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�'n5''c7r`�'t':jz`i�,� � ,.;:;;.;ii:'!i:i•," �:ti : �;;":'j%`�.�,,�.�c,��,v��f��i,� <br /> ,�,, �,�F;�` ,�< <br /> �,�, <br /> n <br /> ._.-_T��t' . .. . . ._. . . _. <br /> �^�' .. . . �� � � . <br /> ' .+,...r.*rP'_ ^ .. .. ... ... <br /> .. / ' n .. �� - � ., .. .._. _ . . <br /> �1�a°a' � ,. � =--=�a. <br /> . y+w�a:"�w�F���!Rwvv„ - _ � . _ � .. .. � - <br /> . <br /> `\ � <br /> � . , - ,a. .. .. ' ._-"'---'—-'-.__._.'--..-^-•_ - <br /> . , , . . . . �� - <br /> ... __s:.....'^- --._..._,.__..__....... _ .:..........._'-"--•._---..�.--`-�..-""-....... .._ � <br /> ��. <br /> i % �� <br /> • [.- <br /> b�1�-1Sg9 9�� ����� DE��IOF'fRU�T PnQe�e ' �^ <br /> L 6onn N�7�320� (Continued) <br /> �, � a!suah rents,Is�ue�and profits.and tho apgl}oaUon lhcrsot ahs:B not oure o�waivo any dsteull or notiae ot daluult undar this Doad ot Trust �- <br /> o�Inv a l t dn to nny Qc t dono In respon�o to ouo h do i�u l t or purouan t to euo h no l iCO o f d s t a u i h,a n d,n o H i i t h�t a n d i n g I h o c o n t i n u a n e o i n �. <br /> ,� possesston 01 tfw Ptoperfy or tho collection,reoWpt nnd eppllcetton o!wnb,Issues or profits,Trustee ov Lender shnll be entitlod fo -- <br /> � exorclse avery dght provided tor In the Note or the Roiated Oocumenta or by Iaw upon the ocourronce ot any ovent of dotaull,induding tha <br /> rt�ht to er.^_rCl:�tho por:cr of anto; � <br /> �-- <br /> _ (b) Commerroa an actlon to to�eelose thls Osad of Yrust as a mcRgnge,appoint a recc�lver w apeclficalry ontace eny of the covenanb - <br /> .-,��. , hereot;and -' <br /> - ' (o) Oeiiver toTrustoe a wdtton declara8on of datautt and demand tor sn�e and a wdtten notice ot detault and elsclion to ca4se Trustora �� <br /> �:rs� interest tn the PropeAy to be sotd,whloh n08Ce Trustee ahaq cause to be duiy flled tor reootd in the approprlate offfces of Ihe Counly In � <br /> �,,,,,�,,,.� �vhlch ihe Properly b Iocatod:flrtd ~� <br /> �. <br /> °- - (d) WItA►sspeat to elt or any part of the Persondi Property,Lender ehail have aIi the dghb end remedles of a secured party under the i:,. <br /> , �x kabrflska UNfortn Commerctet Code. ` <br /> � �• Foteetasuro b31 Pawer at Sale. I}Lender elecls to torecloso by exen4se ot ths Power of Sa►s herein contatrted,Lender shatl noUy Trustee and - <br /> ' :� she0 depo�it with Ttuotee thts Oeed ot Trust and tNe Note and such recetpte arv�evtdonae ot aupenditures made end secured by this Deed of <br /> , " Trust es Tn�ste9 rtuty neQulte. <br />- ��� �e (a) Upan reoelpt ot sach notks hom isnder,Trustee shaU cau3e to be recorded,pubitshed and deltvered to Trustor such Notfce of Dataufi - <br /> _ ,:;.�,, and Notke af Sale as then required Dy law and by this Ceed of trus4 Tnistee slwll,without domand on Tnutor,nfter snch ttme as may <br /> ,r�;;ti,?� then be requlred by Iaw and atta►re��MaUon of such Nonce ot Defautt and attor NoUoe o!Sate having�een g►wn as reqWted by law,setl _ <br /> _ the PrOFerty 8t the tlm9 and plaae of saie fD�d by ft in sucJ�NoUce o}Sate,etther as a whole,or In separate lots or parcels or Items es <br /> .., 7ntst8g�SR�t Qe9m exped�ent,.8nd�n 8uo�Cs�r as it mu�r detertnino,at pubito auoUon to the htphest bldder!a cash in Iswtu{money of • <br /> ,;..,�,�`�� ihe Untted S�tes payabie at the tlm9 of Sela Tvustee sAaU delNer to such purchassr ar purohesers thereot its good and sutficleM doed or <br /> deeds conveying the prope�ty ao sold,but wt�aut any covenant or werr�nty,express or implied. The recitats In such deed ot arr�matters <br /> or hiots sft�fi be conotuslve proot of the trutMu►ness thereot llny person,inciuding wlthout IimitaUon Trustor,Trustee,ar Lender,may <br /> _t;.�:�: ; Purchaso�t ss�b sela <br />"�',..;.•� (b) 0.4 ma��a�aermittsd by law,after dediaGC:�ell costs,fees end e�ef�os ot Trustea and of this Trust,Inc�uding co3ta of eNdence ot <br /> fitle in con�an with sele,Tru3tee shall appry ihe prooeeds of sele to paymsnt ot p)ali sums expc�nded under the terms of this Oeed a! <br /> �:��- Trust or urtsfer the terms of the Note not then repald,induding but not Amited to aaxued irderost and Iate charges, pij aIi oth¢r sums then <br />`•_�?_'`��u=e�7 secured her�by.8nd Qiq the remalnder.M am►.to the person or persons tegally eMilled th�reto. <br /> •„••,•:�. <br /> ��_�.4� (e)Trus�tee may fn the manner providsd by law postporte sele ot aIi or any portlon of the Ptoperly. <br /> -��° Ren�edles No!E�Ctualve. Tnistee nnd Lender.and each of them,shatl be enUlted M eMoroe paymeM and performenoe ot arry indebtedness <br /> � a abliya8ons seciued by fhis Dead ot Tnnt artd to exercis�a►I dpMs and powera under thb Deed ot Tntst,undar the Noto,under any at the - <br /> "'� - Retsted Oocumenb,or unde�y�r.ta�n^y-o_tJher e��mt or any tyaw.s�.n�ow.or h�ereafty�r In foro0;notwfthstan`dtnp,somfl or eq o_f asuch Indebtedness <br /> �VU�YjiA{�'{��Ly YRi YWY����a tiqlb��i t�olWllvl�VN�wwlS$��'�ij�1•��'H��i�'�� <br /> v ?s���':� '�IpnmeM or othenHt3a I�etWor the accept�C'v o4 Ws Desd of Tntst nor ib enforoEment,whether by court acHon or pursuant to the power o! <br /> -`�`?"'"'°"" sela or other powers cont�tned i�tNs Qaod o!Yn�st,shail pre1udk:e or In eny manner afiect Trustee's or Leade�s dght to reafim upon a <br /> ' "�"� entaoe any oth�securHy now or 1�ea4ter Aatd by Tn�tee or tsrider.ft being agreed that Trustee and Lendea,and eacff of them,s1uA be <br /> -=_ - ertiUed to enfacce th(s Oeed of Trust end any Ottrdr se¢urity now or hereofter held by Lender or Tn�stee in suoh order an�mannor as they or <br /> - - •�eSther of them m�y In t1�eU absotut9 dlscreUon dt�termina No remedy conterred upon or reserved io Trustea or Lender,fs In�endod to be <br /> � exelusive oi arry d:her remedy in this Oeed of Tr¢�s7 or by law provided or permHted,but each shall be cumuiative and shall be In addi8on to•. <br /> --- - -"� every ot1�remedy Q(ven U tMs OeOd of Tnist or now ar herestter e�dsdnp at taw or in equfry or by atatute. Every Pawer or remedy�ren bY the <br /> _�--===_� Note or any of the Re�ted DaoumeMs to Tn�stee or Lender or to whtch etiher ot them msy be atherwise er�tltled. may be ecerotsed, <br /> ,._,..,�„: cancurtqntly or lndependeretty,trom tlme to tlme nnd as often as may be deemed e�edta�by Trustee a lender,and either ot them may <br />.-_--'y_��. ptm►ua Inconsistent mmadias. Nothinp In thta Dead ot Tnist shuli be cor�od as prohibittr�p tsnder irom seeidng a deRcler�cy judpmont <br /> ______ u� apolnst tM Tnntor to ttw�dertt such actton b permtued by Iaw. <br /> _?�:i For NoUca Tn�stor�on behalf o!Tn�r end Lertder. requesls th9t a copy of enY Notf�oe ot OataWi end a copy ot ar►y NoUoe <br /> - ol�ite urtder thfs Deee otTnist bs ms08d to that�at the eddres��fath In th9 flrs!paragraph of Ws Oeed ot Tn�st. <br /> ' WMr��M RNn�dtei. A wahrer by any paRy ot a breach ot a provlston of tNs De�d ot Tnist stbli eot constltute a w�►var of or <br /> prejudbe tha puy��Ab otAenw(se to demand sMct complta►�ce with that provtston a sm oth�pro�Asion. Electlon by LenQer to pursua arry <br /> -----` remsdy providod in thls Deed o1 Thnt,tt�e Note.In arry ReTated Doeume��or provEded bY Inw.ahell not eooduds Pu�tdt o!any other semsd�r. <br /> end an ebetton to matee expertditures or to ffiks antlon ro perfam an ob8gatbn a!Trustor under this Deed ot Tivst etter fal►ure of Tnutor ro <br /> pertam shall not�act lenders dpht to declnre�Aefauit and to exarcise any o}its remedles. , ' <br /> ' Attome�►s'Fee��pOnfea. I}Lender Ir�sfttutas any sutt or a�fon to er�torco any of the terms of thb Deed ot Trust,4ender s�eil Co entiUea to <br /> - ` ret:over such sum as the coud may edjudge reesonab►e as attameys'tees at triiet and on any eppeal. Whether a not ac►yr coud ectlon is <br /> - � tnvph�d.&➢reasortablomq�enses Incurred by t�nder whkh In I.enders opinfon are neoessary at any dma tor ihe protecttan ot tta i4terest a the <br /> _ -._ 6- tlrl9oroemnnt o}fts dghb eha0 become e part of the Indebtedrtess payable on demand and shall bear interagt at the Note�ate hom the date ot - <br /> '�_-� m�andihue w�tli repatd. Expar�ses mvered bY Uds Pera9�aPh tnctude.wtfhout timttatlon.hovrever su5ject to eny ilnits under op�ileaWe law. ' <br /> ---s�-..� • Lenders atforneys'.tees whether a not there Ls e lewsuit trtdudlnH attomeys'tees tor DanxruP�p�eed'ngs(InGuGInO ettarts ta monliy a <br /> ��-- : vacate er� eututnaUo a4�y or injunctioa�,eppo�f.a and erry aMidpated post Jud�ment coitectton serV�ees,tha cost ot sesrchtnp records, <br /> i obtaidnp UUe repats(indudlnp torArlosure reAarsl.�YaB'rE►Pods.aDprelsal toes.tlHe insuranoe,and tees tor the Thistee�to fhe excent <br /> ---— . Parmitted bY oPP�1e�w. Tni3tar atso wu�pay any couA cosis,In addiflon to aU otAer sums provEded by law. <br /> -_ � Wghtt O}7�Wtse.Tlruste9 sh£`.f�ave�I of the rigMa and dtttles of Len�t as set tOrth 1�thts SeCtlon. <br /> _..__._�.- f POWEPiB AND OBLItUTlONB OF tAttSTEE. The totlawinp provfstons relallnA to the Powors and obllyatlons of Trustee are part ot this Qeed of <br />-- ---= TcuSt <br /> - _���i RqrMS ot Truate4. tn addltton to e0 pawers ot Trustee orisinp as n matter ot taw,'�lrustee shelt have me pmver to teke the toliowlny ac�tions <br /> _:�"':"-'�=,� ' wtth respeat to t?�e Propaty upon the wrttten requost o!Lertder and Tn�stor. (a)jotn In preparing and filtrtg a maq,or ptat of the Real Property, <br /> � �s�,� ; indudtng the dedla�don ot streets or otAer dgYib to the publi� (b)Jotn in grar�te8 any easemant or croati�any restrlctlon on the Real PropeAy; <br />-`-``"�±=�� nnd (o)jotn tn any subordlrtaBon or olher egreement attecllng this Oeed of Trust or!he Interest of Lender urtder th)s Deed ot Tntst <br /> =--��'�� i Ttustt�. Trwtae shatl mcat all qua!lRCatlor�s taqu:rod tor Tnistca urtdcr appltcabl�law. In addiUon to the dgMs artd temadies sai tath abovo, <br /> ==."�4�i=�` <br /> :;r�.;���=:�j <br /> -'_�.'. __.v1.ti t <br /> =-'a;:.r.�� � <br /> . ..,.. <br /> , .>., • --. ._. - - <br /> . --- ,. <br /> _.'.' . '.. --'-- <br /> ;..� : �Z. . - ...� .c�ur, <br /> -'------- ------------.. _ <br /> . .�--. ..��;.;.-.. :. ..—_--- . .-. -- - <br /> .-�r�'�w��1--��:-c�r - . <br /> ,{ . . C'I['V h ��l1• ��1<Y.'M . -= ....� <br /> [ _ <br /> 7��•'�'�41 �� .. ' .. . 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