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<br /> . by thle Security Insuument,Yf Borrower fa7ls to pay these aupas prlor to thQ expirnuon oY thlo�serlud� Lender mny iavoke -
<br /> nny rejr�edies permftted by Ibio Secudty lasuu�nent wit�aut fl�ether aotiae or dem�ud on Batrower.
<br /> �� �f3.53asa-oi�ez'e E3f�3 to�dciffu3nt�. If Il4YSOlY@Y iri£it8 Ce14Q�D CQIIG��I6A3.�OifiD19CY Bbitll IIaV@ tllB[I$ht t0 AAVe ___
<br /> � enforocmr.at of thts Scsuriry instnuncnt dissontiaued ut cwy tlme prtor to the esuller e�:(u)S dnys tor such otiiee pedad es c
<br /> a�pHcable!aw m e e.�i for rein�intett�ent)betare sale of the Property pureuant to nny power of eule conudned in this
<br /> ..* �:uFicv i,�cuj:�i:aT��cu�v of a lud�:;at enfoFCios thiu Stcurity In.�`�auut°nt.'14ROSC mndttlons are,thet Sereowe�:(a) �-
<br /> —�� paye Lender all eums which then wouldbe due under ehts Securlry Instrnment nua tne ivo2o ns it �zo ncceiemaon und =
<br /> occutred: tb) cur�� nny default of any oWer covenania or u�µ��; t�)g..=y� =�� �s�'°-0� i�um�in enf°r�1ng tttls
<br /> S�uetry Inawment� includlag,but not limited to. reasonable uaomeys' tees;aa�Qd)takes such nction ns Lender muy
<br /> "-',,�'�' reasonably requlte to nssure �hat tho lica of ahls Secudty Insuument. Leader's dghta ia the Pivperty �ttd Barmwer's
<br /> - obli ation to puq the sums secured by this Security Insuuaieat shuil rantinneu�h�ed.Upon miastnte�nent by Borrower.
<br />- �� this�Security Inswmeat ttnd the obllguttons se��uted hereby s}�alt rea��lu fWly effecdve as!t�o mxelesudon bttd occurr�d.
<br />_. . , Houever.thia right w reiastate shnll noi QpIy�in�he cose af uooeleration under p h 17. .
<br /> _ 19.Sale of Note�Cht�nge of Lean Saviar. '[tie Note or a�artial interest�e Note�together with Wls Secutlty
<br /> s�..-"�_'i____.t..�... ♦�.to...e...m.•�in o nlfnnnw iff fl1P E`nLItH
<br /> --• •-�. j(1$INA1Cat)(AII}I OC b010 NUC Ut 1liV1C ttti�n�au�ua uu�uv..�n.W YV��VMM• ....a..�..... .�..«..».. ....._.�,. .
<br /> •= (known as the 'Loan Servicer•) that coUects montt�y paym�nta due under the Note sud�this Se�urity Instmnaent.'lhet+e
<br />=��,:.,,�.,_ also may be oae or more changes of the Loaa Servicer unrelated to a sele of the Note. If ttte.re is a c6an�e of the Loan
<br /> ° Se�wicer.Borrower wW be�iven wrtttea nudce of the chaage ln nxordance with paragrn9h 14 abvve aad applicable law.
<br /> `�`� 't]ce natice�vIU state the name and address of the a�w Loan ServIcer and the addiess to whlc�pnymeate should bs�nade.
<br />- ����s;;;:;. '[he notice w1U also contain eny other info�matioa reqnte+�d bY gPPlicable law.
<br />_'T.`_. . 2�.H�r�at�s�hs►eno�s. Bon+ower shall not cause or permit the preseace.u�e,di�gosul,storage.or rele�se of _
<br /> 'T 17�..�_.
<br /> ..�,,«;a.. any Hezfudoua Swbsteuoes on or in the Property.Sotrower shell aot do.uor allow a�youe else to do�anything affectinB
<br /> - -�-A:, the Prnperty t�z.t is in violaiiou of az►y Bnvir�aa�eatel Law. 7]ie ptecedlnB two sentences shsU not a�pl to the presenoe. -
<br />. . uce.or s2orage on the Propercy of smaU quaatities of Haza[doua S�bstances that are�enezaUy reco�to be aPPi'�Priate
<br /> �.':�` to nom�al residentiel uses aud w mainteQanoe of the Proge�ty
<br />+�=� Borrower shall pmmptly give Leader w�rlttea noHce of eny investigation�claim.demand.tawsvit or oihez sc.tioa by
<br /> �.,x.�,�,, aay govemubcaml or regulatory a$ency or pdvate p�±mvolving the Propesty aad c�n Hazardevs Stibstance or Bnvima-
<br /> ny
<br />_-_.,,s,il,,,�.� mental L.aw of which Borrower has ect�a11cnovwledge•u Borrower leams.or is notified by eny govecnmeatal or regulatory
<br /> authority.thai any remova!or other remc.diation of any�Iarardous 3ubstanoe a�acting the Property is aeoessacy,Borrower
<br /> =-�-��] sha11 PmmPW+take all aecessary r�edi�l acNoasln a000idana with Bnvironmmtal L,aw.
<br /> -_�� As used in this pgrap h Z0."HszerGvua S�bstaaoes"are ticose substan�es defuied a�toxic or hazardous substaaoes
<br /> ,_ _—,..a� by Bavironuu�ntal Law and the following substanoss:�asoline.,kerossae.other tlemmable or ta�dc petmIeum products.
<br /> --� wxte pes�c[des end heibicidea,volatile solvents,materlals oontamiag astresws or fomoaldehyd�e�.and radloacnve materWs.
<br /> -.:"x'� As uasd in this v�h�,"FmvIrormmental Law"means fedrral laws and laws of the jurisdiction wheie ihe Prope�ty is
<br /> ,��,,,�-�,,, located tb.�t relate to health,safecY or envimnmffitai proteaion. '
<br /> -_-_�� NON•�TNIPORM COV6NANTS.BOIIOC�.'S7 8Ad I.CadCi f17�1@i COVQ�+ i�t�8$TCC 8S fO1LOlV8:
<br /> - 21.A�arieratIon;Remedlss. Lena�Ic stall gtve notice w B�ovoa p�ior to accdernttoa following Barrawer°s
<br /> �,,;�� breach oi any ooveaant o�r�t[n this Socxuity I�neat N�aot prtor to aaoderation�mda pars�geaPh f.7
<br /> y��� un�ess ap le Aaw pmv�des otl�e�rwLSe).TI►e notioe s�all spetitq:(a)the ddault;�b)the actton�+emdnecl Co aQ+e the
<br /> � deiaul� c)a date,nai tess tban 30 dnys[t�om the datr the not4ce!s gfivca to�urruvver,by whidi the d�anit must be
<br /> __.----.-. c�;ancl(d�J Wat[afUue w csae the def4ult oa or bdore the datc spedticd in the nottoe may r�lt In aooeteratio�
<br /> '�'� of the s�s se�m�ed by this Securit9 Ia�mmt and s�le of the RropaRy.ltte aotfoe shall ttndh�inform Borcower
<br /> __--�_�� of the r�to reinstate atter acoel�dlan and the rlgh4 to b�a ooint�edion to ass�the non�er�steaa oi a
<br /> de�fauit oaany other dd�se oi Barrawer to ao�+el�atlon and sala It the ddanit Is not cm+�d on or before the daLe
<br /> -�-��■ s�fied ia the aofloe,Leud�r at ifs option u�ay re�r�immediate� la tbll oi all sums secured by Qh�is
<br /> ty Ins�t witha�t frn�thpr denoand oad may iuvoke the powPr o sale and aAy other ermodic4 parmitt�by
<br /> appiicabk la�.I.�da shall 6e�titled to wlted all ex�ases Incim�ed in pues�dng the remedifs pmvided in tbis
<br /> y��L,Induding,bm not limited to,reasonable ettorasys'�ees ond aobts d tltle evtda+noe.
<br /> ���If tlre pnwa�oi snte is involcc�1.15n�steeshaU i+eoord s noi�ne oi ddault in eacL aoimty in wbich any part oi We
<br /> Peoperty is locate.d and shall mait copies Qf such nottce ia ttce manner praaibed b9 ap�tcaWe iaw to Bosrowex and
<br /> to thc�tl�a pasons pns�ribed by appllcable I�w. Atter the time e�qmlr�d by applicabk law,'l'nnta aiWl give
<br /> msblle nottce Qt ssle to th�pcssans and in tLe noauna prescrlbed by�ppit¢abls law.7�Stee. �elWout ci�sand on
<br /> Borrow�•s6�U seil the P�ropart9 at publIc sud�on to the highest bldder st the ttme and plaoe ancl unda't�e terais
<br /> desi�oated ffm�he not�tce of sale!n one or tnan�r�and fa a�y arder Tn�ee de�a'min�s.7�C+nta�U'
<br /> sale oi s!3 aa��y pamd oi the Y�y b9 Fab�lc taiounoeme�i�t the time and place of�q prev�ot�s�Y ed
<br /> ���1.*or[ts�ot�e maY Purchase the �p�y at any sale.
<br /> Upon reoeipt of pa?�tmt oi the�rloe bi�y 91r -ustee shsll drliv�to the $ �_ °�
<br /> Propartq. 1�e rect4al.s 9�.the 1lnrstce s�eed s�ll be prima isde evtdeaoe as . . ��of
<br /> therdn.Tcustee shall aPP�3'�e Prooeeds oY the sale fn the following ordse:(�)to�al��,. Nr..'�. .�:Q.t;�...'._:L,�
<br /> ,,.���� Wrm 8d28 91,�D Ypnge S 161
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