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<br /> - -A }.�cl�flao�+s�s ilaa�.for�ehic.h Leu�er reyuitra insurence.Tt+ts Insurenr€3 eua116c mnintnirted in tho c�nw�nte and �
<br /> �' for the periode th�t Leudermq uifes.Tbe insurmtce caarler pmvidin�the lnsurntt�o ehall be chasen by Borrower s�bJ�t to
<br /> �: ,-�r... Ixnder's approval which ehal! aat b� unreasonnbly withheld. Df�ior[ower fnile to tt�aintain covcrage deacdbctl above. -
<br /> 1 cader mny. at LivAder'a aptlon,abtaiii covernge to prat�t lxnder's r�ghte in tho Property is accordnnce with Pan►BTIIPb .
<br /> --- .�.-.._ 7. __� �._._._ �.� �� t �„r�t,la tn Lendcr and ehnii ittcludc a etan�nl•m�ottgage clausu. ��..
<br /> r�liy.::': All tllsueBRCe poitcic�auu uuri••a•o o..:.. -----r—- '__
<br /> Lender shnU huva.the ri,ght to hald th�policies t�nd renewels.If I.endcr r�quUea. Iionmwer sh�il promAtly give to Le�tdsr
<br /> --��,`��% ' siU xeceipts of pa�,1 prem�ucns and renAwnl notioea.Ia the cvent of lo�s.Borrowcr shali give pmmpt natic�to the lnsumnce
<br /> cartlec and Leader.3�dQ,may u�e.�u��f of!��Q�!n;�e promp t ly by B o r r a w e r.
<br />�'�� Linless Leuder and Barm�vor aiP�eiwise aSree in writlalt,i�►suranca p:�ceede ehall be applied to reatorntion or re air --_
<br /> u
<br />_'�°"'S'=� of ths PropertY�+Bed+if thQ reswPadon or repair is econamically fe�tble and i.ender'B s0suriry is�ot Iessened.I the
<br /> ecutity wouid bo lees�.�ned the inaurance mctxde shull he
<br /> ___,:._.,_ resEOraHon or relsair le aot ecenamiat�ly feasible or L�ader's s �
<br /> -- - apgUad w the stuns se�ured by tble$�cutity Instnu�ut.cvhether o:not tiaen due,Wlt�l At1jl CRCCSB pat to Borrower. If �-
<br /> - u�..,,u,p.al,and�ns the proaerty or.does not answer wtthiu 30 daye a notice from Lxader that the iasur�nce ctutler hos
<br />.�.�;-��"� offerod w settle:a cltdm�theu Lenaer.may oohi�i;i ih��um�F�'-'''�'��1-�„der mny use the Droceeds to repuir or restore
<br />-``°'`=�' the Property or�W pay swng seaw�d�by this Securlty Iusnument,whether or not then due.'Ihe 30-day p�erlou wu�begm
<br /> �~-- --
<br />•=_�°:':'� when the notiae is given.
<br /> � ` Unless 4�der and Borrower a►herwise agree in wddng�ai►y appllcsatioa of procceds to principai sha11 aot extend or
<br />__...�....� Postpo�te the dr:�ds�te of the monthlx��ayments refened w in para�ra�hs 1 and 2 or change the au�ount of the payments.If
<br /> under arn�21 the Property ia pr.quired by Lender.Barmwer e rtght to eny insurattce golicies and pmceeds cesultin&
<br />---°�� msu��e to the Fmgert}►Pr�ar w the�qulsition shall pass to L�enciee to t�e extent oF the c�sec�red by this Sec►,!r�ry .
<br />� Insuument :w.diately rEor W�the acquisidon.
<br /> -° 6. Occtap�acY►��sw�om�lish�andceuse the�Property Botrower s�princ3pal resi�dence�winWin�tY daYB
<br /> '_--��.�
<br /> _.,. .�.1e Leaseholds. F�aower ehalt,cac�Y+
<br /> efter the exec�lstoz�of thts 5ec�arht�►I�auument and shall oontinue to axuupy the Property as Bormwer's principal eESidence
<br /> ---- for at least ori�Y�ear aftar tlie date u,4 occupancy,unless Lender othe�vvlse agx�eea In wrltln�, which consent shatl not be
<br />--� _ -- �mae�so�ebly witbheld,or unle�e��circumstancea eaisY which ere beyoad Bomo�ver s contml.Bon+ow�w�e=
<br /> �
<br /> _---- d�sxay�damage or impair tue�te�4�.�tY. ow the Property W deterlorate�or wmmit waste on the Pi+a+�erty.
<br /> -_— sktall be in�zult if any forfeiwt�e�ctioa or proceeding,whether civii or criminal. is beS�n that in Leader's good faitY�
<br /> udgQrent cc�uld resWt in forfeitur$.of the Pmpert3+ or otherwise maeerially impair the lien ereated by this�S�cR ty
<br /> t or Lender's s�intar�st.Borroweacmay aure such a default and reiastate.as providad in parag�u�..- . 9
<br /> -�� �g the�ealon or p 6 u:� be dismissed with a niling that,ia l.ender's good faith determination� Precludes
<br /> _- - - fc,1'��t af the BAra+onrer's intetest in the Pcopercy or other material�mpaim�ent of the lien cteated by tIIis SecudtS►
<br /> 1�, dudn�the loan apDl��adon piqcess.
<br /> Insttumeat;or Lender's savrit�i iui�i�.�i.Barm�ahsll s!�be 3�3�f2Ult if_ .rn►wer,
<br />-. _';� gav�e materlaUy falsa ar inaccurat� iafomnation or statements to Lender (nT fa�lod ta provIde Lender with any matertal
<br /> iafoRnat[o�t in conne�tiaa v�th�is�loan evidettced by the Note.includin,�.but not Ilmited w,rePreseatations conxminng
<br /> .... Bottower's.occupun¢y of,tr'��oparsy as a ptfncIpal residence.If this 3ecurlty Instrua�eat ia on a leasehold,Botrower shaU
<br /> comply w�2h ati t�.s ptovts�or�a of t�te lease. If Bosrower aoquirea fee�tle w the Property,the leasehold and the fce tide ,
<br /> �° ahall not�aBe�wateas I.md6r,ag�rees w We er in wdting.
<br /> 7.PhraieclEon'Qf�r,deris IRlgt�te�Prnptx�y. If Borrower fetls w perform the covenaats and a�reem�ents
<br /> contaxaed fa this Securlry C�92ra�av�t,or tltere ia a legnt pmceed�n8 that may si omitly affeci Lender's dglbte in the
<br /> th p��
<br /> F,mparty�(cuch as a praceedia8 im L►�nuPteS'.9�bate.for wndemnatton or forfe pue or to euforce lawa or segulntione).
<br /> then Lcrod2r may do and pay for��vhatevet ls neoessatY to pratect the value of the Property aad Lender's dghts in the
<br /> ----- property; Legder•a actlotte may u�clude paying any sums secured by a lie.n which has prtority over this Security
<br /> InstrumenE.aFp�a�ia caurt.pa�i'�n$reasonable auomeys'fees and enteriag on the Pmpertp w make rePafra- Although
<br /> Leades rr,3y tnice as�on under tLis .ph 7.L�euder does h��6ocome additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> My amouate dlsbur.�cl by.�undEr this P�S�P
<br /> Security�Iast�umen�Unless�ert4wer aad Lendrs agcee so other t�rms of payment.these am+ounta shaU ts�ar�aterest fmm
<br /> the date of disburs�nent at ths 1�'�ote rate and shall be payable. with interest, upon aotice from Lender to Borrower
<br /> ��g.�'`�Moidg��as+�reuce. I�Lr.nder ieqUiied mOrtgage insuran�t�ain8 the mort �e insCr�ia eff�for aay
<br /> Secueitp�Instnimeai, SarsoNer sl�ll pay the p�miums required Sa8 Borrower sLall pay the
<br /> r�asoa,s�e mortgoge i�as�r�anr.e cr,�veraSe raluired by Lender lapsea or ceasea w be ia effect.
<br /> - -- pxr�siuuaa requinxt to asts�:��coveeage substaatially equfvalent to the mortgage insuraace pr�viousiy in effxt, �t a cost
<br /> sul�tapiBrf2y eqvivalent to t�e cost io Borcower of the mortgage iasuaanoe pnwiously in efi�ect.from an alt�satt�mo�tge�t
<br /> -- . ., , ved by I,eader.�4 suDstantially equivalent mottge$e insurence oove*age is not avallable�Borcowea sball p�y
<br /> - w L�each manth a swn e4uei+o onariveu�b of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bo�mwer wbGn
<br /> t�e I�snr�e covera�e lupaed ar ceased to be in etfecx.Lender will aooePt�use aad m,tain�hese paymonts as o loss nsesve
<br /> in lieu o9,mostgnge incuraace. L�bs mserve paymeata may uo longa be requlred. at the aptton of Lender�if moxtgage
<br /> insvranx wverage(iu tbe amnuut and for the period that LenQer requfres) Pmvided by aai insurer approved by Leader
<br /> a�n b�available and in aDcained. Borrower ahall pay the premiums t�oquir�d to maintain mortg�ge insutanoe in
<br /> e�xt,or to pmvide a loss r�erve. uat'sl tbs re�u�mment for mortgage insurnnc�ends ia acoo�a�ce wlth any�vrluea
<br /> agreement be2w,e�8arcower and f.�eadcr or app3icable law. Fom+30��Ivege�
<br /> n�xx�ssvsTa+s.•�HC..ar.cuouo,ntN 88808/t-BOa397•43411 FORM MOt�tE YI6/8t ,, .
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