearly mortgage insvranoe premium being p3id by Borrower when the insutance cov�,se.lapsed or c�easer�to =
<br />_ �:%f' . l • . •. tie in effe�t.Lender a+ill accept�use and retain thes�paymenu as a loss reserve In lieu of imart$age insuranse. Loss *esem'e _
<br /> ..;: ., �.�,._ . , � • wr�sozs e��r�°,,� -
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