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<br /> � • ���D @�T�8�1ST ��' �� P��,�6 �:'-
<br /> '03�-18-188� �C11�S�� ��
<br /> a • 108�1 tio 763104 (COQt!?iM�dj ��'_-
<br /> —�---�-- —�---�-�— — �
<br /> � ^FURTlt�R Afi3IIAAIdGEBi����j�°��a�' �a�4'��WIRQ Q�OU�;,10Jt1 tG��URB�0 1U11h.f C!91tlQflLflS Ofld�fl0lRliy-ll►dQ01 QIO n p8t1 01 lhl9 r
<br /> Oeed of Trust. k -
<br /> � Fu�ttter Ats�urtneea. At a�y ttme,and trom Uma to ttme,upon reqaest of Lendor,Trustor wlll mako,exeouta and deli��sr,or wul criiuse to be _
<br /> �• mnGo,executed or d:.liv�rcd,4o Lond�r or to Lond�s drsl3nes, end when requested by Londar,couso to bo Nod,roeordcd,rofi;od,or r'..
<br /> � rerecorded,as the caso may be,at suab times and In such oiflces and piacas as Lender may daam eppropACto,any nnd att suoh modgflgss, _
<br /> daeds of hust,seaudly doeds seeurity agraements.flnaneing atatements,continuatlon statements,Inshumants Of fudher assuranee,cediHCa�9, �;
<br /> ✓!- and other documonb as meY,lo U►e ec�e opinion of Londar,ba necossary or deslrable In order to oHeotante,comptete,peReot,conUnue,or �,
<br /> preserve (g)the obllgatlons ot Tmstor under th9 Note,ihis Oeed of Trust,and the Reloted Oocumenta.and (b)the�►ens and ssoudty Intorosb
<br /> �� created by tfits Oeed of Tnut as Eret and prtor Iions on the Praparly,whsther now owned or troreaftar acquUed by Ttustor. llnkss prohibiled by
<br /> taw ar agreod to the contrary by Lender In w�drtg,Vu.,rtor shall retmburse Lendsr tot e�cosfs and expenses Inaurted In cannection with the
<br /> -�- ' mattors reterted to in Mis para8reph.
<br /> �+ t pttomey..fn-Faet. If Tastor fatls to do any at the thtr�gs reiorte9 to In the preoediny parayraph,Lond;�may do so for and In the name o! .
<br /> � Tnlstor and at Tnutor's expense.Far suoh purpase9,Tnistor hereby irrevocebty appotnffi I.ertder es Tnistots attomey�o-tact tor the purpose
<br /> = of mak�rtg,ex�ccuti�8�detivedrtg,6Ung,recordin9.and dof nll othor thlrtgs as may be necessary or desira4ie,In Lvndeta aole opinton,to
<br /> _ e
<br /> , . . accampi�sl�tha matiars reterted to in the preaidirtg peragra' .
<br /> � �• FQltJ.PERFORNUWC& If Tnislor pa all the Indebtedrtess when due,terminates the ltne of eredit,artd othe�wiso pertom�.s all the obllpaUons
<br /> . ,. ,.�;z: t�posed upon Tnutor ender thb O�of Tnuf.Lendar eh�sti exocute and delhrer to Trustee e request tor fu0 reoonveyance art0 shall execute and
<br /> � ��7tver to Trustor suitable statements ot mrtntnatlon of eny flnandng s�tement on flle evidencirp Lenders seaurity Intereslln the Rents and the
<br />�'J.,'� . ... Pe�son�l ProAeAY. Ar�y reeanveyance tee re4ulred by!aw sha►I be paid by Tnistor.B permttted bY apPitr�bta law. _
<br /> - OEFAU.T. Each M the foltowirtg,at the optton of lencter,ehatl coris8tute.at�evertt o}detauit('E�ant of Oetau�undar this D�d ot Tnisk �
<br /> i:'_.����:�• ..�� Oefault on lndebtedneas. FattUre ot Tnistor to make any paymanl when dus on the indebte0ness.
<br /> ��� Detautt on Qther Faymemts. FaYuro af Trustor w(tNn ttrv 4ims requlred by this Oeed ot Tnrst to make any payment tot fams or Insurartse,or
<br />= �o ,�•�� any other payment necessery to prevent fiDng of ar to eHec4�chargo of any Aen.
<br />!.�� 7';,�
<br /> , ' _ Oetattlt tn Favor Of Thlyd PMta�. Shoutd Borrower nr sny Tnjstor detault under am►toan.eutenslon of credit,secudty agreeme�,Pu�c►�se a
<br />�,�, .'� setes a�mam�nt,or any other agreemen4,in lava ot any other creditor or person that may matedelry aftect any of 8orroK�fs properiy or
<br /> ... .�4,:,_ • • 8ortower's or any Trustor's abid'ry to repay 9tia Loens or pertortn their tespscUve abAOatlons under this Oeed of Trust or am►ot the Re'.$teb
<br />°° Docume�ts.
<br /> a�:;�ri.S.':
<br /> _ � •s� Compltant,y pptpul4 Faqure ot Trustor to compty with any ott►er term,obligaUon,coveasnt or eondtUon cantainad in thls Oeed ot Tnist.the
<br /> '� Note or in any of the Related Daumerds.
<br />__._, �.,� Falee$tatEmettte.Arry werta�ty�reDresent-.�ilon arstatement made or fumished to Lsndar by or an behatt o}Tnistor under thb Oeed of Trust,
<br />-�:'r;-,c���� tha Note or tAe Reiated Docurttenl9 b ta�se or misleading in eny mate�lel respeet,either now or at d�e tlme m3de or tumished.
<br /> �t,�� Qe{ectiVe CoIlaterelimtton. YNs Deed o}Trust or any of thQ Rolatecl uo�umerds ceases io ba in iuii iv+i�i+rid a�'`�t(tssdt�!�lu==°�s; _
<br />;'"":�:�.��f'�� 'Eoitaterei t�o�l�menis to create a vattd and perieatod seeudh!t�terest or Iien).�t any Ume end for any reason. . -
<br /> _,—�;;;rim,� peatb or insotvency. The death of Trustor,the Insohre�cy of Trustor,the appointmsnt af a cecetver for any pait of Tnutors property.any
<br /> — gssiqnment tor the beneRt ot aedito�s,arry typa ot Oreditor walcout,or the commenc�msr�t ot any prooeedtnp undet arry bankruptcy ot
<br /> -
<br />