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<br /> 17.'TeansPer of thc Propegty or n Beneflcinl InScrc.�t tn Horeo�ver.tf all or any part of the Propeny or esny fntcrest in it `�-
<br /> � is sold or tmuaferred(or if o bsnoflclal interest in Borrower is sold or trnsiaferred und Borcower Is not a naturul person)withaut =-
<br /> � i,endcr's prior weitten consent� I.eaOer may. ut its option, requiro immedinto pay�ent !n NII ot nit oums aecuecu ay mis 4:
<br /> �:� Se�:uriry►nsuument.Hawever.thia option eball not bo eaercised by Lendor if oxercise ls prohibited by fedcrai luw as of tho date
<br /> Sc
<br /> - ---_- �_��- of this�es�rity InstQUmcnt. ^��
<br /> If Lendet oxerciees thie optton.Lendcr sholl givo F3orrotivor notico of accelemdon.�he��utice abnll p�ovtdc�u�xriwl uf not �
<br /> � Ieas thon 30 dnys fYom tho data tha notice ia delivered or mnilod wlthia whlch aorrower must pay n11-eums sccured by tdis
<br /> ^�• Seauclty Inatcutaeat.I!Sorrower fa�ls to pny these aums prior to tt►e eaplrntion of thta pzriod.Lender may tnvoke uny remedles --
<br /> ��,�;:��,_` pormitted by this�esutity Inatrument without fhrther aotico or Aemaad aa Horrawer.
<br /> 18. 13orrocver's dtight to Itetastute. If Botrower meeta certaia coadltions. Bemawe� shWi hnve the dgbt to have
<br /> _��� enIOTCeA18AI 0I[DI8 JECttttty lABtNIACAt tlISCOAUAl1E0 Ai 8Ay t1t118 pIIOi�o cuo etuiicr vi: �a)a tiaya�v� au�u uucca i+i:aiw ao
<br /> _- i9� applic�nble law may spe�lfy for reinstatement) before sale of tbe Pcoperty pursusnt to aay power of sale contained in thiA
<br />= .. �` Security Inemuneat;or(b)enuy of a Judgm�nt enforcing thia Sesurlty Iasaument.Those couditlons are that Barrowcr.(a)PaYs
<br /> �' Leader ell suma vihicb then would be due uader thte Securlty Instnunent and the Hote as if ao acceleratioa had accurred;(b)
<br /> � cures any default of any other covenaate or agreementa:(c) Da s all expanses incurred in enforcia�this Securlty Insaument.
<br /> including.but not limited to. reasonable atwme�s' fees;aad(d�takea such action as Lender may masonably require to assura
<br /> . � ' thst the llea of this Security Insuument. I.ender s rfShts in We Property and Borrower's obligation w psy the sums secured by
<br /> ,�� � this 5ecurlty Instiument shall continue unchanged Upon reinstatemeut by Hormwer. thia Security Instr�atent and the
<br /> ':'����.�':� . obli attons secured henb ehall remain ttiilly effeMive os if no ac�eleration had occurred.However, this dght to reinstata shnll f
<br /> = ��'•" ''�, not�apply ia che case of a celeration under paragraph 17. .
<br />-`���� � '�� 19. Sule of Plote3 Change of I.oan Servtcer. The Noto or a partiel interest �n the Note(together with tIita Security
<br /> °- °�� � Instn�ment)may be sold one or more times wlthout prlor notice to Borrower.A sale may resu►t in a chan e in the endry(dmown =
<br />�..1.��' as the'Loan Servicer")that collects monthly paymeats due under the Note and thia Securlry Instcument.�ere also may be onB
<br /> `'� .,;„� or more cawnges of the Loaa Servicer unrel�ted to a sale of the Note.If there is a chaa$e of:he I.oan Servicer,Homower will Ise .
<br /> �--F:�u"��'
<br />-==:,:a�� . givga wriaen aotice of the c-�ange in ar,cordu¢ce wlth paragraph 14 above aud appHceble law.The aorice w111 state the naffie and
<br /> ;�,'�i ;:',•-�r;, tiddress of ihe new Loan Servicer and the addn�ss w which paymenta should be made.The uotice will also contain any other
<br /> - infosmation n�ired by npplicEble law.
<br /> -'��:y� 20. Ha�rdo�rs SuDsmnrRS. Borrower shall not cause or perffiit the presenoe. use. d�aposel, storage, or release of any
<br /> =.;,.y k��� Ha7ardous Stibstt�oes on or in the Property. Borrower shall aot do, nor aUow anyoae else to do. asryWing aff�tin8 the
<br /> -_� propeny that is in violation of any Bnvironmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall not apy�ly to the presence, use.or
<br /> _ --°���.� storage on the PropertY of smatl yuantittes of Ha�ardous Substnnces t�at are generaUy recognized to be approprlate to nom�al
<br /> �_�� �sidentlal usas t�ad to�►atnteaance oP the Propeity.
<br /> �=- ��arer sh�li promptly give Lender written aodce of any investigation. clai�,demand.Iswsuft or other ecdon b any
<br /> -_-.�,;;,_,,,,��� govemmental or regulatoryag cy or private puty involving tbe t•mperty and a�r kamrdous aui,sinuix or Euv��Larr
<br /> =_� ---==,M of which Borrower has a�tual�knowledge.If Borrower leams,or is noti�d by aay govemmentel or reguiatory authority,tbat.
<br /> --
<br />