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<br /> � � DEED AF TRllST PA�e 9 ��
<br /> � �03-16�1flflD 9�.��'j��1� ---
<br /> Le�en(�a 783ZQ4 (CtttFtfrtu�d)
<br /> ��-���.,��_ ��.�,���
<br /> wlth rospr�!to aH a�ny�ed�of lho proprtty�thp Yruitoa�hW f�va tt+s rlpM tm torrCloto Dy aatlt�and eal�,and t.or�der shalt heve!he�Igf�t to �
<br /> toreclos�by�udfalat lanotosuro,In elttwr ota In aeaadanc�WNh and to!he Nlt�xt�nt provld�d by apptic:ble law.
<br /> fi�,::eat'P�v.:.:.�.Lc�G�r,at LC�d:.f�ayUan,m�y Ram tim�to lim�c* o!nt n eucc°�snr Yresteo to c�ny TrustQe appolMed rituoundcr by an ;-
<br /> Instrum�nt exfoutsd tnd toknawt�dped by Nnder 4nd tscaded In fh�o�ot the rocorder ot HRRL County.Nobrasko. The Inshurtwnl QAUI
<br /> contaln,in uddltion to sti other matt6ro requirad by ehte law,th�rtames o!the ortatnal lertd�r,Trustes,and Tnisto�.the book artd pnqe(o►
<br /> oomputor ey3tem reterertce)where thi�Doad Cf?ru11 Is roeadsd,and iho name and address of ihe suaeesser trustaa.nnd the Instrument ahUl -
<br /> be exaoutod nnd t�eknowNdaad by al tha benoflefpdes under tha Oaed ot Yntst ot thslr su�cessors In Interost. Tho s�ceoossor trustee,wlihout
<br /> canvayance of the P�oAacty,shnit euooeed to aH the tllle,power,artd dutla�eonterred upan!he Trustee In thb Deed e?TNSt and by appllcabte
<br /> law.This procedure for subsdtuLOn ot hustee sNe11 govem to the excluston af nq other pmv�.stons tor euastitut!on.
<br /> N0710El3 TO TRU3TOR AKD OTi�F3 PARTIEB. Any nottce under lhis Deed ot Yrust shsll be In wrlSny,may be seM by teietscsirr�te(untass
<br /> othertvise requrad Dy!aw),anQ.sh�l be etteoiive when eotuASiy delivered,or wijen depo�tted wltti a naflanaity rcca�nircrJ ovcm!pht Cott�fer.Rx�11 .
<br /> mailed,st�tl ba de�m�d RK�aUv�when depositcd In tha Untted States ma►1 ftist ctass,�rtifl�d or reylsterod mail, ostape prepatd,dlreabd to tha
<br /> addrosses shown near SM bsan,n:rs�ot tNs Degd ot Tnist. My�ar1Y a►ay ohar�e tb addr�s 4or noflcs9 unde►th�Deed ot Trust by giNng tor�rst
<br /> wdtt�n no'1ao tp lRS oii�r pariles,�paclfyinp that the purpose o!the notloe Is to ohan�the paAys address. All coptes oi rto�es o!tareetosun irom
<br /> th�hudar ot�ny iten whbh has pdorfiy over this Deed o!Tn�..a shel�be ssnt to Lenders address,as shown near ihe begtnning af thb Oeed ot Tcust
<br /> For notta�pt+rposos.Trttstor e�rees to keop Lender and T►ustee informad at atl Umes af Trustars curreAt adQress.
<br /> .�,,,,��....a..... .......... ..
<br /> ••b�<�tt,±1t�Yi.ASddyrttu�:J ,� �
<br /> �ii1��A�i�Q�SS P:'+�Zfl.gl�"�. TMJ f01lOL•111te 111�C9!!3R40US RfOMSklR4 AfA A(fAA UtiS�eDd.9T��t� - - . .
<br /> MNndm�nts.Thio Daed of Trust,togather with eny Retated OxamQnis,oons iU wltir��aYa�ahil� �� d�.S�ement of its0 padtes as
<br /> to the mntters ss!talh ln tRis O�ed ot T�ust. No�aiteratlon of or amendment to ?�rt��'�'e�ec�ve unJ�s piven in wtiU�ned
<br /> s l g n e d b y th o p e rt y or pad►es aou�ht to be a h s r ged or bound by!ho��':uo�lon or amertdmeM.
<br /> Appllubts law. TAIs Oead o!Tniel ha besn defiras0 to Lander a�ptWby LerWer tn the�i�bD of N1e�raatc�.ThtB t�asd o!TNSt
<br /> shdl bs pavemed GY and con�tr�tod in aecordx�be�tt1 ttte[ews of�s St�t�d Nbbisake•
<br /> � p�ns af��is Deed�of 7nist. ���n fhis Oeed ot Tnist ere tra conveniwice purposes onty and are not to bo i�od to interprst or deflne the
<br /> Met�x.There shaD be no merqer ot Mo[nt�es!ot est�te aeaSsd by thts OeFid ot Trwt wtth any dthei interest a esf�►to In the ProptxtY at arry
<br /> tlme hetd by orlor 1M benefit ot Lende►in any ppadly,wrihout the w�lNen co�aent of Lender. ,
<br /> MuittpN Part��es. AN obllpeHons of Tnesta under this Oeed ot TruEt eh�11 ba Jotnt and sevarel,and a0 roferencos to Ytustu shstl mean eacA and
<br /> sve�y Tnutor.This meam that encA of ffie peiscns sl��rp betow 1�respoesi4fe tor�dl obtl9aUOns tn this Oeed oT Tn�t.
<br /> ` a�r�no�i'i`ni. if s cou�i vt iwr�yaw��-t jti�''.�.'s�aity gs�'s�:Ots,b!!!tk��!''�!L�s ln4auA n�unantoresabie as to arn pa�sOn or „
<br /> ct�oumsFance,such Ilndinp shail not rendar that provislon Inv�t(d a�r tini►I�torcenbte as to any other persans or ckourr�Tanoas. N�IS.ary
<br /> suah oftendinq proNston shall be deemed to 4e rnodlded to bs vVl��ln•ihe Ilmits Gi enforceabt�iy or vaaildity:however.H tl�9 ottenda��!�ovision
<br /> eannat be so modlNed,ft ahall be stdctcen artd a!t oth�r.prbv�stor�s of ltils D�ed otTast In all oiher respecis shall remein valid and�n�btc�n6le.
<br /> Sucwporo md Aa�tDns. BubJeot to the Ifmitatiors�stated in lhis Deed of Trus!on bar�o!Tn�toi's inte�est,this.peed at Trus��9tiN b�
<br /> b[ndtnp upon and Inure to the benatlt of the p�r�e9,•thair7sucoessas snd east�ns. If owrterbhip of the P►operty ba�Omes vssted in�FNraon .
<br /> othw than Trustor,L�ander. wtthout eotice to Tn�si�r, muy deal With Trustors suxessors with reference to thls Deed of Tnnt and 1hs
<br /> Indobtedr.ess by way o!tabearante o►e�Renston vllthoul re�eestng Trustor irom the obt►pallons of this Oeed ot Trust oe Oab8lty under ihe
<br /> Indebt�dnssa. , `
<br /> Tfine!s ot tM Est�nt�.Tlme f�ot the essence In the perfomsance ot this Oeed oi Trust
<br /> Wah►era and Comente. Lender shaA not be dee»med to heve waivad eny riglds under ti►is Oead a!Tntst(or under tha Fte�s40d Docurr�eniaj
<br /> unbss auch watver b tn wrtUnp and stgned by Lendor. No delay a omission on ihe part oi Lendet tn exe�sing any dght et�ll opKats�s�
<br /> walver ot aueh rlpht or eny other�iQhL A rvalver by eny part�r af a proviston o!this Deed of Tnist shaail not oonsNtute a waMr ol or pnJadia 1he
<br /> putya dpht othwwtss to dematd strict compNance wlth thet provlsllo�or any other provis4on. No pdor wei�by Lender,aa enr co�rae ot
<br /> de�lirp betrre�n Lender aod Tnistor.shaU coraUtule a wAtver of airy ot Lender"8 r(phts or any of Trustor's oblipelions as tq:any itrturo
<br /> hanstctlona. WMrnver conssnt by Lender is requtred in ths Qeed ot 7tpst,tho pra�Iny ot sucA consent by Lender In arry tr�stat�ca�A rtot
<br /> cansritub co�tnulrg consent to subsequen!�natances wtrere suoh conseM Is cequfred. , �
<br /> W�lver o!tbnt�8terd aempUon.Tnutor t�ereby ealsases end weivay all�tghte and banefth�o!tAo homs�tesd�pUon taws of th0 State of ��
<br /> NebPaska as to eIl Indebtad�ss secured by tNis geed a4''1"nat. '
<br /> 7Biti9. •
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