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<br /> = paymenta mny no lonaer he required,at the option of Ixnder,if mortIIage inaurance wvenge (la tt�e eaiouat and for the pertod �_
<br /> :f� that Lender requires)Frovitled by un inaurer appmved by I.eader again besomes avaUable ea�le a6teic�ed. Borrower ehnil pay � _
<br /> `" the premiuma required to a�aintain mortBaga insurance tn effect�or to pmvide a loss reserva,�atil tbe requirement for�reortgage _
<br /> __,,�.., iias��,,,n�np anAa in ae�rnrtlanrti uiith eriv Wfltleil n�t+PE1YlE11t hetV/eEII flOT[OWC!tiIIQ I.CIIdC[0!!DD>{WbiC�9VY. ___
<br /> � �" 9.Ias�eetion.Lender or ita ageat may mnke mneonabia eaMea upon nnd tasyectioas o9 U� Property. [�eader shnll giva _
<br /> -���—_ r�>>iiu+:�cr noii��i sne ti��e�f o�Y�t����ua b���etic�sp:c!€yin;fe�..°fli}��ic�.��s.�t �or th�ina��€ai��. �
<br /> iP.
<br />'4�'• � L� 10. Condannadon.'fhe pmceedg of nny a�'ard or claim fot dnmuges�direct or oonsequentl�, iu eonnection with any
<br />__� caatdemnettoa or other tn�ng of aay ps�zt of the Property.or for wnveyunce!n Iteu of cond�innntian, �re hereby a�slgned and
<br />..l"�.� shall be p�id to T.eader.
<br />_.��,� t¢r tho eve;nt of a cotni cuking of the Propeny,the proceeda sball be applied to tho suan secured by thie�ecurity Inst�ument.
<br /> ,,,y,,,,t,.,Rr�aw�d,�+ urtth anv e:rr�naW to&ftroWOt. In the event nf a unt-�ial t�1cNa of the Prnnectv in which the fntr
<br /> ';;,� markct value Af the Pe�per�y immc�i�c�3y lsafore�he taking[a equat to or greucer thaa tLe u�uauae ot che aums serund by tb3s _
<br />_=-�,•.�, Sec�dty Inetnuacnt immediatoly before tho takin8,ur�less Bomower ared i.ender otheewlse�r+ee ia wclttng,tho sums secured by
<br /> _-:`•:���: thia Secwlry Instrument shall be teduced by ttte a�o�c►t of the proceEds muldpliod by�he followiag fraciianz (n) the totnl
<br />.'�- _�°— amouat of the awns secured imraedietely before the takiag,divided by (b) t he f a i r mar l ut value ot the Pra pe rt y imr�diutely
<br /> �� before tho taking. Any balanco sheU be paid to Borrower. In the eveat of a partial takleg af the Property in which the fair
<br /> ,.
<br /> - _-- marYet value of the Propeity immediatelY bcfore the taking is lesa than the amount ot ttae tuca�s secwed immediately befare e
<br /> -__— taktng.unless Borcower aud Lender othe�vvlse a�ea in wrldn�or unles�IIpplicable law mherise provides.the proceede sha11 _
<br />:_=:._�,� be applled w the suma secured by this Se�urity Ynauumeat w�ett�ee ar nat the sums are t�a�ds=e. •
<br /> _-- If dte pmperty is abautWaed by Borrower.or if.after notice by I.ender to�orrower thas the condemnor offera to mnlco an
<br /> -�:f":`�� award or settlo a claim for damages� Bormwer fails w respond to Lender within 30 deys�fter the date the aatica ia given+
<br /> x:���,
<br /> L,ender is uu3hotized to collect and sPply the groce�s.at its aption,either to restoradoa or ce�air of the Property or 4u swns
<br /> _____ $�cvred py ybia Securiry Insnument.ahethes or not Wen due. ��Dn �f p��� ����� shaU not exteud or
<br />=—= Uatess Y.ender aasl Bormwer othecvvise agcee ia wrlting. eaY aPP
<br /> -- paatpoi►e the dus date vg o��e montWy paymenta�f'eramd to in paragcapbs 1 and 2 or change the amount mf s►sch paymente• _
<br /> po i
<br /> _ -.�.�e 11.Boreower N o t R e 9 e a s e d t�o r b e a r a n c e,B y L e n d e r N o t s�W a t v�.E x t e�a sion of t0�ttme for p a y a nent or modifi oa
<br /> �.;�� of amordzatiaa of the suins secured by ti�s Sc:curlty Iflsuument grented by Lender to aay sucr�ssor 1c inutest of Horrovier shall
<br /> -- aot operate to nlease the tial�ilitY of the ortginal Bormwer or Borrower's successora ln intes+��.Lender ehali n�t bc rzqui�sed to
<br /> '� comimacx pmoxain8s�ra�inst aay succxssot ia interest or rtfuse w excend t�m.far paymea�or othe�wise modify amoNzatlon
<br /> of tLe sams sau�t�f aai��'�3% � �� �a °f� `-�'"'�`d 'na.de bv�he or3ginal Bomawer or Borrower's
<br /> suooessora iu inYerest.Any farbearaace by Lender ia exercIsing any rl8ht or remEdY sh�l a�°t b�a waiver of or preclnde the
<br /> exensise of any right or remedY• as. 1he wvenents and agreements of this
<br /> 12. Sna�essors end AssfSos Bound3 Jeint a�ud SeveraY IIJ9sa7�tHt9i Co-s��
<br /> Seauity instivmznt sDnU b9nd and benefit the sucoessois and assigns of�ender aad Bomower, aubjea ta�the psevtsibns of
<br /> , PaT88�Ph 17. Bormvsrxr's coveaaats and agree�nts shall be joiat aad several. Any Borro�ves whv o�-�i$ns this SaiwritY
<br /> . . Insmiment but dces not exeaue the Note: (a3 1�casigning this Security I�nt only to mo�tgage�Baant and convey fl�c
<br /> �� Boaower's iuterest in the Property wrder the tem�s of this Secutiry Insuumsntc(b)�S not p�sonally obll�ated to pay thc aumv .
<br /> � secured by thLa SecauitY instcument;aad(a)agrees that Lender and any other Bom�wer map:�grce w eatead,modify.forbcar ot ,
<br /> . make aa7+accommodations widt regard to th�teims af tLis S�urlry Insm�m�t ar�►e Nouw3tdov.t that Borrower's wnsent.
<br /> 13.Laan C�es:If the loan secured by this SaudtY[nsuvment 3s s�lbje�t to s lsw�rhic�a sets mA:�m�.n loan charges. ,
<br /> and that law ia finally.iuterp�eted so thnt the inta�est or oiher loau charges�.Caue+c�ed or ro be oullxted in connsciton with the .
<br /> loan ex�E�:the permitted limita.then:(a)anY such loaa cLarge sball be� bY tlae amvwt acoessuy to reduce the cha�rge
<br /> W th�permittecl limit;aad(b)aaY sums a�r�dY ooAtcud&om�tprivwei wLich em�eded��mitsed liffits wjil be refi�ndcd W
<br /> — Borrower. L�endar c�y�choose to maloe ttils refuad by reducing the prfarip�i owed �mde�c th� Note or by making a ditxt
<br /> . pay�snt to Bormwza..lf a reFund raluces prin�ipal. the reducdaa will t�e treated as a pardal PnPayment without an}r :
<br /> • prepaymeat charge uIIdet the Note. • ' .
<br /> a4.Nattces.Any notice xo Enmuwer provIde$for in this Soc�itY Iasuument ahall he�iven by deUveting it or bY�8
<br /> it by first class mail unless apPlicabts law requires usa af aaothet metttod.The nodx s�sll"be dincted ro the ProperlY Add�s�
<br /> or any other addiess$urrower des�gnates by notice to Ltnder. Aa►y notice to L�►der sRall be givm by fust class mail to
<br /> Leuder's addtess sta:�l henin or eny other addciss Leader deslgnates by a�t+cz to Botrowa.Any aodce pmvided for in this
<br /> Sa�uity Instsumeat s"ball be dcemcd to have been given ta Borcower or Ix�sier whenve ncd b feaiecal In�► snd�law of the
<br /> 1�:Goverdng Law; 6tverabii[ty. This Secudty Ins�ua+xat shall be g�o 3�
<br /> jw9sdfa�ton in which the PmPartY is loated. In the evgat that any provGsioa or clanse of tb1�Sewdty tasuument or the Nate
<br /> oonAica with agplicable laa,such mvision.T tWa ead the provlsions af Sxuairy I�ssuument and the Note a�dxlared
<br /> given effecx withou-a t�ii contlicHnB P
<br /> _ to Le severable. � ��e Note aad of this Soe�rlry Insuument.
<br /> — 16.�nn+nwer s Copy.Bormwer sha11 be glven one confo�mal ooPY
<br /> __
<br />