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<br /> "� 9.Ittspection. Lerider or ite aBent mny mnko reasoreuble entriea ugnn nnd inspections of the Peogerty.I.ender shall _
<br /> • '' g{ve Borrowet naNce ut the time of or pdor to nn[aspe�don specifying eetissaanble cause for the inFp�ction. �-
<br /> M 10.Condemnadon. The praceeds of Ar►y owr�d or cl�1m tor dwnuges.direat cr consequent��l.in conat�ton e�t�h �N=
<br /> � ±'^'.Y'� eny condemnation or oWer�of any putt of d►e PmPe�tY•�r for conveyence in lieu oi co:�iemundon� ure hereby �_
<br /> • r.�ign�anfl ahnll be flid to I.en er. ��:
<br /> --= '.r'.�+�py�t n��io£9!tr.t:.ki��f sStt�.°PO ° �. ehe x�roceeds sha118o�pplied Io the sutl�t Et�'.C11►re�1 by ti�ie St�s;t�rllrv , _.
<br /> . �,� _
<br /> _...,—_�—� e a�L'�e a.�».r:.;�.
<br /> ,�;.,�� Iusttutaent,whether or aot thzn due.with an y e x c e a s�P yd��c O���e���c��oT��r��e�noiuit of the =
<br /> a � wbich the fair marlcet value o f t he P c o p e rt y i m m e d i ���orrower and l�mdsr oWanvi�o a rea in =_
<br />_'� �--"` s u m s s e c u t e d b y t h l a S e c u r i t y Insuument immediately beforc ttte�n�� -
<br /> wri�ng.the sums secur�d by this Sec�uitY Jastmmeat e h s l l b e m d u c e d by t h e n n a o u a t o f t h a p r o c e�s m u l t l p l l e s! ��* -_
<br />`��-� follow7ng fraction: (a)the wtel amount of thr sums sec�ued lma�£ateiy beforc ttie taWag.div id."'d by(b)the fair mtuket �
<br /> - - . _.ta valae of the PropertY i��lY before the taldng Any balance shall be paid to Boarower.in dsee event of a pariial t�kinQ
<br />'�...`�'-: ,� of the Pto 3n which the fair market vatue of ttce Pmg�stY im�d�ately before tlr�takin�ie l�&s t6an the nmouut af t4a _
<br /> .r:1;':,,-•�°' , sums s��immediately before the taldng,�wless Boirower and Leader oth,erwic�ag�ee In wclting or uulcss applicebl�s _
<br /> _. __... �.�.�.��•.��w :�°pl��512°�1�°�t��S4 t�?4!?419��hy�Sec��ritv inS1t11mCIIt WhCt11@T OI QOI IhB •:
<br /> �,,..� .••. Iit1N uutG�wwr.j��. . .. 2a. • �
<br />,.,�rt�-��., .' 81lIIL9 ALC f�lCll 4u�. �:'
<br /> ;�,,�,.� „ If the PropertS►is ahandaned by�3arro�r'rowe�r'fa�It�rdesGp�o nd to�dI.eadcr Bfth4a 30 d.�3yo eRer�tnt+�e da�se the n d� -..
<br /> ,_,:�;? - make an awarQ or settle a claim for d��. �
<br /> �_�:��� is�iven,Lender is suthariaad to collect attd aPP1Y��P�s,at ita opdon.eitLar W reato�tfoa or repair of tho Ft+a�ecty _
<br /> _:�,:;;�� or to We sums secured bP this Secur�n'1�e�t,whether or not then due. _
<br /> -p°�r�aa�.: Ualess Lender aIId Borcawcr athem�lse agme�n wrtting,unY Pllcatlon of pmcee�s to p�cipal shall aot ext�ndar _
<br /> agre
<br />-=-=—�°---.�-� postpone the due date of the monthlypaya�nta referred co in par� i and 2 or chaage the amount of suc�x ptrymnn�e• �
<br /> ,,���r�.e---=---- 11. Bozrower Noi Released; FbrTkarance By L�uder ot a Waive�. F�ens��to�an�soi in��intcrec+� _
<br /> =::;..��� modificatlon of mnortizntioa of the su�secured by thia S�aui fnsaument gr�nted Y Y
<br /> of Borrower sball rtoi operate to re2ense the llabllitY of the orl�nal Borrower or�$ormwer's succ�sors in Interest. Ixnder
<br /> -------= shall not be required to��pm����Y�0��r in➢nierest ar refuse to extend time for pnyment ar —
<br /> _= othera►Ise moslifY amoitlzation of the sumg secured by this�CUrlty�t by reasan of�y d�em�d ��yYahaYl --
<br /> __..- ;�., origiaal florrower or Boimwer's succgssors in 3ater�t.Any foibearance b L�end6r in exen�isfn8 Y �
<br /> "�' � aot be a waiver of or pzecDude tho eaterc�of�y rlght or remedY:: �. 'Ihe oovenants and a�a�f
<br />- -- l2. Successors and�Bouad;Joint and Sever�sll.��EtEky;Co�18n -
<br /> ------- this Securth+ Insuume.nt shall fad and beneAt tI� successors aad assigne of I�eader aad Borrower, su J��ct ta tla�a
<br /> __ _� pmvislons of parag�aph 17.Bormwer's covenants nad ag�emems shall he jo"ant aad several.Aay Portow��ho e�s(I�q� _
<br /> tt�is SecurltY Ias�tument but daes not exerute th8 Note:(a)ls co-signing thfR S�1�ument only m s�rtgagQ.gta�at
<br /> , gIIi1�Y�=y that BOmOWEi�B�IItCi'E&L ia t}t�.PNpCttY liddet th6 tC�Of th18 In8lI11IDCt12: ibj 35 AIIt 1���Y'
<br /> ------ obligat�d w paY the sums socured by Wis xcunry Y�u��,++�t�3 S .,..o i3tai LE��!�y�ethes i3atcmater muv
<br /> agc�e w extend,modifY,fotbear or make aay aocommodatlons�vlth eo the terias of thia Security Tnsuvment ar tFL�r
<br /> N�te without tLat Bormwer's oonsent. � is sub'ect w a law wl�ich s�t.c cnaxI�aim iwa�e�
<br /> 13.Loan CLasges. ff the loau secured by tbie Secudty�sm�e�t J
<br /> c,�arges. and that la�v ls flnallv �rP�aed 1��'ta,tL��aay�s�wsh lo n char�e�sh�all�be ceduo�d b t�he�a�nt. u
<br /> con�on with the.loaa exceed the permi
<br />-- - neoe.ssa�y to naduce the r�rge w the�i ued limat•ead @A�Y�already eollected from Boirower w ch exseed��
<br /> permrtted liauts wW be i�efuaded ta�omower. Y,ender may chaoss co make this r�fuad by reducjng the priucipat a.��3'
<br /> --_.:,;�;;� uader the Note or by�aakjn8 a direct PaYmeat w Borrower.If a refund reduces priacipal,the ceduction will he trcau:deg m, -
<br /> ayment nri¢hout any prepaYment charge under the Not�. q
<br /> ------- �'�14�.pNatio�s. Auy noitce to Bon+ower provided for ln tl�fe�SecuritY Igsuuaroenc shnll be givensh�li�din��cte�tto tl�� . ,
<br /> — — mailing it by first class a�il unlessapplicable law ta�i� c�e of anet�er aretlrod. 11te nattce _
<br /> Property Address ar aay other addeess Bomower desIguates�Y uoSce to l,ender.Any notice w Leader shnll be given by
<br /> ffist ctass mail ta Irender�S B�t+CSB St8I8d I1CIC�11 OI 9IIy OthBI�BddL�SS IrCIIQBf dC8IgI18tGS by ROtICC t0 BOri'ONCl.Any oot�ae
<br /> �mvidcd for ln this Security Ins�um�sball be�oenaed to i�v�beea gtvea to Borrower or Lender when given es prAVld�d:
<br /> m this par�►gcaPh. y
<br /> fS.Govanin8 La�ri�'erabilit�y. 1Lis SecucitY JnESmment shallian or cdause of tbis Socurity dln�nn�menL�ot tJig
<br /> uclsdicdon in whfrh the ProgertY�s located.In the erent d►�t anY PI'�vta
<br /> �otc oontaicts withapplicable law.snch oontlict sha,�io�t�at�othend dte pmv�islo�this Se dt3+�Yasaument or�N�,
<br /> " which cnv be 8ivea effect wltltout the conflicdng P
<br /> - _--__-''� Note are�leclaced w be sevaable. � .
<br /> ld:Berro�rer's CopY. Bort�wer shall be�vea ons eonformed oopy of tha Na:e aa�of this SecuritY Inst�unen` :
<br /> 17.�Yan�es�of ttiee PoroPat9 a'r a Ben c1a1�La�r�eat in Sorrower. I€�tt o; arcy W.:.of she:'r:,�:.;.�°�;,`.
<br /> imerest in it is sold dr transfenec1(or if a h�i$Rcial iateres;ia Bon�ower is sold or oransfemd and Bom+a��u��4
<br /> natural pecson)withaai Lender's prior wci H�nse,nt,��n e baU aot be e�xercised by L�er if epicere�a�Is pra�I6i�t;ed'. .
<br /> swns securet!by this Secudry Instrumcnt.
<br /> by federal laa as of the date of this Secudty 1as�c.�.
<br /> If Leader ex�rcises this option,Le�ter&halt give-�oraower notice of aocelerat�aa.'llie noflce shall pravldo n peniaQ�� ,
<br /> of not less t�ar►30 days fmm the date the aotice is ddlv�eepl or meiled arithio whfeh Bormwer must pay sll snms c�a� ,
<br /> F�m 9G4�H 8lSO fAaBo fi 6', ,',
<br /> -- q ' J „f .� ••l
<br /> _-,,^� euvxQessrs�+a mic_sr.ewua.Mw eeaos nBOO�9�•saen wmauo-�.u��rara� � .n • ,,i �
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