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<br /> S. �n�d or Propw#y Insu�c¢. 8orrower shall keep the improvemeata aow exiating or hereafter erected on the f
<br /> -. "°•r' Proporty iasured agslnst loss by Sre�huanrdE iucluded within the term °extended coverage" and any otuer liazarcte. including !
<br /> '+ floads or floudinII,for whtch Leader requires insu�ice.This insurance shell be mainwiaed ia the amounts and for the pedoda �
<br /> ��: •;� � that Lender requires.Tke iasuruace cturIer provldiag the insuraace ehall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval _
<br /> "�'��`,_.� e�iucu sutiti aot cs unt�ssonabiy tvitdIIeta. if Aorrawer fnlls to mointeln covemge described above. Lender may. at Lendsr's �°
<br /> ^ - - u�t�on.obtnin coverage to protext Lender's d�ht�in the�rogtrty in L��l�.�with p�arreph'l. --
<br /> �����.�� AU iasnrance pollcies and renewala shall be ecxeptable to J.�nder and ahnU include a staudard mortgage clause. IRnder =
<br /> sh�ll ltave the right to hold the gollaics and renewaSs.If LEmder mquireo. Horro�ver ahatl promptly give to Lcnc�:r all receipta of
<br /> ��� paid pnm[uma eud rencwal aodces.In�he event of toas.@orrower ahnll give prnmpt notice to the insurancc carrler and Lender. r
<br /> r Lender may make proof otloss iP not made promptYy by 8orrower. -
<br />_�...�� Uniesa I.ender and Bomowor otlterwlse agree in wdNng�inaur�nco�roceeda shnl!bo applled to restorutlon or ceputr of tho
<br /> tivpeAy u8fAmgCO�tL titC iC9lAiffltlOA OY�8a31F IS fCOII0ia1C(lUjl�P.II91b10 attd 1RAd@P'8 BeCUPity IS('ilOt 18888AEd.I[t�e restorattoa or -
<br /> -�^:;eYyl j• repalr is nat econamtcaily feneiblo or Lender's seaudsy would bo lcagcned,tho Insumnco proccede ehntl bo uppHed to tho euans _
<br />'='���^`� Recwxd by thl�Sccudry Inetfumcnt, whothcr or Rot thcn duo� wlth nny oxccae pntd to Borcnwor. If Borrowcr nbandons the
<br /> ��!:�e��" Pruperiy.or duca noi a»swor withtn 30 doye u notice from I.cnder that tho insurtutco carrio�hae offered to settltl u cluim.then
<br /> - L,�nder may collect �ho insurance proeseds. Lender mny ueo tho proceede ro repalr nr restoro tho Pc+nperry or co pay aume
<br /> ��°�'�i°� secured�y thle Security Iastnaen�nt�whathcr or not then due.Tho 30-dqy parlod wlti bcgin whcn tho notice i�givmn.
<br /> -��� Unitae Lcndcr e�td Borrower othenviso egree in wrtting, nny uppllcatlon of proaceda to prtnclput shall aot eatand or
<br /> _-�'�=' ��� pastpvne tho duo data nf�he monthiy payacenta rrferred to W para�grapAe 1 and 2 oe chnnge the umount of cho puyments. It -
<br /> ��� under puagraDh 21 �he Properry is acquiied by Lender.Bonower's right to aay lnaurouca policies and pmoee�a resultiag fmm
<br />-`;'=?�"� '�J� � damaga tn the Properry pstor to the acquislNon ahnll p�sa to Lender to the aatent of the au�res secuc�ed by tbia Secauiry Insmunent
<br /> ..-�=,�?�Y.e'�,:
<br /> °��` immcdlsuly prior to the ncquisiaon.
<br />--=-Y�ve�� 6.Aocupancy, Preservation,MWntenanso and Protec4ion of the Peapertyt Borrovrer's Loan Appltc�4tan;l.easeholds.
<br /> �-""�' �omower shall occupy�eatablish,and use tho Propeny as Borrower's priacIpal resldence withia siacy days after the execudoa of
<br /> ------�� this Security Instiument and shull contiuue to oocupy the Property as�orrower's principal residenc�for at least one year aRer
<br /> ---' the dat�of occupancy,unless Lender othelwLse agrzes in wrlting,whtch ccnsau shaU not be unreasonably withheld�or unlesa
<br /> __-- -- extenuating circumstances exist whlch are beyond Borrower's control. 8orrower shatl not d�u+oy. damage or impaic the
<br /> ' Prop�rty, aliow the Pcoperty tc deterEorate. or comrait waste on the Property. Bornower ehall be in default If aay forfeituce
<br /> - ' action or p�iag,whelher civil or criminal.is Saegun that in Lender•s good feith jadgmeat could i+esult in forfeiwre of the
<br /> i `rroperry or otherwise mazeriatty impair che iien ccsuisd by ibis�tuiiy Twaicumcui,or Isuder's aa,uity iniccesi.&,riuwci niiiy
<br /> ----,-�`;"°° cure such a default and reinstato.as pmvided in pAragraph 18.by causing the actian or pmce�ding to be dismissed wIth a tuling
<br /> '-.�;r'.^..� � � that, ia l.ender's goad fatth determinatien, pr�ludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest ia the Property oY other matsrtai
<br /> _:':'.`?'=��''. � impairment of the lien cm,ated by this Security r+*�,m�+t or Leader's securlty interest. B�rrower shaDl also 6e in defuult if
<br /> ---�.�:� :._Borrower,dwing th�loan epplication proceas.gave mucerIally faise or inaaurate ieformation or statemeats to I,ender(or failed
<br /> -�`� ¢o pmvide Lender witA any naatertal infozmation)i��omuuocHon wIW thc loan evidenced by the Note.Including,but not limiud
<br /> -;;::�+?�,i '''to.repr�mtationa concerning Borrower's ac�ugancy uf We Propeny av a prIncIpal residence.If this Sacurity Insmunent Lg on a
<br /> --� �leasehold, Boaower shall camply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee dtle to the Propr.sty. the
<br /> -=�ti . leasehold and tho fee dtle ahalD not merge valess L�nder a8rees w the merger in tivri::ng.
<br /> ---- ;; ,. 7.PrMaKfon otLeAder's Rights in the Prep�4y:If Sormwer fails w perform the cavenants and a�mgnts ooatained in
<br /> � �', this Secari¢y Iatmument. or t�ere is a Iegal ps�¢oe�dIng that may siga[ticaruly affect I.ender's dghts in tha�rOpertY<such as a
<br /> . Pmveeding 3n baniQUptcy,prnbate.foi�voadcsuopatiote or forfeiwre or w eafosca lawa or regulations),then Y.ender may do end
<br /> ::�:,.,., �; pay for whatever Is nacessary to protect tha'va7u�;of the Progerty and I�ender's dghts in ths Property. Leador's actians mi�r
<br /> _:tu' .
<br /> �::� include PaY�B �Y ��� UY a lien cvhich.has prlority over this Secµr�ty Iasnurttent, APPeaz�aB in court, PAS+�B
<br /> �'� � •, reasonable attarneys'fees end eatering on the Fmperty to make repafrs. Atthoug�L,ender may taka aa'svn under ttils garagcaph
<br /> :;; ,.
<br /> = , . ,7,Lencier doea not bave w do so. .
<br /> --, Atqr am4unts d3sb�usai by Lender under thla paragraph 7 shall become"gdditional debt of Borro�vet'secured by thie
<br /> -----
<br />